
linkWelcome to the Image Gallery Viewer!

Hello, and welcome to your personalized Image Gallery Viewer, crafted to bring your memories and visual content to life in a way that's both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Whether you're looking to organize your images or simply enjoy a visual stroll down memory lane, this tool has been designed with you in mind.

linkWhat Can You Do Here?

Image Viewer: At the heart of this gallery is the Image Viewer, which allows you to seamlessly browse through your collection of images. Each image is presented with its caption and additional details, giving context to your visual memories. With easy navigation and an intuitive interface, you can effortlessly flip through your gallery. Both all the notes and single note filtering of images are possible.

List and Filter: The gallery doesn't just display images; it also gives you the power to organize them. Use the built-in filtering options to view images by specific tags, ensuring that you can always find exactly what you're looking for. Whether you're sorting by date, tags, or other metadata, the gallery adapts to your needs. Get header based images segregation as well.

Download Options: We understand that your images are precious, and sometimes you need to have them at your fingertips outside of Amplenote. That's why this offers multiple download formats. Whether you need a raw list of your images, a formatted HTML file, or a structured JSON file, the download options are tailored to suit your preferences.

linkA Little Something About This Viewer

This gallery viewer is more than just a tool—it's a companion to your visual journey. Every image holds a story, and with this viewer, those stories are easily accessible, organized, and ready to be shared or enjoyed. The thoughtful design ensures that you can focus on what matters most: the memories behind each image. So go ahead, dive into your gallery, and let this viewer help you rediscover the beauty of your visual collection.

Welcome aboard, and happy viewing!


linkGeneral - Calling the Plugin - Gallery!

linkGallery: List!

linkGallery: Download!

linkGallery: Viewer!

linkHow to Use the Image Gallery Viewer: A Step-by-Step Guide

Welcome to the Image Gallery Viewer! This guide will walk you through how to interact with and make the most out of this tool. Whether you're here to view, filter, or download your images, we've got you covered.

linkStep 1: Access the Image Viewer

Open the Viewer: Navigate to the Image Gallery Viewer within Amplenote. You can usually find this under the Application Options by hitting Ctrl + O.

Select All notes OR Single note: View your Gallery Viewer both based on All the notes or A single note, you need to specify which one you want Gallery Viewer feature for. << New Feature >>

Create or Open Gallery Note: This is automatically set up in Amplenote, and it will take you directly to the Note where the Embed is inserted. If you have a ton of images or notes, its best to give it some time to go through all your notes!

Browse Images: Once you're in the gallery view, you'll see your images displayed with their captions and other details. Use the navigation controls to move through the images.

View Image Details: Click on an image to see more details, such as the caption, note name, tags, and UUID. This gives you context about each image.

Note: This page refreshes every time you open it and fetches the updated list every time! Your patience is much appreciated.

linkStep 2: List Your Images

Select Filters: Use the filter options to narrow down your images based on tags or groups. You can filter by individual tags or combine multiple tags.

Apply Filters: Once you’ve selected your filters, apply them to view only the images that match your criteria. This helps you focus on specific subsets of your collection.

Select Format: How you want to list out your Images into a new note to review or explore, which ever you are interested in. You have Table View, and Document View, choose which ever pleases you. Why not explore both of them, and see which suits your needs.

Select Header Segregation: Segregate images based on Headers as well, earlier it just used to be with the default option Notes. << New Feature >>

linkStep 3: Download Your Images

Choose Download Options: Click on the download option to select how you’d like to download your images. You have several formats to choose from:

HTML Gallery: A web-friendly format for viewing images in a gallery layout.

Markdown Image Links: A text file containing markdown links to your images.

Image Properties JSON: A JSON file with detailed information about each image.

Image Properties RAW File: A raw text file with image details in a structured format.

Download the File: After choosing your format, the tool will generate and download the file to your device. You can then open this file with your regular browser.

linkAudit and Navigate feature << New Feature >>

Audit: A separate note is automatically created and every time you run a report using List!, Download!, or Viewer! - A record gets added to this note, you will have all in one place and you know where to look for it.

Navigate: Not only it creates the report, audit, it also navigates you to the appropriate note and you can right away start using what you were looking for.


If there are any ")" closed brackets in the middle of the URL, then it does not get recognized by markdown formatting.

If there are links in the headers, then the list report for the link which takes you to the headers, do not function as expected.

linkTips for a Smooth Experience

Regularly Update: Keep your gallery note updated with the latest images and details to ensure you always have access to current content.

Organize Tags: Use descriptive tags and captions to make filtering and referencing respectively easier and more effective.

Check for Errors: If you encounter issues, retry to comment on the plugin page with your issue, which later can be looked into.

By following these steps, you'll be able to efficiently explore, manage, and download your images using the Image Gallery Viewer. Enjoy your visual journey!

linkTable - Plugin Parameters:






List, View, Download
All your Amplenote Images at one location!
And that's here!
📸 Gallery - List! Docs
📸 Gallery - Download! Docs
📸 Gallery - Viewer! Docs
📸 Gallery - Audit...


Gallery_Image_Viewer_UUID [Do not Edit!]


Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs [Do not Edit!]


Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]

linkCode Base:

appOption: {
/* ----------------------------------- */
"List!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user to select tags and choose options
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want to list of Images (Note: This will not be creating any new Images in Amplenote Domain!, Just uses the URL)",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Include Non-Amplenote Images (Default: Only Amplenote Images)",
type: "checkbox"
label: "Get the details in a Table Format! (Default: Document Format!)",
type: "checkbox"
label: "Get finer filtering, by Header Segregation! (Default: Note Segregation!)",
type: "checkbox"
// Extract user inputs
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, allImages, mdTable, headerSeg] = result;
// console.log("tagNames:", tagNames);
// if (!result) { return null; }
if (!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) {
app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items (Tag OR, Tag AND) must be selected");
// Initialize arrays for notes and filtered notes
let notes = [];
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
let filteredNotes = [];
// Filter notes based on the selected tags
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
} else {
// Default to filtering by a specific group if no tags are selected
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [ Set(filteredNotes)];
notes = filteredNotes;
// Prepare arrays and variables for storing results
let results = [];
let finalResults = "";
// Define horizontal line and introductory text for the markdown document
const horizontalLine = `
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Gallery!
## Here you can find all your Photos in your Amplenote Notes.
### Whether you selected Documentation Format or Table Format, your complete list is displayed here.
// Initialize the markdown table format
let markdownTable = `${introLines}`;
markdownTable += "| Note | Tags | Created | Updated | Images |\n";
markdownTable += "|------|------|---------|---------|--------|\n";
// Helper function to format date-time strings
function formatDateTime(dateTimeStr) {
const date = new Date(dateTimeStr);
return date.toLocaleString();
// Define regex patterns for extracting image URLs and identifiers
const regex = /https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/(.+)/;
const regex2 = /\/([^\/]+)$/;
const imageResolution = "300";
// Initialize markdown document format
let markdownDocs = `${introLines}`;
// Header or Note Seg
if (headerSeg) {
// Process each note to extract images and group them by headers
for (let note of notes) {
try {
// console.log(`Processing note: ${} (${note.uuid})`);
// Retrieve the content of the current note by its UUID
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid });
// console.log(`Note content retrieved for: ${}`);
// Define regex patterns to match image URLs and headers (H1, H2, H3)
const markdownImagePattern = allImages
? /!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g
: /!\[.*?\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g;
// const headerPattern = /^(#{1,3})\s+(.*)$/gm;
// const headerPattern = /^(#{1,3})\s+([^\[\]\(\)\!\*]*(?:\[\s*([^\]]*)\]\([^\)]+\))?[^\[\]\(\)\!\*]*)$/gm;
const headerPattern = /^(#{1,3})\s+([^\[\n]+)(?:\[[^\]]*\]\([^\)]*\))?(?:\s*(.*))?$/gm; // To Handle Links in Headers, It does not work as expected!!!
// Function to clean up additional Markdown formatting if necessary
function cleanMarkdown(text) {
return text.replace(/[\*\_\~\`\!\[\]\(\)\+\-\.\#\@\!\`\_\*\+\=\{\}\[\]\(\)\^\~]/g, '').trim();
let matches;
let headers = [];
let headerImages = { defaultHeader: [] }; // Initialize default section for images
let lastProcessedImageIndex = -1; // Track the index of the last processed image
// Extract headers from note content and handle duplicates
let match;
let headerCounts = {};
// console.log(`Extracting headers from note: ${}`);
headers.push({ text: "defaultHeader", position: 0 }); // Add defaultHeader initially
while ((match = headerPattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
let headerText = match[2].trim();
headerText = cleanMarkdown(headerText);
headerText = headerText.trim();
// Handle duplicate headers by appending a count to make them unique
if (headerCounts[headerText]) {
headerCounts[headerText] += 1;
const uniqueHeaderText = `${headerText}_${headerCounts[headerText]}`;
headers.push({ text: uniqueHeaderText, position: match.index });
headerImages[uniqueHeaderText] = []; // Initialize array for images under this header
// console.log(`Found duplicate header: ${headerText}, renamed to ${uniqueHeaderText}`);
} else {
headerCounts[headerText] = 1;
headers.push({ text: headerText, position: match.index });
headerImages[headerText] = []; // Initialize array for images under this header
// console.log(`Found header: ${headerText}`);
// Extract images and categorize them based on their position relative to headers
let currentIndex = 0;
let currentHeaderName = "defaultHeader"; // Start with defaultHeader
let firstHeaderPosition = headers.length > 0 ? headers[0].position : Infinity; // Position of the first header
// console.log(`Extracting images from note: ${}`);
while ((matches = markdownImagePattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
const url = matches[1]; // Extract the image URL
const caption = matches[2] ? matches[2].trim() : ''; // Extract the caption if present
const imagePosition = matches.index;
// Check if image is before any header
if (imagePosition < firstHeaderPosition) {
if (lastProcessedImageIndex < imagePosition) {
// console.log(`Associating early image to defaultHeader: ${url}`);
headerImages["defaultHeader"].push({ url, caption });
lastProcessedImageIndex = imagePosition; // Update the last processed image index
if (imagePosition > firstHeaderPosition) {
// Identify which header the image belongs to by comparing positions
while (currentIndex < headers.length && imagePosition > headers[currentIndex].position) {
currentHeaderName = headers[currentIndex].text; // Move to the next header
if (lastProcessedImageIndex < imagePosition) {
// console.log(`Associating image to header: ${currentHeaderName}`);
headerImages[currentHeaderName] = headerImages[currentHeaderName] || [];
headerImages[currentHeaderName].push({ url, caption });
lastProcessedImageIndex = imagePosition; // Update the last processed image index
// If no headers were found, ensure all images are in defaultHeader
if (headers.length === 0) {
// console.log(`No headers found, assigning all images to defaultHeader`);
