Metadata 1.0 (Note_Tag)

linkWelcome Note:

Hey all this is my second try at the Plugin world!. I am looking into things which can help me do something or contribute something in a meaning full way in my prospective. Well this is first part of 4 Plugins that I have planned to build for myself, as a result shared it with you all will also help me understand how many are on the same boat that I am traveling on.

Well having a Graph view is excellent, still having a good old view of the list of items in your inventory, can never beat the good old explorer. As a step toward that, I wanted to start with the basics and roots of this platform, the Name of the Notes and the Tags associated with it, will how can we forget the base on which these both rest on the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)


linkGeneral - Calling the Plugin - Metadata 1.0

linkMetadata 1.0:

linkTag Selection

linkTyping in Note Name

linkSort by Note Name; Tags; Tags (Within a Note)

linkInsert / Export Options; Select format [Mandatory]

Published only (Table format) - Added the option of selecting the list of Published Notes. Having both the local UUID and the Public URL side by side. (Good for Reviewing purposes!).

Raw data - Gives you Note Name, UUID, Tags.



The Meta_1 plugin provides functionality to filter, sort, and export notes based on user-defined criteria. It prompts the user for specific input parameters and generates results accordingly. The results can be inserted into the current note, a new note, or downloaded in various formats.

linkUser Input Prompts:

link1. Select Tags to Filter (Max 3)

Description: Prompts the user to input up to at least three tags for filtering notes. The notes that contain any of these tags will be included in the results.

Reflection in Final View: The filtered notes will only include those that match the specified tags. If no tags are entered, all notes will be considered.

link2. Type Partial or Full Name of the Note

Description: Allows the user to filter notes based on a partial or full name match.

Reflection in Final View: The notes will be further filtered to include only those whose names contain the specified string.

link3. Sort by Note Name

Description: Provides options to sort the filtered notes by name in ascending or descending order.

Reflection in Final View: The order of the notes in the final result will reflect the selected sorting option.


None (Default)

Ascending (ASC)

Descending (DESC)

link4. Sort by Tags

Description: Offers sorting options for the tags associated with the notes.

Reflection in Final View: The tags within the note will be sorted according to the selected option, affecting the display order in the results.


None (Default)

Ascending (ASC)

Descending (DESC)

link5. Sort Tags Alphabetically (within a Note!)

Description: A checkbox that, when selected, sorts the tags within each note alphabetically.

Reflection in Final View: Tags will be listed in alphabetical order for each note in the final output.

link6. Insert / Export Options (Mandatory)

Description: Determines how the final results will be outputted: inserted into the current note, a new note, or downloaded in various file formats.

Reflection in Final View: The user will receive the results in the specified format, either in the application or as a downloadable file.


Insert into current note

Insert into new note

Download as markdown

Download as CSV

Download as TXT

link7. Select Format (Mandatory)

Description: Defines the format of the final results. Options include a table format (both names and tags), names only, or tags only.

Reflection in Final View: The structure of the final results will follow the selected format, impacting how the data is displayed or downloaded.


Both (Table format)

Note Names

Note Tags

Untitled Notes (Table format)

Untagged Notes (Table format)

Undocumented Notes (w/Hidden-task/s)

Published Notes (Table format)

Archived - Grouped-folders

Vault Notes - Grouped-folders

Deleted Notes - Grouped-folders

Active plugin notes - Grouped-folders

Task Lists - Notes-having-tasks

Un-tagged - Notes-untagged

Created by me - Shared-notes

Shared publicly - Shared-notes

Shared notes - Shared-notes

Notes shared with me - Shared-notes

Notes not created by me - Shared-notes

Notes I shared with others - Shared-notes

This week - Created-date

Today - Created-date

Notes Saving - Low-level-queries

Notes Downloading - Low-level-queries

Notes Indexing - Low-level-queries

Raw data

linkInternal Processing

Capturing User Input: The user's input is captured and stored in variables. If the user cancels the operation, an alert is shown and the process stops.

