Gemini AI


Gemini AI




Use Gemini AI for Free, using its API.


Visit the Link
Login with your Google Account.
Click on 🔑Create API Key.
Copy the API Key.
Navigate to
Search for Gemini AI.
Paste the API Key.
Start using the Plugin.
Note: For stats visit


Gemini API Key

How to use?

Make sure your API Key is valid and updated in

Currently NoteOption & ReplaceText options are enabled and functional. - November 3rd, 2024

AppOption - Multiple Notes & ImageOption are enabled and functional. - November 4th, 2024

Basic Review and Planning and what to do next and how to do it. - November 5th, 2024

Built image generation was not successful, appOption-General AI, appOptions-Grounding with google search, taskOption, insertText, dailyjotOption, linkOption (Partly function), noteOption-Note Name Tag, , moderate formatting the code and text. - November 6th, 2024

Demo: AppOption

Demo: NoteOption

Demo: ReplaceText

Demo: ImageOption

Demo: Interface

In Development: (What to expect in the near future)

Options To Chat.

Chain + Individual.

Memory + Clear.

Copy + Save to New Note.

AI Reporting.

Options to Review a set of filtered or tagged notes (Also a set of weekly daily jots).

Using AI in Education Process.

Plugin Enhancements

More options from Google Dev Site -

Features in the requirements - , will be progressively added.

Let me know if you are facing any issue or reach-out for enhancement suggestions.

