Official GitHub Plugin Builder


Github Plugin Builder


Default GitHub repo


For professional developers aspiring to create Amplenote’s greatest new plugin, it is common to want to sync GitHub code with a plugin body. This plugin allows you to define an "entry file" in a public GitHub repo, and then have the main block from that entry file imported into a plugin note.

Better yet, you can import functions from other files and have those functions be inlined in the code that gets inserted into your plugin note. No more 1,500 line single files necessary. See "caveats" for about use of import.


To use GitHub plugin builder, you need to add the path to your public GitHub repo to a plugin note. The repo URL needs to be preceded by "repo:" or "entry:"


If the repo: directive is used, we will check for your plugin's entry file in three locations: lib/plugin.js, plugin.js, and index.js. After discovering the entry file, we will parse its code block and import statements. The functions that exist within the imported modules are collected and inserted into the entry file's code block.

The repo or entry declaration can be placed anywhere in your plugin file. Once you have installed the plugin and added the specified line to a plugin note, you can invoke the plugin by either using the expression "{Github Plugin Builder: Refresh}" or by choosing "GitHub Plugin Builder: Refresh" from the "Note options" menu in the upper-right corner of a note.

Recommendation: Use esbuild
While this plugin hand-rolls an import implementation that will suffice for simple imports of functions and constants, if you're building a serious, multi-file plugin, you'll eventually find an edge case where the handrolled import is insufficient. That's why, for professional plugin developers, we recommend using esbuild. It is a well-tested tool that can process an entry point file and inline all the constants & functions. Check out (and consider copying?) the esbuild configuration for this project at

When esbuild.js is run (e.g., by choosing "Run esbuild" in Webstorm), it will generate an output file in the location specified by "outfile" in You can define that output file as your "Entry" file, as this very plugin does: Entry:

Namespaces are not supported -- all of the imported files have to declare functions at the root level unless using esbuild.

Known issues
1. If a function is specified with the const func = (variable) => { syntax, you must use parenthesis around your parameter, unless using esbuild.


linkChange log

April 15th, 2024

Update Github grab URL in response to unusable content returned from previous endpoint

December 30th, 2023

Case insensitive detection of "code block" heading

December 27th, 2023

Added support for importing IIFE files built via esbuild

December 21st, 2023.

Allow multi-line imports

Allow multi-line function declarations

December 16th, 2023

Allow using/importing constants, i.e., anything declared as export const CONSTANT_NAME = "blah" can now be imported and utilized. See example types of tested constants here. All of the _constants used atop this plugin are now imported.

October 4th, 2023:

Fix: properly inline generator functions

Fix: properly inline functions that end in semicolon (eg. };)

September 25th, 2023:

Add support for generator functions & improve function name replacing in source code

July 13, 2023. Allow recursive import processing, fix initially busted functionality of entry:. Fix raw files being cached for 5 mins, leading to unreliable output.

July 12, 2023. Initial launch.