Fetching Notes: Notes are fetched based on the provided tags. If no tags are provided, all notes are fetched.

Filtering Notes: Notes are filtered by name if a name filter is specified. Duplicate notes are removed.

Sorting Notes: Notes are sorted by name and tags based on the selected options.

Generating Results: Results are generated in the selected format (table, names only, tags only) and sorted accordingly.

Creating Output: The final results, along with a summary of the input selections, are prepared in text and CSV formats. A filename is generated based on the current date and time.

Outputting Results: Results are either inserted into the current note, a new note, or downloaded as a markdown, CSV, or TXT file based on the user's choice.

Additional Details! - The Meta_1 plugin is a powerful tool for filtering, sorting, and exporting notes based on user-defined criteria. By following the provided prompts and selecting the desired options, users can easily manage and output their notes in various formats.

linkTable - Plugin Parameters:






Get a dump of your Note Names, and their Tags. In various Formats and Methods, to cater best of your requirements. With extensive ways to choose and filter the data that you are looking for.


Please fine the Instructions here = Metadata 1.0 Docs

linkCode Base:

(() => {
var Meta_1 = {
insertText: {
// Function to insert text based on user inputs
"Name_Tag": async function(app) {
try {
// Prompting the user to enter filter criteria
const result = await app.prompt("Enter your filter criteria (Anyone or Both [Name_Tag]!)", {
inputs: [
// Tag selection input
label: "Select Tags to filter (Max 10)", type: "tags", limit: 10, placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
// Name filter input
label: "Type Partial or Full name of the Note", type: "string", placeholder: "Enter Partial or Full name"
// Sort by note name option
label: "Sort by Note Name", type: "select", options: [
{ label: "None (Default)", value: "" },
{ label: "Ascending (ASC)", value: "asc" },
{ label: "Descending (DESC)", value: "desc" }
// Sort by tags option
label: "Sort by Tags", type: "select", options: [
{ label: "None (Default)", value: "" },
{ label: "Ascending (ASC)", value: "asc" },
{ label: "Descending (DESC)", value: "desc" }
// Alphabetically sort tags within a note
label: "Sort tags alphabetically (within a Note!)", type: "checkbox"
// Insert / Export options
label: "Insert / Export Options (Mandatory)", type: "select", options: [
{ label: "Insert into current note", value: "current_note" },
{ label: "Insert into new note", value: "new_note" },
{ label: "Download as markdown", value: "download_md" },
{ label: "Download as CSV", value: "download_csv" },
{ label: "Download as TXT", value: "download_txt" }
// Format selection option
label: "Select Report Type (Mandatory)", type: "select", options: [
{ label: "Note Name & Tags (Table)", value: "both_table" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Note Names Only", value: "names_only" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Note Tags Only", value: "tags_only" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Untitled Notes (Table)", value: "empty_names_only" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Untagged Notes (Table)", value: "empty_tags_only" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Undocumented Notes (w/Hidden-task/s)", value: "empty_content_only" }, // Method 2
{ label: "Published Notes (Table)", value: "published_only" }, // Method 1
{ label: "Archived - Grouped-folders", value: "archived" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Vault Notes - Grouped-folders", value: "vault" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Deleted Notes - Grouped-folders", value: "deleted" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Active plugin notes - Grouped-folders", value: "plugin" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Task Lists - Notes-having-tasks", value: "taskLists" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Un-tagged - Notes-untagged", value: "untagged" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Created by me - Shared-notes", value: "created" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Shared publicly - Shared-notes", value: "public" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Shared notes - Shared-notes", value: "shared" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes shared with me - Shared-notes", value: "shareReceived" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes not created by me - Shared-notes", value: "notCreated" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes I shared with others - Shared-notes", value: "shareSent" }, // Method 3
