Media Manager

linkWelcome Note:

Welcome to the Media Management Plugin! This powerful tool streamlines any media content and attachment managing experience by allowing you to easily generate tailored reports based on your media content. Whether you want to filter notes by specific tags, object types, or formats, our user-friendly interface guides you through each step.

Start by selecting your desired tags and object types to refine your search. The generated reports can be exported in multiple formats such as Markdown, CSV, JSON, and more, ensuring you get the information you need in a way that suits your workflow. Additionally, our Download function simplifies accessing file attachments through direct links. Dive in and discover the efficiency of managing your media with ease!


linkDemo Report:

linkDemo List:

linkDemo Download:

linkDemo Download Attachment:


linkHow to Use: Report

Select Tags (OR): Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes with any of the tags.

Select Tags (AND): Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes containing all specified tags.

Select Object Type: Filter results by content type (Attachments, Images, Videos, Links).

Run Function: Executes to generate a sorted report in Markdown format.

View Report: Displays filtered notes based on user inputs.

linkHow to Use: List

Access Lists! Function: Open the plugin interface.

Input Tags for Filtering:

Select Tags [OR]: Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes with any specified tags.

Select Tags [AND]: Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes with all specified tags.

Choose Object Type: Select type to filter (Attachments, Images, Videos, Links).

List Formatting: Defaults to document format; options inactive.

Run Function: Filters notes, removes duplicates, and generates a Markdown report.

View Report: Displays notes with a horizontal line separating sections.

linkHow to Use: Download

Select Tags [OR]: Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes with any specified tags.

Select Tags [AND]: Input up to 10 tags; retrieves notes containing all specified tags.

Select Object Type: Choose from Attachments, Images, Videos, Links, or Everything.

Select Download Format: Choose output format (Markdown, CSV, TXT, JSON, HTML

linkHow to Use: Download File (Link Option)

Initiate Download: Click a UUID-based link in the Ample-Note app to proceed with the download.

linkTable - Plugin Parameters:


Media Manager




This Plugin helps you to Manage all your Attachments, Links, Images, and Videos; as a Report, List, and also in to Download, in detailed manner. You can filter by Tags (AND, OR) as well.



Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]

linkCode Base:

