Task Manager Pro

linkWelcome Note:


linkTask Manager Pro: Note!:

Note: To the call the Plugin, you need to now click on ctrl + o and select the options to call the plugin.

Except Note! option still accessible from noteOptions (•••)

linkTask Manager Pro: Overall Active!

linkTask Manager Pro: Overall Finished!

linkTask Manager Pro: Overall Trend!

linkTask Manager Pro: Overall Eisenhower Matrix!

linkTask Manager Pro: Download Extract Report!

linkTask Manager Pro: Filtered Report - Summary!


linkGetting Started

linkTask Manager: Note!

Install the Plugin: Add the Task Manager! Plugin to your Amplenote application.

Configure Your Preferences: Select your desired emoji set and configure any additional settings through the plugin's options menu. (By using the below list or the list in the Code Base!)

Prepare your Note: Add a Header called Progress (Can be H1 / H2 / H3), and just below that add a horizontal separator by using "---" (three Hyphens).

Run the Plugin: Execute the plugin to analyze your note's tasks, calculate progress, and update the "Progress" section with the latest information.

Review Your Progress: Check the updated "Progress" section to view your task progress and categorized task list. Monitor your achievements and stay motivated with clear visual feedback.

linkTask Manager: Overall! R-Report!

Active: Focusing on tasks within notes that are pending or incomplete.

Finished: Focusing on tasks within notes that have no pending tasks but contain at least one completed or dismissed task.

Trend: Focusing on tasks within notes that have at least one completed or dismissed task, with count & task score pivoted by date.

Visualize: Combine with Graph Utility Plugin, to see the trend based on Date.

Access the Summary Note: After running the script, a new note titled Task_Manager_YYMMDD_HHMMSS (with the current date and time) will be created.

This note will contain a table summarizing your notes related to Tasks.

Each note in the summary has a clickable link to the original note, so you can quickly navigate to it.

Understanding the Table:

Tags: The tags associated with the note.

Note Name: The title of the note with a hyperlink to the note itself.

Progress Bar: A visual representation of task completion.

❗ (Pending): Number of pending tasks.

✔️ (Completed): Number of completed tasks.

✖️ (Dismissed): Number of dismissed tasks.

✒️ (Comments): Space for you to add your comments.

linkTask Manager: Eisenhower Matrix!

Run the Report: When the function is run, it processes all notes, categorizes tasks using the Eisenhower matrix, and generates a new note with the summarized report.

Analyze the Output: Review the generated table for task distribution across Eisenhower quadrants. Use the task progress bar to quickly assess the status of task completion.

Understanding the Table:

Tags 🏷️

Note Link 🔗

🔥 (Important & Urgent)

⚡ (Important but Not Urgent)

⚾ (Not Important but Urgent)

🗑️ (Not Important & Not Urgent)

🔢 (Total Task Score)

✒️ (Comments)

linkKey Features

Dynamic Task Tracking: Automatically fetch and categorize tasks into pending, completed, and dismissed sections and sorts based on the dates in the respective fields. Stay updated on what needs your attention and what has been accomplished.

Categorized Task List: Get a comprehensive overview of all tasks within your note, categorized and formatted for easy review. This includes:

Pending Tasks WITH Their Start Dates, Completed Tasks WITH Their Completion Dates, AND Dismissed Tasks WITH Their Dismissal Dates.

Progress Visualization: Enjoy a visual representation of your task progress with customizable progress bars. Choose from a variety of emoji sets to reflect your progress in a way that suits your style.

Configurable Emojis: Personalize your progress bar with different emoji sets, from stars and hearts to books and moons. Tailor the appearance of your progress bar to match your preferences.

By editing the code, you can add your own Emoji collections as per your taste and personality.

linkExample Outputs

Moons: [🌕🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑🌑] 10%

Books: [📚📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖📖] 90%

Faces: [😁😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐] 10%

Trees: [🌳🌳🌳🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱🌱] 30%

Fruits: [🍎🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏🍏] 10%

Paws: [🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾] 100%

Fish: [🐠🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟🐟] 10%

Sports: [🏆⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽⚽] 10%

Flowers: [🌹🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸] 10%

Diamonds: [🔷💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎💎] 10%

Planes: [🛬🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫🛫] 10%

Clouds: [⛅🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️🌥️] 10%

Arrows: [⬅️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️➡️] 10%

Clocks: [⏰🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️🕰️] 10%

Notes: [🎶🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵🎵] 10%

Pencils: [🖊️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️✏️] 10%


These emoji sets give users a wide variety of creative options to visualize their task progress in a way that resonates with their preferences or the context of their project. All they need to do is change the Plugin Setting: Emoji variable to any of these predefined emoji sets.

linkTable - Plugin Parameters:

linkCode Base:

