Text MagiQ

linkWelcome Note:

The Plugin provides a versatile tool for text transformation, supporting a wide array of transformations from simple case conversions to complex visual effects. By selecting your requirement, you can apply the desired transformation to any given text. This utility can be integrated into web applications for dynamic text manipulation, enhancing user experience with varied text formatting options.

linkInitial Things TODO after installation:

Nothing, You Can Start Using This Plugin Right Away!

NOTHING, yOu cAn sTaRt UsiNg thIs PLugIN rIGht away!


linkGeneral - Calling the Plugin - TextMagiQ


linkText Transformation Utility Overview

This Plugin, allows you to apply various transformations to a given text. It supports a wide range of transformations including different case conversions, special formatting, and visual effects. This document explains each transformation type and how it affects the input text.

linkTransformation Types

link1. sentence_case

Input: "hello world. this is a test."

Output: "Hello world. This is a test."

Description: The sentence case converter will allow you to paste any text you’d like, and it will automatically transform it to a fully formed structured sentence. It works by capitalizing the very first letter in each sentence, and will then go on to transform the rest of the text into lowercase as well as converting i’s into I’s. Every letter after a full stop will get converted into an upper case letter.

link2. lower_case

Input: "Hello World!"

Output: "hello world!"

Description: If you are wondering how to uncapitalize text, this is exactly what the lower case text converter will allow you to do - it transforms all the letters in your text into lowercase letters.

link3. upper_case

Input: "Hello World!"

Output: "HELLO WORLD!"

Description: The upper case transformer will take any text that you have and will generate all the letters into upper case ones. It will essentially make all lower case letters into CAPITALS (as well as keep upper case letters as upper case letters).

link4. capitalized_case

Input: "hello world!"

Output: "Hello World!"

Description: The capitalized case converter will automatically convert the starting letter of every word into an upper case and will leave the remaining letters as lower case ones.

link5. alternating_case

Input: "hello world!"

Output: "hElLo wOrLd!"

Description: The alternating case converter will allow you to transform your text (no matter the current format) into text that alternates between lower case and upper case. It will generate a capital letter and then a lower case letter within the same word.

link6. title_case

Input: "hello world, this is a test."

Output: "Hello World, This Is a Test."

Description: The title case converter is perfect for those who are a bit unsure on how to title an upcoming essay. It essentially ensures the correct letters are capitalized within the context of a title. Words such as “an” will be left all in lower case and words that are important will be converted such as “Title”.

link7. inverse_case

Input: "Hello World!"

Output: "hELLO wORLD!"

Description: Inverts the case of each character in the text.

link8. random_case

Input: "hello world!"

Output: "HeLLo WoRLd!"

Description: Randomly changes the case of each character.

link9. small_caps

Input: "hello world!"

Output: "ʜᴇʟʟᴏ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ!"

Description: The small text generator simply takes regular sized text and converts it into small text (specifically “small caps” as well as “Superscript” text. Write out your normal text and see it get converted into the small text font.

link10. superscript

Input: "hello world!"

Output: "ʰᵉˡˡᵒ ʷᵒʳˡᵈ!"

Description: The small text generator simply takes regular sized text and converts it into small text (specifically “small caps” as well as “Superscript” text. Write out your normal text and see it get converted into the small text font.

link11. wide_text

Input: "hello"

Output: "hello"

Description: If you are looking to widen the look of your text, the widening text generator is great for this, otherwise known as the Aesthetic Font and text generator. Simply type your normal text and see it get wider and wider.

link12. reverse_text

Input: "hello"

Output: "olleh"

Description: If you want a fast and quick way of making your text go back to front, the reverse text generator is great. Write out your text like normal and then see it get flipped.

link13. upside_down_text

Input: "hello"

Output: "ollǝɥ"

Description: Similar to the mirror text generator as well as the reverse text generator, you can flip your text upside down as well as back to front with the upside down text generator.

link14. morse_code_translate

Input: "hello"

Output: ".... . .-.. .-.. ---"

Description: Converts text to Morse code. Whether you are looking to translate Morse code messages into simple English or the other way around, this online translation generator can do just that.

link15. morse_code_reverse

Input: ".... . .-.. .-.. ---"

Output: "hello"

Description: Converts Morse code back to text. Whether you are looking to translate Morse code messages into simple English or the other way around, this online translation generator can do just that.

link16. binary_translate

Input: "hello"

Output: "01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111"

Description: Converts text to binary representation. Translate binary code into English and English into binary code with the following generator. Type out regularly and get a series of 0’s and 1’s in return.

link17. binary_reverse

Input: "01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111"

Output: "hello"

Description: Converts binary representation back to text. Translate binary code into English and English into binary code with the following generator. Type out regularly and get a series of 0’s and 1’s in return.

link18. mirror_text

Input: "hello"

Output: "olleh"

Description: Converts text to a mirrored format. The mirror text is basically the exact same text that you would get when you have your text facing a mirror. Print out the text and hold it up to a mirror and it should read the correct way.

link19. zalgo_text

Input: "hello"

Output: "h̸͠e̴̾l̷̈́l̷͠o̶̕"

Description: Adds Zalgo text effects, creating a glitchy appearance. Want to produce funky and glitchy text? `This Zalgo text will do just that. Type out what you would normally want to and then see it get turned into the Zalgo font.

link20. circled

Input: "hello"

Output: "ⓗⓔⓛⓛⓞ"

Description: Converts text to circled format using Unicode characters.

linkTable - Plugin Parameters:


Text MagiQ




Different types Case Formatting, Generating and Translating Options. This can separated into 6 Groups, namely - Case, Special, Flip, Code, Visual, and Unicode!