appOption: {
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //
* "Reports" function: Prompts the user to select tags and object type, then filters notes based on those selections.
* Inputs: tags (OR and AND), object type (Attachments, Links, Images)
* Output: Filtered notes + objects based on the selected criteria.
"Report!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want to your Report on.",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select the Object Type (Mandatory)",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Basic - All MD []() Formats", value: "basic" },
{ label: "Advanced - Attachments", value: "attachments" },
{ label: "Advanced - Images", value: "amplenote-images" },
{ label: "Advanced - Videos", value: "amplenote-videos" }
// Log the user input (result)
// console.log("User input result:", result);
// Destructure the user input from the result array
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, objectType] = result;
// console.log("tagNamesOr:", tagNamesOr);
// console.log("tagNamesAnd:", tagNamesAnd);
// Handle cancellation scenario
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
if (!objectType) {
app.alert("Note: Select any one of the Object type and Formatting");
// Initialize empty arrays for storing notes and filtered notes
let notes = [];
// console.log("Initial notes array:", notes);
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
// console.log("tagsArray (from tagNamesOr):", tagsArray);
let filteredNotes = [];
// console.log("Initial filteredNotes array:", filteredNotes);
// Filtering logic based on tags [OR] and [AND]
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
// Filter notes by OR tags (separate search for each tag)
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
// console.log(`Notes filtered by tag "${tag}":`, notesByTag);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
// console.log("filteredNotes after OR filter:", filteredNotes);
// Filter notes by AND tags (combined search for all tags)
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
// console.log("Notes filtered by AND tags:", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after AND filter:", filteredNotes);
} else {
// Default filter if no tags are provided
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// console.log("Notes filtered by default group (^vault):", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after default group filter:", filteredNotes);
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [ Set(filteredNotes)];
// console.log("filteredNotes after removing duplicates:", filteredNotes);
// Sort the filtered notes by note name in ascending order
filteredNotes.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = ( || "").toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase to ensure case-insensitive sorting
const nameB = ( || "").toUpperCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
return 0; // Names are equal
// console.log("filteredNotes after sorting by name:", filteredNotes);
notes = filteredNotes;
// console.log("Final notes array:", notes);
// Define horizontal line and introductory text for the markdown document
let markdownReport;
const horizontalLine = `
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
if (objectType === "basic") {
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager: Report (Basic). <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the count of All Basic Media in Table format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- (1) \`Attachments [Through API]\`,
- (2) \`All Images [Through API]\`, (3) \`Amplenote Images [Images hosted by Amplenote]\`, (4) \`Non-Amplenote Hosted Images [Images hosted on the Web]\`,
- (5) \`Amplenote Videos [Videos hosted by Amplenote]\`,
- (6) \`Links [Normal Non-Amplenote links].\`
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the markdown table format
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
markdownReport += "| `Note` 🔗 | `Tags` 🏷️ | `Attachments` 📃 | `Images` 🖼️ | `Amplenote Images` ☁️ | `Non-Amplenote Images` 🌐 | `Amplenote Videos` 🎞️ | `Links` 🔗 |\n";
markdownReport += "|---------|---------|---------------|-----------|---------------------|------------------------|---------------------|----------|\n";
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|\n";
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport);
// Loop through each note and extract content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`);
// Get note content in markdown format
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log(`Markdown content for note ${noteUUID}:`, markdown);
// Extract attachments via API
const attachmentsAPI = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("attachmentsAPI:", attachmentsAPI);
// Extract AmpleNote image links via API and regex
const imagesAPI = await app.getNoteImages({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("imagesAPI:", imagesAPI);
// Filter images that are hosted on AmpleNote
const ampleNoteImages = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.startsWith(""));
// console.log("Images hosted on AmpleNote:", ampleNoteImages);
// Filter images that are not hosted on AmpleNote
const nonAmpleNoteImages = imagesAPI.filter(image => !image.src.startsWith(""));
// console.log("Images not hosted on AmpleNote:", nonAmpleNoteImages);
// Extract AmpleNote video links
// const ampleNoteVideosRegex = /!\[([^\]]+)\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?)\)/g;
const ampleNoteVideosRegex = /!\[([^\]]+)\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?\.(mp4|mov|mpg|webm))\)/g;
const ampleNoteVideos = [...markdown.matchAll(ampleNoteVideosRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Video name
url: match[2], // Video URL
format: match[2].split('.').pop() // File format
// console.log(`AmpleNote Videos for note ${noteUUID}:`, ampleNoteVideos);
// Extract non-AmpleNote links excluding images and attachments