noteOption: {
// ************************************************************** //
"Note!": async function(app, noteUUID) {
// ----------- Section: Getting the 'Progress' Section -----------
const sections = await app.getNoteSections({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID });
// Locate the 'Progress' section within the note
const section = sections.find((section) => section.heading?.text === "Progress");
// If the 'Progress' section does not exist, alert the user to create one
if (section === undefined) {
app.alert(`Please create a 'Progress' section.
### Progress
- Separate it with a triple line break '---'
(Or else anything under the heading will be erased!)`);
return; // Exit the function if the section does not exist
// ----------- Section: Processing the Tasks -----------
// Retrieve only pending tasks (tasks that are not completed or dismissed)
const taskPending = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("taskPending:", taskPending);
// Count the number of pending tasks
const taskPendingN = taskPending.length;
// console.log(`taskPendingN: ${taskPendingN}`);
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteUUID }, { includeDone: true });
// console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// ----------- Section: Helper Functions -----------
// Convert a UNIX timestamp to a human-readable date format: 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'
function formatUnixTimestamp(unixTimestamp) {
const date = new Date(unixTimestamp * 1000); // Convert seconds to milliseconds
return date.toISOString().slice(0, 19).replace('T', ' ');
// Sort two tasks by a given timestamp key (e.g., completedAt, dismissedAt, startAt)
function sortByTimestamp(a, b, key) {
return (a[key] || 0) - (b[key] || 0);
// Format a pending task, including 'Important' and 'Urgent' labels only if true
function formatPendingTask(task) {
const importantText = task.important ? `Important` : ''; // Include 'Important' if true
const urgentText = task.urgent ? `Urgent` : ''; // Include 'Urgent' if true
const startAtText = task.startAt ? formatUnixTimestamp(task.startAt) : `Not Asigned`;
const additionalInfo = [startAtText, importantText, urgentText].filter(Boolean).join(', '); // Combine labels
return `Task: ${task.content.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\[\^?\d*\]:?\s?\[.*?\]\(\)/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')}, Start At: ` + (additionalInfo ? `${additionalInfo}` : '');
// Remove newlines // Remove markdown links // Replace multiple spaces with a single space (As Amplenote does not handle Rich foot note inside a Rich foot note)
// ----------- Section: Categorizing and Formatting Tasks -----------
// Filter and sort tasks that are completed, then format them
const Completed = taskAll
.filter(task => task.completedAt)
.sort((a, b) => sortByTimestamp(a, b, 'completedAt'))
.map(task => `Task: ${task.content.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\[\^?\d*\]:?\s?\[.*?\]\(\)/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')}, Completed At: ${formatUnixTimestamp(task.completedAt)}`);
// Remove newlines // Remove markdown links // Replace multiple spaces with a single space (As Amplenote does not handle Rich foot note inside a Rich foot note)
// Filter and sort tasks that are dismissed, then format them
const Dismissed = taskAll
.filter(task => task.dismissedAt)
.sort((a, b) => sortByTimestamp(a, b, 'dismissedAt'))
.map(task => `Task: ${task.content.replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/\[\^?\d*\]:?\s?\[.*?\]\(\)/g, '').replace(/\s+/g, ' ')}, Dismissed At: ${formatUnixTimestamp(task.dismissedAt)}`);
// Remove newlines // Remove markdown links // Replace multiple spaces with a single space (As Amplenote does not handle Rich foot note inside a Rich foot note)
// Filter and sort tasks that are pending (neither completed nor dismissed), then format them
const Pending = taskAll
.filter(task => !task.completedAt && !task.dismissedAt)
.sort((a, b) => sortByTimestamp(a, b, 'startAt'))
// Display them! Handling Empty
const CompletedTasksDisplay = Completed.length > 0 ? Completed.join('\n') : 'No tasks have been completed yet.';
const DismissedTasksDisplay = Dismissed.length > 0 ? Dismissed.join('\n') : 'No tasks have been dismissed yet.';
const PendingTasksDisplay = Pending.length > 0 ? Pending.join('\n') : 'No tasks is pending.';
// Combine all categorized tasks into a single string output
const allTaskCategorized = `<mark>Task Summary:</mark>\n*<mark>Pending Tasks: #${Pending.length}</mark>*\n${PendingTasksDisplay}\n*<mark>Completed Tasks: #${Completed.length}</mark>*\n${CompletedTasksDisplay}\n*<mark>Dismissed Tasks: #${Dismissed.length}</mark>*\n${DismissedTasksDisplay}`.trim();
// console.log("allTaskCategorized:", allTaskCategorized);
// ----------- Section: Task Progress Calculation -----------
// Count the total number of tasks
const taskAllN = taskAll.length;
// console.log(`Note has ${taskPendingN} tasks pending and ${taskAllN} in total`);
// Calculate the ratio of pending tasks to all tasks
const taskPendingRatio = (taskPendingN / taskAllN);
// console.log(`taskPendingRatio is ${taskPendingRatio}`);
// Calculate the completion ratio as the inverse of the pending ratio
const taskCompletedRatio = (1 - taskPendingRatio);
// console.log(`taskCompletedRatio: ${taskCompletedRatio}`);
// Convert the completed ratio to a percentage for progress tracking
const taskCompletedPercent = Math.round(taskCompletedRatio * 100);
// console.log(`Tasks are ${taskCompletedPercent}% complete.`);
// ----------- Section: Displaying Progress Bar -----------
// Initialize a variable to hold the progress bar string
let taskProgress;
// Set of desired emoji set
const emojiSets = {
default: ['⬛', '🟩'], // Default: Empty and Filled squares
stars: ['☆', '★'], // Stars: Empty and Filled stars
circles: ['⚪', '🔵'], // Circles: Empty and Filled circles
hearts: ['🖤', '❤️'], // Hearts: Empty and Filled hearts
fire: ['🔥', '💥'], // Fire: Fire and Explosion
custom: ['🍫', '🍬'], // Custom: Chocolate and Candy
// New Sets
moons: ['🌑', '🌕'], // Moons: New moon and Full moon
books: ['📖', '📚'], // Books: Open book and Stack of books
faces: ['😐', '😁'], // Faces: Neutral face and Grinning face
trees: ['🌱', '🌳'], // Trees: Seedling and Mature tree
fruits: ['🍏', '🍎'], // Fruits: Green apple and Red apple
paws: ['🐾', '🐾🐾'], // Paws: Single paw and Double paw prints
fish: ['🐟', '🐠'], // Fish: Blue fish and Tropical fish
sports: ['⚽', '🏆'], // Sports: Soccer ball and Trophy
flowers: ['🌸', '🌹'], // Flowers: Cherry blossom and Rose
diamonds: ['💎', '🔷'], // Diamonds: Gem and Blue diamond
planes: ['🛫', '🛬'], // Planes: Take-off and Landing
clouds: ['🌥️', '⛅'], // Clouds: Cloudy and Partly sunny
arrows: ['➡️', '⬅️'], // Arrows: Right arrow and Left arrow
clocks: ['🕰️', '⏰'], // Clocks: Old clock and Alarm clock
notes: ['🎵', '🎶'], // Notes: Single music note and Multiple notes
pencils: ['✏️', '🖊️'], // Pencils: Pencil and Pen
// Set this to the desired emoji set
const selectedSet = app.settings["Emoji"] || "default";
// console.log("selectedSet:", selectedSet);
// Separate Empty and Filled Symbols
const emptySymbol = emojiSets[selectedSet][0];
const filledSymbol = emojiSets[selectedSet][1];
// console.log("filledSymbol, emptySymbol:", filledSymbol, emptySymbol);
// Depending on the completion percentage, display a corresponding progress bar
if (taskCompletedPercent < 10) {
taskProgress = `[${emptySymbol.repeat(10)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 10 && taskCompletedPercent < 20) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol}${emptySymbol.repeat(9)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 20 && taskCompletedPercent < 30) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(2)}${emptySymbol.repeat(8)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 30 && taskCompletedPercent < 40) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(3)}${emptySymbol.repeat(7)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 40 && taskCompletedPercent < 50) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(4)}${emptySymbol.repeat(6)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 50 && taskCompletedPercent < 60) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(5)}${emptySymbol.repeat(5)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 60 && taskCompletedPercent < 70) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(6)}${emptySymbol.repeat(4)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 70 && taskCompletedPercent < 80) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(7)}${emptySymbol.repeat(3)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 80 && taskCompletedPercent < 90) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(8)}${emptySymbol.repeat(2)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent >= 90 && taskCompletedPercent < 100) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(9)}${emptySymbol.repeat(1)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
if (taskCompletedPercent === 100) {
taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(10)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}% ‼`;
// ----------- Section: Adding Categorized Task List to Output -----------
const allTaskCategorizedz = `
[Categorized Task: List View!][^CTLV]
[^CTLV]: []()${allTaskCategorized}
// console.log("allTaskCategorizedz:", allTaskCategorizedz);
// Replace the note content in the 'Progress' section with the progress bar and categorized task list
return app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID }, `${taskProgress}\n${allTaskCategorizedz}`, { section });
// ************************************************************** //
appOption: {
// ************************************************************** //
"Download Extract Report! (Recommended)": async function(app) {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want to Download Extract Report on.",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select the Download Format",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Download as markdown Table", value: "download_md" },
{ label: "Download as CSV (Recommended)", value: "download_csv" },
{ label: "Download as TXT", value: "download_txt" },
{ label: "Download as JSON", value: "download_json" }
// Log the user input (result)
// console.log("User input result:", result);
// Destructure the inputs for OR/AND tags, object type, and download format
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, dwFormat] = result;
// console.log("tagNamesOr:", tagNamesOr);
// console.log("tagNamesAnd:", tagNamesAnd);
// Handle cancellation scenario
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
// if (!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) {
// app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items (Tag OR, Tag AND) must be selected");
// return;
// }
if (!dwFormat) {
app.alert("Note: Select any one of the Download Format.");
// Initialize empty arrays for storing notes and filtered notes
let notesG = [];
// console.log("Initial notes array:", notes);
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