Please fine the Instructions here = Text MagiQ Docs

linkCode Base:

(() => {
// Function to transform text based on the specified transformation type
function transformText(text, transformType) {
switch (transformType) {
case 'sentence_case':
// Convert to sentence case: First letter of each sentence capitalized
return text.toLowerCase().replace(/(^\s*\w|[\.\!\?]\s*\w)/g, c => c.toUpperCase());
case 'lower_case':
// Convert to lower case
return text.toLowerCase();
case 'upper_case':
// Convert to upper case
return text.toUpperCase();
case 'capitalized_case':
// Convert to capitalized case: First letter of each word capitalized
return text.toLowerCase().replace(/\b\w/g, c => c.toUpperCase());
case 'alternating_case':
// Convert to alternating case: Alternate between lower and upper case
return text.split('').map((c, i) => i % 2 === 0 ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()).join('');
case 'title_case':
// Convert to title case: First letter of each major word capitalized
return text.toLowerCase().replace(/\b(?:an?|the|and|or|but|for|nor|on|at|to|by|with|about|of)\b|\b\w/g, c => c.toUpperCase());
case 'inverse_case':
// Convert to inverse case: Lowercase letters to uppercase and vice versa
return text.split('').map(c => c === c.toUpperCase() ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()).join('');
case 'random_case':
// Convert to random case: Randomly change case of each letter
return text.split('').map(c => Math.random() < 0.5 ? c.toLowerCase() : c.toUpperCase()).join('');
case 'small_caps':
// Convert to small caps (custom function)
return convertToSmallCaps(text);
case 'superscript2':
// Convert to superscript (custom function)
return convertToSuperscript(text);
case 'wide_text':
// Convert to wide text (custom function)
return convertToWideText(text);
case 'reverse_text':
// Reverse the text
return reverseText(text);
case 'upside_down_text':
// Flip text upside down (custom function)
return flipUpsideDown(text);
case 'morse_code_translate':
// Convert text to Morse code (custom function)
return textToMorse(text);
case 'morse_code_reverse':
// Convert Morse code to text (custom function)
return morseToText(text);
case 'binary_translate':
// Convert text to binary (custom function)
return textToBinary(text);
case 'binary_reverse':
// Convert binary to text (custom function)
return binaryToText(text);
case 'mirror_text':
// Convert text to mirror text (custom function)
return mirrorText(text);
case 'zalgo_text':
// Convert text to Zalgo text (custom function)
return zalgoText(text);
case 'bold':
// Make text bold
return `**${text}**`;
case 'italic':
// Make text italic
return `*${text}*`;
case 'strikethrough':
// Strike through the text
return `~~${text}~~`;
case 'underline':
// Underline the text
return `<u>${text}</u>`;
case 'blockquote':
// blockquote the text
return `> ${text}`;
case 'code':
// code block the text
return `\`${text}\``;
case 'subscript':
// Subscript the text
return `~${text}~`;
case 'superscript':
// Superscript the text
return `^${text}^`;
case 'fraktur':
// Convert to Fraktur script (custom function)
return convertToFraktur(text);
case 'fraktur_bold':
// Convert to bold Fraktur script (custom function)
return convertToFrakturBold(text);
case 'squared':
// Convert to squared text (custom function)
return convertToSquared(text);
case 'squared_inverted':
// Convert to squared inverted text (custom function)
return convertToSquaredInverted(text);
case 'circled':
// Convert to circled text (custom function)
return convertToCircled(text);
case 'circled_inverted':
// Convert to circled inverted text (custom function)
return convertToCircledInverted(text);
// Return original text if no transformation type matches
return text;
// Convert text to squared characters
function convertToSquared(text) {