const linkRegex = /\[([^\]]+)\]\((?!attachment:\/\/)(?!https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/)(?!https:\/\/www\.amplenote\.com\/notes\/)(.*?)\)/g;
const links = [...markdown.matchAll(linkRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Link text
url: match[2] // URL
// console.log(`Links (excluding attachments and images) for note ${noteUUID}:`, links);
// Add extracted data to the markdown report
if (attachmentsAPI.length > 0 || imagesAPI.length > 0 || ampleNoteImages.length > 0 || nonAmpleNoteImages.length > 0 || ampleNoteVideos.length > 0 || links.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `| [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) | ${note.tags} | ${(attachmentsAPI.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPI.length)} | ${(imagesAPI.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPI.length)} | ${(ampleNoteImages.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteImages.length)} | ${(nonAmpleNoteImages.length === 0 ? ' - ' : nonAmpleNoteImages.length)} | ${(ampleNoteVideos.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteVideos.length)} | ${(links.length === 0 ? ' - ' : links.length)} |\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport:", markdownReport);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`);
continue; // Skip notes with errors
// Add final total sums to the markdown report
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|\n";
// console.log("Final markdownReport with total sums:", markdownReport);
} // End for if - basic
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
if (objectType === "attachments") {
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager: Report (Advanced - Attachments). <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the count of All Attachments in Table format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.xlsx\`** 🟩 | **\`.xls\`** 🟩 — Excel Spreadsheet files, commonly used for storing data in tabular form, calculations, charts, and pivot tables.
- **\`.docx\`** 🟦 | **\`.doc\`** 🟦 — Microsoft Word documents, frequently used for creating text documents with formatting, images, and other media.
- **\`.pptx\`** 🟧 | **\`.ppt\`** 🟧 — PowerPoint presentations, used for creating slide shows with text, images, and multimedia elements.
- **\`.pdf\`** 🟠 — Portable Document Format, a widely-used format for presenting documents that appear the same across different devices.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the markdown table format
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
markdownReport += "| `Note` 🔗 | `Tags` 🏷️ | `.xlsx` 🟩 | `.xls` 🟩 | `.docx` 🟦 | `.doc` 🟦 | `.pptx` 🟧 | `.ppt` 🟧 | `.pdf` 🟠 |\n";
markdownReport += "|---------|---------|----------|---------|----------|--------|----------|---------|---------|\n";
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|\n";
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport);
// Loop through each note and extract content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`);
// Extract attachments via API
const attachmentsAPI = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("attachmentsAPI:", attachmentsAPI);
// Filter attachments based on their file extensions
const attachmentsAPIxlsx = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".xlsx"));
const attachmentsAPIxls = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".xls"));
const attachmentsAPIdocx = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".docx"));
const attachmentsAPIdoc = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".doc"));
const attachmentsAPIpptx = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".pptx"));
const attachmentsAPIppt = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".ppt"));
const attachmentsAPIpdf = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>".pdf"));
// Add extracted data to the markdown report
if (attachmentsAPIxlsx.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIxls.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIdocx.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIdoc.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIpptx.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIppt.length > 0 || attachmentsAPIpdf.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `| [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) | ${note.tags} | ${(attachmentsAPIxlsx.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIxlsx.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIxls.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIxls.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIdocx.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIdocx.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIdoc.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIdoc.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIpptx.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIpptx.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIppt.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIppt.length)} | ${(attachmentsAPIpdf.length === 0 ? ' - ' : attachmentsAPIpdf.length)} |\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport:", markdownReport);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`);
continue; // Skip notes with errors
// Add final total sums to the markdown report
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|\n";
// console.log("Final markdownReport with total sums:", markdownReport);
} // End for if - attachments
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
if (objectType === "amplenote-images") {
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager: Report (Advanced - Images). <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the count of most common Image extensions in Table format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.jpg\`** 🖼️ | **\`.jpeg\`** 🖼️ — JPEG image files, commonly used for photographs and web images, providing good compression with decent quality.
- **\`.png\`** 🖼️ — PNG image files, often used for web graphics and images requiring transparency, with lossless compression.