// console.log("tagsArray (from tagNamesOr):", tagsArray);
let filteredNotes = [];
// console.log("Initial filteredNotes array:", filteredNotes);
// Filtering logic based on tags [OR] and [AND]
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
// Filter notes by OR tags (separate search for each tag)
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
// console.log(`Notes filtered by tag "${tag}":`, notesByTag);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
// console.log("filteredNotes after OR filter:", filteredNotes);
// Filter notes by AND tags (combined search for all tags)
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
// console.log("Notes filtered by AND tags:", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after AND filter:", filteredNotes);
} else {
// Default filter if no tags are provided
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// console.log("Notes filtered by default group (^vault):", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after default group filter:", filteredNotes);
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [...new Set(filteredNotes)];
// console.log("filteredNotes after removing duplicates:", filteredNotes);
// Sort the filtered notes by note name in ascending order
filteredNotes.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = (a.name || "").toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase to ensure case-insensitive sorting
const nameB = (b.name || "").toUpperCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
return 0; // Names are equal
// console.log("filteredNotes after sorting by name:", filteredNotes);
notesG = filteredNotes;
// console.log("Final notes array:", notesG);
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
let allTasks = []; // Array to store all tasks
* Formats the task's repeat information.
* @param {string} repeatInfo - The task's repeat information in a specific string format.
* @returns {string} - A formatted string displaying the repeat frequency, start date, and time.
function formatTaskRepeat(repeatInfo) {
if (!repeatInfo || typeof repeatInfo !== 'string') {
return "Not Available"; // Return default message if repeatInfo is missing or not a string
// Split the repeatInfo into lines
const lines = repeatInfo.split('\n').map(line => line.trim());
// Extract date and time from DTSTART
const dtstartLine = lines[0];
const rruleLine = lines[1];
const dtstart = dtstartLine.substring(8); // Remove 'DTSTART:'
const year = dtstart.substring(0, 4);
const month = dtstart.substring(4, 6);
const day = dtstart.substring(6, 8);
const hours = dtstart.substring(8, 10);
const minutes = dtstart.substring(10, 12);
const seconds = dtstart.substring(12, 14);
// Format date and time
const formattedDate = `${month}/${day}/${year}`;
const formattedTime = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
// Parse RRULE to get the repeat frequency
const rrule = rruleLine.substring(10); // Remove 'RRULE:FREQ='
const repeatFrequency = rrule.toUpperCase(); // Convert frequency to uppercase
// Format and return the output
return `${repeatFrequency.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + repeatFrequency.slice(1).toLowerCase()} <b>Starts At:</b> ${formattedDate} at ${formattedTime}`;
* Formats a Unix timestamp into a readable date and time string.
* @param {number} timestamp - The Unix timestamp (in seconds).
* @returns {string} - A formatted string with the date and time or "Not Set!" if no timestamp.
function formatTimestamp(timestamp) {
if (!timestamp) {
return 'Not Set!'; // Return if timestamp is null or undefined
// Create a new Date object from the Unix timestamp (in milliseconds)
const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
// Extract date and time components
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); // Months are zero-based, so add 1
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
// Format and return date and time
const formattedDate = `${month}/${day}/${year}`;
const formattedTime = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
return `${formattedDate} at ${formattedTime}`;
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// Process each task and add relevant info
for (let i = 0; i < taskAll.length; i++) {
const task = taskAll[i];
// Remove unwanted characters and patterns from task.content
const sanitizedContent = (task.content ? task.content : "No Task Content")
.replace(/\n/g, " ") // Replace newline characters with space
.replace(/\*\*|~~/g, "") // Remove markdown formatting like ** and ~~
.replace(/<!--.*?-->/g, "") // Remove HTML comments
.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); // Remove HTML tags, including <mark> and attributes
// Sanitize noteHandleG.name to retain only letters and numbers
const sanitizedNoteName = (noteHandleG.name ? noteHandleG.name : "Untitled Note").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "");
content: sanitizedContent, // Use the sanitized content
notename: sanitizedNoteName, // Use the sanitized note name
noteurl: `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}`,
tags: `${noteHandleG.tags}`,
startAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.startAt)}`,
hideUntilz: `${formatTimestamp(task.hideUntil)}`,
endAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.endAt)}`,
completedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.completedAt)}`,
dismissedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.dismissedAt)}`,
repeatz: `${formatTaskRepeat(task.repeat)}`,
startAt: task.startAt ?? null,
hideUntil: task.hideUntil ?? null,
endAt: task.endAt ?? null,
completedAt: task.completedAt ?? null, // Use null if undefined
dismissedAt: task.dismissedAt ?? null,
repeat: task.repeat ?? null,
important: task.important ?? null,
urgent: task.urgent ?? null,
score: task.score ?? null,
uuid: task.uuid ?? null,
noteUUID: task.noteUUID ?? null,
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
results = Array.from(allTasks);
console.log("results:", results);
function downloadResults(results, dwFormat) {
// Helper function to convert data to CSV
function toCSV(data) {
if (data.length === 0) return ""; // Handle empty data case
// Create the header row
const headers = Object.keys(data[0]).map(field => `"${field}"`).join(",");
// Map each object to a CSV row, wrapping each value in double quotes
const rows = data.map(obj =>
.map(value => `"${String(value).replace(/"/g, '""')}"`) // Escape double quotes by doubling them
return [headers, ...rows].join("\n"); // Combine headers and rows with newline
// Helper function to download a file
function downloadFile(filename, content, contentType) {
const blob = new Blob([content], { type: contentType });
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = filename;
let content = "";
let filename = "Task Manager Pro - Export";
let contentType = "text/plain";
switch (dwFormat) {
case "download_md":
content = results
.map(task => `| ${Object.values(task).join(" | ")} |`)
const headers = `| ${Object.keys(results[0]).join(" | ")} |`;
const divider = `| ${Object.keys(results[0]).map(() => "---").join(" | ")} |`;
content = `${headers}\n${divider}\n${content}`;
filename += ".md";
contentType = "text/markdown";
case "download_csv":
content = toCSV(results); // Convert results to CSV with proper escaping
filename += ".csv";
contentType = "text/csv";
case "download_txt":
content = results
.map(task => JSON.stringify(task, null, 2))
filename += ".txt";
case "download_json":
content = JSON.stringify(results, null, 2); // Pretty JSON
filename += ".json";
contentType = "application/json";
console.error("Unknown format selected:", dwFormat);
// Trigger the download
downloadFile(filename, content, contentType);
// Set the format based on user selection
downloadResults(results, dwFormat);
// ************************************************************** //
"Filtered Report - Summary! (Recommended)": async function(app) {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want a Filtered Report - Summary Extract Report on. Note: If Tag selection is not made, all the Notes will be considered.",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select the Time Duration",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Today", value: "today" },
{ label: "Yesterday", value: "yesterday" },
{ label: "This Week", value: "thisweek" },
{ label: "Last Week", value: "lastweek" },
{ label: "This Month", value: "thismonth" },
{ label: "Last Month", value: "lastmonth" },
{ label: "ALL", value: "all" },
{ label: "Custom Dates", value: "custom" }
value: "today"
label: "Select the Task Status",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Completed", value: "completed" },
{ label: "Dismissed", value: "dismissed" },
{ label: "Hidden", value: "hidden" },
{ label: "Starts", value: "starts" },
{ label: "Ends", value: "ends" }
value: "completed"
label: "Select the Priority",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "All", value: "all" },
{ label: "None", value: "none" },
{ label: "Important", value: "imp" },
{ label: "Urgent", value: "urg" },
{ label: "Important & Urgent", value: "imp_urg" }
value: "all"
label: "Select the Download/Output Method",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Insert into New Note", value: "new" },
// { label: "Copy Content", value: "copy" },
{ label: "Download as markdown Table", value: "download_md" },
{ label: "Download as CSV (Recommended)", value: "download_csv" },
{ label: "Download as TXT", value: "download_txt" },
{ label: "Download as JSON", value: "download_json" }
value: "new"
// Log the user input (result)
// console.log("User input result:", result);
// Destructure the inputs for OR/AND tags, object type, and download format
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, timeSpan, taskStatus, taskPriority, dwFormat] = result;
// console.log("tagNamesOr:", tagNamesOr);
// console.log("tagNamesAnd:", tagNamesAnd);
// Handle cancellation scenario
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
/* if (!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) {
app.alert("Note: Select any one of the Tag condition.");
} */
function formatDate(date) {
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
const month = monthNames[date.getMonth()];
const year = date.getFullYear();
return `${day}-${month}-${year}`;
// Usage
const today = new Date();
// console.log(formatDate(today)); // Example output: "21-Nov-2024"
let fromDate, tillDate;
if (timeSpan === "custom") {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const resultDate = await app.prompt(
"Select Time Span on which you want a Filtered Report - Summary Extract Report on.",
inputs: [
{ label: "From Date (Edit the Month/Date/Year)", value: formatDate(today), type: "string" },
{ label: "Till Date (Edit the Month/Date/Year)", value: formatDate(today), type: "string" }
[fromDate, tillDate] = resultDate;
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
if (!fromDate || !tillDate) {
app.alert("Note: Select both the Date conditions.");
// Initialize empty arrays for storing notes and filtered notes
let notesG = [];
// console.log("Initial notes array:", notes);