while ((matches = markdownImagePattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
const url = matches[1];
const caption = matches[2] ? matches[2].trim() : '';
if (lastProcessedImageIndex < matches.index) {
headerImages["defaultHeader"].push({ url, caption });
lastProcessedImageIndex = matches.index;
// console.log(`Associating early image to defaultHeader: ${url}`);
// console.log(`Formatting images for note: ${}`);
// console.log("headerImages:",headerImages)
// Determine headers to process (include defaultHeader if no headers are found)
const headersToProcess = headers.length ? headers : [{ text: "defaultHeader" }];
// console.log("headersToProcess:",headersToProcess)
// console.log("headers:",headers)
// Process each header (or defaultHeader) and its associated images
for (const header of headersToProcess) {
let headerText = header.text === "defaultHeader" ? : header.text;
let imagesUnderHeader = headerImages[header.text] || headerImages["defaultHeader"];
// console.log(`Processing header: ${headerText}, images count: ${imagesUnderHeader.length}`);
if (imagesUnderHeader.length > 0) {
const headerLink = header.text === "defaultHeader"
? `[${}](${note.uuid})`
: `[${}#${headerText}](${note.uuid}#${encodeURIComponent(headerText)})`;
// console.log(`Formatting header: ${headerText}`);
// Format images for markdownTable or markdownDocs
if (mdTable) {
const imageLinks = => {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract identifier from URL
return image.caption
? `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})<br>> ${image.caption}`
: `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})`;
// console.log(`Adding images to markdownTable under header: ${headerText}`);
markdownTable += `| ${headerLink} | ${note.tags} | ${formatDateTime(note.created)} | ${formatDateTime(note.updated)} | ${imageLinks} |\n`;
} else {
const imageLinks = => {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract identifier from URL
return image.caption
? `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})\n> ${image.caption}\n\n`
: `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})`;
}).join(" ");
// console.log(`Adding images to markdownDocs under header: ${headerText}`);
// Add images to markdownDocs under header
markdownDocs += `
### Header: ${headerLink}
> Tags: ${note.tags}
> Created: ${formatDateTime(note.created)}
> Updated: ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}
} else {
// Log if no images are found under the current header
// console.log(`No images found under header: ${headerText}`);
// console.log(`Finished processing note: ${}`);
} catch (err) {
// Handle errors during note processing
console.error(`Error processing note: ${}`, err);
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} else {
// Process each note to extract images
for (let note of notes) {
try {
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid });
// Define regex pattern to match image URLs based on user selection
const markdownImagePattern = allImages
? /!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g
: /!\[.*?\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g;
let matches;
let images = [];
// console.log("noteContent:",noteContent)
// Extract image URLs and captions from the note content
while ((matches = markdownImagePattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
// console.log("matches:", matches);
const url = matches[1]; // Extract the image URL
const caption = matches[2] ? matches[2].trim() : ''; // Extract the caption if present
images.push({ url, caption }); // Store both URL and caption in the images array
// console.log("images.url:", => img.url));
// console.log("images.caption:", => img.caption));
// If images are found in the note, format them accordingly
if (images.length > 0) {
if (mdTable) {
// Format images as table entries if table format is selected
const imageLinks = => {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract identifier from URL
return image.caption
? `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})<br>> ${image.caption}`
: `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})`;
markdownTable += `| [${}](${note.uuid}) | ${note.tags} | ${formatDateTime(note.created)} | ${formatDateTime(note.updated)} | ${imageLinks} |\n`;
} else {
// Format images as document entries if table format is not selected
const imageLinks = => {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract identifier from URL
return image.caption
? `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})\n> ${image.caption}\n\n`
: `![${imageIdentifier}\\|${imageResolution}](${image.url})`;
}).join(" ");
markdownDocs += `
### Note: [${}](${note.uuid})
> Tags: ${note.tags}
> Created: ${formatDateTime(note.created)}
> Updated: ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} // Ending If Else for headerSeg
// Store the results based on the selected format
if (mdTable) {
markdownTable += `
finalResults = markdownTable;
} else {
finalResults = markdownDocs;
// console.log("markdownTable:", markdownTable);
// console.log("markdownDocs:", markdownDocs);
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
// Function to get current date and time formatted as YYMMDD_HHMMSS
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
// Format the date and time as per requirement
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
// Generate a new note with the results
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
const newNoteName = `Image Gallery List ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
const newTagName = ['-reports/-image-gallery'];
let noteUUID = await app.createNote(newNoteName, newTagName);
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, finalResults);
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `Image Gallery Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-image-gallery'];
// let auditnoteUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"] || await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
// if (!await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"]) { await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", auditnoteUUID); }
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Gallery Option:** List!, **Inputs:** [Tags(OR): ${tagNamesOr}; Tags(AND): ${tagNamesAnd}; All-Images: ${allImages}; Table: ${mdTable}; HeaderSeg: ${headerSeg}], **Note:** [${newNoteName}](${noteUUID}), **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
`; await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUID}`);
/* ----------------------------------- */
