(() => {
var REJECTED_RESPONSE_PREFIX = "The following responses were rejected:\n";
var KILOBYTE = 1024;
function openAiTokenLimit(model) {
return OPENAI_TOKEN_LIMITS[model];
function openAiModels() {
return Object.keys(OPENAI_TOKEN_LIMITS);
function isModelOllama(model) {
return !openAiModels().includes(model);
var DALL_E_DEFAULT = "1024x1024~dall-e-3";
var DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL = "gpt-4o";
var LOOK_UP_OLLAMA_MODEL_ACTION_LABEL = "Look up available Ollama models";
var OLLAMA_URL = "http://localhost:11434";
"gpt-3.5-turbo": 4 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-3.5-turbo-16k": 16 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-3.5-turbo-1106": 16 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct": 4 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-4-1106-preview": 128 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-4-32k": 32 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-4-32k-0613": 32 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS,
"gpt-4-vision-preview": 128 * KILOBYTE * TOKEN_CHARACTERS
var APP_OPTION_VALUE_USE_PROMPT = "What would you like to do with this result?";
var IMAGE_GENERATION_PROMPT = "What would you like to generate an image of?";
var NO_MODEL_FOUND_TEXT = `Could not find an available AI to call. Do you want to install and utilize Ollama, or would you prefer using OpenAI?
For casual-to-intermediate users, we recommend using OpenAI, since it offers higher quality results and can generate images.`;
var OLLAMA_INSTALL_TEXT = `Rough installation instructions:
1. Download Ollama: https://ollama.ai/download
2. Install Ollama
3. Install one or more LLMs that will fit within the RAM your computer (examples at https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama)
4. Ensure that Ollama isn't already running, then start it in the console using "OLLAMA_ORIGINS=https://plugins.amplenote.com ollama serve"
You can test whether Ollama is running by invoking Quick Open and running the "${LOOK_UP_OLLAMA_MODEL_ACTION_LABEL}" action`;
var OPENAI_API_KEY_URL = "https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys";
var OPENAI_API_KEY_TEXT = `Paste your OpenAI API key in the field below.
Once you have an OpenAI account, get your key here: ${OPENAI_API_KEY_URL}`;
var OPENAI_INVALID_KEY_TEXT = `That doesn't seem to be a valid OpenAI API key. Possible next steps:
1. Enter one later in the settings for this plugin
2. Install Ollama
3. Re-run this command and enter a valid OpenAI API key (must be at least ${MIN_OPENAI_KEY_CHARACTERS} characters)`;
var QUESTION_ANSWER_PROMPT = "What would you like to know?";
var AI_MODEL_LABEL = "Preferred AI model (e.g., 'gpt-4')";
var CORS_PROXY = "https://wispy-darkness-7716.amplenote.workers.dev";
var IMAGE_FROM_PRECEDING_LABEL = "Image from preceding text";
var IMAGE_FROM_PROMPT_LABEL = "Image from prompt";
var SUGGEST_TASKS_LABEL = "Suggest tasks";
var PLUGIN_NAME = "AmpleAI";
function isJsonPrompt(promptKey) {
return !!["rhyming", "thesaurus", "sortGroceriesJson", "suggestTasks"].find((key) => key === promptKey);
function useLongContentContext(promptKey) {
return ["continue", "insertTextComplete"].includes(promptKey);
function limitContextLines(aiModel, _promptKey) {
return !/(gpt-4|gpt-3)/.test(aiModel);
function tooDumbForExample(aiModel) {
const smartModel = ["mistral"].includes(aiModel) || aiModel.includes("gpt-4");
return !smartModel;
function frequencyPenaltyFromPromptKey(promptKey) {
if (["rhyming", "suggestTasks", "thesaurus"].find((key) => key === promptKey)) {
return 2;
} else if (["answer"].find((key) => key === promptKey)) {
return 1;
} else if (["revise", "sortGroceriesJson", "sortGroceriesText"].find((key) => key === promptKey)) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
function truncate(text, limit) {
return text.length > limit ? text.slice(0, limit) : text;
function arrayFromJumbleResponse(response) {
if (!response)
return null;
const splitWords = (gobbledeegoop) => {
let words;
if (Array.isArray(gobbledeegoop)) {
words = gobbledeegoop;
} else if (gobbledeegoop.includes(",")) {
words = gobbledeegoop.split(",");
} else if (gobbledeegoop.includes("\n")) {
words = gobbledeegoop.split("\n");
} else {
words = [gobbledeegoop];
return words.map((w) => w.trim());
let properArray;
if (Array.isArray(response)) {
properArray = response.reduce((arr, gobbledeegoop) => arr.concat(splitWords(gobbledeegoop)), []);
} else {
properArray = splitWords(response);
return properArray;
async function trimNoteContentFromAnswer(app, answer, { replaceToken = null, replaceIndex = null } = {}) {
const noteUUID = app.context.noteUUID;
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const noteContent = await note.content();
let refinedAnswer = answer;
if (replaceIndex || replaceToken) {
replaceIndex = replaceIndex || noteContent.indexOf(replaceToken);
const upToReplaceToken = noteContent.substring(0, replaceIndex - 1);
const substring = upToReplaceToken.match(/(?:[\n\r.]|^)(.*)$/)?.[1];
const maxSentenceStartLength = 100;
const sentenceStart = !substring || substring.length > maxSentenceStartLength ? null : substring;
if (replaceToken) {
refinedAnswer = answer.replace(replaceToken, "").trim();
if (sentenceStart && sentenceStart.trim().length > 1) {
console.debug(`Replacing sentence start fragment: "${sentenceStart}"`);
refinedAnswer = refinedAnswer.replace(sentenceStart, "");
const afterTokenIndex = replaceIndex + replaceToken.length;
const afterSentence = noteContent.substring(afterTokenIndex + 1, afterTokenIndex + 100).trim();
if (afterSentence.length) {
const afterSentenceIndex = refinedAnswer.indexOf(afterSentence);
if (afterSentenceIndex !== -1) {
console.error("OpenAI seems to have returned content after prompt. Truncating");
refinedAnswer = refinedAnswer.substring(0, afterSentenceIndex);
const originalLines = noteContent.split("\n").map((w) => w.trim());
const withoutOriginalLines = refinedAnswer.split("\n").filter((line) => !originalLines.includes(line.trim())).join("\n");
const withoutJunkLines = cleanTextFromAnswer(withoutOriginalLines);
console.debug(`Answer originally ${answer.length} length, refined answer ${refinedAnswer.length}. Without repeated lines ${withoutJunkLines.length} length`);
return withoutJunkLines.trim();
function balancedJsonFromString(string) {
const jsonStart = string.indexOf("{");
if (jsonStart === -1)
return null;
const jsonAndAfter = string.substring(jsonStart).trim();
const pendingBalance = [];
let jsonText = "";
for (const char of jsonAndAfter) {
jsonText += char;
if (char === "{") {
} else if (char === "}") {
if (pendingBalance[pendingBalance.length - 1] === "}")
} else if (char === "[") {
} else if (char === "]") {
if (pendingBalance[pendingBalance.length - 1] === "]")
if (pendingBalance.length === 0)
if (pendingBalance.length) {
console.debug("Found", pendingBalance.length, "characters to append to balance", jsonText, ". Adding ", pendingBalance.reverse().join(""));
jsonText += pendingBalance.reverse().join("");
return jsonText;
function arrayFromResponseString(responseString) {
if (typeof responseString !== "string")
return null;
const listItems = responseString.match(/^[\-*\d.]+\s+(.*)$/gm);
if (listItems?.length) {
return listItems.map((item) => optionWithoutPrefix(item));
} else {
return null;
function optionWithoutPrefix(option) {
if (!option)
return option;
const withoutStarAndNumber = option.trim().replace(/^[\-*\d.]+\s+/, "");
const withoutCheckbox = withoutStarAndNumber.replace(/^-?\s*\[\s*]\s+/, "");
return withoutCheckbox;
function cleanTextFromAnswer(answer) {
return answer.split("\n").filter((line) => !/^(~~~|```(markdown)?)$/.test(line.trim())).join("\n");
function jsonFromAiText(jsonText) {
let json;
let jsonStart = jsonText.indexOf("{");
if (jsonStart === -1) {
jsonText = `{${jsonText}`;
jsonStart = 0;
let jsonEnd = jsonText.lastIndexOf("}") + 1;
if (jsonEnd === 0) {
if (jsonText[jsonText.length - 1] === ",")
jsonText = jsonText.substring(0, jsonText.length - 1);
if (jsonText.includes("[") && !jsonText.includes("]"))
jsonText += "]";
jsonText = `${jsonText}}`;
} else {
jsonText = jsonText.substring(jsonStart, jsonEnd + 1);
try {
json = JSON.parse(jsonText);
return json;
} catch (e) {
const parseTextWas = jsonText;
jsonText = balancedJsonFromString(jsonText);
console.error("Failed to parse jsonText", parseTextWas, "due to", e, "Attempted rebalance yielded", jsonText);
try {
json = JSON.parse(jsonText);
return json;
} catch (e2) {
console.error("Rebalanced jsonText still fails", e2);
let reformattedText = jsonText.replace(/"""/g, `"\\""`).replace(/"\n/g, `"\\n`);
reformattedText = reformattedText.replace(/\n\s*['“”]/g, `
"`).replace(/['“”],\s*\n/g, `",
`).replace(/['“”]\s*([\n\]])/, `"$1`);
if (reformattedText !== jsonText) {
try {
json = JSON.parse(reformattedText);
return json;
} catch (e2) {
console.error("Reformatted text still fails", e2);
return null;
var streamTimeoutSeconds = 2;
function shouldStream(plugin2) {
return !plugin2.constants.isTestEnvironment || plugin2.constants.streamTest;
function streamPrefaceString(aiModel, modelsQueried, promptKey, jsonResponseExpected) {
let responseText = "";
if (["chat"].indexOf(promptKey) === -1 && modelsQueried.length > 1) {
responseText += `Response from ${modelsQueried[modelsQueried.length - 1]} was rejected as invalid.