const squaredMap = {
'A': '\u1D400',
'B': '\u1D401',
'C': '\u1D402',
'D': '\u1D403',
'E': '\u1D404',
'F': '\u1D405',
'G': '\u1D406',
'H': '\u1D407',
'I': '\u1D408',
'J': '\u1D409',
'K': '\u1D40A',
'L': '\u1D40B',
'M': '\u1D40C',
'N': '\u1D40D',
'O': '\u1D40E',
'P': '\u1D40F',
'Q': '\u1D410',
'R': '\u1D411',
'S': '\u1D412',
'T': '\u1D413',
'U': '\u1D414',
'V': '\u1D415',
'W': '\u1D416',
'X': '\u1D417',
'Y': '\u1D418',
'Z': '\u1D419',
'a': '\u1D41A',
'b': '\u1D41B',
'c': '\u1D41C',
'd': '\u1D41D',
'e': '\u1D41E',
'f': '\u1D41F',
'g': '\u1D420',
'h': '\u1D421',
'i': '\u1D422',
'j': '\u1D423',
'k': '\u1D424',
'l': '\u1D425',
'm': '\u1D426',
'n': '\u1D427',
'o': '\u1D428',
'p': '\u1D429',
'q': '\u1D42A',
'r': '\u1D42B',
's': '\u1D42C',
't': '\u1D42D',
'u': '\u1D42E',
'v': '\u1D42F',
'w': '\u1D430',
'x': '\u1D431',
'y': '\u1D432',
'z': '\u1D433'
return Array.from(text).map(char => squaredMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to squared inverted characters
function convertToSquaredInverted(text) {
const squaredInvertedMap = {
'A': '\u1D7D8',
'B': '\u1D7D9',
'C': '\u1D7DA',
'D': '\u1D7DB',
'E': '\u1D7DC',
'F': '\u1D7DD',
'G': '\u1D7DE',
'H': '\u1D7DF',
'I': '\u1D7E0',
'J': '\u1D7E1',
'K': '\u1D7E2',
'L': '\u1D7E3',
'M': '\u1D7E4',
'N': '\u1D7E5',
'O': '\u1D7E6',
'P': '\u1D7E7',
'Q': '\u1D7E8',
'R': '\u1D7E9',
'S': '\u1D7EA',
'T': '\u1D7EB',
'U': '\u1D7EC',
'V': '\u1D7ED',
'W': '\u1D7EE',
'X': '\u1D7EF',
'Y': '\u1D7F0',
'Z': '\u1D7F1',
'a': '\u1D7F2',
'b': '\u1D7F3',
'c': '\u1D7F4',
'd': '\u1D7F5',
'e': '\u1D7F6',
'f': '\u1D7F7',
'g': '\u1D7F8',
'h': '\u1D7F9',
'i': '\u1D7FA',
'j': '\u1D7FB',
'k': '\u1D7FC',
'l': '\u1D7FD',
'm': '\u1D7FE',
'n': '\u1D7FF',
'o': '\u1D800',
'p': '\u1D801',
'q': '\u1D802',
'r': '\u1D803',
's': '\u1D804',
't': '\u1D805',
'u': '\u1D806',
'v': '\u1D807',
'w': '\u1D808',
'x': '\u1D809',
'y': '\u1D80A',
'z': '\u1D80B'
return Array.from(text).map(char => squaredInvertedMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to circled characters
function convertToCircled(text) {
const circledMap = {
'A': '\u24B6',
'B': '\u24B7',
'C': '\u24B8',
'D': '\u24B9',
'E': '\u24BA',
'F': '\u24BB',
'G': '\u24BC',
'H': '\u24BD',
'I': '\u24BE',
'J': '\u24BF',
'K': '\u24C0',
'L': '\u24C1',
'M': '\u24C2',
'N': '\u24C3',
'O': '\u24C4',
'P': '\u24C5',
'Q': '\u24C6',
'R': '\u24C7',
'S': '\u24C8',
'T': '\u24C9',
'U': '\u24CA',
'V': '\u24CB',
'W': '\u24CC',
'X': '\u24CD',
'Y': '\u24CE',
'Z': '\u24CF',
'a': '\u24D0',
'b': '\u24D1',
'c': '\u24D2',
'd': '\u24D3',
'e': '\u24D4',
'f': '\u24D5',
'g': '\u24D6',
'h': '\u24D7',
'i': '\u24D8',
'j': '\u24D9',
'k': '\u24DA',
'l': '\u24DB',
'm': '\u24DC',
'n': '\u24DD',
'o': '\u24DE',
'p': '\u24DF',
'q': '\u24E0',
'r': '\u24E1',
's': '\u24E2',
't': '\u24E3',
'u': '\u24E4',
'v': '\u24E5',
'w': '\u24E6',
'x': '\u24E7',
'y': '\u24E8',
'z': '\u24E9'
return Array.from(text).map(char => circledMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to circled inverted characters
function convertToCircledInverted(text) {
const circledInvertedMap = {
'A': '\u24B6',
'B': '\u24B7',
'C': '\u24B8',
'D': '\u24B9',
'E': '\u24BA',
'F': '\u24BB',
'G': '\u24BC',
'H': '\u24BD',
'I': '\u24BE',
'J': '\u24BF',
'K': '\u24C0',
'L': '\u24C1',
'M': '\u24C2',
'N': '\u24C3',
'O': '\u24C4',
'P': '\u24C5',
'Q': '\u24C6',
'R': '\u24C7',
'S': '\u24C8',
'T': '\u24C9',
'U': '\u24CA',
'V': '\u24CB',
'W': '\u24CC',
'X': '\u24CD',
'Y': '\u24CE',
'Z': '\u24CF',
'a': '\u24D0',
'b': '\u24D1',
'c': '\u24D2',
'd': '\u24D3',
'e': '\u24D4',
'f': '\u24D5',
'g': '\u24D6',
'h': '\u24D7',
'i': '\u24D8',
'j': '\u24D9',
'k': '\u24DA',
'l': '\u24DB',
'm': '\u24DC',
'n': '\u24DD',
'o': '\u24DE',
'p': '\u24DF',
'q': '\u24E0',
'r': '\u24E1',
's': '\u24E2',
't': '\u24E3',
'u': '\u24E4',
'v': '\u24E5',
'w': '\u24E6',
