Bullet Journal Plugin



Bullet Journal




Name of note where table is recorded


Date format, see plugin documentation


Name of note that "What I Learned" heading links to (default "Themes of "Gratitude" from five-minute bullet journal")

Enter "none" to suppress heading link


Name of note that "Daily Highlights" heading links to (default "Themes of "Daily Highlights" from five-minute bullet journal")

Enter "none" to suppress heading link


Name of note that "Gratitude" heading links to (default "Themes of "Gratitude" from five-minute bullet journal")

Enter "none" to suppress heading link


Tag to apply to data note


Tag(s) to apply to daily Daily Bullet entries (default 'daily-jots/bullet-journal')

If you wish to have daily entries tagged with more than one hierarchy, separate with commas. E.g., daily-jots/five-questions, data/my-tag/deep-tag


Five minutes worth of daily questions to calibrate your willpower. Inspired by Tim Ferriss' "Five Minute Bullet Journal."


Five daily questions to ask, according to a video published by Tim Ferriss:
1. I am grateful for... (3 answers)
2. What would make today great? (3 answers)
3. Daily affirmation
4. Highlights of the day (3 answers)
5. What did I learn today?

Plus a bonus question, inspired by the Good-to-Great guy:
6. On a scale of -2 to +2, how was today?

Upon invoking this plugin, a daily journal note will be created. It can be invoked as a Daily Jot suggestion, or by opening Quick Open and typing some portion of "Log daily entry." The journal template will look similar to this:

All day ratings provided to the plugin will be stored in the plugin's data table, in addition to being browsable by tag.

Three of the questions (gratitude, learnings, highlights) are linked to their own notes, so you can periodically go spelunking for themes in these critical life areas and document them in the provided note.

Date format
This setting has not been implemented yet, check back later. For now, dates are recorded based on what your web browser thinks is normal for where you live (for the geeks: via (new Date()).toLocaleDateString())