{ label: "This week - Created-date", value: "thisWeek" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Today - Created-date", value: "today" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes Saving - Low-level-queries", value: "saving" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes Downloading - Low-level-queries", value: "stale" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Notes Indexing - Low-level-queries", value: "indexing" }, // Method 3
{ label: "Raw data", value: "raw_data" } // Method 1
// Assert the result is an array
// expect(result).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
// console.log("Prompt result:", result);
// If the result is falsy, the user has canceled the operation
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Destructuring user inputs
const [tagNames, nameFilter, sortOption, sortTagOption, sortTags, insertOption, insertFormat] = result;
// Ensure at least one of the required variables is selected
if (!tagNames && !nameFilter && !sortOption && !sortTagOption && !sortTags) {
app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items (tagNames, nameFilter, sortOption, sortTagOption, or sortTags) must be selected");
// console.log("Destructured inputs:", {tagNames, nameFilter, sortOption, sortTagOption, sortTags, insertOption, insertFormat });
// Ensure both insertOption and insertFormat are selected
if (!insertOption || !insertFormat) {
app.alert("Note: Both insertOption and insertFormat (Mandatory Fields) must be selected");
app.alert("Working on it... This may take a few minutes for large notebooks. The app might seem unresponsive but we're working on it.");
// To avoid multiple repetition in for condition
const insertFormatz = insertFormat;
// console.log("insertFormatz:", insertFormatz);
// Split tags into an array
const tagsArray = tagNames ? tagNames.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
let results = new Set();
let publicResults = [];
// To handle different Methods differently
// Method 1
if (insertFormatz === "both_table" || insertFormatz === "names_only" || insertFormatz === "tags_only" || insertFormatz === "published_only" || insertFormatz === "raw_data" || insertFormatz === "empty_names_only" || insertFormatz === "empty_tags_only") {
let notes = [];
// Filter notes based on tags
if (tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (let tag of tagsArray) {
let taggedNotes = await app.filterNotes({
tag, group: "^vault", query: nameFilter
notes = notes.concat(taggedNotes);
else {
notes = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault", query: nameFilter });
// console.log("Filtered notes:", notes);
// Remove duplicate notes
notes = notes.filter((note, index, self) => index === self.findIndex((n) => n.uuid === note.uuid));
// Assign default name to notes with null or empty name
notes = => {
if (! { = "Untitled Note"; // Assign a default name for empty notes
return note;
// console.log("Notes after removing duplicates:", notes);
// Sort the final list of results based on the selected tag sorting option
if (sortTagOption === "asc") {
notes.sort((a, b) => a.tags.join(", ").localeCompare(b.tags.join(", ")));
else if (sortTagOption === "desc") {
notes.sort((a, b) => b.tags.join(", ").localeCompare(a.tags.join(", ")));
// Further filter notes by name if a name filter is provided (Handled in the Query)
// if (nameFilter) {
// notes = notes.filter(note =>;
// }
// if (nameFilter) {
// Convert the filter term to lowercase
// const lowerCaseFilter = nameFilter.toLowerCase();
// Filter notes with case-insensitive comparison
// notes = notes.filter(note =>
// &&
// );
// }
// Sort notes by name based on the user's selection
if (sortOption === "asc") {
notes.sort((a, b) =>;
else if (sortOption === "desc") {
notes.sort((a, b) =>;
// console.log("Sorted notes:", notes);
// Fetch tags for each note and generate results
const self = this;
for (let note of notes) {
let tags = note.tags;
// Sort tags within the note if the checkbox is checked
if (sortTags) {
tags.sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b));
let noteLink = self._createMDLinkFromNoteHandle(note);