"Download!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user to select tags and choose options
const result = await app.prompt("Select Details on which you want to Download Images (Note: This will not be creating any new Images in Amplenote Domain!, Just uses the URL)", {
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Include Non-Amplenote Images (Default: Only Amplenote Images)",
type: "checkbox"
label: "Select the format that you want to download in!",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "HTML Gallery Download (Recommended)", value: "html" },
{ label: "Markdown Image Links", value: "markdown" },
{ label: "Image Properties JSON", value: "json" },
{ label: "Image Properties RAW File", value: "raw" }
// Extract user inputs from the prompt
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, allImages, dwFormat] = result;
// console.log("tagNames:", tagNames);
if ((!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) || !dwFormat) {
app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items ('Tag OR', 'Tag AND') must be selected and 'Format' must be provided.");
// Initialize variables
let notes = [];
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
let filteredNotes = [];
// Filter notes based on user-selected tags
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
} else {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [ Set(filteredNotes)];
notes = filteredNotes;
// Prepare variables for storing results
let resultsArray = [];
let resultsArray2 = [];
let htmlTemplate = "";
let rawTemplate = "";
let htmlDataTemplate = "";
// Helper function to format date-time as a locale-specific string
function formatDateTime(dateTimeStr) {
const date = new Date(dateTimeStr);
return date.toLocaleString();
// Define regex patterns to extract image URLs
const regex = /https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/(.+)/;
const regex2 = /\/([^\/]+)$/;
// Process each note to extract images
for (let note of notes) {
try {
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid });
// Define regex pattern to match image URLs based on user selection
const markdownImagePattern = allImages
? /!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g
: /!\[.*?\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g;
let matches;
let images = [];
// Extract image URLs and captions from the note content
while ((matches = markdownImagePattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
// console.log("matches:", matches);
const url = matches[1]; // Extract the image URL
const caption = matches[2] ? matches[2].trim() : 'No Caption Available or Unable to Fetch.'; // Extract the caption if present, or use a default message
images.push({ url, caption }); // Store both the URL and caption in the images array
// console.log("images.url:", => img.url));
// console.log("images.caption:", => img.caption));
// console.log("images.length:", images.length);
if (images.length > 0) {
for (let image of images) {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract the identifier from the URL
// Create an object with named properties
let resultEntry = {
notetags: note.tags.join(','), // Note tags
notelink: `[${}](${note.uuid})`, // Note link
noteurl: `${note.uuid}`, // Note URL
notename:, // Note name
noteuuid: note.uuid, // Note UUID
notecreated: formatDateTime(note.created), // Note creation datetime
noteupdated: formatDateTime(note.updated), // Note updated datetime
imageurl: image.url, // Image URL
imagename: imageIdentifier, // Image identifier (from the URL)
caption: image.caption // Image caption
// Push the object into the results array
// Handle different download formats
if (dwFormat === "raw") {
// Append to rawTemplate
rawTemplate += `${resultEntry.notetags},${resultEntry.notelink},${resultEntry.noteurl},${resultEntry.notename},${resultEntry.noteuuid},${resultEntry.notecreated},${resultEntry.noteupdated},${resultEntry.imageurl},${resultEntry.imagename},${resultEntry.caption}\n`;
} else if (dwFormat === "markdown") {
// Append to htmlDataTemplate
htmlDataTemplate += `'![${resultEntry.imagename}](${resultEntry.imageurl})',\n`;
} else if (dwFormat === "html") {
// Create an object with named properties
let resultEntry2 = {
href: image.url,
src: image.url,
caption: `${image.caption}<br>Notename: ${}, Tags: (${note.tags.join(',')}), UUID: ${note.uuid}`,
tags: `${note.tags.join(',')}`
// Push the object into the results array
} catch (err) {
console.error("Error while processing note:", note, err);
continue; // Skip any notes with errors
// console.log("resultsArray:", resultsArray);
// Function to get the current date and time in YYMMDD and HHMMSS format
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// Function to download the data as a text file
function downloadTextFile(resultText, filename) {
let blob = new Blob([resultText], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" });
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}_${filename}`;
// Function to remove duplicate entries from an array
function removeDuplicates(array) {
const seen = new Set();
return array.filter(item => {
const serialized = JSON.stringify(item);
if (seen.has(serialized)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Determine the format and trigger the appropriate download
if (dwFormat === "json") {
let deduplicatedArray = removeDuplicates(resultsArray);
let jsonTemplate = JSON.stringify(deduplicatedArray, null, 2);
downloadTextFile(jsonTemplate, "Gallery_JSON.json");
// console.log("jsonTemplate:", jsonTemplate);
} else if (dwFormat === "raw") {
downloadTextFile(rawTemplate, "Gallery_Raw_Template.txt");
// console.log("rawTemplate:", rawTemplate);
} else if (dwFormat === "markdown") {
downloadTextFile(htmlDataTemplate, "Gallery_Markdown_Data.txt");
// console.log("htmlDataTemplate:", htmlDataTemplate);
} else if (dwFormat === "html") {
let deduplicatedArray2 = removeDuplicates(resultsArray2);
let jsonTemplate2 = JSON.stringify(deduplicatedArray2, null, 2);
htmlTemplate = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Image Gallery</title>
<!-- UIkit CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- UIkit JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
/* Cool background gradient */
body {
background: linear-gradient(135deg, #89f7fe 0%, #66a6ff 100%);
padding: 20px;
/* Container for the images */
.gallery-container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
/* Image container */
.gallery-container .uk-inline {
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 10px;
transition: transform 0.15s ease; /* Speed up transition */
display: flex; /* Enable flexbox */