Entry: https://github.com/alloy-org/bullet-journal/build/compiled.js

linkCode block

// Javascript updated 7/7/2024, 10:30:24 AM by Amplenote Plugin Builder from source code within "https://github.com/alloy-org/bullet-journal/build/compiled.js"
(() => {
// lib/constants/misc.js
var NOTE_OPTION_NAME = "Log Bullet Journal Entry";
// lib/constants/note-names.js
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA = "Bullet Journal Data";
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_GRATITUDE = `Themes of "Gratitude" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_HIGHLIGHTS = `Themes of "Daily Highlights" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_LEARNING = `Themes of "Learning" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS = ["daily-jots/bullet-journal"];
// lib/constants/settings.js
var SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA = "Name of note where table is recorded";
var SETTING_KEY_DATE_FORMAT = "Date format, see plugin documentation";
var SETTING_KEY_TAG_APPLIED = `Tag(s) to apply to daily Daily Bullet entries (default "${DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS[0]}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_DATA_TAG_APPLIED = "Tag to apply to data note";
var SETTING_KEY_GRATITUDE_NOTE = `Name of note that "Gratitude" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_GRATITUDE}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_HIGHLIGHTS_NOTE = `Name of note that "Daily Highlights" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_HIGHLIGHTS}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_LEARNING_NOTE = `Name of note that "What I Learned" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_LEARNING}")`;
// lib/five-question-markdown.js
var FIVE_QUESTION_MARKDOWN = `Try to complete this self-calibration in around 5 minutes if possible. The less time is spent on it, the greater the chances you can remain consistent with this prospective habit.
# [I am grateful for...](gratitude_link)
# What would make today great?
# Daily affirmation
* [ ] Some ideas from [TheGoodTrade](https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/positive-affirmations-morning-routine/)
# [Highlights of the day](highlights_link)
# [What did I learn today?](learning_link)
// lib/plugin.js
var TABLE_SECTION_NAME = `"Bullet Journal" Entries`;
var TAG_SUFFIX = "bullet-journal";
var BACKLINK_NOTE_LABELS = ["gratitude", "highlights", "learning"];
var plugin = {
_backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel: {},
// Object mapping BACKLINK_NOTE_LABELS to note UUIDs
constants: {},
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// https://www.amplenote.com/help/developing_amplenote_plugins#dailyJotOption
dailyJotOption: {
async run(app) {
await this._logDailyEntry(app);
async check(app) {
const tableDataRows = await this._tableDataRows(app, TABLE_SECTION_NAME);
if (!tableDataRows)
return true;
const todayString = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleDateString();
return !tableDataRows.find((row) => row.includes(todayString));
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
appOption: {
[NOTE_OPTION_NAME]: async function(app) {
await this._logDailyEntry(app);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _logDailyEntry(app) {
await this._ensureBacklinkNotes(app);
await this._ensureBulletJournalNote(app);
await this._visitBulletJournalNote(app);
await this._queryRecordMoodLevel(app);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The bullet journal headings link to separate notes, so backlinks can be perused to extract themes that
// can be analyzed/summarized in the backlink-holding note
async _ensureBacklinkNotes(app) {
const backlinkSets = [
for (const [settingKey, defaultNoteName, backlinkNoteLabel] of backlinkSets) {
const settingNoteName = await app.settings[settingKey];
const noteName = settingNoteName?.length ? settingNoteName : defaultNoteName;
if (noteName === "none")
const note = await app.findNote({ name: noteName });
if (note) {
console.debug(`Populated noteHandle`, backlinkNoteLabel, "with note", note);
this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel] = note.uuid;
console.debug("No existing note exists for", backlinkNoteLabel, "Creating one.");
const rootTag = await this._rootDataTag(app);
let noteTag;
if (rootTag) {
noteTag = `${rootTag}/${TAG_SUFFIX}`;
const noteUUID = await app.createNote(noteName, noteTag ? [noteTag] : []);
const persistedNote = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });
console.log("Persisted backlink note", persistedNote);
this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel] = persistedNote.uuid;
await app.insertNoteContent(
`Periodically browse the "Backlinks" tab, and summarize any repeating patterns that you see:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _ensureBulletJournalNote(app) {
const noteName = await this._noteName(app);
let findArgument = { name: noteName };
const tagsApplied = await this._bulletJournalTagArray(app);
if (tagsApplied.length) {
findArgument = { ...findArgument, tags: tagsApplied };
let journalNote = await app.findNote(findArgument);
if (journalNote) {
const content = await app.getNoteContent(journalNote);
if (content?.length > 100) {
console.log("Note content already populated. Not adding");
this._bulletNoteHandle = journalNote;
} else {
const noteUUID = await app.createNote(findArgument.name, findArgument.tags || []);