// This function handles replacing selected text by prompting the user with various options
// for generating responses via the Gemini AI model.
// Main Section //
replaceText: {
"Selected Text": async function (app, text) {
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this selected Text. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Points)", value: "Explain or Define this text as points" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Paragraph)", value: "Explain or Define this text as paragraph" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Question", value: "Answer the below question" },
{ label: "Complete the Sentence", value: "Complete the Sentence" },
{ label: "Rhymes With (One-word)", value: "Give 5 Rhyming Synonyms and Antonyms" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize this text"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${text}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
// { label: "Insert", value: "insert" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Text_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${text}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// Function for handling options on a specific note by UUID
// Main Section //
noteOption: {
"Note": async function (app, noteUUID) {
// Prompt the user for desired actions with the note content
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Note. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Questions", value: "Answer the below questions" },
{ label: "Organise Groceries", value: "Sort and Organize Groceries as a list of shopping items" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize this text"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Fetch and clean markdown content from the note
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// Clean the markdown content
const cleanedMarkdown = markdown
.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, "") // Remove HTML comments
.replace(/<mark[^>]*>/g, "") // Remove opening <mark> tags with any attributes
.replace(/<\/mark>/g, "") // Remove closing </mark> tags
.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ""); // Remove empty lines (including those with only whitespace)
// Load external library for AI response
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"];
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${cleanedMarkdown}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result2) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Note_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Note: ${noteUUID}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context:${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// Function for handling options on a specific note by UUID
// Main Section //
"Note Name Tag": async function (app, noteUUID) {
// console.log("noteUUID", noteUUID);
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("noteHandle", noteHandle);
// Prompt the user for desired actions with the note content
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Note's Name and Tags. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
label: `Update Name.`,
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: `Keep - Current Name: ${}`, value: "nothing" },
{ label: "Based on Other Notes in the Same Tag + Content (Resource Intensive*)", value: "nametagcontent" },
{ label: "Based on only Content", value: "content" },
{ label: "Random Name (Feeling lucky?)", value: "random" }
value: "nothing"
label: `Update Tags.`,
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: `Keep - Current Tag/s: ${noteHandle.tags}`, value: "nothing" },
{ label: "Based on Other Avaliable Tags + Content (Resource Intensive*)", value: "existtagcontent" },
{ label: "Based on only Content", value: "content" },
{ label: "Random Name (Feeling lucky?)", value: "random" }
value: "nothing"
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, nameUpdate, tagUpdate] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Fetch and clean markdown content from the note
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// Clean the markdown content
const cleanedMarkdown = markdown
.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, "") // Remove HTML comments
.replace(/<mark[^>]*>/g, "") // Remove opening <mark> tags with any attributes
.replace(/<\/mark>/g, "") // Remove closing </mark> tags
.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ""); // Remove empty lines (including those with only whitespace)
// Step 1: Get unique tags and sort them (Generally All Tags - Attached to Notes)
let notesT = [];
notesT = await app.filterNotes({ });
const noteTags = Array.from(new Set(notesT.flatMap(note => note.tags))).sort();
// console.log("noteTags", noteTags);
// Split tags into an array
let notesN = [];
const tagNameTags = noteHandle.tags;
// Ensure tags are in an array format
const tagsArray = Array.isArray(tagNameTags) ? tagNameTags :
(typeof tagNameTags === "string" ? tagNameTags.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : []);
// Filter notes based on tags
if (tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (let tag of tagsArray) {
let taggedNotes = await app.filterNotes({
tag, group: "^vault"
notesN = notesN.concat(taggedNotes);
} else {
notesN = await app.filterNotes({
tag: "", group: "^vault"
// Step 2: Get unique names and sort them (All Note Names - Linked to the Tag or Tags)
const noteNames = Array.from(new Set(notesN.flatMap(note => || []))).sort();
// console.log("noteNames", noteNames);
let promptAI = "";
let includeContent = false;
// Check if either nameUpdate or tagUpdate requires content
/* if ((nameUpdate === "content" || nameUpdate === "nametagcontent") ||
(tagUpdate === "content" || tagUpdate === "existtagcontent")) {
includeContent = true;
} */
// Handle Name conditions
if (nameUpdate === "random") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Random Names for a note. (Keep it short and simple)
NoteName = {'Names': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteName>`;
} else if (nameUpdate === "content") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Note Names for a note, by using the content below. (Keep it short and simple)
Content: ${cleanedMarkdown}
NoteName = {'Names': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteName>`;
} else if (nameUpdate === "nametagcontent") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Note Names for a note, by using the below-mentioned list of Note Names as a Template. (Keep it short and simple)
Existing Names: ${JSON.stringify(notesN)}
NoteName = {'Names': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteName>`;
promptAI += `\n`;
// Handle Tag conditions
