(() => {
var NOTE_OPTION_NAME = "Log Bullet Journal Entry";
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA = "Bullet Journal Data";
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_GRATITUDE = `Themes of "Gratitude" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_HIGHLIGHTS = `Themes of "Daily Highlights" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_LEARNING = `Themes of "Learning" from bullet journal`;
var DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS = ["daily-jots/bullet-journal"];
var SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA = "Name of note where table is recorded";
var SETTING_KEY_DATE_FORMAT = "Date format, see plugin documentation";
var SETTING_KEY_TAG_APPLIED = `Tag(s) to apply to daily Daily Bullet entries (default "${DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS[0]}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_DATA_TAG_APPLIED = "Tag to apply to data note";
var SETTING_KEY_GRATITUDE_NOTE = `Name of note that "Gratitude" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_GRATITUDE}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_HIGHLIGHTS_NOTE = `Name of note that "Daily Highlights" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_HIGHLIGHTS}")`;
var SETTING_KEY_LEARNING_NOTE = `Name of note that "What I Learned" heading links to (default "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_LEARNING}")`;
var FIVE_QUESTION_MARKDOWN = `Try to complete this self-calibration in around 5 minutes if possible. The less time is spent on it, the greater the chances you can remain consistent with this prospective habit.
# [I am grateful for...](gratitude_link)
# What would make today great?
# Daily affirmation
* [ ] Some ideas from [TheGoodTrade](https://www.thegoodtrade.com/features/positive-affirmations-morning-routine/)
# [Highlights of the day](highlights_link)
# [What did I learn today?](learning_link)
var TABLE_SECTION_NAME = `"Bullet Journal" Entries`;
var TAG_SUFFIX = "bullet-journal";
var BACKLINK_NOTE_LABELS = ["gratitude", "highlights", "learning"];
var plugin = {
_backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel: {},
constants: {},
dailyJotOption: {
async run(app) {
await this._logDailyEntry(app);
async check(app) {
const tableDataRows = await this._tableDataRows(app, TABLE_SECTION_NAME);
if (!tableDataRows)
return true;
const todayString = ( new Date()).toLocaleDateString();
return !tableDataRows.find((row) => row.includes(todayString));
appOption: {
[NOTE_OPTION_NAME]: async function(app) {
await this._logDailyEntry(app);
async _logDailyEntry(app) {
await this._ensureBacklinkNotes(app);
await this._ensureBulletJournalNote(app);
await this._visitBulletJournalNote(app);
await this._queryRecordMoodLevel(app);
async _ensureBacklinkNotes(app) {
const backlinkSets = [
for (const [settingKey, defaultNoteName, backlinkNoteLabel] of backlinkSets) {
const settingNoteName = await app.settings[settingKey];
const noteName = settingNoteName?.length ? settingNoteName : defaultNoteName;
if (noteName === "none")
const note = await app.findNote({ name: noteName });
if (note) {
console.debug(`Populated noteHandle`, backlinkNoteLabel, "with note", note);
this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel] = note.uuid;
console.debug("No existing note exists for", backlinkNoteLabel, "Creating one.");
const rootTag = await this._rootDataTag(app);
let noteTag;
if (rootTag) {
noteTag = `${rootTag}/${TAG_SUFFIX}`;
const noteUUID = await app.createNote(noteName, noteTag ? [noteTag] : []);
const persistedNote = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });
console.log("Persisted backlink note", persistedNote);
this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel] = persistedNote.uuid;
await app.insertNoteContent(
`Periodically browse the "Backlinks" tab, and summarize any repeating patterns that you see:
async _ensureBulletJournalNote(app) {
const noteName = await this._noteName(app);
let findArgument = { name: noteName };
const tagsApplied = await this._bulletJournalTagArray(app);
if (tagsApplied.length) {
findArgument = { ...findArgument, tags: tagsApplied };
let journalNote = await app.findNote(findArgument);
if (journalNote) {
const content = await app.getNoteContent(journalNote);
if (content?.length > 100) {
console.log("Note content already populated. Not adding");
this._bulletNoteHandle = journalNote;
} else {
const noteUUID = await app.createNote(findArgument.name, findArgument.tags || []);
journalNote = await app.findNote({ uuid: noteUUID });