linkCode block

// Javascript updated 4/15/2024, 3:52:36 PM by Amplenote Plugin Builder from source code within ""
(() => {
// lib/plugin-constants.js
var DEFAULT_BRANCH = "main";
var CODE_HEADING = "Code block";
var TEST_USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36";
// lib/plugin-import-inliner.js
function mainBlockFromEntryContent(content) {
if (content) {
console.log("Found", content.length, "sized content to parse into block");
} else {
console.error("No content found in block to import");
return {};
content = content.trim();
if (content.split("\n")[0].includes("(() => {") && /}\)\(\);$/.test(content)) {
console.debug("Content matches esbuildBlock");
const esbuildBlock = content.replace(/}\)\(\);$/, " return plugin;\n})()");
return { esbuildBlock };
} else {
console.debug("No esbuildBlock match found. Parsing content as standard block");
const mainPluginBlock = content.match(/=[\s]*(\{\n[\S\s]*\n\})/)?.at(1);
return { mainPluginBlock };
async function inlineImportsFromGithub(plugin2, entryPoint, codeBlockString, functionTranslations, constantTranslations) {
const { content, url } = entryPoint;
if (!content)
return null;
const extension = url.split(".").pop();
const importUrls = importUrlsFromContent(plugin2, content, extension, url);
if (!importUrls.length) {
console.log("No import URLs found in", url);
return codeBlockString;
await constantDeclarationsFromFileContent(plugin2, content, constantTranslations);
const codeWithoutFinalBrace = codeBlockString.substring(0, codeBlockString.lastIndexOf("}"));
const finalBrace = codeWithoutFinalBrace.lastIndexOf("}");
if (finalBrace === -1)
throw new Error("Could not find any functions in code block");
if (codeBlockString[finalBrace + 1] !== ",") {
codeBlockString = codeBlockString.substring(0, finalBrace + 1) + "," + codeBlockString.substring(finalBrace + 1);
for (const importUrl of importUrls) {
if (functionTranslations.find((translation) => translation.importUrl === importUrl)) {
console.log("Skipping", importUrl, "because it was already inlined");
const importFileContent = await fileContentFromUrl(importUrl);
if (importFileContent) {"Received", importFileContent.length, "bytes from", importUrl, " Now processing its constants & functions...");
} else {
plugin2.processingError = "No file content found";
console.error("No file content found for", importUrl, "in", url);
const functionBlocks = await functionBlocksFromFileContent(plugin2, importFileContent);
if (functionBlocks) {
codeBlockString = codeBlockFromFunctionBlocks(plugin2, codeBlockString, functionBlocks, functionTranslations, importUrl);
functionTranslations.forEach((translation) => {
const replaceIndependentFunctionRegex = new RegExp(`(?${translation.functionName}\\b`, "g");
codeBlockString = codeBlockString.replace(replaceIndependentFunctionRegex, `this.${translation.newFunctionName}`);
await constantDeclarationsFromFileContent(plugin2, importFileContent, constantTranslations);
constantTranslations.forEach((translation) => {
const replaceConstantRegex = new RegExp(`(?${translation.constantName}`, "g");
const formattedConstantValue = translation.constantValue.replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s{2,1000}/g, " ");
codeBlockString = codeBlockString.replace(replaceConstantRegex, formattedConstantValue);
const newEntryPoint = { url: importUrl, content: importFileContent };
codeBlockString = await inlineImportsFromGithub(plugin2, newEntryPoint, codeBlockString, functionTranslations, constantTranslations);
console.debug("Successfully finished processing", importUrl);
return codeBlockString;
async function fetchWithRetry(url, { retries = 2, gracefulFail = false } = {}) {
const timeoutSeconds = 30;
let error;
const apiURL = new URL(``);
url = url.replace("/", "/");
apiURL.searchParams.set("apiurl", url);
for (let i = 0; i < retries; i++) {
try {
let timeoutId;
const controller = new AbortController();
const signal = controller.signal;
let headers = { "Content-Type": "text/plain", "Cache-Control": "max-age=0" };
if (typeof global === "object") {
headers["User-Agent"] = TEST_USER_AGENT;
headers["Origin"] = "";
console.log("Detected test environment. Off to fetch", apiURL.toString(), "with headers", headers);
const fetchPromise = fetch(apiURL, {
cache: "no-store",
method: "GET",
const timeoutPromise = new Promise(
(_, reject) => timeoutId = setTimeout(() => {
reject(new Error("Timeout"));
}, timeoutSeconds * 1e3)
let result = await Promise.race([fetchPromise, timeoutPromise]);