- **\`.gif\`** 🎞️ — GIF image files, popular for simple animations and web graphics, limited to 256 colors.
- **\`.bmp\`** 🖼️ — BMP files, uncompressed and typically large, used for storing high-quality images in older systems.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the markdown table format
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
markdownReport += "| `Note` 🔗 | `Tags` 🏷️ | `.jpg/.jpeg` 🖼️ | `.png` 🖼️ | `.gif` 🎞️ | `.bmp` 🖼️ | `Others` 🖼️ |\n";
markdownReport += "|---------|---------|------------|------|------|------|--------|\n";
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|\n";
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport);
// Loop through each note and extract content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`);
// Extract AmpleNote image links via API and regex
const imagesAPI = await app.getNoteImages({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("imagesAPI:", imagesAPI);
// Filter for common image extensions
const imagesAPIjpg = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".jpg") || image.src.endsWith(".jpeg"));
const imagesAPIpng = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".png"));
const imagesAPIgif = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".gif"));
const imagesAPIbmp = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".bmp"));
// const imagesAPItiff = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".tiff") || image.src.endsWith(".tif"));
// const imagesAPIwebp = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".webp"));
// const imagesAPIsvg = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".svg"));
// const imagesAPIico = imagesAPI.filter(image => image.src.endsWith(".ico"));
// Filter for unmatched records (images with extensions that don't match any of the above)
const imagesAPINonMatched = imagesAPI.filter(image => {
return !image.src.endsWith(".jpg") &&
!image.src.endsWith(".jpeg") &&
!image.src.endsWith(".png") &&
!image.src.endsWith(".gif") &&
// &&
// !image.src.endsWith(".tiff") &&
// !image.src.endsWith(".tif") &&
// !image.src.endsWith(".webp") &&
// !image.src.endsWith(".svg") &&
// !image.src.endsWith(".ico")
// Add extracted data to the markdown report
if (imagesAPIjpg.length > 0 || imagesAPIpng.length > 0 || imagesAPIgif.length > 0 || imagesAPIbmp.length > 0 || imagesAPINonMatched.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `| [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) | ${note.tags} | ${(imagesAPIjpg.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPIjpg.length)} | ${(imagesAPIpng.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPIpng.length)} | ${(imagesAPIgif.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPIgif.length)} | ${(imagesAPIbmp.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPIbmp.length)} | ${(imagesAPINonMatched.length === 0 ? ' - ' : imagesAPINonMatched.length)} |\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport:", markdownReport);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`);
continue; // Skip notes with errors
// Add final total sums to the markdown report
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|\n";
// console.log("Final markdownReport with total sums:", markdownReport);
} // End for if - amplenote-images
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
if (objectType === "amplenote-videos") {
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager: Report (Advanced - Videos). <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the count of most common Video extensions in Table format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.mp4\` 🎥** — Video file formats commonly used for storing digital video. MP4 is widely supported across platforms.
- **\`.mov\` 🎥** — MOV is primarily used by Apple's QuickTime.
- **\`.mpg\` 🎞️** — A standard format for video compression and distribution, particularly for DVDs and digital broadcasting.
- **\`.webm\` 🎬** — An open-source, royalty-free format designed for delivering high-quality video through web browsers.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the markdown table format
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
markdownReport += "| `Note` 🔗 | `Tags` 🏷️ | `.mp4` 🎥 | `.mov` 🎥 | `.mpg` 🎞️ | `.webm` 🎬 |\n";
markdownReport += "|---------|---------|---------|--------|---------|----------|\n";
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|=sum(below)|\n";
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport);
// Loop through each note and extract content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`);
// Get note content in markdown format
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log(`Markdown content for note ${noteUUID}:`, markdown);
// Regex to match AmpleNote videos with specific formats (mp4, mov, mpg, webm)
const ampleNoteVideosRegex = /!\[([^\]]+)\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?\.(mp4|mov|mpg|webm))\)/g;
// Extracting ampleNoteVideos that match the regex
const ampleNoteVideos = [...markdown.matchAll(ampleNoteVideosRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Video name from the first capture group
url: match[2], // Video URL from the second capture group
format: match[2].split('.').pop() // Extract the file format from the URL
// console.log(`AmpleNote Videos for note ${noteUUID}:`, ampleNoteVideos);
// Further filtering for specific video formats (though already filtered by regex)
const ampleNoteVideosMP4 = ampleNoteVideos.filter(video => video.format === "mp4");
const ampleNoteVideosMOV = ampleNoteVideos.filter(video => video.format === "mov");
const ampleNoteVideosMPG = ampleNoteVideos.filter(video => video.format === "mpg");
const ampleNoteVideosWEBM = ampleNoteVideos.filter(video => video.format === "webm");
// Add extracted data to the markdown report