'x': '\u24E7',
'y': '\u24E8',
'z': '\u24E9'
return Array.from(text).map(char => circledInvertedMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to fraktur characters
function convertToFraktur(text) {
const frakturMap = {
'A': '\uD835\uDD38',
'B': '\uD835\uDD39',
'C': '\uD835\uDD3A',
'D': '\uD835\uDD3B',
'E': '\uD835\uDD3C',
'F': '\uD835\uDD3D',
'G': '\uD835\uDD3E',
'H': '\uD835\uDD3F',
'I': '\uD835\uDD40',
'J': '\uD835\uDD41',
'K': '\uD835\uDD42',
'L': '\uD835\uDD43',
'M': '\uD835\uDD44',
'N': '\uD835\uDD45',
'O': '\uD835\uDD46',
'P': '\uD835\uDD47',
'Q': '\uD835\uDD48',
'R': '\uD835\uDD49',
'S': '\uD835\uDD4A',
'T': '\uD835\uDD4B',
'U': '\uD835\uDD4C',
'V': '\uD835\uDD4D',
'W': '\uD835\uDD4E',
'X': '\uD835\uDD4F',
'Y': '\uD835\uDD50',
'Z': '\uD835\uDD51',
'a': '\uD835\uDD52',
'b': '\uD835\uDD53',
'c': '\uD835\uDD54',
'd': '\uD835\uDD55',
'e': '\uD835\uDD56',
'f': '\uD835\uDD57',
'g': '\uD835\uDD58',
'h': '\uD835\uDD59',
'i': '\uD835\uDD5A',
'j': '\uD835\uDD5B',
'k': '\uD835\uDD5C',
'l': '\uD835\uDD5D',
'm': '\uD835\uDD5E',
'n': '\uD835\uDD5F',
'o': '\uD835\uDD60',
'p': '\uD835\uDD61',
'q': '\uD835\uDD62',
'r': '\uD835\uDD63',
's': '\uD835\uDD64',
't': '\uD835\uDD65',
'u': '\uD835\uDD66',
'v': '\uD835\uDD67',
'w': '\uD835\uDD68',
'x': '\uD835\uDD69',
'y': '\uD835\uDD6A',
'z': '\uD835\uDD6B'
return text.split('').map(char => frakturMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to Fraktur Bold characters
function convertToFrakturBold(text) {
const frakturBoldMap = {
'A': '\uD835\uDD70',
'B': '\uD835\uDD71',
'C': '\uD835\uDD72',
'D': '\uD835\uDD73',
'E': '\uD835\uDD74',
'F': '\uD835\uDD75',
'G': '\uD835\uDD76',
'H': '\uD835\uDD77',
'I': '\uD835\uDD78',
'J': '\uD835\uDD79',
'K': '\uD835\uDD7A',
'L': '\uD835\uDD7B',
'M': '\uD835\uDD7C',
'N': '\uD835\uDD7D',
'O': '\uD835\uDD7E',
'P': '\uD835\uDD7F',
'Q': '\uD835\uDD80',
'R': '\uD835\uDD81',
'S': '\uD835\uDD82',
'T': '\uD835\uDD83',
'U': '\uD835\uDD84',
'V': '\uD835\uDD85',
'W': '\uD835\uDD86',
'X': '\uD835\uDD87',
'Y': '\uD835\uDD88',
'Z': '\uD835\uDD89',
'a': '\uD835\uDD8A',
'b': '\uD835\uDD8B',
'c': '\uD835\uDD8C',
'd': '\uD835\uDD8D',
'e': '\uD835\uDD8E',
'f': '\uD835\uDD8F',
'g': '\uD835\uDD90',
'h': '\uD835\uDD91',
'i': '\uD835\uDD92',
'j': '\uD835\uDD93',
'k': '\uD835\uDD94',
'l': '\uD835\uDD95',
'm': '\uD835\uDD96',
'n': '\uD835\uDD97',
'o': '\uD835\uDD98',
'p': '\uD835\uDD99',
'q': '\uD835\uDD9A',
'r': '\uD835\uDD9B',
's': '\uD835\uDD9C',
't': '\uD835\uDD9D',
'u': '\uD835\uDD9E',
'v': '\uD835\uDD9F',
'w': '\uD835\uDDA0',
'x': '\uD835\uDDA1',
'y': '\uD835\uDDA2',
'z': '\uD835\uDDA3'
return Array.from(text).map(char => frakturBoldMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to zalgo characters
function zalgoText(text) {
const zalgoChars = [
'\u030d', '\u030e', '\u0304', '\u0305', '\u033f', '\u0311', '\u0306', '\u0310',
'\u0352', '\u0357', '\u0351', '\u0307', '\u0308', '\u030a', '\u0342', '\u0343',
'\u0344', '\u034a', '\u034b', '\u034c', '\u0303', '\u0302', '\u030c', '\u0350',
'\u0300', '\u0301', '\u030b', '\u030f', '\u0312', '\u0313', '\u0314', '\u033d',
'\u0309', '\u0363', '\u0364', '\u0365', '\u0366', '\u0367', '\u0368', '\u0369',
'\u036a', '\u036b', '\u036c', '\u036d', '\u036e', '\u036f', '\u033e', '\u035b'
function getRandomZalgo() {
const rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * zalgoChars.length);
return zalgoChars[rand];
//return text.split('').map(char => char + getRandomZalgo()).join('');
// increase the level of craziness where i < (number)
return text.split('').map(char => {
let crazyChar = char;
for (let i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
crazyChar += getRandomZalgo();
return crazyChar;
// Convert text to mirrorText characters
function mirrorText(text) {
const mirrorMap = {