responseText += `${aiModel} is now generating ${jsonResponseExpected ? "JSON " : ""}response...`;
return responseText;
function jsonFromMessages(messages) {
const json = {};
const systemMessage = messages.find((message) => message.role === "system");
if (systemMessage) {
json.system = systemMessage.content;
messages = messages.filter((message) => message !== systemMessage);
const rejectedResponseMessage = messages.find((message) => message.role === "user" && message.content.startsWith(REJECTED_RESPONSE_PREFIX));
if (rejectedResponseMessage) {
json.rejectedResponses = rejectedResponseMessage.content;
messages = messages.filter((message) => message !== rejectedResponseMessage);
json.prompt = messages[0].content;
if (messages[1]) {
console.error("Unexpected messages for JSON:", messages.slice(1));
return json;
function extractJsonFromString(inputString) {
let jsonText = inputString.trim();
let jsonStart = jsonText.indexOf("{");
if (jsonStart === -1) {
jsonText = "{" + jsonText;
let responses;
if (jsonText.split("}{").length > 1) {
responses = jsonText.split("}{").map((text) => `${text[0] === "{" ? "" : "{"}${text}${text[text.length - 1] === "}" ? "" : "}"}`);
console.log("Received multiple responses from AI, evaluating each of", responses);
} else {
responses = [jsonText];
const jsonResponses = responses.map((jsonText2) => {
return jsonFromAiText(jsonText2);
const formedResponses = jsonResponses.filter((n) => n);
if (formedResponses.length) {
if (formedResponses.length > 1) {
const result = formedResponses[0];
Object.entries(result).forEach(([key, value]) => {
for (const altResponse of formedResponses.slice(1)) {
const altValue = altResponse[key];
if (altValue) {
if (Array.isArray(altValue) && Array.isArray(value)) {
result[key] = [... new Set([...value, ...altValue])].filter((w) => w);
return result;
} else {
return formedResponses[0];
return null;
async function responseFromStreamOrChunk(app, response, model, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, { timeoutSeconds = 30 } = {}) {
const jsonResponseExpected = isJsonPrompt(promptKey);
let result;
if (streamCallback) {
result = await responseTextFromStreamResponse(app, response, model, jsonResponseExpected, streamCallback);
app.alert(result, { scrollToEnd: true });
} else {
try {
await Promise.race([
new Promise(async (resolve, _) => {
const jsonResponse = await response.json();
result = jsonResponse?.choices?.at(0)?.message?.content || jsonResponse?.choices?.at(0)?.message?.tool_calls?.at(0)?.function?.arguments || jsonResponse?.message?.content || jsonResponse?.response;
new Promise(
(_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Ollama timeout")), timeoutSeconds * 1e3)
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to parse response from", model, "error", e);
throw e;
const resultBeforeTransform = result;
if (jsonResponseExpected) {
result = extractJsonFromString(result);
if (!allowResponse || allowResponse(result)) {
return result;
if (resultBeforeTransform) {
console.debug("Received", resultBeforeTransform, "but could not parse as a valid result");
return null;
function fetchJson(endpoint, attrs) {
attrs = attrs || {};
if (!attrs.headers)
attrs.headers = {};
attrs.headers["Accept"] = "application/json";
attrs.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json";
const method = (attrs.method || "GET").toUpperCase();
if (attrs.payload) {
if (method === "GET") {
endpoint = extendUrlWithParameters(endpoint, attrs.payload);
} else {
attrs.body = JSON.stringify(attrs.payload);
return fetch(endpoint, attrs).then((response) => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error(`Could not fetch ${endpoint}: ${response}`);
function jsonResponseFromStreamChunk(supposedlyJsonContent, failedParseContent) {
let jsonResponse;
const testContent = supposedlyJsonContent.replace(/^data:\s?/, "").trim();
try {
jsonResponse = JSON.parse(testContent);
} catch (e) {
if (failedParseContent) {
try {
jsonResponse = JSON.parse(failedParseContent + testContent);
} catch (err) {
return { failedParseContent: failedParseContent + testContent };
} else {
const jsonStart = testContent.indexOf("{");
if (jsonStart) {
try {
jsonResponse = JSON.parse(testContent.substring(jsonStart));
return { failedParseContent: null, jsonResponse };
} catch (err) {
console.debug("Moving start position didn't fix JSON parse error");
return { failedParseContent: testContent };
return { failedParseContent: null, jsonResponse };
async function responseTextFromStreamResponse(app, response, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, streamCallback) {
if (typeof global !== "undefined" && typeof global.fetch !== "undefined") {
return await streamIsomorphicFetch(app, response, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, streamCallback);
} else {
return await streamWindowFetch(app, response, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, streamCallback);
async function streamIsomorphicFetch(app, response, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, callback) {
const responseBody = response.body;
let abort = false;
let receivedContent = "";
let failedParseContent, incrementalContents;
await new Promise((resolve, _reject) => {
const readStream = () => {
let failLoops = 0;
const processChunk = () => {
const chunk = responseBody.read();
if (chunk) {
failLoops = 0;
const decoded = chunk.toString();
const responseObject = callback(app, decoded, receivedContent, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, failedParseContent);
({ abort, failedParseContent, incrementalContents, receivedContent } = responseObject);
if (abort || !shouldContinueStream(incrementalContents, receivedContent)) {
} else {
failLoops += 1;
if (failLoops < 3) {
setTimeout(processChunk, streamTimeoutSeconds * 1e3);
} else {
responseBody.on("readable", readStream);
return receivedContent;
async function streamWindowFetch(app, response, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, callback) {
const reader = response.body.getReader();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
let abort, error, failedParseContent, incrementalContents;
let failLoops = 0;
let receivedContent = "";
while (!error) {
let value = null, done = false;
try {
await Promise.race([
{ done, value } = await reader.read(),
new Promise(
(_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Timeout")), streamTimeoutSeconds * 1e3)
} catch (e) {
error = e;
console.log(`Failed to receive further stream data in time`, e);
if (done || failLoops > 3) {
console.debug("Completed generating response length");
} else if (value) {
const decodedValue = decoder.decode(value, { stream: true });
try {
if (typeof decodedValue === "string") {
failLoops = 0;
const response2 = callback(app, decodedValue, receivedContent, aiModel, responseJsonExpected, failedParseContent);
if (response2) {
({ abort, failedParseContent, incrementalContents, receivedContent } = response2);
console.log("incrementalContent", incrementalContents, "receivedContent", receivedContent);
if (abort)
if (!shouldContinueStream(incrementalContents, receivedContent))
} else {
console.error("Failed to parse stream from", value, "as JSON");
failLoops += 1;
} else {
console.error("Failed to parse stream from", value, "as JSON");
failLoops += 1;
} catch (error2) {
console.error("There was an error parsing the response from stream:", error2);
} else {
failLoops += 1;
return receivedContent;
function shouldContinueStream(chunkStrings, accumulatedResponse) {
let tooMuchSpace;
if (chunkStrings?.length && (accumulatedResponse?.length || 0) >= MAX_SPACES_ABORT_RESPONSE) {
const sansNewlines = accumulatedResponse.replace(/\n/g, " ");
tooMuchSpace = sansNewlines.substring(sansNewlines.length - MAX_SPACES_ABORT_RESPONSE).trim() === "";
if (tooMuchSpace)
console.debug("Response exceeds empty space threshold. Aborting");
return !tooMuchSpace;
function extendUrlWithParameters(basePath, paramObject) {
let path = basePath;
if (basePath.indexOf("?") !== -1) {
path += "&";
} else {
path += "?";
function deepSerialize(object, prefix) {
const keyValues = [];
for (let property in object) {
if (object.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
const key = prefix ? prefix + "[" + property + "]" : property;
const value = object[property];
value !== null && typeof value === "object" ? deepSerialize(value, key) : encodeURIComponent(key) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(value)
return keyValues.join("&");
path += deepSerialize(paramObject);