if (tagUpdate === "random") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Random Tags for a note. (Keep it short and simple, hierarchy is allowed using "/")
NoteTag = {'Tags': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteTag>`;
} else if (tagUpdate === "content") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Random Tags for a note, using the content below. (Keep it short and simple, hierarchy is allowed using "/")
Content: ${cleanedMarkdown}
NoteTag = {'Tags': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteTag>`;
} else if (tagUpdate === "existtagcontent") {
promptAI += `
List 5 Random Tags for a note, using the below-mentioned list of Tags, if any match. (Keep it short and simple, hierarchy is allowed using "/")
Eg Names: ${JSON.stringify(notesT)}
NoteTag = {'Tags': string}
Return using JavaSript: Array<NoteTag>`;
// Include content if required
/* if (includeContent) {
promptAI += `
Content: ${cleanedMarkdown}`;
} */
// console.log("promptAI", promptAI);
// Load external library for AI response
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, SchemaType, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
const schema = {
description: "List of items with names and tags",
type: SchemaType.ARRAY,
items: {
type: SchemaType.OBJECT,
properties: {
name: {
type: SchemaType.STRING,
description: "Name of the item",
nullable: true,
tag: {
type: SchemaType.STRING,
description: "Tag associated with the item",
nullable: true,
// required: ["name"], // Make "name" required, "tag" optional
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"];
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, safetySettings, generationConfig: {
responseMimeType: "application/json",
responseSchema: schema,
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Parse finalAIResponse if it's a JSON string
let parsedResponse;
try {
parsedResponse = JSON.parse(finalAIResponse);
} catch (e) {
console.error("Error parsing finalAIResponse:", e);
let namesArray;
let tagsArray;
// Check if parsedResponse is an array, then proceed
if (Array.isArray(parsedResponse)) {
namesArray = parsedResponse.filter(item => =>;
tagsArray = parsedResponse.filter(item => item.tag).map(item => item.tag);
// Convert the namesArray and tagsArray to an array of objects
namesArray =, index) => ({
label: name,
// value: index + 1 // Assigning an incremental value
value: name
tagsArray =, index) => ({
label: tag,
// value: index + 1 // Assigning an incremental value
value: tag
// console.log("namesArray:", namesArray);
// console.log("tagsArray:", tagsArray);
} else {
console.error("finalAIResponse is not an array.");
// Prompt the user for desired actions with the note content
const resultDecide = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Note's Name and Tags. Caution: Submitting this will make the changes.", {
inputs: [
label: `Update Name.`,
type: "radio",
options: namesArray,
label: `Update Tags.`,
type: "radio",
options: tagsArray,
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!resultDecide) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [nameUpdateDecide, tagUpdateDecide] = resultDecide;
// console.log("resultDecide:", resultDecide);
// console.log("nameUpdateDecide:", nameUpdateDecide);
// console.log("tagUpdateDecide:", tagUpdateDecide);
if (nameUpdateDecide) {
const nameAdded = await app.setNoteName(noteHandle, nameUpdateDecide);
await app.alert(nameAdded ? "Note Name Updated" : "Failed to Update Note Name");
if (tagUpdateDecide) {
const tagAdded = await app.addNoteTag({ uuid: noteUUID }, tagUpdateDecide);
await app.alert(tagAdded ? "Tag added" : "Failed to add tag");
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// Function for handling options on a specific image by url
// Main Section //
imageOption: {
"Text Image": async function (app, image) {
// console.log("image: " + image.src);
// console.log(image);
// Prompt the user for desired actions with the note content
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Image. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Questions", value: "Answer the below questions" },
{ label: "Organise Groceries", value: "Sort and Organize Groceries as a list of shopping items" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize this text"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Use URL methods to get the filename with extension
const filenameWithExtension = image.src.split('/').pop();
// Separate the name and the extension
const [name, extension] = filenameWithExtension.split('.');
// console.log("File name:", name);
// console.log("Extension:", extension);
// Load external library for AI response
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${image.caption}. ${image.text}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result2) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Image_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${image.caption}. ${image.text}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Energy Level: ${energyLevels}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// Function for handling options on a specific set of notes
// Main Section //
appOption: {
"Include Multiple Notes For AI Prompting": async function (app) {
const result1 = await app.prompt("Select the Notes, that you want to do AI analysis for. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Select the Note 1", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 2", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 3", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 4", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 5", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 6", type: "note" },
{ label: "Select the Note 7", type: "note" },
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!result1) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [note1, note2, note3, note4, note5, note6, note7] = result1;
// console.log("result1",result1);
// Prompt the user for desired actions with the note content
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Notes. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-pro"
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize these Multiple Notes" },
{ label: "Compare", value: "Compare these Multiple Notes" },
{ label: "Link them", value: "Find or Link these notes together" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points from these Multiple Notes" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize these Multiple Notes"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// If the result is falsy, the user canceled the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
let markdown;
// Assuming note1 to note7 are defined and accessible
const notes = [note1, note2, note3, note4, note5, note6, note7];