const journalContent = this._journalContentWithNoteLinks();
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: journalNote.uuid }, journalContent);
this._bulletNoteHandle = journalNote;
_journalContentWithNoteLinks() {
let journalContent = FIVE_QUESTION_MARKDOWN;
for (const backlinkNoteLabel of BACKLINK_NOTE_LABELS) {
const backlinkNoteUuid = this._backlinkNoteUuidFromLabel[backlinkNoteLabel];
console.debug("backlinkNoteUuid", backlinkNoteUuid, "for label", backlinkNoteLabel);
if (backlinkNoteUuid) {
journalContent = journalContent.replace(`${backlinkNoteLabel}_link`, `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${backlinkNoteUuid}`);
} else {
const titleRegex = new RegExp(`\\[([\\w\\s.?]+)\\]\\(${backlinkNoteLabel}_link\\)`);
console.log("TitleRegex match", journalContent.match(titleRegex), "given journalContent", journalContent);
journalContent = journalContent.replace(titleRegex, "$1");
return journalContent;
async _queryRecordMoodLevel(app) {
const moodOptions = [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].map((value) => ({ value: `${value}`, label: `${value}` }));
const result = await app.prompt("Today will be remembered as (optional)", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Frivolous/terrible (-2) to successful/wonderful (+2)", type: "radio", options: moodOptions, value: "0" },
{ label: "Factors contributing to this rating?", type: "text" }
await this._persistTableData(app, TABLE_SECTION_NAME, result);
async _noteName(app) {
const dateSetting = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_DATE_FORMAT];
const userLocale = navigator?.language || "en-US";
if (dateSetting?.length) {
console.log("Using setting from user", dateSetting);
return `${( new Date()).toLocaleDateString(userLocale, dateSetting)} Bullet Journal`;
} else {
return `${( new Date()).toLocaleDateString(userLocale, { year: "numeric", month: "long", day: "numeric" })} Bullet Journal`;
async _bulletJournalTagArray(app) {
const tagSetting = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_TAG_APPLIED];
if (tagSetting?.length) {
return tagSetting.split(",").map((tag) => tag.trim()).filter((n) => n);
} else {
let bulletJournalNoteTags = DEFAULT_QUESTION_NOTE_TAGS;
const baseTag = await this._rootDataTag(app);
if (baseTag) {
const tagWithSuffix = `${ baseTag }/${ TAG_SUFFIX }`;
if (!bulletJournalNoteTags.includes(tagWithSuffix)) {
return bulletJournalNoteTags;
async _visitBulletJournalNote(app) {
const tagArray = await this._bulletJournalTagArray(app);
let navigateUrl;
if (tagArray?.length) {
navigateUrl = `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}`;
} else {
navigateUrl = `https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}`;
await app.navigate(navigateUrl);
async _persistTableData(app, sectionName, userDayRatingResponse) {
const existingTableRows = await this._tableDataRows(app, sectionName);
let existingTable;
if (existingTableRows) {
console.debug(`Found ${existingTableRows.length} existing data table rows to preserve`);
existingTable = existingTableRows.join("\n");
} else {
console.log("No existing data table could be found. Creating data table section");
await app.insertNoteContent(await this._dataNote(app), `# ${sectionName}
existingTable = "";
const receivedDayRating = Array.isArray(userDayRatingResponse) && userDayRatingResponse[0].length;
const formattedRating = receivedDayRating ? this._formattedDayRating(userDayRatingResponse[0]) : null;
if (receivedDayRating) {
console.debug("Received day rating, formattedRating is", formattedRating);
let tableMarkdown = `# ${sectionName}
tableMarkdown += `| **Bullet Journal Note** | **Day Rating** | **Precipitating events** | **Captured at** |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
tableMarkdown += `| [${this._bulletNoteHandle.name}](/notes/${this._bulletNoteHandle.uuid}) | ${formattedRating || "See note"} | ${receivedDayRating ? userDayRatingResponse[1].replace(/\n/g, "\\") : "See note"} | ${( new Date()).toLocaleString()} |
tableMarkdown += existingTable;
if (receivedDayRating) {
const existingJournalContent = await app.getNoteContent(this._bulletNoteHandle);
let insertContent = `- Rating as of ${( new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(navigator.language, { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", hour12: true })}: ${formattedRating}${userDayRatingResponse[1]?.length ? `
- Precipitating factors: ${userDayRatingResponse[1]}` : ""}`;
console.log("Inserting", insertContent);
if (!existingJournalContent?.includes("# Day Rating")) {