return path;
async function callOllama(plugin2, app, model, messages, promptKey, allowResponse, modelsQueried = []) {
const stream = shouldStream(plugin2);
const jsonEndpoint = isJsonPrompt(promptKey);
let response;
const streamCallback = stream ? streamAccumulate.bind(null, modelsQueried, promptKey) : null;
if (jsonEndpoint) {
response = await responsePromiseFromGenerate(
} else {
response = await responseFromChat(
{ isTestEnvironment: plugin2.isTestEnvironment }
console.debug("Ollama", model, "model sez:\n", response);
return response;
async function ollamaAvailableModels(plugin2, alertOnEmptyApp = null) {
try {
const json = await fetchJson(`${OLLAMA_URL}/api/tags`);
if (!json)
return null;
if (json?.models?.length) {
const availableModels = json.models.map((m) => m.name);
const transformedModels = availableModels.map((m) => m.split(":")[0]);
const uniqueModels = transformedModels.filter((value, index, array) => array.indexOf(value) === index);
const sortedModels = uniqueModels.sort((a, b) => {
const aValue = OLLAMA_MODEL_PREFERENCES.indexOf(a) === -1 ? 10 : OLLAMA_MODEL_PREFERENCES.indexOf(a);
const bValue = OLLAMA_MODEL_PREFERENCES.indexOf(b) === -1 ? 10 : OLLAMA_MODEL_PREFERENCES.indexOf(b);
return aValue - bValue;
console.debug("Ollama reports", availableModels, "available models, transformed to", sortedModels);
return sortedModels;
} else {
if (alertOnEmptyApp) {
if (Array.isArray(json?.models)) {
alertOnEmptyApp.alert("Ollama is running but no LLMs are reported as available. Have you Run 'ollama run mistral' yet?");
} else {
alertOnEmptyApp.alert(`Unable to fetch Ollama models. Was Ollama started with "OLLAMA_ORIGINS=https://plugins.amplenote.com ollama serve"?`);
return null;
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error trying to fetch Ollama versions: ", error, "Are you sure Ollama was started with 'OLLAMA_ORIGINS=https://plugins.amplenote.com ollama serve'");
async function responseFromChat(app, messages, model, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, timeoutSeconds, { isTestEnvironment = false } = {}) {
if (isTestEnvironment)
console.log("Calling Ollama with", model, "and streamCallback", streamCallback);
let response;
try {
await Promise.race([
response = await fetch(`${OLLAMA_URL}/api/chat`, {
body: JSON.stringify({ model, messages, stream: !!streamCallback }),
method: "POST"
new Promise((_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Ollama Generate Timeout")), timeoutSeconds * 1e3))
} catch (e) {
throw e;
if (response?.ok) {
return await responseFromStreamOrChunk(app, response, model, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, { timeoutSeconds });
} else {
throw new Error("Failed to call Ollama with", model, messages, "and stream", !!streamCallback, "response was", response, "at", new Date());
async function responsePromiseFromGenerate(app, messages, model, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, timeoutSeconds) {
const jsonQuery = jsonFromMessages(messages);
jsonQuery.model = model;
jsonQuery.stream = !!streamCallback;
let response;
try {
await Promise.race([
response = await fetch(`${OLLAMA_URL}/api/generate`, {
body: JSON.stringify(jsonQuery),
method: "POST"
new Promise(
(_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Ollama Generate Timeout")), timeoutSeconds * 1e3)
} catch (e) {
throw e;
return await responseFromStreamOrChunk(
{ timeoutSeconds }
function streamAccumulate(modelsQueriedArray, promptKey, app, decodedValue, receivedContent, aiModel, jsonResponseExpected, failedParseContent) {
let jsonResponse, content = "";
const responses = decodedValue.replace(/}\s*\n\{/g, "} \n{").split(" \n");
const incrementalContents = [];
for (const response of responses) {
const parseableJson = response.replace(/"\n/, `"\\n`).replace(/"""/, `"\\""`);
({ failedParseContent, jsonResponse } = jsonResponseFromStreamChunk(parseableJson, failedParseContent));
if (jsonResponse) {
const responseContent = jsonResponse.message?.content || jsonResponse.response;
if (responseContent) {
content += responseContent;
} else {
console.debug("No response content found. Response", response, "\nParses to", parseableJson, "\nWhich yields JSON received", jsonResponse);
if (content) {
receivedContent += content;
const userSelection = app.alert(receivedContent, {
actions: [{ icon: "pending", label: "Generating response" }],
preface: streamPrefaceString(aiModel, modelsQueriedArray, promptKey, jsonResponseExpected),
scrollToEnd: true
if (userSelection === 0) {
console.error("User chose to abort stream. Todo: return abort here?");
} else if (failedParseContent) {
console.debug("Attempting to parse yielded failure. Received content so far is", receivedContent, "this stream deduced", responses.length, "responses");
return { abort: jsonResponse.done, failedParseContent, incrementalContents, receivedContent };
async function contentfulPromptParams(app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptKeyParams, aiModel, { contentIndex = null, contentIndexText = null, inputLimit = null } = {}) {
let noteContent = "", noteName = "";
if (!inputLimit)
inputLimit = isModelOllama(aiModel) ? OLLAMA_TOKEN_CHARACTER_LIMIT : openAiTokenLimit(aiModel);
if (noteUUID) {
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
noteContent = await note.content();
noteName = note.name;
if (!Number.isInteger(contentIndex) && contentIndexText && noteContent) {
contentIndex = contentIndexFromParams(contentIndexText, noteContent);
let boundedContent = noteContent || "";
const longContent = useLongContentContext(promptKey);
const noteContentCharacterLimit = Math.min(inputLimit * 0.5, longContent ? 5e3 : 1e3);
boundedContent = boundedContent.replace(/<!--\s\{[^}]+\}\s-->/g, "");
if (noteContent && noteContent.length > noteContentCharacterLimit) {
boundedContent = relevantContentFromContent(noteContent, contentIndex, noteContentCharacterLimit);
const limitedLines = limitContextLines(aiModel, promptKey);
if (limitedLines && Number.isInteger(contentIndex)) {
boundedContent = relevantLinesFromContent(boundedContent, contentIndex);
return { ...promptKeyParams, noteContent: boundedContent, noteName };
function promptsFromPromptKey(promptKey, promptParams, rejectedResponses, aiModel) {
let messages = [];
if (tooDumbForExample(aiModel)) {
promptParams = { ...promptParams, suppressExample: true };
messages.push({ role: "system", content: systemPromptFromPromptKey(promptKey) });
const userPrompt = userPromptFromPromptKey(promptKey, promptParams);
if (Array.isArray(userPrompt)) {
userPrompt.forEach((content) => {
messages.push({ role: "user", content: truncate(content) });
} else {
messages.push({ role: "user", content: truncate(userPrompt) });
const substantiveRejectedResponses = rejectedResponses?.filter((rejectedResponse) => rejectedResponse?.length > 0);
if (substantiveRejectedResponses?.length) {
substantiveRejectedResponses.forEach((rejectedResponse) => {
message += `* ${rejectedResponse}
const multiple = substantiveRejectedResponses.length > 1;
message += `
Do NOT repeat ${multiple ? "any" : "the"} rejected response, ${multiple ? "these are" : "this is"} the WRONG RESPONSE.`;
messages.push({ role: "user", content: message });
return messages;
defaultPrompt: "You are a helpful assistant that responds with markdown-formatted content.",
reviseContent: "You are a helpful assistant that revises markdown-formatted content, as instructed.",
reviseText: "You are a helpful assistant that revises text, as instructed.",
rhyming: "You are a helpful rhyming word generator that responds in JSON with an array of rhyming words",
sortGroceriesJson: "You are a helpful assistant that responds in JSON with sorted groceries using the 'instruction' key as a guide",
suggestTasks: "You are a Fortune 100 CEO that returns an array of insightful tasks within the 'result' key of a JSON response",
summarize: "You are a helpful assistant that summarizes notes that are markdown-formatted.",
thesaurus: "You are a helpful thesaurus that responds in JSON with an array of alternate word choices that fit the context provided"
function messageArrayFromPrompt(promptKey, promptParams) {
if (!PROMPT_KEYS.includes(promptKey))
throw `Please add "${promptKey}" to PROMPT_KEYS array`;
const userPrompts = {
answer: ({ instruction }) => [
`Succinctly answer the following question: ${instruction}`,
"Do not explain your answer. Do not mention the question that was asked. Do not include unnecessary punctuation."