let tagString = tags.join(", ");
if (insertFormat === "both_table") {
results.add(`| ${noteLink} | ${tagString} |`);
else if (insertFormat === "names_only") {
else if (insertFormat === "tags_only") {
tags.forEach(tag => results.add(tag));
results = new Set([...results].filter(tag => tag != null).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)));
// tags.filter(tag => tag != null).sort((a, b) => a.localeCompare(b)).forEach(tag => results.add(tag));
else if (insertFormat === "published_only") {
const publicURL = await app.getNotePublicURL({
uuid: note.uuid
if (publicURL) {
publicResults.push(`| [${}](${note.uuid}) | [${publicURL}](${publicURL}) |`);
else if (insertFormat === "raw_data") {
results.add(`${} | ${note.uuid} | ${tagString}`);
// This is an another optional way to get the raw data!
//} else if (insertFormat === "raw_data") {
//results.add(`Note Name: ${}`);
//results.add(`UUID: ${note.uuid}`);
//results.add(`Tags: ${tagString}`);
else if (insertFormat === "empty_names_only") {
// Filter and include notes with the name "Default Note Name (Empty)"
if ( === "Untitled Note") {
results.add(`| ${noteLink} | ${tagString} |`);
else if (insertFormat === "empty_tags_only") {
// If the tags are empty or null, add the note to results
if (!tagString) {
results.add(`| ${noteLink} | ${tagString} |`);
// console.log("Sorted notes:", notes);
} // Method 1 Close
// Method 2 - To handle Empty content Separately
else if (insertFormatz === "empty_content_only") {
// Filter notes based on empty notes + tags
let notesEmptyNames = new Set();
let notesE = tagsArray.length > 0 ? (await Promise.all( => app.filterNotes({
tag, group: "^vault", query: nameFilter
})))).flat() : await app.filterNotes({
group: "^vault", query: nameFilter
//notesE.sort((a, b) =>;
if (nameFilter) {const lowerCaseFilter = nameFilter.toLowerCase(); notesE = notesE.filter(note => && ); }
notesE.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = || ""; // Use an empty string if is null or undefined
const nameB = || ""; // Use an empty string if is null or undefined
return nameA.localeCompare(nameB);
for (const noteHandle of notesE) {
let noteContent;
try {
noteContent = await app.getNoteContent(noteHandle);
if (noteContent.includes("# Hidden tasks")) continue;
noteContent = noteContent.slice(0, noteContent.indexOf('# Completed tasks<!-- {"omit":true} -->'));
if (noteContent.trim() === "" || !noteContent.match(/[^\s\\]/mg)) {
notesEmptyNames.add(`- [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${noteHandle.uuid})`);
catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
results = new Set(notesEmptyNames);
// console.log("Sorted notesE:", notesE);
// console.log("Empty Notes Names", notesEmptyNames);
} // Method 2 Close
// Method 3 - To handle Groups Separately
else {
// Filter notes based on Groups + tags
let notesGroupNames = new Set();
let notesGroup = insertFormat;
// Filter notes based on empty notes + tags
let notesG = tagsArray.length > 0 ? (await Promise.all( => app.filterNotes({
tag, group: notesGroup, query: nameFilter
})))).flat() : await app.filterNotes({
group: notesGroup, query: nameFilter
//notesG.sort((a, b) =>;
if (nameFilter) {const lowerCaseFilter = nameFilter.toLowerCase(); notesG = notesG.filter(note => && ); }
notesG.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = || ""; // Use an empty string if is null or undefined
const nameB = || ""; // Use an empty string if is null or undefined
return nameA.localeCompare(nameB);
for (const noteHandleG of notesG) {
notesGroupNames.add(`- [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${noteHandleG.uuid})`);
// It takes longer than usual time.
// if (insertFormatz === "public") {
// const publicURL = await app.getNotePublicURL({ uuid: noteHandleG.uuid });
// notesGroupNames.add(`- [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${noteHandleG.uuid}), [${publicURL}](${publicURL})`);
// } else {
// notesGroupNames.add(`- [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${noteHandleG.uuid})`);
// }
results = new Set(notesGroupNames);
// console.log("Sorted notesG:", notesG);
// console.log("Sorted notesGroupNames:", notesGroupNames);
} // Method 3 Close
// Assert results is an array
// expect(results).toBeInstanceOf(Array);
// console.log("Generated results:", results);
results = Array.from(results);
// console.log("Generated results Array:", results);
// Generate the final text, CSV, and TXT content
let resultText;