journalNote = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });
const journalContent = this._journalContentWithNoteLinks();
// await (new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1)));
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: journalNote.uuid }, journalContent);
this._bulletNoteHandle = journalNote;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_journalContentWithNoteLinks() {
let journalContent = FIVE_QUESTION_MARKDOWN;
for (const backlinkNoteLabel of BACKLINK_NOTE_LABELS) {
const backlinkNoteUuid = this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel];
console.debug("backlinkNoteUuid", backlinkNoteUuid, "for label", backlinkNoteLabel);
if (backlinkNoteUuid) {
journalContent = journalContent.replace(`${backlinkNoteLabel}_link`, `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${backlinkNoteUuid}`);
} else {
const titleRegex = new RegExp(`\\[([\\w\\s.?]+)\\]\\(${backlinkNoteLabel}_link\\)`);
console.log("TitleRegex match", journalContent.match(titleRegex), "given journalContent", journalContent);
journalContent = journalContent.replace(titleRegex, "$1");
return journalContent;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _queryRecordMoodLevel(app) {
const moodOptions = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].map((value) => ({ value: `${value}`, label: `${value}` }));
const result = await app.prompt("Today will be remembered as (optional)", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Frivolous/terrible (-2) to successful/wonderful (+2)", type: "radio", options: moodOptions, value: "0" },
{ label: "Factors contributing to this rating?", type: "text" }
await this._persistTableData(app, TABLE_SECTION_NAME, result);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _noteName(app) {
const dateSetting = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_DATE_FORMAT];
const userLocale = navigator?.language || "en-US";
if (dateSetting?.length) {
console.log("Using setting from user", dateSetting);
return `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleDateString(userLocale, dateSetting)} Bullet Journal`;
} else {
return `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleDateString(userLocale, { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" })} Bullet Journal`;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _bulletJournalTagArray(app) {
const tagSetting = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_TAG_APPLIED];
if (tagSetting?.length) {
return tagSetting.split(",").map((tag) => tag.trim()).filter((n) => n);
} else {
let bulletJournalNoteTags = DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS;
const baseTag = await this._rootDataTag(app);
if (baseTag) {
const tagWithSuffix = `${ baseTag }/${ TAG_SUFFIX }`;
if (!bulletJournalNoteTags.includes(tagWithSuffix)) {
return bulletJournalNoteTags;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _visitBulletJournalNote(app) {
const tagArray = await this._bulletJournalTagArray(app);
let navigateUrl;
if (tagArray?.length) {
navigateUrl = `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}`;
} else {
navigateUrl = `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}`;
await app.navigate(navigateUrl);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _persistTableData(app, sectionName, userDayRatingResponse) {
const existingTableRows = await this._tableDataRows(app, sectionName);
let existingTable;
if (existingTableRows) {
console.debug(`Found ${existingTableRows.length} existing data table rows to preserve`);
existingTable = existingTableRows.join("\n");
} else {
console.log("No existing data table could be found. Creating data table section");
await app.insertNoteContent(await this._dataNote(app), `# ${sectionName}
existingTable = "";
const receivedDayRating = Array.isArray(userDayRatingResponse) && userDayRatingResponse[0].length;
const formattedRating = receivedDayRating ? this._formattedDayRating(userDayRatingResponse[0]) : null;
if (receivedDayRating) {
console.debug("Received day rating, formattedRating is", formattedRating);
let tableMarkdown = `# ${sectionName}
tableMarkdown += `| **Bullet Journal Note** | **Day Rating** | **Precipitating events** | **Captured at** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
tableMarkdown += `| [${this._bulletNoteHandle.name}](/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}) | ${formattedRating || "See note"} | ${receivedDayRating ? userDayRatingResponse[1].replace(/\n/g, "\\") : "See note"} | ${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleString()} |
tableMarkdown += existingTable;
if (receivedDayRating) {
const existingJournalContent = await app.getNoteContent(this._bulletNoteHandle);
let insertContent = `- Rating as of ${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(navigator.language, { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", hour12: true })}: ${formattedRating}${userDayRatingResponse[1]?.length ? `
- Precipitating factors: ${userDayRatingResponse[1]}` : ""}`;
console.log("Inserting", insertContent);
if (!existingJournalContent?.includes("# Day Rating")) {
insertContent = `
# Day Rating
await app.insertNoteContent(this._bulletNoteHandle, insertContent, { atEnd: true });
const dataNote = await this._dataNote(app);
await app.replaceNoteContent(dataNote, tableMarkdown, { heading: { text: sectionName } });
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