answerSelection: ({ text }) => [text],
complete: ({ noteContent }) => `Continue the following markdown-formatted content:
reviseContent: ({ noteContent, instruction }) => [instruction, noteContent],
reviseText: ({ instruction, text }) => [instruction, text],
rhyming: ({ noteContent, text }) => [
instruction: `Respond with a JSON object containing ONLY ONE KEY called "result", that contains a JSON array of up to 10 rhyming words or phrases`,
rhymesWith: text,
rhymingWordContext: noteContent.replace(text, `<replace>${text}</replace>`),
example: { input: { rhymesWith: "you" }, response: { result: ["knew", "blue", "shoe", "slew", "shrew", "debut", "voodoo", "field of view", "kangaroo", "view"] } }
sortGroceriesText: ({ groceryArray }) => [
`Sort the following list of groceries by where it can be found in the grocery store:`,
`- [ ] ${groceryArray.join(`
- [ ]`)}`,
`Prefix each grocery aisle (each task section) with a "# ".
For example, if the input groceries were "Bananas", "Donuts", and "Bread", then the correct answer would be "# Produce
[ ] Bananas
# Bakery
[ ] Donuts
[ ] Bread"`,
`DO NOT RESPOND WITH ANY EXPLANATION, only groceries and aisles. Return the exact same ${groceryArray.length} groceries provided in the array, without additions or subtractions.`
sortGroceriesJson: ({ groceryArray }) => [
instruction: `Respond with a JSON object, where the key is the aisle/department in which a grocery can be found, and the value is the array of groceries that can be found in that aisle/department.
Return the EXACT SAME ${groceryArray.length} groceries from the "groceries" key, without additions or subtractions.`,
groceries: groceryArray,
example: {
input: { groceries: [" Bananas", "Donuts", "Grapes", "Bread", "salmon fillets"] },
response: { "Produce": ["Bananas", "Grapes"], "Bakery": ["Donuts", "Bread"], "Seafood": ["salmon fillets"] }
suggestTasks: ({ chosenTasks, noteContent, noteName, text }) => {
const queryJson = {
instruction: `Respond with a JSON object that contains an array of 10 tasks that will be inserted at the <inserTasks> token in the provided markdown content`,
taskContext: `Title: ${noteName}
${noteContent.replace(text, `<insertTasks>`)}`,
example: {
input: { taskContext: `Title: Clean the house
- [ ] Mop the floors
<insertTasks>` },
response: {
result: [
"Dust the living room furniture",
"Fold and put away the laundry",
"Water indoor plants",
"Hang up any recent mail",
"Fold and put away laundry",
"Take out the trash & recycling",
"Wipe down bathroom mirrors & counter",
"Sweep the entry and porch",
"Organize the pantry",
if (chosenTasks) {
queryJson.alreadyAcceptedTasks = `The following tasks have been proposed and accepted already. DO NOT REPEAT THESE, but do suggest complementary tasks:
* ${chosenTasks.join("\n * ")}`;
return JSON.stringify(queryJson);
summarize: ({ noteContent }) => `Summarize the following markdown-formatted note:
thesaurus: ({ noteContent, text }) => [
instruction: `Respond with a JSON object containing ONLY ONE KEY called "result". The value for the "result" key should be a 10-element array of the best words or phrases to replace "${text}" while remaining consistent with the included "replaceWordContext" markdown document.`,
replaceWord: text,
replaceWordContext: noteContent.replace(text, `<replaceWord>${text}</replaceWord>`),
example: {
input: { replaceWord: "helpful", replaceWordContext: "Mother always said that I should be <replaceWord>helpful</replaceWord> with my coworkers" },
response: { result: ["useful", "friendly", "constructive", "cooperative", "sympathetic", "supportive", "kind", "considerate", "beneficent", "accommodating"] }
return userPrompts[promptKey]({ ...promptParams });
function userPromptFromPromptKey(promptKey, promptParams) {
let userPrompts;
if (["continue", "insertTextComplete", "replaceTextComplete"].find((key) => key === promptKey)) {
const { noteContent } = promptParams;
let tokenAndSurroundingContent;
if (promptKey === "replaceTextComplete") {
tokenAndSurroundingContent = promptParams.text;
} else {
const replaceToken = promptKey === "insertTextComplete" ? `${PLUGIN_NAME}: Complete` : `${PLUGIN_NAME}: Continue`;
console.debug("Note content", noteContent, "replace token", replaceToken);
tokenAndSurroundingContent = `~~~
${noteContent.replace(`{${replaceToken}}`, "<replaceToken>")}
userPrompts = [
`Respond with text that will replace <replaceToken> in the following input markdown document, delimited by ~~~:`,
`Your response should be grammatically correct and not repeat the markdown document. DO NOT explain your answer.`,
`Most importantly, DO NOT respond with <replaceToken> itself and DO NOT repeat word sequences from the markdown document. BE CONCISE.`
} else {
userPrompts = messageArrayFromPrompt(promptKey, promptParams);
if (promptParams.suppressExample && userPrompts[0]?.includes("example")) {
try {
const json = JSON.parse(userPrompts[0]);
delete json.example;
userPrompts[0] = JSON.stringify(json);
} catch (e) {
console.debug("Got user messages", userPrompts, "for", promptKey, "given promptParams", promptParams);
return userPrompts;
function relevantContentFromContent(content, contentIndex, contentLimit) {
if (content && content.length > contentLimit) {
if (!Number.isInteger(contentIndex)) {
const pluginNameIndex = content.indexOf(PLUGIN_NAME);
contentIndex = pluginNameIndex === -1 ? contentLimit * 0.5 : pluginNameIndex;
const startIndex = Math.max(0, Math.round(contentIndex - contentLimit * 0.75));
const endIndex = Math.min(content.length, Math.round(contentIndex + contentLimit * 0.25));
content = content.substring(startIndex, endIndex);
return content;
function relevantLinesFromContent(content, contentIndex) {
const maxContextLines = 4;
const lines = content.split("\n").filter((l) => l.length);
if (lines.length > maxContextLines) {
let traverseChar = 0;
let targetContentLine = lines.findIndex((line) => {
if (traverseChar + line.length > contentIndex)
return true;
traverseChar += line.length + 1;
if (targetContentLine >= 0) {
const startLine = Math.max(0, targetContentLine - Math.floor(maxContextLines * 0.75));
const endLine = Math.min(lines.length, targetContentLine + Math.floor(maxContextLines * 0.25));
console.debug("Submitting line index", startLine, "through", endLine, "of", lines.length, "lines");
content = lines.slice(startLine, endLine).join("\n");
return content;
function systemPromptFromPromptKey(promptKey) {
const systemPrompts = SYSTEM_PROMPTS;
return systemPrompts[promptKey] || systemPrompts.defaultPrompt;
function contentIndexFromParams(contentIndexText, noteContent) {
let contentIndex = null;
if (contentIndexText) {
contentIndex = noteContent.indexOf(contentIndexText);
if (contentIndex === -1)
contentIndex = null;
return contentIndex;
function toolsValueFromPrompt(promptKey) {
let openaiFunction;
switch (promptKey) {
case "rhyming":
case "thesaurus":
const description = promptKey === "rhyming" ? "Array of 10 contextually relevant rhyming words" : "Array of 10 contextually relevant alternate words";
openaiFunction = {
"type": "function",
"function": {
"name": `calculate_${promptKey}_array`,
"description": `Return the best ${promptKey} responses`,
"parameters": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"result": {
"type": "array",
"description": description,
"items": {
"type": "string"
"required": ["result"]
if (openaiFunction) {
return [openaiFunction];
} else {
return null;
async function apiKeyFromAppOrUser(plugin2, app) {
const apiKey = apiKeyFromApp(plugin2, app) || await apiKeyFromUser(plugin2, app);
if (!apiKey) {
app.alert("Couldn't find a valid OpenAI API key. An OpenAI account is necessary to generate images.");
return null;
return apiKey;
function apiKeyFromApp(plugin2, app) {
if (app.settings[plugin2.constants.labelApiKey]) {
return app.settings[plugin2.constants.labelApiKey].trim();
} else if (app.settings["API Key"]) {
const deprecatedKey = app.settings["API Key"].trim();