let resultCSV;
if (insertFormat === "both_table" || insertFormat === "empty_names_only" || insertFormat === "empty_tags_only") {
resultText = "| Note Name | Tags |\n|---|---|\n" + results.join("\n");
resultCSV = "Note Name,Tags\n" + => {
let parts = row.split('|').map(s => s.trim());
let name = parts[1];
let tags = parts[2];
return `"${name.replace(/"/g, '""')}","${tags.replace(/"/g, '""')}`;
else if (insertFormat === "published_only") {
resultText = "| Notes | Public URL |\n|---|---|\n" + publicResults.join("\n");
resultCSV = "Notes,Public URL\n" + => {
let parts = row.split('|').map(s => s.trim());
let name = parts[1];
let url = parts[2];
return `"${name.replace(/"/g, '""')}", "${url.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`;
else if (insertFormat === "raw_data") {
resultText = results.join("\n");
resultCSV = => `"${item.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`).join("\n");
else {
resultText = results.join("\n");
resultCSV = => `"${item.replace(/"/g, '""')}"`).join("\n");
// Assert resultText and resultCSV are strings
// expect(typeof resultText).toBe('string');
// console.log("Result text content:", resultText);
// expect(typeof resultCSV).toBe('string');
// console.log("Result CSV content:", resultCSV);
// Generate the filename based on the current date and time
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
const filename = `Metadata_1.0_Report_${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// Bring in count of records, for reference and additional feature
let lineCount = insertOption === "download_csv" ? resultCSV.split('\n').length : resultText.split('\n').length;
lineCount = insertFormat === "both_table" || insertFormat === "empty_names_only" || insertFormat === "empty_tags_only" || insertFormat === "published_only" ? lineCount-2 : lineCount;
// const lineCountC = resultCSV.split('\n').length;
// Generate the summary of input selections
const inputSummary = `
### Input Selections:
- Number of notes: ${lineCount || "None"}
- Tags to filter: ${tagNames || "None"}
- Note name filter: ${nameFilter || "None"}
- Sort by name: ${sortOption || "None"}
- Sort tags by name: ${sortTagOption || "None"}
- Sort tags alphabetically within a Note: ${sortTags ? "Yes" : "No"}
- Insert option: ${insertOption}
- Format to insert: ${insertFormat}
- Filename: ${filename}
// Append the summary to the result text
resultText += `\n\n${inputSummary}`;
resultCSV += `\n\n${inputSummary.replace(/[\n]/g, "")}`;
// Assert inputSummary is a string
// expect(typeof inputSummary).toBe('string');
// console.log("Input summary:", inputSummary);
// Perform actions based on the insert option
if (insertOption === "current_note") {
await app.context.replaceSelection(resultText);
// console.log("Inserted text into current note.");
else if (insertOption === "new_note") {
let noteUUID = await app.createNote(`${filename}`, ["-reports/-metadata-reports"]);
await app.insertContent({
uuid: noteUUID
}, resultText);
// console.log("Inserted text into new note with UUID:", noteUUID);
else if (insertOption === "download_md") {
let blob = new Blob([resultText], {
type: "text/markdown;charset=utf-8"
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `${filename}.md`;
// console.log("Downloaded Markdown file:", `${filename}.md`);
else if (insertOption === "download_csv") {
let blob = new Blob([resultCSV], {
type: "text/csv;charset=utf-8"
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `${filename}.csv`;
// console.log("Downloaded CSV file:", `${filename}.csv`);
// console.log("Downloaded CSV file:", `${resultCSV}`);
else if (insertOption === "download_txt") {
let blob = new Blob([resultText], {
type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `${filename}.txt`;
// console.log("Downloaded TXT file:", `${filename}.txt`);
// console.log("Downloaded CSV file:", `${resultText}`);
app.alert("Results Generated and Pasted/Downloaded Successfully!");
catch (error) {
// Function to create Markdown link from note handle
_createMDLinkFromNoteHandle(noteHandle) {
// expect(noteHandle).toBeDefined();
// expect(noteHandle).toHaveProperty('name');
// expect(noteHandle).toHaveProperty('uuid');
// console.log("Creating Markdown link for note:", noteHandle);
return `[${}](${noteHandle.uuid})`;
// Assert that Meta_1 is an object
// expect(typeof Meta_1).toBe('object');
// console.log("Meta_1 object definition:", Meta_1);
var plugin_default = Meta_1;
return Meta_1;