return result;
} catch (e) {
if (gracefulFail) {
console.log(`Failed to grab ${url}`, e, `at ${/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()}. Oh well, moving on...`);
} else {
error = e;
console.error(`Fetch attempt ${i + 1} failed with`, e, `at ${/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()}. Retrying...`);
return null;
async function functionBlocksFromFileContent(plugin2, fileContent) {
let result = {};
const functionRegex = /^(?:export\s+)?((?:async\s+)?function\s*(\*)?\s*(?[^\s\(]+)\s*\(|(?:const|let)\s+(?[^\s=]+)\s*=\s*(?:async)?\s*(?:\(\)|\((?[^)]+)\))\s*=>)/gm;
const functionCodeDeclarations = Array.from(fileContent.matchAll(functionRegex));
for (const functionDeclarationMatch of functionCodeDeclarations) {
try {
if (Number.isInteger(functionDeclarationMatch?.index)) {
const functionStartIndex = functionDeclarationMatch.index;
const remainingContent = fileContent.substring(functionStartIndex);
const blockEndMatch = remainingContent.match(/^}\)?;?\s*(\n|$)/m);
if (blockEndMatch?.index) {
const functionEndIndex = functionStartIndex + blockEndMatch.index + 1;
const functionBlock = fileContent.substring(functionStartIndex, functionEndIndex);
const functionName = functionDeclarationMatch.groups?.functionName || functionDeclarationMatch.groups?.variableName;
const newFunctionBlock = functionBlock.replace(/export\s+/, "");
result[functionName] = newFunctionBlock;
} catch (e) {
plugin2.processingError = "Failed to process function declaration";
console.error("Failed to process function declaration", functionDeclarationMatch, "with", e);
return result;
var fileContentFromUrl = async (url) => {
let fileContent;
const moduleFetchResponse = await fetchWithRetry(url, { retries: 1, gracefulFail: true });
if (moduleFetchResponse?.ok && (fileContent = await moduleFetchResponse.text())) {
return fileContent;
} else {
console.log("Failed to fetch", url, "with", moduleFetchResponse);
return null;
function importUrlsFromContent(plugin2, content, extension, contentFileUrl) {
let match;
const importUrls = [];
const importRegex = /import\s+\{\s*([^}]+)\s*}\s+from\s+['"]([^'"]+)['"]/mg;
while ((match = importRegex.exec(content)) !== null) {
let importUrl = "";
try {
importUrl = match[2];
if (importUrl.startsWith("./")) {
importUrl = `${contentFileUrl.split("/").slice(0, -1).join("/")}/${importUrl.replace("./", "")}`;
} else {
const baseUrl = contentFileUrl.split("/").slice(0, 7).join("/");
importUrl = `${baseUrl}/${importUrl}`;
if (!/\.[jt]s$/.test(importUrl)) {
importUrl += `.${extension}`;
} catch (e) {
plugin2.processingError = "Failed to parse importUrl: " + importUrl;
console.error("Failed to parse import URL", importUrl, "from", contentFileUrl, "with", e, "Match had been", match);
return importUrls;
function codeBlockFromFunctionBlocks(plugin2, codeBlockString, functionBlocks, functionTranslations, importUrl) {
for (let [functionName, functionBlock] of Object.entries(functionBlocks)) {
try {
const functionLines = functionBlock.split("\n");
const firstLine = functionLines[0];
const paramStartPos = firstLine.indexOf("(");
let paramsTraversePos = paramStartPos + 1;
let paramEndPos = null, paramCount = 1;
while (paramsTraversePos < functionBlock.length) {
const char = functionBlock[paramsTraversePos];
if (char === "(") {
paramCount += 1;
} else if (char === ")") {
paramCount -= 1;
if (paramCount === 0) {
paramEndPos = paramsTraversePos;
paramsTraversePos += 1;
const definition = functionBlock.substring(0, paramEndPos + 1);
const isAsync = /\basync\b/.test(definition);
const isGenerator = /function\s*\*\s*/.test(definition);
const params = functionBlock.substring(paramStartPos + 1, paramEndPos).replace(/\n/g, " ").replace(/\s+/g, " ").trim();
const urlSegments = importUrl.split("/");
const newFunctionName = `_inlined_${urlSegments[urlSegments.length - 1].replace(/[^\w]/g, "_")}_${functionName}`;
functionTranslations.push({ functionName, newFunctionName, importUrl });
const newDefinition = `${isAsync ? "async " : ""}${isGenerator ? "*" : ""}${newFunctionName}(${params})`;
let newFunctionBlock = functionBlock.replace(definition, newDefinition).split("\n").map((line) => ` ${line}`).join("\n");
newFunctionBlock = `
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
${newFunctionBlock.trim()}${newFunctionBlock.trim().endsWith(",") ? "" : ","}
const endBracket = codeBlockString.lastIndexOf("}");
