Kanban Board (Amplenote templates plugin bounty requirements)

A plugin that mimics a kanban board.

The initial verion of this plugin should convert a note into a kanban view, where each column corresponds to a heading in the note, and each card correspond to a task in the heading. Further versions could do the same, but columns = tags, cards = notes.

linkCore functionality


Dragging and dropping a card between columns also moves it between headings

Dragging a task into the last column matks it as crossed out inside the note

Plugin allows creation of new cards using a + button in each column

Allow a per-column upper limit of tasks

Allow editing a card when clicking into it; this will display pure markdown

We should recognize and display Rich Footnotes in the task's description (only when viewing); these should be functional when clicked:

So web URLs should work when clicked

RFs comtaining any combinations of images, text and URLs should be opened as an embed in the sidebar

The first image found in the task body should be embedded in the card at the bottom


Create new columns

Delete a column (and move existing tasks to the top of the note, under no heading in particular)

Edit the name of a column (which edits the text of the heading)

Columns can be reordered (which reorders headings)

Refresh button

Extra functionality:

Option to "tag" or "label" a card with a note (which adds a link to that note in the underlying task)

Attribute dates to cards (which results in start dates in tasks)