align-items: center; /* Center content vertically */
justify-content: center; /* Center content horizontally */
height: auto; /* Set a fixed height if needed */
/* Hover effect for images */
.gallery-container .uk-inline:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
box-shadow: 0 4px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
/* Image styles */
.gallery-container img {
border-radius: 10px;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
display: block;
/* Tag buttons container */
.tag-buttons {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
/* Button styles */
.tag-buttons button {
margin: 5px; /* Adjust this value to control the space between buttons */
/* Button hover effect */
.uk-button:hover {
background-color: #0056b3;
color: white;
transform: scale(1.05);
} {
background-color: #0056b3;
color: white;
/* Footer styles */
footer {
position: fixed; /* Fixes the footer at the bottom */
left: 0; /* Aligns the footer to the far left */
bottom: 0; /* Aligns the footer to the bottom */
width: 100%; /* Makes the footer span the full width of the page */
padding: 10px; /* Adds some padding */
text-align: left; /* Aligns text to the left */
margin: 0; /* Removes default margins */
background: none; /* Removes any background color */
color: #000; /* Sets text color (adjust as needed) */
font-size: 14px; /* Adjusts font size */
footer a {
color: #ffeb3b; /* Adjust color if needed */
text-decoration: none;
footer a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
<div class="uk-h3 uk-text-center"></div>
<div class="tag-buttons" id="tag-buttons">
<!-- Tag buttons will be injected here -->
<div id="gallery" class="gallery-container" uk-lightbox="animation: scale; autoplay: true; autoplay-interval: 7000; pause-on-hover: true; velocity: 3">
<!-- Images will be injected here -->
<p>&copy; BKK 2024 | <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #ffeb3b; text-decoration: none;">Open Source</a></p>
// JSON data
const jsonData =
// Function to populate the gallery
function populateGallery(data) {
const gallery = document.getElementById('gallery');
gallery.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing content
data.forEach(item => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = \`
<a href="\${item.href}" data-caption="\${item.caption}">
<img src="\${item.src}" alt="\${item.alt}" style="width: 100%; max-width: 300px; height: auto; object-fit: cover;"
onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src='';">
// Function to create and update tag buttons
function updateTagButtons(data) {
const tagsSet = new Set();
const tagsSetD = new Set();
// Collect all unique tag strings
data.forEach(item => {
// If there's only one unique tag string, skip creating the buttons
if (tagsSetD.size <= 1) {
// Collect all unique tags
data.forEach(item => {
item.tags.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()).forEach(tag => tagsSet.add(tag));
const tagButtons = document.getElementById('tag-buttons');
tagButtons.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing buttons
// Create tag buttons ensuring uniqueness
tagsSet.forEach(tag => {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.className = 'uk-button uk-button-default uk-button-small';
button.innerHTML = \`
<span class="uk-margin-small-right" uk-icon="icon: hashtag;"></span>
button.dataset.tag = tag; // Store tag in data attribute
button.addEventListener('click', () => toggleTagFilter(button, tag));
// Function to toggle filter and button active state
function toggleTagFilter(button, tag) {
const isActive = button.classList.contains('uk-button-primary');
if (isActive) {
// If no other buttons are active, show all images
if (document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons .uk-button-primary').length === 0) {
} else {
filterGallery(); // Apply the current active filters
} else {
document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons button').forEach(btn => {
// Function to filter images by tag
function filterByTag(tag) {
const filteredData = jsonData.filter(item => {
const tags = item.tags.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
return tags.includes(tag);
// Function to filter the gallery based on selected tags
function filterGallery() {
const activeTags = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons .uk-button-primary'))
.map(button => button.dataset.tag);
// If no tags are selected, show all images
if (activeTags.length === 0) {
const filteredData = jsonData.filter(item => {
const tags = item.tags.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
return activeTags.some(tag => tags.includes(tag));
// Initial setup
downloadTextFile(htmlTemplate, "Gallery_HTML.html");
// await app.navigate(`${noteUUID}`); - Navigate to Audit Page!
// console.log("htmlTemplate:", htmlTemplate);
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `Image Gallery Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-image-gallery'];
// let auditnoteUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"] || await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
// if (!await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"]) { await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", auditnoteUUID); }
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Gallery Option:** Download!, **Inputs:** [Tags(OR): ${tagNamesOr}; Tags(AND): ${tagNamesAnd}; All-Images: ${allImages}; Format: ${dwFormat};], **Filename:** Starts with At => **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
// const uuidRegex = /(?<=local-)\w{8}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{4}-\w{12}/;
// auditnoteUUID = auditnoteUUID.match(uuidRegex);
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
await app.navigate(`${auditnoteUUID}`);
/* ----------------------------------- */
"Viewer!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user to select tags and choose options
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select one option, (If you are selecting Single Note, select the specific note with images.)",
inputs: [
{ label: "Select any one of the Collection Option", type: "radio", options: [ { label: "All the Notes", value: 1 }, { label: "Single Note", value: 2 } ] },
{ label: "Select the Note", type: "note" }
// Extract user inputs
const [noteOrAll, noteDetails] = result;
// console.log("result:", result);
// if (!result) { return null; }
if (!noteOrAll === 1 || (noteOrAll === 2 && !noteDetails)) {
app.alert("Note: 'Collection Option' is mandatory, and if 'Collection Option' is 'Single Note', 'Note' must also be provided.");