'a': 'ɒ', 'b': 'd', 'c': 'ɔ', 'd': 'b', 'e': 'ɘ', 'f': 'ɟ', 'g': 'ƃ', 'h': 'ɥ', 'i': 'ı', 'j': 'ſ', 'k': 'ʞ',
'l': 'l', 'm': 'ɯ', 'n': 'u', 'o': 'o', 'p': 'q', 'q': 'p', 'r': 'ɹ', 's': 's', 't': 'ʇ', 'u': 'n', 'v': 'ʌ',
'w': 'ʍ', 'x': 'x', 'y': 'ʎ', 'z': 'z',
'A': '∀', 'B': 'B', 'C': 'Ɔ', 'D': 'D', 'E': 'Ǝ', 'F': 'Ⅎ', 'G': '⅁', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'I', 'J': 'ſ', 'K': 'K',
'L': '⅂', 'M': 'W', 'N': 'N', 'O': 'O', 'P': 'Ԁ', 'Q': 'Q', 'R': 'ᴚ', 'S': 'S', 'T': '⊥', 'U': '∩', 'V': 'Λ',
'W': 'M', 'X': 'X', 'Y': '⅄', 'Z': 'Z',
'0': '0', '1': 'Ɩ', '2': 'ᄅ', '3': 'Ɛ', '4': 'ㄣ', '5': 'ϛ', '6': '9', '7': 'ㄥ', '8': '8', '9': '6',
'.': '˙', ',': "'", '?': '¿', '\'': ',', '!': '¡',
'(': ')', ')': '(', '{': '}', '}': '{', '[': ']', ']': '[', '<': '>', '>': '<', '/': '\\', '\\': '/',
'&': '⅋', '_': '‾', '"': '``', '`': '"', ';': '؛', ':': ':', '^': 'v', 'v': '^', '@': '@', '#': '#', '$': '$',
'%': '%', '*': '*', '+': '+', '-': '-', '=': '=', '~': '~'
return text.split('').reverse().map(char => mirrorMap[char] || char).join('');
// Convert text to textToBinary characters
function textToBinary(text) {
return text.split('').map(char => char.charCodeAt(0).toString(2)).join(' ');
// Convert text to binaryToText characters
function binaryToText(binary) {
return binary.split(' ').map(bin => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(bin, 2))).join('');
// Convert text to textToMorse characters
function textToMorse(text) {
const morseMap = {
'a': '.-', 'b': '-...', 'c': '-.-.', 'd': '-..', 'e': '.', 'f': '..-.', 'g': '--.', 'h': '....', 'i': '..', 'j': '.---',
'k': '-.-', 'l': '.-..', 'm': '--', 'n': '-.', 'o': '---', 'p': '.--.', 'q': '--.-', 'r': '.-.', 's': '...', 't': '-',
'u': '..-', 'v': '...-', 'w': '.--', 'x': '-..-', 'y': '-.--', 'z': '--..',
'0': '-----', '1': '.----', '2': '..---', '3': '...--', '4': '....-', '5': '.....',
'6': '-....', '7': '--...', '8': '---..', '9': '----.',
'.': '.-.-.-', ',': '--..--', '?': '..--..', '\'': '.----.', '!': '-.-.--',
'/': '-..-.', '(': '-.--.', ')': '-.--.-', '&': '.-...', ':': '---...', ';': '-.-.-.',
'=': '-...-', '+': '.-.-.', '-': '-....-', '_': '..--.-', '"': '.-..-.', '$': '...-..-',
'@': '.--.-.'
return text.toLowerCase().split('').map(c => morseMap[c] || '').join(' ');
// Convert text to morseToText characters
function morseToText(text) {
const morseReverseMap = {
'.-': 'a', '-...': 'b', '-.-.': 'c', '-..': 'd', '.': 'e', '..-.': 'f', '--.': 'g', '....': 'h', '..': 'i', '.---': 'j',
'-.-': 'k', '.-..': 'l', '--': 'm', '-.': 'n', '---': 'o', '.--.': 'p', '--.-': 'q', '.-.': 'r', '...': 's', '-': 't',
'..-': 'u', '...-': 'v', '.--': 'w', '-..-': 'x', '-.--': 'y', '--..': 'z',
'-----': '0', '.----': '1', '..---': '2', '...--': '3', '....-': '4', '.....': '5',
'-....': '6', '--...': '7', '---..': '8', '----.': '9',
'.-.-.-': '.', '--..--': ',', '..--..': '?', '.----.': '\'', '-.-.--': '!',
'-..-.': '/', '-.--.': '(', '-.--.-': ')', '.-...': '&', '---...': ':', '-.-.-.': ';',
'-...-': '=', '.-.-.': '+', '-....-': '-', '..--.-': '_', '.-..-.': '"', '...-..-': '$',
'.--.-.': '@'
return text.split(' ').map(m => morseReverseMap[m] || '').join('');
// Convert text to flipUpsideDown characters
function flipUpsideDown(text) {
const upsideDownMap = {
'a': 'ɐ', 'b': 'q', 'c': 'ɔ', 'd': 'p', 'e': 'ǝ', 'f': 'ɟ', 'g': 'ƃ', 'h': 'ɥ', 'i': 'ᴉ',
'j': 'ɾ', 'k': 'ʞ', 'l': 'l', 'm': 'ɯ', 'n': 'u', 'o': 'o', 'p': 'd', 'q': 'b', 'r': 'ɹ',
's': 's', 't': 'ʇ', 'u': 'n', 'v': 'ʌ', 'w': 'ʍ', 'x': 'x', 'y': 'ʎ', 'z': 'z',
'A': '∀', 'B': 'q', 'C': 'Ɔ', 'D': 'p', 'E': 'Ǝ', 'F': 'Ⅎ', 'G': 'פ', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'I',
'J': 'ſ', 'K': 'ʞ', 'L': '˥', 'M': 'W', 'N': 'N', 'O': 'O', 'P': 'Ԁ', 'Q': 'Q', 'R': 'ᴚ',
'S': 'S', 'T': '⊥', 'U': '∩', 'V': 'Λ', 'W': 'M', 'X': 'X', 'Y': '⅄', 'Z': 'Z',