// Fetch and clean markdown content from the notes
for (const note of notes) {
// Check if note is not null
if (note) {
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid }) || "";
markdown += `#0000#\n${}\n${noteContent}`;
// Clean the markdown content
const cleanedMarkdown = markdown
.replace(/<!--[\s\S]*?-->/g, "") // Remove HTML comments
.replace(/<mark[^>]*>/g, "") // Remove opening <mark> tags with any attributes
.replace(/<\/mark>/g, "") // Remove closing </mark> tags
.replace(/^\s*[\r\n]/gm, ""); // Remove empty lines (including those with only whitespace)
// Load external library for AI response
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"];
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nNote Info: Each Note is separated by #0000#\nNote Collection: ${cleanedMarkdown}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result2) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_MultiNote_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
for (let i = 0; i < notes.length; i++) {
const note = notes[i];
if (note) {
finalAIResponse += `> note${i + 1}: ${ || ""}, ${note.tags || ""}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// for generating responses via the Gemini AI model. Grounding with Google Search
// Main Section //
"Grounding with Google Search (Paid*)": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const resultz = await app.prompt("Caution: This is a Paid Feature: [$35 / 1K grounding requests (for up to 5K requests per day)]. For latest and additional details visit: Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
label: "Do you like to proceed?",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Yes", value: "Yes" },
{ label: "No", value: "No" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!resultz) { return; }
if (resultz !== "Yes") { return; }
const result = await app.prompt("Do a Simple General AI Text Search. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Input / Paste your Text to be sent to Gemini AI for Text Generation", placeholder: "Eg: Tell me about Amplenote note taking methods.", type: "text" },
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Points)", value: "Explain or Define this text as points" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Paragraph)", value: "Explain or Define this text as paragraph" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Question", value: "Answer the below question" },
{ label: "Complete the Sentence", value: "Complete the Sentence" },
{ label: "Rhymes With (One-word)", value: "Give 5 Rhyming Synonyms and Antonyms" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize this text"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
// { label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
// const [inputText, modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
const [inputText, modelVariant, promptSelect, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ DynamicRetrievalMode, GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel(
model: `${modelVariantz}`,
// safetySettings,
tools: [
googleSearchRetrieval: {
dynamicRetrievalConfig: {
mode: DynamicRetrievalMode.MODE_DYNAMIC,
dynamicThreshold: 0.7,
{ apiVersion: "v1beta" },
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
// const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${inputText}`;
const promptAI = `${inputText}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.candidates[0].groundingMetadata;
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_GSearch_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${inputText}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// for generating responses via the Gemini AI model.
// Main Section //
"General AI Text Generation": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("Do a Simple General AI Text Search. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Input / Paste your Text to be sent to Gemini AI for Text Generation", placeholder: "Eg: Tell me about Amplenote note taking methods.", type: "text" },
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Points)", value: "Explain or Define this text as points" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Paragraph)", value: "Explain or Define this text as paragraph" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Question", value: "Answer the below question" },
{ label: "Complete the Sentence", value: "Complete the Sentence" },
{ label: "Rhymes With (One-word)", value: "Give 5 Rhyming Synonyms and Antonyms" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Summarize this text"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [inputText, modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${inputText}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_General_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${inputText}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// For a Task
// Main Section //
taskOption: {
"Task": async function (app, task) {
// console.log("Task Json Details",JSON.stringify(task));
const taskInfo = task;
// console.log("taskInfo",taskInfo);
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to do with this Task. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Give Reasons: Why Should I Do This?", value: "Outline reasons to accomplish this task, adding motivational quotes, affirmations, or positive reinforcements bullet points." },
{ label: "Elaborate on the Task", value: "Expand on the task into a 500-word paragraph to gain clarity and depth." },
{ label: "Break Task into Smaller Steps", value: "Divide the task into smaller, manageable steps. Assess complexity and prioritize the steps with helpful hints." },
{ label: "Break & Assign Deadlines", value: "Divide the task into smaller, manageable steps. Set realistic deadlines for each part of the task to create a timeline for completion." },
{ label: "Identify Required Resources", value: "List the tools, information, or resources needed to complete the task efficiently." },
{ label: "Identify Potential Obstacles", value: "Anticipate possible challenges and outline solutions to stay prepared and motivated." },
{ label: "Define Success Criteria", value: "Describe how you’ll know when the task is complete, establishing clear success markers." },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Outline reasons to accomplish this task, adding motivational quotes, affirmations, or positive reinforcements bullet points."