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
// console.log("tagsArray (from tagNamesOr):", tagsArray);
let filteredNotes = [];
// console.log("Initial filteredNotes array:", filteredNotes);
// Filtering logic based on tags [OR] and [AND]
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
// Filter notes by OR tags (separate search for each tag)
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
// console.log(`Notes filtered by tag "${tag}":`, notesByTag);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
// console.log("filteredNotes after OR filter:", filteredNotes);
// Filter notes by AND tags (combined search for all tags)
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
// console.log("Notes filtered by AND tags:", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after AND filter:", filteredNotes);
} else {
// Default filter if no tags are provided
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// console.log("Notes filtered by default group (^vault):", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after default group filter:", filteredNotes);
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [...new Set(filteredNotes)];
// console.log("filteredNotes after removing duplicates:", filteredNotes);
// Sort the filtered notes by note name in ascending order
filteredNotes.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = (a.name || "").toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase to ensure case-insensitive sorting
const nameB = (b.name || "").toUpperCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
return 0; // Names are equal
// console.log("filteredNotes after sorting by name:", filteredNotes);
notesG = filteredNotes;
// console.log("Final notes array:", notesG);
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
let allTasks = []; // Array to store all tasks
* Formats the task's repeat information.
* @param {string} repeatInfo - The task's repeat information in a specific string format.
* @returns {string} - A formatted string displaying the repeat frequency, start date, and time.
function formatTaskRepeat(repeatInfo) {
if (!repeatInfo || typeof repeatInfo !== 'string') {
return "Not Available"; // Return default message if repeatInfo is missing or not a string
// Split the repeatInfo into lines
const lines = repeatInfo.split('\n').map(line => line.trim());
// Extract date and time from DTSTART
const dtstartLine = lines[0];
const rruleLine = lines[1];
const dtstart = dtstartLine.substring(8); // Remove 'DTSTART:'
const year = dtstart.substring(0, 4);
const month = dtstart.substring(4, 6);
const day = dtstart.substring(6, 8);
const hours = dtstart.substring(8, 10);
const minutes = dtstart.substring(10, 12);
const seconds = dtstart.substring(12, 14);
// Format date and time
const formattedDate = `${month}/${day}/${year}`;
const formattedTime = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
// Parse RRULE to get the repeat frequency
const rrule = rruleLine.substring(10); // Remove 'RRULE:FREQ='
const repeatFrequency = rrule.toUpperCase(); // Convert frequency to uppercase
// Format and return the output
return `${repeatFrequency.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + repeatFrequency.slice(1).toLowerCase()} <b>Starts At:</b> ${formattedDate} at ${formattedTime}`;
* Formats a Unix timestamp into a readable date and time string.
* @param {number} timestamp - The Unix timestamp (in seconds).
* @returns {string} - A formatted string with the date and time or "Not Set!" if no timestamp.
function formatTimestamp(timestamp) {
if (!timestamp) {
return 'Not Set!'; // Return if timestamp is null or undefined
// Create a new Date object from the Unix timestamp (in milliseconds)
const date = new Date(timestamp * 1000);
// Extract date and time components
const year = date.getFullYear();
const month = String(date.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0'); // Months are zero-based, so add 1
const day = String(date.getDate()).padStart(2, '0');
const hours = String(date.getHours()).padStart(2, '0');
const minutes = String(date.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0');
const seconds = String(date.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0');
// Format and return date and time
const formattedDate = `${month}/${day}/${year}`;
const formattedTime = `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
return `${formattedDate} at ${formattedTime}`;
// Helper function to parse date in "dd-MMM-yyyy" format to a Date object
function parseCustomDate(dateStr) {
const [day, monthStr, year] = dateStr.split('-');
const monthNames = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
const month = monthNames.indexOf(monthStr);
return new Date(year, month, day);
// Helper functions to handle time-based filtering
function isWithinTimeSpan(taskDate) {
if (!taskDate) return false;
const taskTime = new Date(taskDate * 1000); // Convert UNIX timestamp to Date
const now = new Date();
// Parse custom date ranges only if needed
const fromParsedDate = timeSpan === "custom" ? parseCustomDate(fromDate) : null;
const tillParsedDate = timeSpan === "custom" ? parseCustomDate(tillDate) : null;
switch (timeSpan) {
case "today":
return taskTime.toDateString() === now.toDateString();
case "yesterday":
const yesterday = new Date(now);
yesterday.setDate(now.getDate() - 1);
return taskTime.toDateString() === yesterday.toDateString();
case "thisweek":
const startOfWeek = new Date(now);
startOfWeek.setDate(now.getDate() - now.getDay());
return taskTime >= startOfWeek && taskTime <= now;
case "lastweek":
const lastWeekStart = new Date(now);
lastWeekStart.setDate(now.getDate() - now.getDay() - 7);
const lastWeekEnd = new Date(lastWeekStart);
lastWeekEnd.setDate(lastWeekStart.getDate() + 6);
return taskTime >= lastWeekStart && taskTime <= lastWeekEnd;
case "thismonth":
const startOfMonth = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 1);
return taskTime >= startOfMonth && taskTime <= now;
case "lastmonth":
const lastMonthStart = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() - 1, 1);
const lastMonthEnd = new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth(), 0);
return taskTime >= lastMonthStart && taskTime <= lastMonthEnd;
case "custom":
return taskTime >= fromParsedDate && taskTime <= tillParsedDate;
case "all":
return true;
return false;
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// Process each task and add relevant info based on filters
for (let i = 0; i < taskAll.length; i++) {
const task = taskAll[i];
// Filter by task status
if (
(taskStatus === "completed" && !task.completedAt) ||
(taskStatus === "dismissed" && !task.dismissedAt) ||
(taskStatus === "hidden" && !task.hideUntil) ||
(taskStatus === "starts" && !task.startAt) ||
(taskStatus === "ends" && !task.endAt)
) {
continue; // Skip tasks that don't match the selected status
// Filter by priority
if (
(taskPriority === "imp" && !task.important) ||
(taskPriority === "urg" && !task.urgent) ||
(taskPriority === "imp_urg" && (!task.important || !task.urgent)) ||
(taskPriority === "none" && (task.important || task.urgent))
) {
continue; // Skip tasks that don't match the priority
// Filter by time span
const taskDate =
taskStatus === "completed" ? task.completedAt :
taskStatus === "dismissed" ? task.dismissedAt :
taskStatus === "hidden" ? task.hideUntil :
taskStatus === "starts" ? task.startAt :
taskStatus === "ends" ? task.endAt : null;
if (!isWithinTimeSpan(taskDate)) {
continue; // Skip tasks outside the time span
// Remove unwanted characters and patterns from task.content
const sanitizedContent = (task.content ? task.content : "No Task Content")
.replace(/\n/g, " ") // Replace newline characters with space
.replace(/\*\*|~~/g, "") // Remove markdown formatting like ** and ~~
.replace(/<!--.*?-->/g, "") // Remove HTML comments
.replace(/<[^>]+>/g, ""); // Remove HTML tags, including <mark> and attributes
// Sanitize noteHandleG.name to retain only letters and numbers
const sanitizedNoteName = (noteHandleG.name ? noteHandleG.name : "Untitled Note").replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9 ]/g, "");
if (dwFormat === "new") {
content: task.content, // Use the non sanitized content
notename: noteHandleG.name, // Use the sanitized note name
noteurl: `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}`,
tags: `${noteHandleG.tags}`,
startAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.startAt)}`,
hideUntilz: `${formatTimestamp(task.hideUntil)}`,
endAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.endAt)}`,
completedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.completedAt)}`,
dismissedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.dismissedAt)}`,
repeatz: `${formatTaskRepeat(task.repeat)}`,
startAt: task.startAt ?? null,
hideUntil: task.hideUntil ?? null,
endAt: task.endAt ?? null,
completedAt: task.completedAt ?? null, // Use null if undefined
dismissedAt: task.dismissedAt ?? null,
repeat: task.repeat ?? null,
important: task.important ?? null,
urgent: task.urgent ?? null,
score: task.score ?? null,
uuid: task.uuid ?? null,
noteUUID: task.noteUUID ?? null,
} else {
content: sanitizedContent, // Use the sanitized content
notename: sanitizedNoteName, // Use the sanitized note name
noteurl: `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}`,
tags: `${noteHandleG.tags}`,
startAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.startAt)}`,
hideUntilz: `${formatTimestamp(task.hideUntil)}`,
endAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.endAt)}`,
completedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.completedAt)}`,
dismissedAtz: `${formatTimestamp(task.dismissedAt)}`,
repeatz: `${formatTaskRepeat(task.repeat)}`,
startAt: task.startAt ?? null,
hideUntil: task.hideUntil ?? null,
endAt: task.endAt ?? null,
completedAt: task.completedAt ?? null, // Use null if undefined
dismissedAt: task.dismissedAt ?? null,
repeat: task.repeat ?? null,
important: task.important ?? null,
urgent: task.urgent ?? null,
score: task.score ?? null,
uuid: task.uuid ?? null,
noteUUID: task.noteUUID ?? null,
// Helper function to get the relevant task date based on task status
function getTaskDate(task, status) {
switch (status) {
case "completed":
return task.completedAt;
case "dismissed":
return task.dismissedAt;
case "hidden":
return task.hideUntil;
case "starts":
return task.startAt;
case "ends":
return task.endAt;
return null;
// Function to handle the sorting of tasks based on taskStatus
function sortTasksByStatus(tasks, taskStatus) {
return tasks.sort((a, b) => {
const taskDateA = getTaskDate(a, taskStatus);
const taskDateB = getTaskDate(b, taskStatus);
if (taskDateA && taskDateB) {
return taskDateA - taskDateB; // Sort in ascending order (oldest first)
} else if (taskDateA) {
return -1; // A comes first if only taskDateA is present
} else if (taskDateB) {
return 1; // B comes first if only taskDateB is present
return 0; // If neither taskDateA nor taskDateB exists, no change in order
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
console.log("allTasks:", allTasks);
// Convert allTasks to a new array and sort by taskStatus