'0': '0', '1': 'Ɩ', '2': 'ᄅ', '3': 'Ɛ', '4': 'ㄣ', '5': 'ϛ', '6': '9', '7': 'ㄥ', '8': '8', '9': '6',
'!': '¡', '?': '¿', '+': '+', '-': '-', '=': '=', '*': '*', '%': '%', '$': '$', '&': '⅋', '#': '#',
'@': '@', '^': '^', '(': ')', ')': '(', '[': ']', ']': '[', '{': '}', '}': '{', '<': '>', '>': '<',
'/': '/', '|': '|', '\\': '\\', '~': '~', '`': '`', ',': "'", '.': '.', ':': ':', ';': ';', '\'': ',',
'"': '"', '_': '_', ' ': ' '
return text.split('').reverse().map(c => upsideDownMap[c] || c).join('');
// Convert text to reverseText characters
function reverseText(text) {
return text.split('').reverse().join('');
// Convert text to convertToWideText characters
function convertToWideText(text) {
const wideMap = {
'a': 'a', 'b': 'b', 'c': 'c', 'd': 'd', 'e': 'e', 'f': 'f', 'g': 'g', 'h': 'h', 'i': 'i',
'j': 'j', 'k': 'k', 'l': 'l', 'm': 'm', 'n': 'n', 'o': 'o', 'p': 'p', 'q': 'q', 'r': 'r',
's': 's', 't': 't', 'u': 'u', 'v': 'v', 'w': 'w', 'x': 'x', 'y': 'y', 'z': 'z',
'A': 'A', 'B': 'B', 'C': 'C', 'D': 'D', 'E': 'E', 'F': 'F', 'G': 'G', 'H': 'H', 'I': 'I',
'J': 'J', 'K': 'K', 'L': 'L', 'M': 'M', 'N': 'N', 'O': 'O', 'P': 'P', 'Q': 'Q', 'R': 'R',
'S': 'S', 'T': 'T', 'U': 'U', 'V': 'V', 'W': 'W', 'X': 'X', 'Y': 'Y', 'Z': 'Z',
'0': '0', '1': '1', '2': '2', '3': '3', '4': '4', '5': '5', '6': '6', '7': '7', '8': '8', '9': '9',
'!': '!', '?': '?', '+': '+', '-': '-', '=': '=', '*': '*', '%': '%', '$': '$', '&': '&', '#': '#',
'@': '@', '^': '^', '(': '(', ')': ')', '[': '[', ']': ']', '{': '{', '}': '}', '<': '<', '>': '>',
'/': '/', '|': '|', '\\': '\', '~': '~', '`': '`', ',': ',', '.': '.', ':': ':', ';': ';', '\'': ''',
'"': '"', '_': '_', ' ': ' '
return text.split('').map(c => wideMap[c] || c).join('');
// Convert text to convertToSmallCaps characters
function convertToSmallCaps(text) {
const smallCapsMap = {
'a': 'ᴀ', 'b': 'ʙ', 'c': 'ᴄ', 'd': 'ᴅ', 'e': 'ᴇ', 'f': 'ꜰ', 'g': 'ɢ', 'h': 'ʜ', 'i': 'ɪ',
'j': 'ᴊ', 'k': 'ᴋ', 'l': 'ʟ', 'm': 'ᴍ', 'n': 'ɴ', 'o': 'ᴏ', 'p': 'ᴘ', 'q': 'Q', 'r': 'ʀ',
's': 'ꜱ', 't': 'ᴛ', 'u': 'ᴜ', 'v': 'ᴠ', 'w': 'ᴡ', 'x': 'X', 'y': 'ʏ', 'z': 'ᴢ',
'A': 'ᴀ', 'B': 'ʙ', 'C': 'ᴄ', 'D': 'ᴅ', 'E': 'ᴇ', 'F': 'ꜰ', 'G': 'ɢ', 'H': 'ʜ', 'I': 'ɪ',
'J': 'ᴊ', 'K': 'ᴋ', 'L': 'ʟ', 'M': 'ᴍ', 'N': 'ɴ', 'O': 'ᴏ', 'P': 'ᴘ', 'Q': 'Q', 'R': 'ʀ',
'S': 'ꜱ', 'T': 'ᴛ', 'U': 'ᴜ', 'V': 'ᴠ', 'W': 'ᴡ', 'X': 'X', 'Y': 'ʏ', 'Z': 'ᴢ',
return text.split('').map(c => smallCapsMap[c] || c).join('');
// Convert text to convertToSmallCaps characters
function convertToSuperscript(text) {
const superscriptMap = {
'a': 'ᵃ', 'b': 'ᵇ', 'c': 'ᶜ', 'd': 'ᵈ', 'e': 'ᵉ', 'f': 'ᶠ', 'g': 'ᵍ', 'h': 'ʰ', 'i': 'ⁱ',
'j': 'ʲ', 'k': 'ᵏ', 'l': 'ˡ', 'm': 'ᵐ', 'n': 'ⁿ', 'o': 'ᵒ', 'p': 'ᵖ', 'q': 'ᑫ', 'r': 'ʳ',
's': 'ˢ', 't': 'ᵗ', 'u': 'ᵘ', 'v': 'ᵛ', 'w': 'ʷ', 'x': 'ˣ', 'y': 'ʸ', 'z': 'ᶻ',
'A': 'ᴬ', 'B': 'ᴮ', 'C': 'ᶜ', 'D': 'ᴰ', 'E': 'ᴱ', 'F': 'ᶠ', 'G': 'ᴳ', 'H': 'ᴴ', 'I': 'ᴵ',
'J': 'ᴶ', 'K': 'ᴷ', 'L': 'ᴸ', 'M': 'ᴹ', 'N': 'ᴺ', 'O': 'ᴼ', 'P': 'ᴾ', 'Q': 'ᑫ', 'R': 'ᴿ',
'S': 'ˢ', 'T': 'ᵀ', 'U': 'ᵁ', 'V': 'ⱽ', 'W': 'ᵂ', 'X': 'ˣ', 'Y': 'ʸ', 'Z': 'ᶻ',
'0': '⁰', '1': '¹', '2': '²', '3': '³', '4': '⁴', '5': '⁵', '6': '⁶', '7': '⁷', '8': '⁸', '9': '⁹',
'+': '⁺', '-': '⁻', '=': '⁼', '(': '⁽', ')': '⁾', 'a': 'ᵃ', 'b': 'ᵇ', 'c': 'ᶜ', 'd': 'ᵈ', 'e': 'ᵉ', 'f': 'ᶠ', 'g': 'ᵍ', 'h': 'ʰ', 'i': 'ⁱ',
'j': 'ʲ', 'k': 'ᵏ', 'l': 'ˡ', 'm': 'ᵐ', 'n': 'ⁿ', 'o': 'ᵒ', 'p': 'ᵖ', 'q': 'ᑫ', 'r': 'ʳ',
's': 'ˢ', 't': 'ᵗ', 'u': 'ᵘ', 'v': 'ᵛ', 'w': 'ʷ', 'x': 'ˣ', 'y': 'ʸ', 'z': 'ᶻ',
'A': 'ᴬ', 'B': 'ᴮ', 'C': 'ᶜ', 'D': 'ᴰ', 'E': 'ᴱ', 'F': 'ᶠ', 'G': 'ᴳ', 'H': 'ᴴ', 'I': 'ᴵ',
'J': 'ᴶ', 'K': 'ᴷ', 'L': 'ᴸ', 'M': 'ᴹ', 'N': 'ᴺ', 'O': 'ᴼ', 'P': 'ᴾ', 'Q': 'ᑫ', 'R': 'ᴿ',
'S': 'ˢ', 'T': 'ᵀ', 'U': 'ᵁ', 'V': 'ⱽ', 'W': 'ᵂ', 'X': 'ˣ', 'Y': 'ʸ', 'Z': 'ᶻ',
'0': '⁰', '1': '¹', '2': '²', '3': '³', '4': '⁴', '5': '⁵', '6': '⁶', '7': '⁷', '8': '⁸', '9': '⁹',