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\n\nTask Details\nTask Content: ${taskInfo.content || "None"}.\nImportant: ${taskInfo.important || "No"}.\nUrgent: ${taskInfo.urgent || "No"}.\nStartsAt: ${taskInfo.startAt || "None"}.\nEndsAt: ${taskInfo.endAt || "None"}.\nTaskScore: ${taskInfo.score || 0}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "Linked New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Task_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "None"}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Markdown"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\n\n> **Task Details**\n> Task Content: ${taskInfo.content || "None"}.\n> Important: ${taskInfo.important || "No"}.\n> Urgent: ${taskInfo.urgent || "No"}.\n> StartsAt: ${taskInfo.startAt || "None"}.\n> EndsAt: ${taskInfo.endAt || "None"}.\n> TaskScore: ${taskInfo.score || 0}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
// await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUIDNew });
const taskNewContent = `${taskInfo.content} [${filename}](${noteHandle.uuid})`;
await app.updateTask(taskInfo.uuid, { content: taskNewContent });
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// For a Insert Text Option
// Main Section //
insertText: {
"Insert": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to Search AI Today. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Input your Topic / Prompt of Interest.", placeholder: "Eg: Learning something New / I am feeling Lucky / How to use Amplenote.", type: "text" },
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Explain/Define (Points)", value: "Explain or Define this text as points" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Paragraph)", value: "Explain or Define this text as paragraph" },
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Summarize this text" },
{ label: "Rephrase", value: "Rephrase this text" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Convert into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Answer Question", value: "Answer the below question" },
{ label: "Complete the Sentence", value: "Complete the Sentence" },
{ label: "Rhymes With (One-word)", value: "Give 5 Rhyming Synonyms and Antonyms" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Explain or Define this text as points"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [inputText, modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nText: ${inputText}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
// { label: "Insert", value: "insert" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Insert_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${inputText}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "insert") {
return finalAIResponse;
// console.log("AI Response Inserted");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
// const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUIDNew });
// const newNoteLink = `[${filename}](${noteHandle.uuid})`;
// return newNoteLink;
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// This function handles replacing selected text by prompting the user with various options
// for generating responses via the Gemini AI model.
// Main Section //
dailyJotOption: {
"Plan Today": async function (app, noteHandle) {
// console.log("noteHandle",noteHandle);
let dailyJotNote = await app.filterNotes({ tag: `${noteHandle.tags}`, group: "^vault", query: });
// console.log("dailyJotNote",dailyJotNote);
// console.log("dailyJotNote",dailyJotNote[0].uuid);
const currentNoteuuid = dailyJotNote[0].uuid;
// console.log("currentNoteuuid",currentNoteuuid);
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want to Search AI Today. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Input your Task / Plan For Today.", placeholder: "Eg: Cleaning my Cupboard, Rest Day, Movie Time, Family Time, Self-reflecting Day", type: "text" },
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
label: "Energy Levels",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Low - Drained, Need a Gentle Push", value: "Low - Drained, Need a Gentle Push" },
{ label: "Normal - Calm, Relaxed", value: "Normal - Calm, Relaxed" },
{ label: "High - Excited, Possibility", value: "High - Excited, Possibility" },
{ label: "Extra-ordinary - Delighted, Abundance", value: "Extra-ordinary - Delighted, Abundance" },
value: "Normal - Calm, Relaxed"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Plan rest of the day", value: "Outline a detailed plan for the entire day in point format for the rest of the day." },
{ label: "Plan for Morning", value: "Outline a detailed plan for the morning as a descriptive paragraph." },
{ label: "Plan for Midday", value: "Outline a detailed plan of activities and priorities for midday." },
{ label: "Plan for Evening", value: "Outline a detailed plan for evening to improve clarity and tone." },
{ label: "Plan for 2H: 30M Blocks", value: "Break down tasks into actionable steps fitting within 2 hours and 30 minute blocks." },
{ label: "Plan for 4H: 30M Blocks + 1 15M Break", value: "Break down tasks into actionable steps fitting within 4 hours, 30 minute blocks, 15 minute break inbetween." },
{ label: "Break down the Task / Plan", value: "Break down the Task / Plan mentioned into actionable steps." },
{ label: "Give me Something to Read", value: "Respond with a concise yet detailed content rich 500 word Essay on the Task / Plan to read and act on." },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Outline a detailed plan for the entire day in point format for the rest of the day."
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [inputText, modelVariant, energyLevels, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_2DaysJot_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse = `**Gemini Ai: ${filename}**`;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nEnergy Level: ${energyLevels}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nCurrent Time: ${now}.\nTask or Plan: ${inputText}. P.S.: The response is to dive deep into a task or plan for the day, consider the energy levels too, and give an affirmation based on task, plan and energy levels.`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse += aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
{ label: "Insert", value: "insert" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details:</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Text: ${inputText}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Energy Level: ${energyLevels}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "insert") {
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: currentNoteuuid }, finalAIResponse);
// console.log("AI Response Inserted");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
// await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUIDNew });
const newNoteLink = `- [${filename}](${currentNoteuuid})`;
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: currentNoteuuid }, newNoteLink);