results = sortTasksByStatus(Array.from(allTasks), taskStatus);
console.log("results:", results);
// const dwFormat = "download_json";
// ----------- Section: Creating a New Note -----------
// Define the filename for the new note.
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `TM_Filter_Report_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
if (dwFormat === "new") {
let resultText = results
.map(task => {
// Determine the status-specific field (e.g., completedAt, dismissedAt, etc.)
const statusField = taskStatus === "completed" ? task.completedAtz :
taskStatus === "dismissed" ? task.dismissedAtz :
taskStatus === "hidden" ? task.hideUntilz :
taskStatus === "starts" ? task.startAtz :
taskStatus === "ends" ? task.endAtz : null;
// Handle emojis in a single statement
const emojis = `${task.important ? "⭐" : ""} ${task.urgent ? "⚠️" : ""}`.trim();
// Format the result string as per your requirements
return `- [${statusField}] (${task.notename}) ${emojis} ${task.content}`;
resultText += `\n>**Decode:** [Time], (Note), Priority Icon, Task Content`;
resultText += `\n>**Priority Icon:** ⭐ - Important. ⚠️ - Urgent\n`;
resultText += `
### Readme! - <mark>Task Manager - Filter Report - Summary!</mark> <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
> **Tag/s OR:** ${tagNamesOr}
> **Tag/s AND:** ${tagNamesAnd}
> **Time Span:** ${timeSpan}
> **Custom Time Span:** ${fromDate} - **Time Span:** ${tillDate}
> **Time Status:** ${taskStatus}
> **Time Priority:** ${taskPriority}
> **Download/Output Format:** ${dwFormat}
> **Generated At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}
// Create a new note with the specified filename and tag, then insert the result text into it.
let noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-task-manager"]);
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, resultText);
await app.navigate(`https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteUUIDNew}`);
} else {
function downloadResults(results, dwFormat) {
// Helper function to convert data to CSV
function toCSV(data) {
if (data.length === 0) return ""; // Handle empty data case
// Create the header row
const headers = Object.keys(data[0]).map(field => `"${field}"`).join(",");
// Map each object to a CSV row, wrapping each value in double quotes
const rows = data.map(obj =>
.map(value => `"${String(value).replace(/"/g, '""')}"`) // Escape double quotes by doubling them
return [headers, ...rows].join("\n"); // Combine headers and rows with newline
// Helper function to download a file
function downloadFile(filename, content, contentType) {
const blob = new Blob([content], { type: contentType });
const link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
link.download = filename;
let content = "";
let filename = "Task Manager Pro - Export";
let contentType = "text/plain";
switch (dwFormat) {
case "download_md":
content = results
.map(task => `| ${Object.values(task).join(" | ")} |`)
const headers = `| ${Object.keys(results[0]).join(" | ")} |`;
const divider = `| ${Object.keys(results[0]).map(() => "---").join(" | ")} |`;
content = `${headers}\n${divider}\n${content}`;
filename += ".md";
contentType = "text/markdown";
case "download_csv":
content = toCSV(results); // Convert results to CSV with proper escaping
filename += ".csv";
contentType = "text/csv";
case "download_txt":
content = results
.map(task => JSON.stringify(task, null, 2))
filename += ".txt";
case "download_json":
content = JSON.stringify(results, null, 2); // Pretty JSON
filename += ".json";
contentType = "application/json";
console.error("Unknown format selected:", dwFormat);
// Trigger the download
downloadFile(filename, content, contentType);
// Set the format based on user selection
downloadResults(results, dwFormat);
} // Else condition for download
// ************************************************************** //
"Report Active Tasks!": async function(app) {
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
// Initialize a Set to hold the names of notes that belong to a specific group.
let notesGroupNames = new Set();
// let notesGroup = "taskLists";
// ----------- Section: Filtering Notes by Group -----------
// Filter notes based on the specified group.
// let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ group: notesGroup });
let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ });
// console.log("notesG:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Sorting Notes -----------
// Sort the filtered notes alphabetically by name. If a note's name is null or undefined,
// an empty string is used as a fallback to avoid errors.
notesG.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = a.name || "";
const nameB = b.name || "";
return nameA.localeCompare(nameB);
// console.log("notesG Sorted name:", notesG);
// Sort the list of results based on the tag
notesG.sort((a, b) => a.tags.join(", ").localeCompare(b.tags.join(", ")));
// console.log("notesG Sorted tags:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Displaying Progress Bar -----------
// Function to generate a progress bar with dynamic emoji sets
function getTaskProgressBar(taskCompletedPercent) {
// Set of desired emoji sets
const emojiSets = {
default: ['⬛', '🟩'], // Default: Empty and Filled squares
stars: ['☆', '★'], // Stars: Empty and Filled stars
circles: ['⚪', '🔵'], // Circles: Empty and Filled circles
hearts: ['🖤', '❤️'], // Hearts: Empty and Filled hearts
fire: ['🔥', '💥'], // Fire: Fire and Explosion
custom: ['🍫', '🍬'], // Custom: Chocolate and Candy
moons: ['🌑', '🌕'], // Moons: New moon and Full moon
books: ['📖', '📚'], // Books: Open book and Stack of books
faces: ['😐', '😁'], // Faces: Neutral face and Grinning face
trees: ['🌱', '🌳'], // Trees: Seedling and Mature tree
fruits: ['🍏', '🍎'], // Fruits: Green apple and Red apple
paws: ['🐾', '🐾🐾'], // Paws: Single paw and Double paw prints
fish: ['🐟', '🐠'], // Fish: Blue fish and Tropical fish
sports: ['⚽', '🏆'], // Sports: Soccer ball and Trophy
flowers: ['🌸', '🌹'], // Flowers: Cherry blossom and Rose
diamonds: ['💎', '🔷'], // Diamonds: Gem and Blue diamond
planes: ['🛫', '🛬'], // Planes: Take-off and Landing
clouds: ['🌥️', '⛅'], // Clouds: Cloudy and Partly sunny
arrows: ['➡️', '⬅️'], // Arrows: Right arrow and Left arrow
clocks: ['🕰️', '⏰'], // Clocks: Old clock and Alarm clock
notes: ['🎵', '🎶'], // Notes: Single music note and Multiple notes
pencils: ['✏️', '🖊️'], // Pencils: Pencil and Pen
// Select the desired emoji set
const selectedSet = app.settings["Emoji"] || "default";
const [emptySymbol, filledSymbol] = emojiSets[selectedSet];
// Calculate the number of filled and empty symbols
const filledCount = Math.floor(taskCompletedPercent / 10);
const emptyCount = 10 - filledCount;
// Construct the progress bar string
let taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(filledCount)}${emptySymbol.repeat(emptyCount)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
// Add a special mark for 100% completion
if (taskCompletedPercent === 100) {
taskProgress += ` ‼`;
return taskProgress;
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
// console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// Filter tasks into three categories: Completed, Dismissed, and Pending.
const Completed = taskAll.filter(task => task.completedAt);
const Dismissed = taskAll.filter(task => task.dismissedAt);
const Pending = taskAll.filter(task => !task.completedAt && !task.dismissedAt);
// const totalScore = taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0);
const totalScore = parseFloat(taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0).toFixed(2));
// console.log("Completed, Dismissed, Pending:", Completed, Dismissed, Pending);
// console.log("totalScore:", totalScore);
if (Pending.length != 0) {
// Generate a string representing the task statistics.
// const TaskStats = `Pending Tasks: (#${Pending.length}), Completed Tasks: (#${Completed.length}), Dismissed Tasks: (#${Dismissed.length})`;
// console.log("TaskStats:", TaskStats);
// Calculate the task progress as a percentage, ensuring that division by zero is avoided.
const totalTasks = Pending.length + Completed.length + Dismissed.length;
const taskCompletedPercent = totalTasks > 0 ? Math.round((1 - (Pending.length / totalTasks)) * 100) : 0;
// console.log("totalTasks:", totalTasks);
// console.log("taskCompletedPercent:", taskCompletedPercent);
// Building the Progress Bar
const taskProgress = getTaskProgressBar(taskCompletedPercent);
// console.log("taskCompletedPercent:", taskCompletedPercent);
// Add the note information to the Set, including the note's name, tags, task progress, and statistics.
// notesGroupNames.add(`| [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${noteHandleG.tags} | ${taskCompletedPercent}% | ${TaskStats} |`); // Format 1
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | |`); // Format 2
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | ${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | |`); // Format 3
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | ${totalScore} | |`); // Format 4
notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${(Pending.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Pending.length)} | ${(Completed.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Completed.length)} | ${(Dismissed.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Dismissed.length)} | ${totalScore} | |`); // Format 4+
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
results = Array.from(notesGroupNames);
// console.log("results:", results);
const horizontalLine = `
// Readme Notes
const readmeNotes = `
# Readme! - <mark>Task Manager - Active Tasks!</mark> <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
- Below are list of Notes with respective Details, having at least one Pending or Un-completed Task in the Note.
- By clicking on the Note Link, the Pop-down window opens up displaying the Note content.
- (You can add the \`Task Manager: Note\` into those pages too to get a detailed \`Categorized Task: List View!\`)
- You can add your Comments to this page for your reference!
- <mark>Tip:</mark> You can generate, \`Task Manager Pro: R-Active!\` once in a week/month and organize your Task respectively.
- <mark>Legends:</mark> \`❗ (Pending Tasks), ✔️ (Completed Tasks), ✖️ (Dismissed Tasks), 🔢 (Total Task Score), ✒️ (Add your Comments).\`
/* const readmeNotesX = `
### Readme!
- Above are list of Notes with respective Details, having atleast one Pending or Un-completed Task in the Note.
- By clicking on the Note Link, the Pop-down window opens up displaying the Note content.
- (You can add the \`Task Manager: Note\` into those pages too to get a detailed \`Categorized Task: List View!\`)
- You can add your Comments to this page for your reference!
- <mark>Tip:</mark> You can generate, \`Task Manager: All Notes\` once in a week/month and organise your Task respectively.
- <mark>Note:</mark> Once you are generating the new Report, then you can delete all the Note Links (So that they do not show up in your Backlinks!),
- If you need the backlinks, you can delete the Note Names.