_formattedDayRating(userDayRating) {
const numericBackgroundColor = { "-2": "12", "-1": "1", "1": "4", "2": "15" }[userDayRating];
let formattedRating = `**${userDayRating}**`;
if (numericBackgroundColor) {
formattedRating = `**==${userDayRating}<!-- {"backgroundCycleColor":"${numericBackgroundColor}"} -->==**`;
return formattedRating;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return an array of the rows from the bullet journal data table (absent its two header rows), or undefined if
// it doesn't exist
async _tableDataRows(app, sectionName) {
const dataNote = await this._dataNote(app);
const content = await app.getNoteContent(dataNote);
let existingTable = "";
if (content.includes(`# ${sectionName}`)) {
console.log("Table note content includes expected section name");
existingTable = await this._sectionContent(content, sectionName);
if (existingTable?.length) {
console.log(`Data table note (${dataNote.name}) has existing table content length`, existingTable.length);
const tableRows = existingTable.split("\n");
while (tableRows.length) {
if (tableRows[0].includes("Bullet Journal]")) {
} else {
const row = tableRows.shift();
return tableRows;
} else {
console.log("No table content found in section", sectionName);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return a handle to the note data note, creating it with user-specified tags if it doesn't yet exist
async _dataNote(app) {
if (this._dataNoteHandle) {
return this._dataNoteHandle;
} else {
const noteDataName = await this._dataNoteName(app);
const existingNote = await app.findNote({ name: noteDataName });
if (existingNote) {
this._dataNoteHandle = existingNote;
return existingNote;
const dataTagBase = await this._rootDataTag(app);
let dataNoteTag = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_DATA_TAG_APPLIED];
if (!dataNoteTag && dataTagBase) {
dataNoteTag = [`${dataTagBase}/five-questions`];
const uuid = await app.createNote(noteDataName, dataNoteTag || []);
console.debug("New data note uuid is", uuid, "with tag", dataNoteTag);
this._dataNoteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid });
console.debug("this._dataNoteHandle is", this._dataNoteHandle);
return this._dataNoteHandle;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
async _dataNoteName(app) {
let noteDataName = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA];
if (!noteDataName) {
const result = await app.prompt(
`Enter the name of the note in which you'd like to record a table with links to your Bullet Journal entries (leave blank for the default of "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA}")`,
{ inputs: [{ type: "text" }] }
noteDataName = result[0] || DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA;
await app.setSetting(SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA, noteDataName);
return noteDataName;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return the base hierarchy tag in which to record bullet journal entries, based on attempt to find a tag
// that is already in use by the user
async _rootDataTag(app) {
for (const tagBaseCandidate of ["personal", "me", "business", "biz"]) {
const candidateNoteHandles = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagBaseCandidate });
if (candidateNoteHandles.length) {
return tagBaseCandidate;
} else {
console.debug("No notes exist for tag", tagBaseCandidate);
console.debug("No good base tag found for data note");
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return all of the markdown within a section that begins with `sectionHeadingText`
// `sectionHeadingText` Text of the section heading to grab, with or without preceding `#`s
// `depth` Capture all content at this depth, e.g., if grabbing depth 2 of a second-level heading, this will return all potential h3s that occur up until the next h1 or h2
_sectionContent(noteContent, headingTextOrSectionObject) {
let sectionHeadingText;
if (typeof headingTextOrSectionObject === "string") {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject;
} else {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject.heading.text;
try {
sectionHeadingText = sectionHeadingText.replace(/^#+\s*/, "");
} catch (err) {
if (err.name === "TypeError") {
throw new Error(`${err.message} (line 1054)`);
const { startIndex, endIndex } = this._sectionRange(noteContent, sectionHeadingText);
return noteContent.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Return {startIndex, endIndex} where startIndex is the index at which the content of a section
// starts, and endIndex the index at which it ends.
_sectionRange(bodyContent, sectionHeadingText) {
const sectionRegex = /^#+\s*([^#\n\r]+)/gm;
const indexes = Array.from(bodyContent.matchAll(sectionRegex));
const sectionMatch = indexes.find((m) => m[1].trim() === sectionHeadingText.trim());
if (!sectionMatch) {
console.error("Could not find section", sectionHeadingText, "that was looked up. This might be expected");
return { startIndex: null, endIndex: null };
} else {
const level = sectionMatch[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length;
const nextMatch = indexes.find((m) => m.index > sectionMatch.index && m[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length <= level);
const endIndex = nextMatch ? nextMatch.index : bodyContent.length;
return { startIndex: sectionMatch.index + sectionMatch[0].length + 1, endIndex };
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;