if (ampleNoteVideosMP4.length > 0 || ampleNoteVideosMOV.length > 0 || ampleNoteVideosMPG.length > 0 || ampleNoteVideosWEBM.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `| [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) | ${note.tags} | ${(ampleNoteVideosMP4.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteVideosMP4.length)} | ${(ampleNoteVideosMOV.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteVideosMOV.length)} | ${(ampleNoteVideosMPG.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteVideosMPG.length)} | ${(ampleNoteVideosWEBM.length === 0 ? ' - ' : ampleNoteVideosWEBM.length)} |\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport:", markdownReport);
} catch (err) {
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`);
continue; // Skip notes with errors
// Add final total sums to the markdown report
markdownReport += "|| **Total Sum** |=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|\n";
// console.log("Final markdownReport with total sums:", markdownReport);
} // End for if - amplenote-videos
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Initialize variables for processing results
let finalResults = markdownReport;
// console.log("Final results for the report:", finalResults);
// Function to get current date and time formatted as YYMMDD_HHMMSS
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
// Format the date and time
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
// Generate a new note with the report results
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// console.log("Generated date and time:", YYMMDD, HHMMSS);
const newNoteName = `MD Media Manager: Report ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// console.log("New note name:", newNoteName);
const newTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
// console.log("New note tags:", newTagName);
let noteUUID = await app.createNote(newNoteName, newTagName);
// console.log("Created note UUID:", noteUUID);
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, finalResults);
// console.log("Replaced note content with final results");
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `MD Media Manager: Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Media Manager Option:** Report!, **Inputs:** [Tags(OR): ${tagNamesOr}; Tags(AND): ${tagNamesAnd}; Object Type: ${objectType}; **Note:** [${newNoteName}](${noteUUID}), **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
`; await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUID}`);
// console.log("Navigated to the new note:", noteUUID);
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //
* "List" function: Similar to "Reports", but adds formatting options for displaying the filtered notes in document or table format.
* Inputs: tags (OR and AND), object type, list formatting (document or table)
* Output: Filtered and formatted notes + objects.
"Lists!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want to Report on.",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select the Object Type",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Attachments", value: "all-attachments" },
{ label: "Images", value: "all-images" },
{ label: "Videos", value: "all-videos" },
{ label: "Links", value: "all-links" }
} /*, // May be some other day!!
label: "Select the List Formatting",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Document", value: "document" },
{ label: "Table", value: "table" }
} */
// Log the user input (result)
// console.log("User input result:", result);
// Destructure the input for OR/AND tags, object type, and list format
// const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, objectType, listFormat] = result;
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, objectType] = result;
const listFormat = "document";
// console.log("tagNamesOr:", tagNamesOr);
// console.log("tagNamesAnd:", tagNamesAnd);
// Handle cancellation scenario
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
// if (!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) {
// app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items (Tag OR, Tag AND) must be selected");
// return;
// }
if (!objectType || !listFormat) {
app.alert("Note: Select any one of the Object type and Formatting");
// Initialize empty arrays for storing notes and filtered notes
let notes = [];
// console.log("Initial notes array:", notes);
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
// console.log("tagsArray (from tagNamesOr):", tagsArray);
let filteredNotes = [];
// console.log("Initial filteredNotes array:", filteredNotes);
// Filtering logic based on tags [OR] and [AND]
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
// Filter notes by OR tags (separate search for each tag)
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
// console.log(`Notes filtered by tag "${tag}":`, notesByTag);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
// console.log("filteredNotes after OR filter:", filteredNotes);
// Filter notes by AND tags (combined search for all tags)
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
// console.log("Notes filtered by AND tags:", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after AND filter:", filteredNotes);
} else {
// Default filter if no tags are provided
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// console.log("Notes filtered by default group (^vault):", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after default group filter:", filteredNotes);
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [ Set(filteredNotes)];
// console.log("filteredNotes after removing duplicates:", filteredNotes);
// Sort the filtered notes by note name in ascending order
filteredNotes.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = ( || "").toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase to ensure case-insensitive sorting
const nameB = ( || "").toUpperCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
return 0; // Names are equal
// console.log("filteredNotes after sorting by name:", filteredNotes);
notes = filteredNotes;
// console.log("Final notes array:", notes);
// Helper function to format date-time strings