- <mark>Legends:</mark> \`❗ (Pending Tasks), ✔️ (Completed Tasks), ✖️ (Dismissed Tasks), ✒️ (Add your Comments).\`
`; // Format 3
// Create the final result text as a markdown table, including headers and the joined note information.
let resultText;
resultText = `${readmeNotes}\n`;
// resultText = "| Note Name | Tags | Task completion % | Task Stats |\n|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 1
// resultText = "| Tags | Note Name | Progress Bar | Pending | Completed | Dismissed | Comments |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 2a
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Name 📝 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 2b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Name 📝 | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 3
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 4
resultText += "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n||| Total |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)||\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n||| Total |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)||\n| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n"; // Format 4b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n||| Total |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)||\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 4b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n||| Total |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)||\n"; // Format 4a
// resultText += `\n\n${readmeNotes}`;
// console.log("resultText:", resultText);
// ----------- Section: Creating a New Note -----------
// Define the filename for the new note.
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `TM_Overall_Act_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// Create a new note with the specified filename and tag, then insert the result text into it.
let noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-task-manager"]);
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, resultText);
await app.navigate(`https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteUUIDNew}`);
// ************************************************************** //
"Report Finished Tasks!": async function(app) {
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
// Initialize a Set to hold the names of notes that belong to a specific group.
let notesGroupNames = new Set();
// let notesGroup = "^taskLists";
// ----------- Section: Filtering Notes by Group -----------
// Filter notes based on the specified group.
// let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ group: notesGroup });
let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ });
// console.log("notesG:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Sorting Notes -----------
// Sort the filtered notes alphabetically by name. If a note's name is null or undefined,
// an empty string is used as a fallback to avoid errors.
notesG.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = a.name || "";
const nameB = b.name || "";
return nameA.localeCompare(nameB);
// console.log("notesG Sorted name:", notesG);
// Sort the list of results based on the tag
notesG.sort((a, b) => a.tags.join(", ").localeCompare(b.tags.join(", ")));
// console.log("notesG Sorted tags:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Displaying Progress Bar -----------
// Function to generate a progress bar with dynamic emoji sets
function getTaskProgressBar(taskCompletedPercent) {
// Set of desired emoji sets
const emojiSets = {
default: ['⬛', '🟩'], // Default: Empty and Filled squares
stars: ['☆', '★'], // Stars: Empty and Filled stars
circles: ['⚪', '🔵'], // Circles: Empty and Filled circles
hearts: ['🖤', '❤️'], // Hearts: Empty and Filled hearts
fire: ['🔥', '💥'], // Fire: Fire and Explosion
custom: ['🍫', '🍬'], // Custom: Chocolate and Candy
moons: ['🌑', '🌕'], // Moons: New moon and Full moon
books: ['📖', '📚'], // Books: Open book and Stack of books
faces: ['😐', '😁'], // Faces: Neutral face and Grinning face
trees: ['🌱', '🌳'], // Trees: Seedling and Mature tree
fruits: ['🍏', '🍎'], // Fruits: Green apple and Red apple
paws: ['🐾', '🐾🐾'], // Paws: Single paw and Double paw prints
fish: ['🐟', '🐠'], // Fish: Blue fish and Tropical fish
sports: ['⚽', '🏆'], // Sports: Soccer ball and Trophy
flowers: ['🌸', '🌹'], // Flowers: Cherry blossom and Rose
diamonds: ['💎', '🔷'], // Diamonds: Gem and Blue diamond
planes: ['🛫', '🛬'], // Planes: Take-off and Landing
clouds: ['🌥️', '⛅'], // Clouds: Cloudy and Partly sunny
arrows: ['➡️', '⬅️'], // Arrows: Right arrow and Left arrow
clocks: ['🕰️', '⏰'], // Clocks: Old clock and Alarm clock
notes: ['🎵', '🎶'], // Notes: Single music note and Multiple notes
pencils: ['✏️', '🖊️'], // Pencils: Pencil and Pen
// Select the desired emoji set
const selectedSet = app.settings["Emoji"] || "default";
const [emptySymbol, filledSymbol] = emojiSets[selectedSet];
// Calculate the number of filled and empty symbols
const filledCount = Math.floor(taskCompletedPercent / 10);
const emptyCount = 10 - filledCount;
// Construct the progress bar string
let taskProgress = `[${filledSymbol.repeat(filledCount)}${emptySymbol.repeat(emptyCount)}] ${taskCompletedPercent}%`;
// Add a special mark for 100% completion
if (taskCompletedPercent === 100) {
taskProgress += ` ‼`;
return taskProgress;
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
// console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// Filter tasks into three categories: Completed, Dismissed, and Pending.
const Completed = taskAll.filter(task => task.completedAt);
const Dismissed = taskAll.filter(task => task.dismissedAt);
const Pending = taskAll.filter(task => !task.completedAt && !task.dismissedAt);
// const totalScore = taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0);
const totalScore = parseFloat(taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0).toFixed(2));
// console.log("Completed, Dismissed, Pending:", Completed, Dismissed, Pending);
// console.log("totalScore:", totalScore);
if (Pending.length === 0 && (Completed.length !=0 || Dismissed.length !=0)) {
// Generate a string representing the task statistics.
// const TaskStats = `Pending Tasks: (#${Pending.length}), Completed Tasks: (#${Completed.length}), Dismissed Tasks: (#${Dismissed.length})`;
// console.log("TaskStats:", TaskStats);
// Calculate the task progress as a percentage, ensuring that division by zero is avoided.
const totalTasks = Pending.length + Completed.length + Dismissed.length;
const taskCompletedPercent = totalTasks > 0 ? Math.round((1 - (Pending.length / totalTasks)) * 100) : 0;
// console.log("totalTasks:", totalTasks);
// console.log("taskCompletedPercent:", taskCompletedPercent);
// Building the Progress Bar
const taskProgress = getTaskProgressBar(taskCompletedPercent);
// console.log("taskCompletedPercent:", taskCompletedPercent);
// Add the note information to the Set, including the note's name, tags, task progress, and statistics.
// notesGroupNames.add(`| [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${noteHandleG.tags} | ${taskCompletedPercent}% | ${TaskStats} |`); // Format 1
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | |`); // Format 2
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | ${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | |`); // Format 3
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${Pending.length} | ${Completed.length} | ${Dismissed.length} | ${totalScore} | |`); // Format 4
notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${taskProgress} | ${(Pending.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Pending.length)} | ${(Completed.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Completed.length)} | ${(Dismissed.length === 0 ? ' - ' : Dismissed.length)} | ${totalScore} | |`); // Format 4+
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
results = Array.from(notesGroupNames);
// console.log("results:", results);
const horizontalLine = `
// Readme Notes
const readmeNotes = `
# Readme! - <mark>Task Manager - Finished Tasks!</mark> <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
- Below are list of Notes with respective Details, having no Pending or Un-completed Task, but has at least one Completed or Dismissed Task in the Note.
- By clicking on the Note Link, the Pop-down window opens up displaying the Note content.
- (You can add the \`Task Manager: Note\` into those pages too to get a detailed \`Categorized Task: List View!\`)
- You can add your Comments to this page for your reference!
- <mark>Tip:</mark> You can generate, \`Task Manager Pro: R-Finished!\` once in a week/month and organize your Task respectively.
- <mark>Legends:</mark> \`❗ (Pending Tasks), ✔️ (Completed Tasks), ✖️ (Dismissed Tasks), 🔢 (Total Task Score), ✒️ (Add your Comments).\`
// Create the final result text as a markdown table, including headers and the joined note information.
let resultText;
resultText = `${readmeNotes}\n`;
// resultText = "| Note Name | Tags | Task completion % | Task Stats |\n|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 1
// resultText = "| Tags | Note Name | Progress Bar | Pending | Completed | Dismissed | Comments |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 2a
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Name 📝 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 2b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Name 📝 | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 3
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 4
resultText += "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n||| Total |0|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)||\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n||| Total |0|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)||\n| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n"; // Format 4b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n||| Total |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)||\n" + results.join("\n"); // Format 4b
// resultText = "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | Progress Bar 📊 | ❗ | ✔️ | ✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n||| Total |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)||\n"; // Format 4a
// resultText += `\n\n${readmeNotes}`;
// console.log("resultText:", resultText);
// ----------- Section: Creating a New Note -----------
// Define the filename for the new note.
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `TM_Overall_Fin_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// Create a new note with the specified filename and tag, then insert the result text into it.
let noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-task-manager"]);
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, resultText);
await app.navigate(`https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteUUIDNew}`);
// ************************************************************** //
"Trend Over Dates!": async function(app) {
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
// Initialize a Set to hold the names of notes that belong to a specific group.
let notesGroupNamesA = [];
let notesGroupNames = new Set();