// Function to get current date and time formatted as YYMMDD_HHMMSS
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
// Format the date and time as per requirement
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// Create Save Retrive Save Note to View the Embeded Gallery
const newNoteName = `Gallery: Image Viewer`;
const newTagName = ['-reports/-image-gallery'];
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `Image Gallery Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-image-gallery'];
// noteUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Viewer_UUID [Do not Edit!]"] || await app.createNote(newNoteName, newTagName);
// await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Viewer_UUID [Do not Edit!]", noteUUID);
// Main logic for setting up and navigating to the gallery viewer note
// Retrieve or create the "Gallery Image Viewer" note
const noteUUID = await (async () => {
// Try to get the UUID from the app's settings
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Viewer_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
// If the UUID exists, return it
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
// If it doesn't exist, create a new note with the specified name and tag
const newUUID = await app.createNote(newNoteName, newTagName);
// Store the newly created note's UUID in app settings for future use
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Viewer_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
// Return the new UUID
return newUUID;
// auditnoteUUID= await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"] || await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
// await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", auditnoteUUID);
// Retrieve or create the "Gallery Image Audit" note
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
// Try to get the UUID from the app's settings
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
// If the UUID exists, return it
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
// If it doesn't exist, create a new note with the specified audit note name and tag
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
// Store the newly created note's UUID in app settings for future use
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
// Return the new UUID
return newUUID;
// Scenario 1: If the user wants to view all notes
if (noteOrAll === 1) {
// Set a placeholder UUID for the case where all notes are displayed
const ranUUID = '00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000';
// Save the option (viewing all notes) and the placeholder UUID in the app's settings
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs [Do not Edit!]", `${noteOrAll},${ranUUID}`);
// Audit report logging the gallery option for "All Notes"
const auditReport = `
- **Gallery Option:** Viewer!, **Inputs:** All Notes Images:, **Note:** [${newNoteName}](${noteUUID}), **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
// Insert the audit report into the "Gallery Image Audit" note
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
// Replace the content of the gallery note with the plugin's embed code for the viewer
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, `<object data="plugin://${app.context.pluginUUID}" data-aspect-ratio="1" />`);
// Navigate to the newly created or retrieved note in the app
await app.navigate(`${noteUUID}`);
// Scenario 2: If the user wants to view a single specific note
if (noteOrAll === 2) {
// Save the option (viewing a single note) and the specific note's UUID in the app's settings
await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs [Do not Edit!]", `${noteOrAll},${noteDetails.uuid}`);
// Audit report logging the gallery option for a single note
const auditReport = `
- **Gallery Option:** Viewer!, **Inputs:** Single Note Images:, **Note:** [${}](${noteDetails.uuid}), **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
// Insert the audit report into the "Gallery Image Audit" note
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
// Insert the plugin's embed code into the specific note
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: noteDetails.uuid }, `<object data="plugin://${app.context.pluginUUID}" data-aspect-ratio="1" />`);
// Navigate to the specific note in the app
await app.navigate(`${noteDetails.uuid}`);
/* ----------------------------------- */
async renderEmbed(app, ...args) {
// Initialize variables
let notes = [];
let resultsArray2 = [];
let htmlTemplate = [];
const regex2 = /\/([^\/]+)$/; // Regex pattern to extract image identifier from URL
const storedValue = app.settings["Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs [Do not Edit!]"];
const [noteOrAll, singleNoteuuid] = storedValue.split(',');
// const noteOrAllz = noteOrAll === 1 ? true : false;
// const notesByGroup = "";
// console.log("storedValue:", storedValue);
// console.log("noteOrAll:", noteOrAll);
// console.log("singleNoteuuid:", singleNoteuuid);
// let notesByGroup1 = [];
// let notesByGroup2 = "";
// const notesByGroup = noteOrAll === 1 ? await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" }) : await app.findNote({ uuid: singleNoteuuid });
// const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// const notesByGroup1 = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
const notesByGroup2 = await app.findNote({ uuid: singleNoteuuid });
// Ensure that notes is always an array, even if it's a single note
notes = notesByGroup2 ? [notesByGroup2] : await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// notes = notesByGroup;
// console.log("notesByGroup1:", notesByGroup1);
// console.log("notesByGroup2:", notesByGroup2);
// console.log("notes:", notes);
// Process each note to extract image details
for (let note of notes) {
try {
// Get note content
const noteContent = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid });
let allImages = true; // Handling through Settings is creating a loop! Keeps on trying in the background!
// let allImages = (await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs"] === 1);
// if (await app.settings["Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs"] != 1) { await app.setSetting("Gallery_Image_Viewer_AllImgs", 0); }
// Define regex pattern to match image URLs and captions
const markdownImagePattern = allImages
? /!\[.*?\]\((.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g
: /!\[.*?\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?)\)(?:\s*\[\^.*?\])?(?:\n>\s*(.*))?/g;
let matches;
let images = [];
// Extract image URLs and captions