app.setSetting(plugin2.constants.labelApiKey, deprecatedKey);
return deprecatedKey;
} else {
if (plugin2.constants.isTestEnvironment) {
throw new Error(`Couldnt find an OpenAI key in ${plugin2.constants.labelApiKey}`);
} else {
app.alert("Please configure your OpenAI key in plugin settings.");
return null;
async function apiKeyFromUser(plugin2, app) {
const apiKey = await app.prompt(OPENAI_API_KEY_TEXT);
if (apiKey) {
app.setSetting(plugin2.constants.labelApiKey, apiKey);
return apiKey;
async function callOpenAI(plugin2, app, model, messages, promptKey, allowResponse, modelsQueried = []) {
model = model?.trim()?.length ? model : DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL;
const tools = toolsValueFromPrompt(promptKey);
const streamCallback = shouldStream(plugin2) ? streamAccumulate2.bind(null, modelsQueried, promptKey) : null;
try {
return await requestWithRetry(
apiKeyFromApp(plugin2, app),
{ timeoutSeconds: plugin2.constants.requestTimeoutSeconds }
} catch (error) {
if (plugin2.isTestEnvironment) {
console.error("Failed to call OpenAI", error);
} else {
app.alert("Failed to call OpenAI: " + error);
return null;
async function requestWithRetry(app, model, messages, tools, apiKey, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, {
retries = 3,
timeoutSeconds = 30
} = {}) {
let error, response;
if (!apiKey?.length) {
app.alert("Please configure your OpenAI key in plugin settings.");
return null;
const jsonResponseExpected = isJsonPrompt(promptKey);
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
if (i > 0)
console.debug(`Loop ${i + 1}: Retrying ${model} with ${promptKey}`);
try {
const body = { model, messages, stream: !!streamCallback };
if (tools)
body.tools = tools;
body.frequency_penalty = frequencyPenaltyFromPromptKey(promptKey);
if (jsonResponseExpected && (model.includes("gpt-4") || model.includes("gpt-3.5-turbo-1106"))) {
body.response_format = { type: "json_object" };
console.debug("Sending OpenAI", body, "query at", new Date());
response = await Promise.race([
fetch("https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${apiKey}`,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
body: JSON.stringify(body)
new Promise(
(_, reject) => setTimeout(() => reject(new Error("Timeout")), timeoutSeconds * 1e3)
} catch (e) {
error = e;
console.log(`Attempt ${i + 1} failed with`, e, `at ${ new Date()}. Retrying...`);
if (response?.ok) {
console.debug("Response from promises is", response, "specifically response?.ok", response?.ok);
if (response?.ok) {
return await responseFromStreamOrChunk(app, response, model, promptKey, streamCallback, allowResponse, { timeoutSeconds });
} else if (!response) {
app.alert("Failed to call OpenAI: " + error);
return null;
} else if (response.status === 401) {
app.alert("Invalid OpenAI key. Please configure your OpenAI key in plugin settings.");
return null;
} else {
const result = await response.json();
if (result && result.error) {
app.alert("Failed to call OpenAI: " + result.error.message);
return null;
function streamAccumulate2(modelsQueriedArray, promptKey, app, decodedValue, receivedContent, aiModel, jsonResponseExpected, failedParseContent) {
let stop = false, jsonResponse;
const responses = decodedValue.split(/^data: /m).filter((s) => s.trim().length);
const incrementalContents = [];
for (const jsonString of responses) {
if (jsonString.includes("[DONE]")) {
console.debug("Received [DONE] from jsonString");
stop = true;
({ failedParseContent, jsonResponse } = jsonResponseFromStreamChunk(jsonString, failedParseContent));
if (jsonResponse) {
const content = jsonResponse.choices?.[0]?.delta?.content || jsonResponse.choices?.[0]?.delta?.tool_calls?.[0]?.function?.arguments;
if (content) {
receivedContent += content;
app.alert(receivedContent, {
actions: [{ icon: "pending", label: "Generating response" }],
preface: streamPrefaceString(aiModel, modelsQueriedArray, promptKey, jsonResponseExpected),
scrollToEnd: true
} else {
stop = !!jsonResponse?.finish_reason?.length || !!jsonResponse?.choices?.[0]?.finish_reason?.length;
if (stop) {
console.log("Finishing stream for reason", jsonResponse?.finish_reason || jsonResponse?.choices?.[0]?.finish_reason);
return { abort: stop, failedParseContent, incrementalContents, receivedContent };
async function notePromptResponse(plugin2, app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptParams, {
preferredModels = null,
confirmInsert = true,
contentIndex = null,
rejectedResponses = null,
allowResponse = null,
} = {}) {
preferredModels = preferredModels || await recommendedAiModels(plugin2, app, promptKey);
if (!preferredModels.length)
const startAt = new Date();
const { response, modelUsed } = await sendQuery(
{ allowResponse, contentIndex, contentIndexText, preferredModels, rejectedResponses }
if (response === null) {
app.alert("Failed to receive a usable response from AI");
console.error("No result was returned from sendQuery with models", preferredModels);
if (confirmInsert) {
const actions = [];
preferredModels.forEach((model) => {
const modelLabel = model.split(":")[0];
actions.push({ icon: "chevron_right", label: `Try ${modelLabel}${model === modelUsed ? " again" : ""}` });
const primaryAction = { icon: "check_circle", label: "Approve" };
let responseAsText = response, jsonResponse = false;
if (typeof response === "object") {
if (response.result?.length) {
responseAsText = "Results:\n* " + response.result.join("\n * ");
} else {
jsonResponse = true;
responseAsText = JSON.stringify(response);
const selectedValue = await app.alert(responseAsText, {
preface: `${jsonResponse ? "JSON response s" : "S"}uggested by ${modelUsed}
Will be utilized after your preliminary approval`,
console.debug("User chose", selectedValue, "from", actions);
if (selectedValue === -1) {
return response;
} else if (preferredModels[selectedValue]) {
const preferredModel = preferredModels[selectedValue];
const updatedRejects = rejectedResponses || [];
preferredModels = [preferredModel, ...preferredModels.filter((model) => model !== preferredModel)];
console.debug("User chose to try", preferredModel, "next so preferred models are", preferredModels, "Rejected responses now", updatedRejects);
return await notePromptResponse(plugin2, app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptParams, {
rejectedResponses: updatedRejects
} else if (Number.isInteger(selectedValue)) {
app.alert(`Did not recognize your selection "${selectedValue}"`);
} else {
const secondsUsed = Math.floor(( new Date() - startAt) / 1e3);
app.alert(`Finished generating ${response} response with ${modelUsed} in ${secondsUsed} second${secondsUsed === 1 ? "" : "s"}`);
return response;
async function recommendedAiModels(plugin2, app, promptKey) {
let candidateAiModels = [];
if (app.settings[plugin2.constants.labelAiModel]?.trim()) {
candidateAiModels = app.settings[plugin2.constants.labelAiModel].trim().split(",").map((w) => w.trim()).filter((n) => n);
if (plugin2.lastModelUsed && (!isModelOllama(plugin2.lastModelUsed) || plugin2.ollamaModelsFound?.includes(plugin2.lastModelUsed))) {
if (!plugin2.noFallbackModels) {
const ollamaModels = plugin2.ollamaModelsFound || await ollamaAvailableModels(plugin2, app);
if (ollamaModels && !plugin2.ollamaModelsFound) {
plugin2.ollamaModelsFound = ollamaModels;
candidateAiModels = includingFallbackModels(plugin2, app, candidateAiModels);
if (!candidateAiModels.length) {
candidateAiModels = await aiModelFromUserIntervention(plugin2, app);
if (!candidateAiModels?.length)
return null;
if (["sortGroceriesJson"].includes(promptKey)) {
candidateAiModels = candidateAiModels.filter((m) => m.includes("gpt-4"));
return candidateAiModels.slice(0, MAX_CANDIDATE_MODELS);
async function sendQuery(plugin2, app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptParams, {
contentIndex = null,
contentIndexText = null,
preferredModels = null,
rejectedResponses = null,
allowResponse = null
} = {}) {