// let notesGroup = "^taskLists";
// ----------- Section: Filtering Notes by Group -----------
// Filter notes based on the specified group.
// let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ group: notesGroup });
let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ });
// console.log("notesG:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
// Filter tasks into three categories: Completed, Dismissed, and Pending.
const Completed = taskAll.filter(task => task.completedAt);
const Dismissed = taskAll.filter(task => task.dismissedAt);
const Pending = taskAll.filter(task => !task.completedAt && !task.dismissedAt);
// const totalScore = taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0);
// const totalScore = parseFloat(taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0).toFixed(2));
// console.log("Completed, Dismissed, Pending:", Completed, Dismissed, Pending);
// console.log("totalScore:", totalScore);
// if (Pending.length === 0 && (Completed.length !=0 || Dismissed.length !=0)) {
if (Completed.length !=0 || Dismissed.length !=0) {
// Classify each task into the appropriate quadrant
for (const task of taskAll) {
if (task.completedAt) {
// Completed Tasks
const formattedDate = new Date(task.completedAt * 1000).toLocaleDateString('en-GB', { day: '2-digit', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }).replace(/\./g, '');
if (task.dismissedAt) {
// Dismissed Tasks
const formattedDate = new Date(task.dismissedAt * 1000).toLocaleDateString('en-GB', { day: '2-digit', month: 'short', year: 'numeric' }).replace(/\./g, '');
// Add the note information to the Set, including the note's name, tags, task progress, and statistics.
// Step 1: Sort notesGroupNamesA by date (no need for notesGroupMap)
const sortedEntries = [...notesGroupNamesA].sort((entryA, entryB) => {
const [dateA] = entryA.split(',');
const [dateB] = entryB.split(',');
return new Date(dateA) - new Date(dateB);
// Step 2: Create a map to group tasks by date and status
const notesGroupMap = new Map();
for (const entry of sortedEntries) {
const [date, score, status] = entry.split(',');
const scoreValue = parseFloat(score);
// Create a unique key by combining date and status
const key = `${date}-${status}`;
// If the combination of date and status already exists in the map, update its count and score
if (notesGroupMap.has(key)) {
const existingEntry = notesGroupMap.get(key);
existingEntry.count += 1;
existingEntry.totalScore += scoreValue;
} else {
// If the combination of date and status doesn't exist, create a new entry
notesGroupMap.set(key, { count: 1, totalScore: scoreValue, status });
// Step 3: Prepare the result for notesGroupNames
for (const [key, data] of notesGroupMap) {
const [date, status] = key.split('-'); // Split the key back into date and status
notesGroupNames.add(`|${date}|${data.count}|${data.totalScore.toFixed(2)}|${status}| |`);
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
results = Array.from(notesGroupNames);
// console.log("notesGroupNamesA:", notesGroupNamesA);
// console.log("notesGroupNames:", notesGroupNames);
// console.log("results:", results);
const horizontalLine = `
// Readme Notes
const readmeNotes = `
# Readme! - <mark>Task Manager - Tasks Trend!</mark> <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
- Below are list of Task Metrics based on Date, having at least one Completed or Dismissed Task in the Note. Sorted and Pivoted by Date + Status.
- You can add your Comments to this page for your reference!
- <mark>Tip:</mark> You can generate, \`Task Manager Pro: Trend!\` once in a week/month and organize your Task respectively.
- <mark>Visualization:</mark> Using my [Graph Utility Plugin](https://www.amplenote.com/plugins/sDBcbBrdEhAuerZ5HzLyaTn5) - **Viewer!** Option, You can Visualize the Trend over the period of time, for task count and task score gained on a particular day.
// Create the final result text as a markdown table, including headers and the joined note information.
let resultText;
resultText = `${readmeNotes}\n`;
resultText += "| Date 📅 | Task Count 🔢 | Total Score 🔢 | Status ✔️✖️ | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|\n| Total |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|||\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n| Total |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|||\n| Date 📅 | Task Count 🔢 | Total Score 🔢 | Status ✔️✖️ | ✒️ |\n";
// console.log("resultText:", resultText);
// ----------- Section: Creating a New Note -----------
// Define the filename for the new note.
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `TM_Overall_Trend_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// Create a new note with the specified filename and tag, then insert the result text into it.
let noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-task-manager"]);
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, resultText);
await app.navigate(`https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteUUIDNew}`);
// ************************************************************** //
"Eisenhower Matrix!": async function(app) {
// Initialize a Set to hold the final results to ensure unique entries.
let results = new Set();
// Initialize a Set to hold the names of notes that belong to a specific group.
let notesGroupNames = new Set();
// let notesGroup = "^taskLists";
// ----------- Section: Filtering Notes by Group -----------
// Filter notes based on the specified group.
// let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ group: notesGroup });
let notesG = await app.filterNotes({ });
// console.log("notesG:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Sorting Notes -----------
// Sort the filtered notes alphabetically by name. If a note's name is null or undefined,
// an empty string is used as a fallback to avoid errors.
notesG.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = a.name || "";
const nameB = b.name || "";
return nameA.localeCompare(nameB);
// console.log("notesG Sorted name:", notesG);
// Sort the list of results based on the tag
notesG.sort((a, b) => a.tags.join(", ").localeCompare(b.tags.join(", ")));
// console.log("notesG Sorted tags:", notesG);
// ----------- Section: Processing Each Note -----------
// Loop through each note in the filtered and sorted list of notes.
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
// Retrieve all tasks, including completed and dismissed ones
const taskAll = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid }, { includeDone: false });
// console.log("taskAll:", taskAll);
const tagz = `${noteHandleG.tags}`;
// console.log("tagz:", tagz);
const noteLinkz = `[${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid})`;
// console.log("noteLinkz:", noteLinkz);
const totalScore = parseFloat(taskAll.reduce((sum, task) => sum + (task.score || 0), 0).toFixed(2));
// console.log("totalScore:", totalScore);
// Initialize arrays for Eisenhower matrix quadrants
let importantAndUrgent = [];
let importantNotUrgent = [];
let notImportantButUrgent = [];
let notImportantNotUrgent = [];
// Classify each task into the appropriate quadrant
for (const task of taskAll) {
if (task.important && task.urgent) {
// Quadrant 1: Important and Urgent (Do first)
} else if (task.important && !task.urgent) {
// Quadrant 2: Important but Not Urgent (Schedule it)
} else if (!task.important && task.urgent) {
// Quadrant 3: Not Important but Urgent (Delegate)
} else if (!task.important && !task.urgent) {
// Quadrant 4: Not Important and Not Urgent (Eliminate)
// Log the tasks categorized by the Eisenhower matrix
// console.log("Important and Urgent (Do first):", importantAndUrgent);
// console.log("Important but Not Urgent (Schedule it):", importantNotUrgent);
// console.log("Not Important but Urgent (Delegate):", notImportantButUrgent);
// console.log("Not Important and Not Urgent (Eliminate):", notImportantNotUrgent);
if (importantAndUrgent.length || importantNotUrgent.length || notImportantButUrgent.length || notImportantNotUrgent.length) {
// notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${importantAndUrgent.length} | ${importantNotUrgent.length} | ${notImportantButUrgent.length} | ${notImportantNotUrgent.length} | ${totalScore} | |`);
notesGroupNames.add(`| ${noteHandleG.tags} | [${noteHandleG.name || "Untitled Note"}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteHandleG.uuid}) | ${(importantAndUrgent.length === 0 ? ' - ' : importantAndUrgent.length)} | ${(importantNotUrgent.length === 0 ? ' - ' : importantNotUrgent.length)} | ${(notImportantButUrgent.length === 0 ? ' - ' : notImportantButUrgent.length)} | ${(notImportantNotUrgent.length === 0 ? ' - ' : notImportantNotUrgent.length)} | ${totalScore} | |`);
// ----------- Section: Preparing the Final Output -----------
// Convert the Set of note names to an array and join them into a single string.
results = Array.from(notesGroupNames);
// console.log("results:", results);
const horizontalLine = `
// Readme Notes
const readmeNotes = `
# Readme! - <mark>Task Manager - Eisenhower Matrix!</mark> <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
- Below are list of Notes with respective Details, having at least one Pending or Un-completed Task in the Note, w/ tasks Important OR Urgent Options are selected.
- By clicking on the Note Link, the Pop-down window opens up displaying the Note content.
- (You can add the \`Task Manager: Note\` into those pages too to get a detailed \`Categorized Task: List View!\`)
- You can add your Comments to this page for your reference!
- <mark>Tip:</mark> You can generate, \`Task Manager Pro: E.M.!\` once in a week/month and organize your Task respectively.
- <mark>Legends:</mark> \`🔥 (Important and urgent), ⚡ (Important but not urgent), ⚾ (Not important but urgent), 🗑️ (Not important and not urgent), 🔢 (Total Task Score), ✒️ (Add your Comments).\`
- Learn more on [Eisenhower Method](https://public.amplenote.com/Eu8Azcoih6NaU2r4pebHHaP3).
// Create the final result text as a markdown table, including headers and the joined note information.
let resultText;
resultText = `${readmeNotes}\n`;
resultText += "| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | 🔥 | ⚡ | ⚾ | 🗑️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n|| Total |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)||\n" + results.join("\n") + "\n|| Total |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)||\n| Tags 🏷️ | Note Link 🔗 | 🔥 | ⚡ | ⚾ | 🗑️ | 🔢 | ✒️ |\n";
// console.log("resultText:", resultText);
// ----------- Section: Creating a New Note -----------
// Define the filename for the new note.
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `TM_Overall_E_M_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// Create a new note with the specified filename and tag, then insert the result text into it.
let noteUUIDNew = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-task-manager"]);
await app.insertContent({ uuid: noteUUIDNew }, resultText);
await app.navigate(`https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteUUIDNew}`);
// ************************************************************** //