codeBlockString = codeBlockString.substring(0, endBracket) + newFunctionBlock + codeBlockString.substring(endBracket);
} catch (e) {
plugin2.processingError = "Function import failed for " + functionName;
console.error("Failed to process function ", functionName, "block", functionBlock, "with", e);
return codeBlockString;
async function constantDeclarationsFromFileContent(plugin2, fileContent, constantTranslations) {
const constantRegex = /^(?:export\s+)?\s*(?:const|let|var)\s+(?[A-Z][A-Z0-9_]*)\s*=[\s\b]+(?[\[{("'0-9])/gm;
const constantDeclarations = Array.from(fileContent.matchAll(constantRegex));
for (const constantDeclarationMatch of constantDeclarations) {
try {
if (Number.isInteger(constantDeclarationMatch?.index) && constantDeclarationMatch.groups?.constantValueStart) {
const constantStartIndex = constantDeclarationMatch.index;
const constantAdjacentText = fileContent.substring(constantStartIndex);
const startIndex = constantAdjacentText.indexOf(constantDeclarationMatch.groups?.constantValueStart);
let endIndex;
if (/[0-9]/.test(constantDeclarationMatch.groups?.constantValueStart)) {
endIndex = startIndex + constantAdjacentText.substring(startIndex).search(/[^0-9]/) - 1;
} else {
const endCharacter = { "(": ")", "{": "}", '"': '"', "'": "'", "[": "]" }[constantDeclarationMatch.groups?.constantValueStart];
const endOffset = constantAdjacentText.substring(startIndex + 1).indexOf(endCharacter);
endIndex = startIndex + endOffset + 1;
if (endIndex !== -1 && startIndex !== -1) {
const constantValue = constantAdjacentText.substring(startIndex, endIndex + 1);
const constantName = constantDeclarationMatch.groups?.constantName;
constantTranslations.push({ constantName, constantValue });
} catch (e) {
plugin2.processingError = "Constant import failed";
console.error("Failed to process constant declaration", constantDeclarationMatch, "with", e);
// lib/plugin.js
var plugin = {
_constants: {
defaultBranch: DEFAULT_BRANCH,
codeHeading: CODE_HEADING,
entryLocations: ENTRY_LOCATIONS,
processingError: false,
insertText: {
"Refresh": {
check: async function(app) {
return !!await this._githubRepoUrl(app, { quietFail: true });
run: async function(app, stripConsoleDebug = false) {
this.processingError = false;
const githubUrl = await this._githubRepoUrl(app);
if (githubUrl) {
await this._syncUrlToNote(app, githubUrl, stripConsoleDebug);
} else {
await app.alert(`Could not find a line beginning in "repo:" or "entry:" in the note.`);
"Sync": {
check: async function(app) {
const boundCheck = this.insertText["Refresh"].check.bind(this);
return await boundCheck(app);
run: async function(app) {
const boundRun = this.insertText["Refresh"].run.bind(this);
return await boundRun(app);
noteOption: {
"Refresh": {
check: async function(app) {
const boundCheck = this.insertText["Refresh"].check.bind(this);
return await boundCheck(app);
run: async function(app) {
const boundRun = this.insertText["Refresh"].run.bind(this);
return await boundRun(app);
"Refresh minus debug": {
check: async function(app) {
const boundCheck = this.insertText["Refresh"].check.bind(this);
return await boundCheck(app);
run: async function(app) {
const boundRun = this.insertText["Refresh"].run.bind(this);
return await boundRun(app, true);
async _syncUrlToNote(app, repoUrl, stripConsoleDebug = false) {
const entryPoint = await this._entryPointFromUrl(app, repoUrl);
if (entryPoint.url) {
const note = await app.notes.find(app.context.noteUUID);
let noteContent = await note.content();
if (!await this._isAbleToSync(app, noteContent)) {
return null;
if (!entryPoint.content) {
console.error("Could not find a valid entry point in repo", repoUrl, "at", entryPoint.url);
return null;
const { esbuildBlock, mainPluginBlock } = mainBlockFromEntryContent(entryPoint.content);
let newPluginBlock;
if (esbuildBlock) {
newPluginBlock = esbuildBlock;
} else {
const constantTranslations = [];
const functionTranslations = [];
newPluginBlock = await inlineImportsFromGithub(this, entryPoint, mainPluginBlock, functionTranslations, constantTranslations);
if (newPluginBlock) {
if (stripConsoleDebug) {
newPluginBlock = newPluginBlock.replace(/^\s*(console\.debug)/gm, `// $1`);
if (newPluginBlock.length > this._constants.maxReplaceContentLength) {
await app.alert(`The code block (length ${newPluginBlock.length}) is too long to replace (max size ${this._constants.maxReplaceContentLength}).Please manually replace the code block in the note, or email to request an increase in the size of replaceContent.`);