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);
// Work In progress - Need to find a way to get the content of webpage into a variable, and send it to Gemini AI.
// Main Section //
linkOption: {
"Link": async function (app, link) {
// console.log("link.description",link.description);
// console.log("link.href",link.href);
// Prompt the user for input on desired actions with the selected text.
const result = await app.prompt("What do you want with the Link. Disclaimer: Please be aware that humans may review or read any shared content to ensure compliance, quality, and accuracy in accordance with Gemini's policies.", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Selected URL. You can update it if required.", type: "text", value: `${link.href}` },
// Selection for Gemini Model Variants
label: "Gemini Model variants",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash", value: "gemini-1.5-flash" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Flash-8B", value: "gemini-1.5-flash-8b" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.5 Pro", value: "gemini-1.5-pro" },
{ label: "Gemini 1.0 Pro", value: "gemini-1.0-pro" }
value: "gemini-1.5-flash"
// Options for Prompting Type
label: "Prompting Type",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Summarize", value: "Obtain Title and Summarize the data in Website from the URL" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Points)", value: "Obtain Title and Explain or Define the data in Website from the URL as points" },
{ label: "Explain/Define (Paragraph)", value: "Obtain Title and Explain or Define the data in Website from the URL as paragraph" },
{ label: "Actionable Points", value: "Obtain Title and the data in Website from the URL into Actionable Points" },
{ label: "Other (Fill following boxes)", value: "Customized - Use the below Details" }
value: "Obtain Title and Summarize the data in Website from the URL"
// Additional user inputs for customization of the AI response
{ label: "AI System Instructions", placeholder: "Eg: You are a cat. Your name is Neko. OR You are a Teacher, Review my Document.", type: "text" },
{ label: "Add contextual information", placeholder: "Eg: Assume the audience is a group of high school students.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify any constraints", placeholder: "Eg: Summarize in no more than 50 words.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Define the format of the response", placeholder: "Eg: Provide a list of bullet points.", type: "string" },
{ label: "Specify the tone or style", placeholder: "Eg: Formal, friendly, persuasive", type: "string" },
{ label: "Other Free Text requests", placeholder: "Eg: Provide relevant examples or comparisons", type: "string" },
// Exit if the user cancels the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Extract user-selected inputs
const [inputURL, modelVariant, promptSelect, systemInstruction, promptContext, promptConstraint, promptFormat, promptTone, promptOther] = result;
// console.log("result",result);
const modelVariantz = modelVariant;
// console.log("modelVariantz",modelVariantz);
let finalAIResponse;
// Load the external Google Generative AI library
function _loadLibrary(url) {
return import(url);
_loadLibrary("").then(async ({ GoogleGenerativeAI, HarmBlockThreshold, HarmCategory }) => {
// Safety Settings
const safetySettings = [
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HARASSMENT,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
category: HarmCategory.HARM_CATEGORY_HATE_SPEECH,
threshold: HarmBlockThreshold.BLOCK_LOW_AND_ABOVE,
// Initialize GoogleGenerativeAI instance with API key
const API_KEY = app.settings["Gemini API Key"]; // Replace with your actual API key
const genAI = new GoogleGenerativeAI(API_KEY);
// Fetch the generative model specified by the user
const aiModel = genAI.getGenerativeModel({ model: `${modelVariantz}`, systemInstruction: `${systemInstruction}`, safetySettings });
// console.log("aiModel",aiModel);
// Construct the prompt to be sent to the AI model
const promptAI = `${promptSelect}.\nContext: ${promptContext || "None"}.\nConstraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\nFormat: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\nTone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\nAdditional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.\nURL: ${inputURL}`;
// console.log("promptAI",promptAI);
// Generate content based on the constructed prompt
const aiResponse = await aiModel.generateContent(promptAI);
// console.log("aiResponse",aiResponse);
finalAIResponse = aiResponse.response.text();
// console.log("finalAIResponse",finalAIResponse);
// Present the generated AI response to the user with further options
// Prompt user for response handling options (Copy or Replace Note Content)
const result2 = await app.alert(`Gemini AI Response: ${finalAIResponse}`, {
actions: [
{ label: "Copy", value: "copytxt" },
// { label: "Insert", value: "insert" },
{ label: "New Note", value: "newnote" },
if (!result) { return; }
const actionResult = result2;
// Define a unique filename for the new note, if that option is selected
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `AI_Link_Res_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
finalAIResponse += `\n### *<mark>Expand to Read more: Input Details: (This is still work in progress!)</mark>* <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> URL: ${inputURL}\n`;
finalAIResponse += `> Prompt: ${promptSelect}.\n> Context: ${promptContext || "None"}.\n> Constraint: ${promptConstraint || "Keep it as short as possible."}.\n> Format: ${promptFormat || "Simple Markdown based on Prompt"}.\n> Tone: ${promptTone || "None"}.\n> Additional Details: ${promptOther || "None"}.`;
finalAIResponse += `\n---`;
// Handle user action for AI response (Copy to Clipboard or Create New Note)
if (actionResult === "copytxt") {
await app.writeClipboardData(finalAIResponse);
// console.log("Copied to clipboard.");
} else if (actionResult === "insert") {
const newDescription = finalAIResponse;
app.context.updateLink({ description: newDescription });
// console.log("AI Response Inserted");
} else if (actionResult === "newnote") {
const noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, [ "-reports/-gemini-ai" ]);
// console.log("New note Created.");
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, finalAIResponse);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUIDNew}`);
// const noteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUIDNew });
// const newNoteLink = `[${filename}](${noteHandle.uuid})`;
// return newNoteLink;
}).catch(error => {
console.error("Failed to load library or execute code:", error);