preferredModels = (preferredModels || await recommendedAiModels(plugin2, app, promptKey)).filter((n) => n);
console.debug("Starting to query", promptKey, "with preferredModels", preferredModels);
let modelsQueried = [];
for (const aiModel of preferredModels) {
const queryPromptParams = await contentfulPromptParams(
{ contentIndex, contentIndexText }
const messages = promptsFromPromptKey(promptKey, queryPromptParams, rejectedResponses, aiModel);
let response;
plugin2.callCountByModel[aiModel] = (plugin2.callCountByModel[aiModel] || 0) + 1;
plugin2.lastModelUsed = aiModel;
try {
response = await responseFromPrompts(plugin2, app, aiModel, promptKey, messages, { allowResponse, modelsQueried });
} catch (e) {
console.error("Caught exception trying to make call with", aiModel, e);
if (response && (!allowResponse || allowResponse(response))) {
return { response, modelUsed: aiModel };
} else {
plugin2.errorCountByModel[aiModel] = (plugin2.errorCountByModel[aiModel] || 0) + 1;
console.error("Failed to make call with", aiModel, "response", response, "while messages are", messages, "Error counts", plugin2.errorCountByModel);
if (modelsQueried.length && modelsQueried.find((m) => isModelOllama(m))) {
const availableModels = await ollamaAvailableModels(plugin2, app);
plugin2.ollamaModelsFound = availableModels;
console.debug("Found availableModels", availableModels, "after receiving no results in sendQuery. plugin.ollamaModelsFound is now", plugin2.ollamaModelsFound);
plugin2.lastModelUsed = null;
return { response: null, modelUsed: null };
function responseFromPrompts(plugin2, app, aiModel, promptKey, messages, { allowResponse = null, modelsQueried = null } = {}) {
if (isModelOllama(aiModel)) {
return callOllama(plugin2, app, aiModel, messages, promptKey, allowResponse, modelsQueried);
} else {
return callOpenAI(plugin2, app, aiModel, messages, promptKey, allowResponse, modelsQueried);
function includingFallbackModels(plugin2, app, candidateAiModels) {
if (app.settings[OPENAI_KEY_LABEL]?.length && !candidateAiModels.find((m) => m === DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL)) {
candidateAiModels = candidateAiModels.concat(DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL);
} else if (!app.settings[OPENAI_KEY_LABEL]?.length) {
console.error("No OpenAI key found in", OPENAI_KEY_LABEL, "setting");
} else if (candidateAiModels.find((m) => m === DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL)) {
console.debug("Already an OpenAI model among candidates,", candidateAiModels.find((m) => m === DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL));
if (plugin2.ollamaModelsFound?.length) {
candidateAiModels = candidateAiModels.concat(plugin2.ollamaModelsFound.filter((m) => !candidateAiModels.includes(m)));
console.debug("Ended with", candidateAiModels);
return candidateAiModels;
async function aiModelFromUserIntervention(plugin2, app, { optionSelected = null } = {}) {
optionSelected = optionSelected || await app.prompt(NO_MODEL_FOUND_TEXT, {
inputs: [
type: "radio",
label: "Which model would you prefer to use?",
options: [
{ label: "OpenAI: best for most users. Offers image generation", value: "openai" },
{ label: "Ollama: best for experts who want high customization, or a free option)", value: "ollama" }
value: "openai"
if (optionSelected === "openai") {
const openaiKey = await app.prompt(OPENAI_API_KEY_TEXT);
if (openaiKey && openaiKey.length >= MIN_OPENAI_KEY_CHARACTERS) {
app.setSetting(plugin2.constants.labelApiKey, openaiKey.trim());
await app.alert(`An OpenAI was successfully stored. The default OpenAI model, "${DEFAULT_OPENAI_MODEL}", will be used for future AI lookups.`);
} else {
console.debug("User entered invalid OpenAI key");
const nextStep = await app.alert(OPENAI_INVALID_KEY_TEXT, { actions: [
{ icon: "settings", label: "Retry entering key" }
] });
console.debug("nextStep selected", nextStep);
if (nextStep === 0) {
return await aiModelFromUserIntervention(plugin2, app, { optionSelected });
return null;
} else if (optionSelected === "ollama") {
await app.alert(OLLAMA_INSTALL_TEXT);
return null;
async function initiateChat(plugin2, app, aiModels, messageHistory = []) {
let promptHistory;
if (messageHistory.length) {
promptHistory = messageHistory;
} else {
promptHistory = [{ content: "What's on your mind?", role: "assistant" }];
const modelsQueried = [];
while (true) {
const conversation = promptHistory.map((chat) => `${chat.role}: ${chat.content}`).join("\n\n");
console.debug("Prompting user for next message to send to", plugin2.lastModelUsed || aiModels[0]);
const [userMessage, modelToUse] = await app.prompt(conversation, {
inputs: [
{ type: "text", label: "Message to send" },
type: "radio",
label: "Send to",
options: aiModels.map((model) => ({ label: model, value: model })),
value: plugin2.lastModelUsed || aiModels[0]
}, { scrollToBottom: true });
if (modelToUse) {
promptHistory.push({ role: "user", content: userMessage });
const response = await responseFromPrompts(plugin2, app, modelToUse, "chat", promptHistory, { modelsQueried });
if (response) {
promptHistory.push({ role: "assistant", content: `[${modelToUse}] ${response}` });
const alertResponse = await app.alert(response, { preface: conversation, actions: [{ icon: "navigate_next", label: "Ask a follow up question" }] });
if (alertResponse === 0)
console.debug("Finished chat with history", promptHistory);
function groceryArrayFromContent(content) {
const lines = content.split("\n");
const groceryLines = lines.filter((line) => line.match(/^[-*\[]\s/));
const groceryArray = groceryLines.map((line) => optionWithoutPrefix(line).replace(/<!--.*-->/g, "").trim());
return groceryArray;
async function groceryContentFromJsonOrText(plugin2, app, noteUUID, groceryArray) {
const jsonModels = await recommendedAiModels(plugin2, app, "sortGroceriesJson");
if (jsonModels.length) {
const confirmation = groceryCountJsonConfirmation.bind(null, groceryArray.length);
const jsonGroceries = await notePromptResponse(
{ groceryArray },
{ allowResponse: confirmation }
if (typeof jsonGroceries === "object") {
return noteContentFromGroceryJsonResponse(jsonGroceries);
} else {
const sortedListContent = await notePromptResponse(
{ groceryArray },
{ allowResponse: groceryCountTextConfirmation.bind(null, groceryArray.length) }
if (sortedListContent?.length) {
return noteContentFromGroceryTextResponse(sortedListContent);
function noteContentFromGroceryJsonResponse(jsonGroceries) {
let text = "";
for (const aisle of Object.keys(jsonGroceries)) {
const groceries = jsonGroceries[aisle];
text += `# ${aisle}
groceries.forEach((grocery) => {
text += `- [ ] ${grocery}
text += "\n";
return text;
function noteContentFromGroceryTextResponse(text) {
text = text.replace(/^[\\-]{3,100}/g, "");
text = text.replace(/^([-\\*]|\[\s\])\s/g, "- [ ] ");
text = text.replace(/^[\s]*```.*/g, "");
return text.trim();
function groceryCountJsonConfirmation(originalCount, proposedJson) {
if (!proposedJson || typeof proposedJson !== "object")
return false;
const newCount = Object.values(proposedJson).reduce((sum, array) => sum + array.length, 0);
console.debug("Original list had", originalCount, "items, AI-proposed list appears to have", newCount, "items", newCount === originalCount ? "Accepting response" : "Rejecting response");
return newCount === originalCount;
function groceryCountTextConfirmation(originalCount, proposedContent) {
if (!proposedContent?.length)
return false;
const newCount = proposedContent.match(/^[-*\s]*\[[\s\]]+[\w]/gm)?.length || 0;
console.debug("Original list had", originalCount, "items, AI-proposed list appears to have", newCount, "items", newCount === originalCount ? "Accepting response" : "Rejecting response");
return newCount === originalCount;
async function imageFromPreceding(plugin2, app, apiKey) {
const note = await app.notes.find(app.context.noteUUID);
const noteContent = await note.content();
const promptIndex = noteContent.indexOf(`{${plugin2.constants.pluginName}: ${IMAGE_FROM_PRECEDING_LABEL}`);