insertContent = `
# Day Rating
await app.insertNoteContent(this._bulletNoteHandle, insertContent, { atEnd: true });
const dataNote = await this._dataNote(app);
await app.replaceNoteContent(dataNote, tableMarkdown, { heading: { text: sectionName } });
_formattedDayRating(userDayRating) {
const numericBackgroundColor = { "-2": "12", "-1": "1", "1": "4", "2": "15" }[userDayRating];
let formattedRating = `**${userDayRating}**`;
if (numericBackgroundColor) {
formattedRating = `**==${userDayRating}<!-- {"backgroundCycleColor":"${numericBackgroundColor}"} -->==**`;
return formattedRating;
async _tableDataRows(app, sectionName) {
const dataNote = await this._dataNote(app);
const content = await app.getNoteContent(dataNote);
let existingTable = "";
if (content.includes(`# ${sectionName}`)) {
console.log("Table note content includes expected section name");
existingTable = await this._sectionContent(content, sectionName);
if (existingTable?.length) {
console.log(`Data table note (${dataNote.name}) has existing table content length`, existingTable.length);
const tableRows = existingTable.split("\n");
while (tableRows.length) {
if (tableRows[0].includes("Bullet Journal]")) {
} else {
const row = tableRows.shift();
return tableRows;
} else {
console.log("No table content found in section", sectionName);
async _dataNote(app) {
if (this._dataNoteHandle) {
return this._dataNoteHandle;
} else {
const noteDataName = await this._dataNoteName(app);
const existingNote = await app.findNote({ name: noteDataName });
if (existingNote) {
this._dataNoteHandle = existingNote;
return existingNote;
const dataTagBase = await this._rootDataTag(app);
let dataNoteTag = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_DATA_TAG_APPLIED];
if (!dataNoteTag && dataTagBase) {
dataNoteTag = [`${dataTagBase}/five-questions`];
const uuid = await app.createNote(noteDataName, dataNoteTag || []);
console.debug("New data note uuid is", uuid, "with tag", dataNoteTag);
this._dataNoteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid });
console.debug("this._dataNoteHandle is", this._dataNoteHandle);
return this._dataNoteHandle;
async _dataNoteName(app) {
let noteDataName = await app.settings[SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA];
if (!noteDataName) {
const result = await app.prompt(
`Enter the name of the note in which you'd like to record a table with links to your Bullet Journal entries (leave blank for the default of "${DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA}")`,
{ inputs: [{ type: "text" }] }
noteDataName = result[0] || DEFAULT_NOTE_NAME_DATA;
await app.setSetting(SETTING_KEY_NOTE_DATA, noteDataName);
return noteDataName;
async _rootDataTag(app) {
for (const tagBaseCandidate of ["personal", "me", "business", "biz"]) {
const candidateNoteHandles = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagBaseCandidate });
if (candidateNoteHandles.length) {
return tagBaseCandidate;
} else {
console.debug("No notes exist for tag", tagBaseCandidate);
console.debug("No good base tag found for data note");
_sectionContent(noteContent, headingTextOrSectionObject) {
let sectionHeadingText;
if (typeof headingTextOrSectionObject === "string") {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject;
} else {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject.heading.text;
try {
sectionHeadingText = sectionHeadingText.replace(/^#+\s*/, "");
} catch (err) {
if (err.name === "TypeError") {
throw new Error(`${err.message} (line 1054)`);
const { startIndex, endIndex } = this._sectionRange(noteContent, sectionHeadingText);
return noteContent.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
_sectionRange(bodyContent, sectionHeadingText) {
const sectionRegex = /^#+\s*([^#\n\r]+)/gm;
const indexes = Array.from(bodyContent.matchAll(sectionRegex));
const sectionMatch = indexes.find((m) => m[1].trim() === sectionHeadingText.trim());
if (!sectionMatch) {
console.error("Could not find section", sectionHeadingText, "that was looked up. This might be expected");
return { startIndex: null, endIndex: null };
} else {
const level = sectionMatch[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length;
const nextMatch = indexes.find((m) => m.index > sectionMatch.index && m[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length <= level);
const endIndex = nextMatch ? nextMatch.index : bodyContent.length;
return { startIndex: sectionMatch.index + sectionMatch[0].length + 1, endIndex };
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;