'+': '⁺', '-': '⁻', '=': '⁼', '(': '⁽', ')': '⁾'
return text.split('').map(c => superscriptMap[c] || c).join('');
// Add transformation options to a select element
var TextMagiQ = {
replaceText: {
"Fontastic": async function(app, text) {
const textWithFormatting = app.context.selectionContent;
try {
// Simulate user input for transformation type
const result = await app.prompt("Select text transformation", {
inputs: [
label: "Select text transformation",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "None", value: "" },
{ label: "Case: Sentence case", value: "sentence_case" },
{ label: "Case: UPPER CASE", value: "upper_case" },
{ label: "Case: lower case", value: "lower_case" },
{ label: "Case: Capitalized Case", value: "capitalized_case" },
{ label: "Case: Title Case", value: "title_case" },
{ label: "Case: aLtErNaTiNg CASE", value: "alternating_case" },
{ label: "Case: lnVeRsE Case", value: "inverse_case" },
{ label: "Special: RanDom cAsE", value: "random_case" },
{ label: "Special: Small Caps (Immutable)", value: "small_caps" },
{ label: "Special: Superscript (Immutable)", value: "superscript2" },
{ label: "Special: Wide Text (Immutable)", value: "wide_text" },
{ label: "Flip: Reverse Text", value: "reverse_text" },
{ label: "Flip: Upside Down Text (Immutable)", value: "upside_down_text" },
{ label: "Code: Text -> Morse Code", value: "morse_code_translate" },
{ label: "Code: Morse Code -> Text", value: "morse_code_reverse" },
{ label: "Code: Text -> Binary", value: "binary_translate" },
{ label: "Code: Binary -> Text", value: "binary_reverse" },
{ label: "Visual: Mirror Text", value: "mirror_text" },
{ label: "Visual: Zalgo Text", value: "zalgo_text" },
{ label: "General: Bold", value: "bold" },
{ label: "General: Italic", value: "italic" },
{ label: "General: Strikethrough", value: "strikethrough" },
//{ label: "General: Underline", value: "underline" },
{ label: "General: Block Quote", value: "blockquote" },
{ label: "General: Literate Text", value: "code" },
//{ label: "General: Subscript", value: "subscript" },
//{ label: "General: Superscript", value: "superscript" },
//{ label: "Unicode: Fraktur", value: "fraktur" },
//{ label: "Unicode: Fraktur (Bold) (Working Weird!)", value: "fraktur_bold" },
//{ label: "Unicode: Squared (Working Weird!)", value: "squared" },
//{ label: "Unicode: Squared (Inverted) (Working Weird!)", value: "squared_inverted" },
{ label: "Unicode: Circled", value: "circled" }
//,{ label: "Unicode: Circled (Inverted) (Working Weird!)", value: "circled_inverted" }
const textTransform = result; // Replace with actual user input or logic
//console.log("User Selection:", textTransform);
//console.log("MD Text:", textWithFormatting);
//console.log("Selected Text:", text);
//const text = text;
//const transformedText = transformText(text, textTransform);
//const transformedText = transformText(textWithFormatting, textTransform);
//alert("Transformed text:" + transformedText);
if (textTransform === "bold" || textTransform === "italic" || textTransform === "strikethrough" || textTransform === "underline" || textTransform === "blockquote" || textTransform === "code" || textTransform === "subscript" || textTransform === "superscript")
const transformedText = transformText(textWithFormatting, textTransform);
//console.log("Result:", transformedText);
await app.context.replaceSelection(transformedText);
//return transformedText; // Return transformed text
const transformedText = transformText(text, textTransform);
console.log("Result:", transformedText);
return transformedText; // Return transformed text
//return transformedText; // Return transformed text
} catch (error) {
return text; // Return original text in case of error
var plugin_default = TextMagiQ;
return TextMagiQ;