const precedingContent = noteContent.substring(0, promptIndex).trim();
const prompt = precedingContent.split("\n").pop();
console.debug("Deduced prompt", prompt);
if (prompt?.trim()) {
try {
const markdown = await imageMarkdownFromPrompt(plugin2, app, prompt.trim(), apiKey, { note });
if (markdown) {
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error generating images from preceding text", e);
app.alert("There was an error generating images from preceding text:" + e);
} else {
app.alert("Could not determine preceding text to use as a prompt");
async function imageFromPrompt(plugin2, app, apiKey) {
const instruction = await app.prompt(IMAGE_GENERATION_PROMPT);
if (!instruction)
const note = await app.notes.find(app.context.noteUUID);
const markdown = await imageMarkdownFromPrompt(plugin2, app, instruction, apiKey, { note });
if (markdown) {
async function sizeModelFromUser(plugin2, app, prompt) {
const [sizeModel, style] = await app.prompt(`Generating image for "${prompt.trim()}"`, {
inputs: [
label: "Model & Size",
options: [
{ label: "Dall-e-2 3x 512x512", value: "512x512~dall-e-2" },
{ label: "Dall-e-2 3x 1024x1024", value: "1024x1024~dall-e-2" },
{ label: "Dall-e-3 1x 1024x1024", value: "1024x1024~dall-e-3" },
{ label: "Dall-e-3 1x 1792x1024", value: "1792x1024~dall-e-3" },
{ label: "Dall-e-3 1x 1024x1792", value: "1024x1792~dall-e-3" }
type: "radio",
value: plugin2.lastImageModel || DALL_E_DEFAULT
label: "Style - Used by Dall-e-3 models only (Optional)",
options: [
{ label: "Vivid (default)", value: "vivid" },
{ label: "Natural", value: "natural" }
type: "select",
value: "vivid"
plugin2.lastImageModel = sizeModel;
const [size, model] = sizeModel.split("~");
return [size, model, style];
async function imageMarkdownFromPrompt(plugin2, app, prompt, apiKey, { note = null } = {}) {
if (!prompt) {
app.alert("Couldn't find a prompt to generate image from");
return null;
const [size, model, style] = await sizeModelFromUser(plugin2, app, prompt);
const jsonBody = { prompt, model, n: model === "dall-e-2" ? 3 : 1, size };
if (style && model === "dall-e-3")
jsonBody.style = style;
app.alert(`Generating ${jsonBody.n} image${jsonBody.n === 1 ? "" : "s"} for "${prompt.trim()}"...`);
const response = await fetch("https://api.openai.com/v1/images/generations", {
method: "POST",
headers: { "Authorization": `Bearer ${apiKey}`, "Content-Type": "application/json" },
body: JSON.stringify(jsonBody)
const result = await response.json();
const { data } = result;
if (data?.length) {
const urls = data.map((d) => d.url);
console.debug("Received options", urls, "at", new Date());
const radioOptions = urls.map((url) => ({ image: url, value: url }));
radioOptions.push({ label: "Regenerate image", value: "more" });
const chosenImageURL = await app.prompt(`Received ${urls.length} options`, {
inputs: [{
label: "Choose an image",
options: radioOptions,
type: "radio"
if (chosenImageURL === "more") {
return imageMarkdownFromPrompt(plugin2, app, prompt, apiKey, { note });
} else if (chosenImageURL) {
console.debug("Fetching and uploading chosen URL", chosenImageURL);
const imageData = await fetchImageAsDataURL(chosenImageURL);
if (!note)
note = await app.notes.find(app.context.noteUUID);
const ampleImageUrl = await note.attachMedia(imageData);
return `![image](${ampleImageUrl})`;
return null;
} else {
return null;
async function fetchImageAsDataURL(url) {
const response = await fetch(`${CORS_PROXY}/${url}`);
const blob = await response.blob();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = (event) => {
reader.onerror = function(event) {
async function taskArrayFromSuggestions(plugin2, app, contentIndexText) {
const allowResponse = (response2) => {
const validJson = typeof response2 === "object" && (response2.result || response2.response?.result || response2.input?.response?.result || response2.input?.result);
const validString = typeof response2 === "string" && arrayFromResponseString(response2)?.length;
return validJson || validString;
const chosenTasks = [];
const response = await notePromptResponse(
if (response) {
let unchosenTasks = taskArrayFromResponse(response);
while (true) {
const promptOptions = unchosenTasks.map((t) => ({ label: t, value: t }));
if (!promptOptions.length)
promptOptions.push({ label: "Add more tasks", value: "more" });
promptOptions.push({ label: "Done picking tasks", value: "done" });
const promptString = `Which tasks would you like to add to your note?` + (chosenTasks.length ? `
${chosenTasks.length} task${chosenTasks.length === 1 ? "" : "s"} will be inserted when you choose the "Done picking tasks" option` : "");
const insertTask = await app.prompt(promptString, {
inputs: [
label: "Choose tasks",
options: promptOptions,
type: "radio",
value: promptOptions[0].value
if (insertTask) {
if (insertTask === "done") {
} else if (insertTask === "more") {
await addMoreTasks(plugin2, app, allowResponse, contentIndexText, chosenTasks, unchosenTasks);
} else {
unchosenTasks = unchosenTasks.filter((task) => !chosenTasks.includes(task));
} else {
} else {
app.alert("Could not determine any tasks to suggest from the existing note content");
return null;
if (chosenTasks.length) {
const taskArray = chosenTasks.map((task) => `- [ ] ${task}
console.debug("Replacing with tasks", taskArray);
await app.context.replaceSelection(`
return null;
async function addMoreTasks(plugin2, app, allowResponse, contentIndexText, chosenTasks, unchosenTasks) {
const rejectedResponses = unchosenTasks;
const moreTaskResponse = await notePromptResponse(
{ chosenTasks },
{ allowResponse, contentIndexText, rejectedResponses }
const newTasks = moreTaskResponse && taskArrayFromResponse(moreTaskResponse);
if (newTasks) {
newTasks.forEach((t) => !unchosenTasks.includes(t) && !chosenTasks.includes(t) ? unchosenTasks.push(t) : null);
function taskArrayFromResponse(response) {
if (typeof response === "string") {
return arrayFromResponseString(response);
} else {
let tasks = response.result || response.response?.result || response.input?.response?.result || response.input?.result;
if (typeof tasks === "object" && !Array.isArray(tasks)) {
tasks = Object.values(tasks);
if (Array.isArray(tasks) && Array.isArray(tasks[0])) {
tasks = tasks[0];
if (!Array.isArray(tasks)) {
console.error("Could not determine tasks from response", response);
return [];
if (tasks.find((t) => typeof t !== "string")) {
tasks = tasks.map((task) => {
if (typeof task === "string") {
return task;
} else if (Array.isArray(task)) {
return task[0];
} else {
const objectValues = Object.values(task);
return objectValues[0];
if (tasks.length === 1 && tasks[0].includes("\n")) {
tasks = tasks[0].split("\n");
const tasksWithoutPrefix = tasks.map((taskText) => optionWithoutPrefix(taskText));
console.debug("Received tasks", tasksWithoutPrefix);
return tasksWithoutPrefix;
var plugin = {
constants: {
labelAiModel: AI_MODEL_LABEL,
pluginName: PLUGIN_NAME,
requestTimeoutSeconds: 30
callCountByModel: {},
errorCountByModel: {},
lastModelUsed: null,
noFallbackModels: false,
ollamaModelsFound: null,
appOption: {
[LOOK_UP_OLLAMA_MODEL_ACTION_LABEL]: async function(app) {
const noOllamaString = `Unable to connect to Ollama. Ensure you stop the process if it is currently running, then start it with "OLLAMA_ORIGINS=https://plugins.amplenote.com ollama serve"`;
try {
const ollamaModels = await ollamaAvailableModels(this);
if (ollamaModels?.length) {
this.ollamaModelsFound = ollamaModels;
app.alert(`Successfully connected to Ollama! Available models include:
* ${this.ollamaModelsFound.join("\n* ")}`);
} else {
const json = await fetchJson(`${OLLAMA_URL}/api/tags`);
if (Array.isArray(json?.models)) {
app.alert("Successfully connected to Ollama, but could not find any running models. Try running 'ollama run mistral' in a terminal window?");
} else {
} catch (error) {
"Show AI Usage by Model": async function(app) {
const callCountByModel = this.callCountByModel;