} else {
newPluginBlock = `\`\`\`
// Javascript updated ${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleString()} by Amplenote Plugin Builder from source code within "${repoUrl}"
noteContent = await note.content();
const replaceTarget = this._sectionFromHeadingText(this._constants.codeHeading, noteContent);
if (replaceTarget) {
await note.replaceContent(newPluginBlock, replaceTarget);
if (!replaceTarget || this.processingError) {
if (replaceTarget) {
await app.alert(`\u26A0\uFE0F Plugin refresh from "${repoUrl}" completed, but errors were encountered:
` + this.processingError + `
Please check your console for more details.`);
} else {
await app.alert(`\u26A0\uFE0F Plugin refresh from "${repoUrl}" failed. Could not find "${this._constants.codeHeading}" within note content.`);
} else {
await app.alert(`\u{1F389} Plugin refresh from "${repoUrl}" succeeded at ${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleString()}`);
} else {
await app.alert("Could not construct a code block from the entry point URL. There may be more details in the console.");
return null;
_sectionFromHeadingText(headingText, noteContent, { level = 1 } = {}) {
let headingTextInNote;
if (noteContent.includes(headingText)) {
headingTextInNote = headingText;
} else {
const headingIndex = noteContent.toLowerCase().indexOf(headingText.toLowerCase());
if (headingIndex > 0) {
headingTextInNote = noteContent.substring(headingIndex, headingIndex + headingText.length);
} else {
return null;
if (headingTextInNote) {
return { section: { heading: { text: headingTextInNote, level } } };
} else {
return null;
async _isAbleToSync(app, noteContent) {
if (noteContent.toLowerCase().includes(this._constants.codeHeading.toLowerCase())) {
return true;
} else {
if (/^```/m.test(noteContent)) {
await app.alert(this._noSyncMessage());
return false;
} else {
console.log("Adding code block heading to note");
const note = await app.notes.find(app.context.noteUUID);
await note.insertContent(`
# ${this._constants.codeHeading}
`, { atEnd: true });
return true;
_noSyncMessage() {
return `Could not sync plugin because the note already contains code but no code block heading. Please add an h1 heading labeled "${this._constants.codeHeading}" above your code block and try again.
Or you can just deletethe code block and run the plugin again to re-create it with a heading.`;
async _githubRepoUrl(app, { quietFail = false } = {}) {
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID });
const urlRegex = /^\s*(entry|repo)\s*[=:]\s*(https:\/\/\/)?(?[\w\-_.]+)\/(?[\w\-_.]+)\/?(?[\w\-_.\/]+\.(ts|js))?(?:$|\n|\r)/im;
const match = noteContent.match(urlRegex);
if (match?.groups?.organizationSlug && match?.groups?.repoSlug) {
return `${match.groups.organizationSlug}/${match.groups.repoSlug}${match.groups.entryFile ? `/${match.groups.entryFile}` : ""}`;
} else {
if (!quietFail) {
await app.alert("Could not find a repo URL in the note. Please include a line that begins with 'repo:' and has the URL of repo to sync");
return null;
/** Details about the entry point for this repo
* @param {string} app
* @param {string} repoOrFileUrl - URL to a Github repo or a file in a Github repo
* @returns {object} - { content: string, url: string }
async _entryPointFromUrl(app, repoOrFileUrl) {
if (!repoOrFileUrl) {
throw new Error("Missing repoUrl");
let content, url;
if (/\.(js|ts)$/.test(repoOrFileUrl)) {
let path = repoOrFileUrl.replace("", "");
const components = path.split("/");
if (components.length >= 3) {
url = `${components[0]}/${components[1]}/${this._constants.defaultBranch}/${components.slice(2).join("/")}`;
content = await fileContentFromUrl(url);
if (!content) {
await app.alert(`Could not find a valid Github file at the entry point URL "${url}" (derived from "${repoOrFileUrl}")`);
url = null;
} else {
await app.alert(`Could not parse a valid Github file at "${repoOrFileUrl}"`);
} else {
for (const entryLocation of this._constants.entryLocations) {
url = `${repoOrFileUrl}/${this._constants.defaultBranch}/${entryLocation}`;
content = await fileContentFromUrl(url);
if (content) {
} else {
url = null;
if (!url) {
await app.alert(`Could not find any entry point file in the given repo "${repoOrFileUrl}". Please add a "plugin.js" file to the repo, or specify the location of your entry file with the "entry:" directive.
See plugin instructions for more detail.`);
return { content, url };
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;