linkAdditional Information:

linkChange Log:

August 27th, 2024: Planned and added different themes, based on the users selection, display categorized views of tasks in different states, pending, completed, dismissed.

Also Added an Overall Task Manager. Renamed Progress Bar 2.0 to Task Manager. Tested, Added a lot of creative ideas, that were popping in my head. Tested them too. Fixed few bugs and handled all the exceptions that I could notice.

September 11th, 2024: Mind storming, dumping ideas, and building clear manifest of various groupings. Finally came up with 3 different, under overall!, namely Active, Finished, and Eisenhower Matrix. Build the basic of it and tested and it was working fine, still few touch ups were pending for the final product. And also skipped various features decided at the on set of the project. It's fine, some other day then!

September 14th, 2024: Bug fixes for Note options, handling 0's with -'s, handling formula mismatches where it is clearly predictable. Code documentation, images update and add, update all depending parameters.

September 15th, 2024: Added the Trend Feature, Tested, Documentation, all the add-on tasks.

October 14th, 2024: The readme content is collapsed in the report by default. Moved all the options to appOptions which can be called using ctrl + o / cmd + o . Except Note! option still accessible from noteOptions (•••). Report Header title level change. Selection name update - Expanded.

November 20th, 2024 - Completed the exporter / extractor of Task Info.

November 21st, 2024 - Build a similar summary or report feature to tick tick, with filtering (tags, date, status, priority), and displaying (time, note, priority, content). Filter options: Tasks can be filtered by tags, dates (this week, last week, this month, last month, this quarter, last quarter, and completed), status (active, completed, dismissed), and priority (important, urgent). Display the tasks split by status, with headers for each status (active, completed, dismissed). For "active" tasks, skip those with a "hideUntil" date, for "ended" tasks, skip those with an "endAt" date, and for "no date assigned," skip tasks with no date. For "completed" tasks, show the "completedAt" content, and for "dismissed" tasks, show the "dismissedAt" content. Priority dots should be displayed at the end, with color choices for combinations of important/urgent tasks (five colors) and for both important and urgent tasks (two colors).

linkImplemented & Upcoming:

Progress Bar

Have different sets of icons based on themes.

Randomizer for the icons.

Display completed n pending n dismissed tasks below them.

Randomly select emoji's or Manually select emoji's through prompt (Enabled and Disabled by Setting!).

Let me think about this based on feedback and input from users.

Enable the Progress Bar for a Particular Tag.

May be like Metadata, mostly this can come out as a result in Metadata Series (2.0 or 3.0)

Listing all the notes in a particular Tag or Group of Tag selection, then Showing up Tasks distributions across, like a Manager.

Now bring all the notes with active tasks and details from them.

Overall - Active, Finished, Eisenhower Matrix

Bug fixes

Future Ideas in the Bucket:

Need to think!

High-Level Explanation of the Code For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!

Time Invested For this Plugin: 8h 38m + 6h 17m + 1h 14m + 2h 42m + 4h 10m + 1h 2m + 1h 28m + 3h 43m = ~29h 14m. [Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]