while ((matches = markdownImagePattern.exec(noteContent)) !== null) {
const url = matches[1]; // Extract the image URL
const caption = matches[2] ? matches[2].trim() : 'No Caption Available or Unable to Fetch.'; // Extract the caption if present, or use an empty string
images.push({ url, caption }); // Store both the URL and caption in the images array
// Process extracted images
if (images.length > 0) {
for (let image of images) {
const imageIdentifier = image.url.match(regex2) ? image.url.match(regex2)[1] : ''; // Extract the identifier from URL
// Create a result entry for each image
let resultEntry2 = {
href: image.url,
src: image.url,
caption: `${image.caption}<br>Notename: ${}, Tags: (${note.tags.join(',')}), UUID: ${note.uuid}`,
tags: `${note.tags.join(',')}`
// Add the result entry to the results array
} catch (err) {
// Log error if processing a note fails and continue with the next note
console.error("Error while processing note:", note, err);
continue; // Skip any notes with errors
// Helper function to remove duplicate entries from the results array
function removeDuplicates(array) {
const seen = new Set();
return array.filter(item => {
const serialized = JSON.stringify(item);
if (seen.has(serialized)) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Remove duplicates and format results as JSON
let deduplicatedArray2 = removeDuplicates(resultsArray2);
let jsonTemplate2 = JSON.stringify(deduplicatedArray2, null, 2);
htmlTemplate = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Image Gallery</title>
<!-- UIkit CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- UIkit JS -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
/* Cool background gradient */
body {
background: linear-gradient(135deg, #89f7fe 0%, #66a6ff 100%);
padding: 20px;
/* Container for the images */
.gallery-container {
display: flex;
flex-wrap: wrap;
justify-content: center;
gap: 15px;
/* Image container */
.gallery-container .uk-inline {
overflow: hidden;
border-radius: 10px;
transition: transform 0.15s ease; /* Speed up transition */
display: flex; /* Enable flexbox */
align-items: center; /* Center content vertically */
justify-content: center; /* Center content horizontally */
height: auto; /* Set a fixed height if needed */
/* Hover effect for images */
.gallery-container .uk-inline:hover {
transform: scale(1.05);
box-shadow: 0 4px 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
/* Image styles */
.gallery-container img {
border-radius: 10px;
max-width: 100%;
height: auto;
display: block;
/* Tag buttons container */
.tag-buttons {
text-align: center;
margin-bottom: 20px;
/* Button styles */
.tag-buttons button {
margin: 5px; /* Adjust this value to control the space between buttons */
/* Button hover effect */
.uk-button:hover {
background-color: #0056b3;
color: white;
transform: scale(1.05);
} {
background-color: #0056b3;
color: white;
/* Footer styles */
footer {
position: fixed; /* Fixes the footer at the bottom */
left: 0; /* Aligns the footer to the far left */
bottom: 0; /* Aligns the footer to the bottom */
width: 100%; /* Makes the footer span the full width of the page */
padding: 10px; /* Adds some padding */
text-align: left; /* Aligns text to the left */
margin: 0; /* Removes default margins */
background: none; /* Removes any background color */
color: #000; /* Sets text color (adjust as needed) */
font-size: 14px; /* Adjusts font size */
footer a {
color: #ffeb3b; /* Adjust color if needed */
text-decoration: none;
footer a:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
<div class="uk-h3 uk-text-center"></div>
<div class="tag-buttons" id="tag-buttons">
<!-- Tag buttons will be injected here -->
<div id="gallery" class="gallery-container" uk-lightbox="animation: scale; autoplay: true; autoplay-interval: 7000; pause-on-hover: true; velocity: 3">
<!-- Images will be injected here -->
<p>&copy; BKK 2024 | <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: #ffeb3b; text-decoration: none;">Open Source</a></p>
// JSON data
const jsonData =
// Function to populate the gallery
function populateGallery(data) {
const gallery = document.getElementById('gallery');
gallery.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing content
data.forEach(item => {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = \`
<a href="\${item.href}" data-caption="\${item.caption}">
<img src="\${item.src}" alt="\${item.alt}" style="width: 100%; max-width: 300px; height: auto; object-fit: cover;"
onerror="this.onerror=null; this.src='';">
// Function to create and update tag buttons
function updateTagButtons(data) {
const tagsSet = new Set();
const tagsSetD = new Set();
// Collect all unique tag strings
data.forEach(item => {
// If there's only one unique tag string, skip creating the buttons
if (tagsSetD.size <= 1) {
// Collect all unique tags
data.forEach(item => {
item.tags.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()).forEach(tag => tagsSet.add(tag));
const tagButtons = document.getElementById('tag-buttons');
tagButtons.innerHTML = ''; // Clear existing buttons
// Create tag buttons ensuring uniqueness
tagsSet.forEach(tag => {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.className = 'uk-button uk-button-default uk-button-small';
button.innerHTML = \`
<span class="uk-margin-small-right" uk-icon="icon: hashtag;"></span>
button.dataset.tag = tag; // Store tag in data attribute
button.addEventListener('click', () => toggleTagFilter(button, tag));
// Function to toggle filter and button active state
function toggleTagFilter(button, tag) {
const isActive = button.classList.contains('uk-button-primary');
if (isActive) {
// If no other buttons are active, show all images
if (document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons .uk-button-primary').length === 0) {
} else {
filterGallery(); // Apply the current active filters
} else {
document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons button').forEach(btn => {
// Function to filter images by tag
function filterByTag(tag) {
const filteredData = jsonData.filter(item => {
const tags = item.tags.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
return tags.includes(tag);
// Function to filter the gallery based on selected tags
function filterGallery() {
const activeTags = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('#tag-buttons .uk-button-primary'))
.map(button => button.dataset.tag);
// If no tags are selected, show all images
if (activeTags.length === 0) {
const filteredData = jsonData.filter(item => {
const tags = item.tags.split(',').map(t => t.trim());
return activeTags.some(tag => tags.includes(tag));
// Initial setup