const callCountByModelText = Object.keys(callCountByModel).map((model) => `${model}: ${callCountByModel[model]}`).join("\n");
const errorCountByModel = this.errorCountByModel;
const errorCountByModelText = Object.keys(errorCountByModel).map((model) => `${model}: ${errorCountByModel[model]}`).join("\n");
let alertText = `Since the app was last started on this platform:
if (errorCountByModelText.length) {
alertText += `Errors:
` + errorCountByModelText;
} else {
alertText += `No errors reported.`;
await app.alert(alertText);
"Answer": async function(app) {
let aiModels = await recommendedAiModels(this, app, "answer");
const options = aiModels.map((model) => ({ label: model, value: model }));
const [instruction, preferredModel] = await app.prompt(QUESTION_ANSWER_PROMPT, {
inputs: [
{ type: "text", label: "Question", placeholder: "What's the meaning of life in 500 characters or less?" },
type: "radio",
label: `AI Model${this.lastModelUsed ? `. Defaults to last used` : ""}`,
value: this.lastModelUsed || aiModels?.at(0)
console.debug("Instruction", instruction, "preferredModel", preferredModel);
if (!instruction)
if (preferredModel)
aiModels = [preferredModel].concat(aiModels.filter((model) => model !== preferredModel));
return await this._noteOptionResultPrompt(
{ instruction },
{ preferredModels: aiModels }
"Converse (chat) with AI": async function(app) {
const aiModels = await recommendedAiModels(plugin, app, "chat");
await initiateChat(this, app, aiModels);
insertText: {
"Complete": async function(app) {
return await this._completeText(app, "insertTextComplete");
"Continue": async function(app) {
return await this._completeText(app, "continue");
[IMAGE_FROM_PRECEDING_LABEL]: async function(app) {
const apiKey = await apiKeyFromAppOrUser(this, app);
if (apiKey) {
await imageFromPreceding(this, app, apiKey);
[IMAGE_FROM_PROMPT_LABEL]: async function(app) {
const apiKey = await apiKeyFromAppOrUser(this, app);
if (apiKey) {
await imageFromPrompt(this, app, apiKey);
[SUGGEST_TASKS_LABEL]: async function(app) {
const contentIndexText = `${PLUGIN_NAME}: ${SUGGEST_TASKS_LABEL}`;
return await taskArrayFromSuggestions(this, app, contentIndexText);
noteOption: {
"Revise": async function(app, noteUUID) {
const instruction = await app.prompt("How should this note be revised?");
if (!instruction)
await this._noteOptionResultPrompt(app, noteUUID, "reviseContent", { instruction });
"Sort Grocery List": {
check: async function(app, noteUUID) {
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
return /grocer|bread|milk|meat|produce|banana|chicken|apple|cream|pepper|salt|sugar/.test(noteContent.toLowerCase());
run: async function(app, noteUUID) {
const startContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
const groceryArray = groceryArrayFromContent(startContent);
const sortedGroceryContent = await groceryContentFromJsonOrText(this, app, noteUUID, groceryArray);
if (sortedGroceryContent) {
app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, sortedGroceryContent);
"Summarize": async function(app, noteUUID) {
await this._noteOptionResultPrompt(app, noteUUID, "summarize", {});
replaceText: {
"Answer": {
check(app, text) {
return /(who|what|when|where|why|how)|\?/i.test(text);
async run(app, text) {
const answerPicked = await notePromptResponse(
{ text },
{ confirmInsert: true, contentIndexText: text }
if (answerPicked) {
return `${text} ${answerPicked}`;
"Complete": async function(app, text) {
const { response } = await sendQuery(this, app, app.context.noteUUID, "replaceTextComplete", { text: `${text}<token>` });
if (response) {
return `${text} ${response}`;
"Revise": async function(app, text) {
const instruction = await app.prompt("How should this text be revised?");
if (!instruction)
return null;
return await notePromptResponse(
{ instruction, text }
"Rhymes": {
check(app, text) {
return text.split(" ").length <= MAX_WORDS_TO_SHOW_RHYME;
async run(app, text) {
return await this._wordReplacer(app, text, "rhyming");
"Thesaurus": {
check(app, text) {
return text.split(" ").length <= MAX_WORDS_TO_SHOW_THESAURUS;
async run(app, text) {
return await this._wordReplacer(app, text, "thesaurus");
async _noteOptionResultPrompt(app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptKeyParams, { preferredModels = null } = {}) {
let aiResponse = await notePromptResponse(
{ preferredModels, confirmInsert: false }
if (aiResponse?.length) {
const trimmedResponse = cleanTextFromAnswer(aiResponse);
const options = [];
if (noteUUID) {
{ label: "Insert at start (prepend)", value: "prepend" },
{ label: "Insert at end (append)", value: "append" },
{ label: "Replace", value: "replace" }
options.push({ label: "Ask follow up question", value: "followup" });
let valueSelected;
if (options.length > 1) {
valueSelected = await app.prompt(`${APP_OPTION_VALUE_USE_PROMPT}
${trimmedResponse || aiResponse}`, {
inputs: [{ type: "radio", label: "Choose an action", options, value: options[0] }]
} else {
valueSelected = await app.alert(trimmedResponse || aiResponse, { actions: [{ label: "Ask follow up questions" }] });
if (valueSelected === 0)
valueSelected = "followup";
console.debug("User picked", valueSelected, "for response", aiResponse);
switch (valueSelected) {
case "prepend":
app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, aiResponse);
case "append":
app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, aiResponse, { atEnd: true });
case "replace":
app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, aiResponse);
case "followup":
const aiModel = this.lastModelUsed || (preferredModels?.length ? preferredModels[0] : null);
const promptParams = await contentfulPromptParams(app, noteUUID, promptKey, promptKeyParams, aiModel);
const systemUserMessages = promptsFromPromptKey(promptKey, promptParams, [], aiModel);
const messages = systemUserMessages.concat({ role: "assistant", content: trimmedResponse });
return await initiateChat(this, app, preferredModels?.length ? preferredModels : [aiModel], messages);
return aiResponse;
async _wordReplacer(app, text, promptKey) {
const { noteUUID } = app.context;
const note = await app.notes.find(noteUUID);
const noteContent = await note.content();
let contentIndex = noteContent.indexOf(text);
if (contentIndex === -1)
contentIndex = null;
const allowResponse = (jsonResponse) => {
return typeof jsonResponse === "object" && jsonResponse.result;
const response = await notePromptResponse(
{ text },
{ allowResponse, contentIndex }
let options;
if (response?.result) {
options = arrayFromJumbleResponse(response.result);
options = options.filter((option) => option !== text);
} else {
return null;
const optionList = options.map((word) => optionWithoutPrefix(word))?.map((word) => word.trim())?.filter((n) => n.length && n.split(" ").length <= MAX_REALISTIC_THESAURUS_RHYME_WORDS);
if (optionList?.length) {
console.debug("Presenting option list", optionList);
const selectedValue = await app.prompt(`Choose a replacement for "${text}"`, {
inputs: [{
type: "radio",
label: `${optionList.length} candidate${optionList.length === 1 ? "" : "s"} found`,
options: optionList.map((option) => ({ label: option, value: option }))
if (selectedValue) {
return selectedValue;
} else {
const followUp = apiKeyFromApp(this, app)?.length ? "Consider adding an OpenAI API key to your plugin settings?" : "Try again?";
app.alert(`Unable to get a usable response from available AI models. ${followUp}`);
return null;
async _completeText(app, promptKey) {
const replaceToken = promptKey === "continue" ? `${PLUGIN_NAME}: Continue` : `${PLUGIN_NAME}: Complete`;
const answer = await notePromptResponse(
{ contentIndexText: replaceToken }
if (answer) {
const trimmedAnswer = await trimNoteContentFromAnswer(app, answer, { replaceToken });
console.debug("Inserting trimmed response text:", trimmedAnswer);
return trimmedAnswer;
} else {
return null;
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;