linkAdditional Information:

linkChange Log:

July 11th, 2024 - Built the skeleton, the search features and the prompt manager and respective backend calling and place holders, sorting by notes, list and tables formats, handling data.

July 12th, 2024 - Built the sort for tags, within the group of tags, different exporter functions and notes, tags separately list feature.

July 13th, 2024 - Added the option of selecting the list of Published Notes. Having both the local UUID and the Public URL side by side. (Good for Reviewing purposes!). Also Added Raw Data dump (Contains note name, uuid, tags).

July 15th, 2024 - Added the Proper Alert pop up window to notify what is exactly been missed out by the user during the input selection!

July 16th, 2024 - Formatted and added comment to the code base for better readability and aesthetics.

July 22nd, 2024 - Added Group Functions, after some tweaks, was able to make it work fine. Move resource intensive to work only when that option is selected. Added sorting, name and tag filtering to the Group Based execution. Added some default formatting for better viewing experience and readability for text and csv separately.

July 31st, 2024 - Tested all the Features, Options and also validated few of the Items. Works properly as expected.

August 28th, 2024 - Completed performance tuning and done testing. It generates the results quite fast now, at least I see a huge difference for me with 400+ notes. Well its all comparative, it should work much faster then before if you have used it. Enjoy the quick querying so that you can use your time else were. (I do understand waiting actually help our brain go on power saving mode! 😜

September 28th, 2024 - Based on the feedback received from the review of this plugin, updated the format type to report type, clean up of report selection names, commented off the published notes report using brut force checking of available public link, added public link after filtering mechanism using group function, added count - number of items in the export report. And also updated the call name from Meta_1 to Metadata (as it iterations are manifested through different plugins). & Rolling back the published options, as one gives you the public link, one give you just the note, it's much quicker.

linkImplemented & Upcoming:

Bring in all the possible inputs selection

Understand its input criteria + result format


Bring Tags of Notes [Many to One]

Bring Notes of Tags [Many to One]

Build based on Notes Names - as we can get the UUID [One to One > One to Many]

Have a alert when cancelled

Handle empty tags and names

Handle duplication in notes and tags [Notes names, will not have due to the presence of UUID]

Apply filtering partly and fully to the names (like condition)

Sort confusion - Fixed

Sort note names - A, D, N - For final report

Sort tag names - A, D, N - For final report

Sort tag - for each notes - Y, N

Build Text and CSV - templates

Build the structure

Handle commas in tags [multiple ones separately - double quotes]

File name structuring - nomenclature

Final touch - summary of the selected input fields.

Append it

Handling more than 3 tag selections. [Popping out of the window, unable to select the next tag, Reach out!]

Add Published Notes Listing

Add Raw data dump

Add alert if any necessary fields are left empty!

Final Formating!

Group functionality

with sorting, name and tag filtering


Testing July 31st, 2024 (13:03:09)

Performance tuning completed - August 28th, 2024 (12:57:24)

Future Ideas in the Bucket:

Metadata 2.0, Metadata 3.0, Metadata Ultimatum

Code Explanation! For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!

Time Invested For this Plugin: 10h 45m + 6h 36m + 5h 21m + 4h 41m + 4h 55m + 4h 24m + 6h 34m + 1h 32m + 1h 8m = ~45h 56m. [Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]