linkAdditional Information:

linkChange Log:

August 14th, 2024: Fully build, audited, completed and tested List! options and its features.

August 15th, 2024: Completed the Download! Option, using which I able to replicate the Viewer! Option. Build, with some errors and bugs related to image gallery and pop up, as I was using a different created logic, later move to a framework, which worked perfectly fine with limited features. Getting the caption and using various regex formats and structures was a challenge, due to the irregularities which exists. (not sure what all new scenarios may come up that I may need to incorporate!)

August 16th, 2024: Completed fixing the bugs and added few more features, and also tried to optimize the code and reduce redundant code, was not successful in reducing the code size, but all the features work in the current version on (August 16th, 2024 (22:50:04)). In the future, after testing and increasing my expertise in js, I will try to move the redundant codes into functions and called or replicated in other plugins as well, and a new feature update will be much easier comparatively. Some other day then!

September 24th & 25th, 2024 - After the reply from Lucian, updated the two requirements for the completion of the this plugin - Gallery. For the first one, Implemented an additional option in the the List option of the Plugin to segregate based on headers in a particular note (And a straight link to the respective header - If the headers have links or other markdown characters, this does not work correctly). For the second one, implemented and added a user input to select all the notes or one single note for the Gallery Viewer to show images in them. Also hiding the tag selection when a single note is selected. Also added all the selections into the audit logs for lists option.

linkImplemented & Upcoming:

Prompt for Download Options: You can select what details you want to download about your images, including tags, formats, and whether to include non-Amplenote images.

Tag Filtering: You can filter images based on individual tags (OR logic) or combined tags (AND logic).

Image Extraction: Grabs image URLs and captions from your notes. It distinguishes between Amplenote images and non-Amplenote images based on your settings.

Format Handling: Depending on your download choice, it can output data in:

HTML Gallery: A neat gallery layout for viewing in a browser.

Markdown Links: A text file with markdown image links.

Image Properties JSON: A JSON file with detailed image properties.

RAW File: A structured text file with all image details.

Image Viewer Creation: Sets up a new note or updates an existing one to display images using an embedded object, making it easy to view them all in one place.

Deduplication: Removes duplicate image entries to keep your data clean and organized.

Error Handling: Catch errors during note processing and continues working with the next note, ensuring the process doesn’t halt due to issues with individual notes.

Date and Time Formatting: Formats timestamps in a readable way for when you’re creating or downloading files.

Download Functionality: Generates and triggers downloads for different file formats with timestamps to keep your files organized.

Future Ideas in the Bucket:

Add image properties, zooming, sharing and other related image viewer options.

Add links to directly open the note separately, possible only to open in a browser, navigate may not work as it is a external environment.

Nothing as of now, everything that I could think of has been implemented as a Code!

linkOverview of the Code

Code Explanation! For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!

Time invested:

August 14th, 2024 - 8h 3m

August 15th, 2024 - 11h 5m

August 16th, 2024 - 10h 57m

August 17th, 2024 - 4h 44m

August 18th, 2024 - 4h 7m

September 24th, 2024 - 6h 9m

September 25th, 2024 - 1h 25m

Total: 36h 25m >> 46h 40m

[Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]