linkAdditional Information:

linkChange Log:

July 17th, 2024 - Completed the basic framework of the code. Without Testing.

July 18th, 2024 - Completed the Testing and found multiple Emoji Like Unicode's were not supported here! Not sure if the platform does not support or something is wrong with my code. Well for now having the raw code base still intact and commenting the code which bring user's visibility!

July 30th, 2024 - Added Additional Options - Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Block Quote, Literate Text (using app.context.selectionContent amplenote feature!)

linkImplemented & Upcoming:


Sentence case < Done !!

lower case < Done !!

UPPER CASE < Done !!

Capitalized Case < Done !!

aLtErNaTiNg CASE < Done !!

Title Case < Done !!

lnVeRsE Case < Done !!


Small Text Generator < Done !!

Wide Text Generator < Done !!

Strikethrough Text Generator < Unsupported / In Dev !!

Bold Text Generator < Unsupported / In Dev !!

Italic Text Converter < Unsupported / In Dev !!

Reverse Text Generator < Done !!

Upside down Text Generator < Done !!

Underline Text Generator < Unsupported / In Dev !!

Mirror Text Generator < Done !!

Zalgo Glitch Text Generator < Done !!


Morse Code Translator < Done !!

Binary Code Translator < Done !!

Unicode Text Converter < Unsupported / In Dev !!


Bold, Italic, Strikethrough, Block Quote, Literate Text

Future Ideas in the Bucket:

Aesthetic Font and text generator - (Having a Checkbox option, when checked it will implement these after converting the case or any modifications!)

Curly quotes: These are curved quotation marks instead of straight ones (e.g., “ ” instead of " ").

Em dashes: Longer dashes used to indicate a break in thought or speech (e.g., —).

Ellipses: Three dots used to indicate omission or trailing off (e.g., ...).

Ligatures / Ligatures and Stylistic Sets: Combinations of two or more letters into a single glyph (e.g., æ, œ).

Enhanced Text Formatting:

Enables the use of non-breaking spaces and other spacing control characters.

Non-breaking Spaces:

Prevents line breaks at specific points to keep elements together.

Example: Typing Mr.\ Smith ensures "Mr." and "Smith" stay on the same line.

Typographic Controls:

Allows precise control over kerning, line height, and letter spacing.

Provides options for customizing font and style for different parts of the text.

Special Characters and Symbols:

Easy insertion of special characters and symbols such as ©, ™, or †.

Allows easy insertion of typographic symbols like ©, ™, ®, †, ‡, §, ¶.

Example: Typing \copyright converts to ©.

Old-style numerals: These have ascenders and descenders like lowercase letters.

Ornaments: Decorative elements like swashes, dingbats, or rules.

Initial letters: Elaborate or decorated first letters of paragraphs or sections.

Letterspacing: Adjusting the space between letters for emphasis or visual balance.

Kerning: Adjusting the space between specific pairs of letters for improved appearance.

Visual Examples:

Typographic flourishes

Decorative typography

Typography examples

Classic typography

Text MagiQ Code Docs For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!

Time Invested For this Plugin: 5h 43m + 8h 19m = Totaling up to 14h~. [Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]