function formatDateTime(dateTimeStr) {
const date = new Date(dateTimeStr);
return date.toLocaleString();
// Define horizontal line and introductory text for the markdown document
let markdownReport;
const horizontalLine = `
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// If the objectType is "all-attachments", this block of code will be executed
if (objectType === "all-attachments") {
// Introductory text for the Markdown report
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager. <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the List of Attachments in \`${listFormat}\` format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.xlsx\`** 🟩 | **\`.xls\`** 🟩 — Excel Spreadsheet files, commonly used for storing data in tabular form, calculations, charts, and pivot tables.
- **\`.docx\`** 🟦 | **\`.doc\`** 🟦 — Microsoft Word documents, frequently used for creating text documents with formatting, images, and other media.
- **\`.pptx\`** 🟧 | **\`.ppt\`** 🟧 — PowerPoint presentations, used for creating slide shows with text, images, and multimedia elements.
- **\`.pdf\`** 🟠 — Portable Document Format, a widely-used format for presenting documents that appear the same across different devices.
> **Object Type Selection:** Attachments.
> **Note:** Using the Link Option, you can \`download\` the Attachment.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the Markdown report with the introductory text
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport); // Log the initial report
// Iterate over each note and extract the content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`); // Log the UUID of the note being processed
// Extract attachments via the API
const attachmentsAPI = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("attachmentsAPI:", attachmentsAPI); // Log the fetched attachments
// If the note contains attachments, generate the report section for this note
if (attachmentsAPI.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `## Note: [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Tags:</mark> ${note.tags}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Created:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.created)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Updated:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// Define an array of file types and their corresponding file extensions
const fileTypes = [
{ type: "XLSX", ext: ".xlsx" },
{ type: "XLS", ext: ".xls" },
{ type: "DOCX", ext: ".docx" },
{ type: "DOC", ext: ".doc" },
{ type: "PPTX", ext: ".pptx" },
{ type: "PPT", ext: ".ppt" },
{ type: "PDF", ext: ".pdf" }
// Loop through each file type and filter attachments based on their extension
fileTypes.forEach(({ type, ext }) => {
const filteredAttachments = attachmentsAPI.filter(attachment =>;
// console.log(`Filtered attachments for ${type}:`, filteredAttachments); // Log filtered attachments
// If there are attachments for the current file type, add them to the report
if (filteredAttachments.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `### File Type: ${type}\n`;
// Create clickable links for each filtered attachment and add them to the report
const clickableLinks = => `[${}](${link.uuid})`).join("\n");
markdownReport += `\n${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log(`Markdown report for ${type}:`, markdownReport); // Log the report after adding each file type
// Add a horizontal line separator after each note's attachment list
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport after processing note:", markdownReport); // Log the updated report after processing each note
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors that occur during note processing
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`); // Warn about the error
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} // End of if condition for "all-attachments"
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// If the objectType is "all-images", this block of code will be executed
if (objectType === "all-images") {
// Introductory text for the Markdown report
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager. <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the List of Images in \`${listFormat}\` format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.jpg\`** 🖼️ | **\`.jpeg\`** 🖼️ — JPEG image files, commonly used for photographs and web images, providing good compression with decent quality.
- **\`.png\`** 🖼️ — PNG image files, often used for web graphics and images requiring transparency, with lossless compression.
- **\`.gif\`** 🎞️ — GIF image files, popular for simple animations and web graphics, limited to 256 colors.
- **\`.bmp\`** 🖼️ — BMP files, uncompressed and typically large, used for storing high-quality images in older systems.
> **Object Type Selection:** Images.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the Markdown report with the introductory text
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport); // Log the initial report
// Iterate over each note and extract the content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`); // Log the UUID of the note being processed
// Extract attachments via the API
const imagesAPI = await app.getNoteImages({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("attachmentsAPI:", attachmentsAPI); // Log the fetched attachments
// If the note contains images, generate the report section for this note
if (imagesAPI.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `## Note: [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Tags:</mark> ${note.tags}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Created:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.created)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Updated:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// Define an array of file types and their corresponding file extensions
const fileTypes = [
{ type: "JPG", ext: ".jpg" },
{ type: "JPEG", ext: ".jpeg" },
{ type: "PNG", ext: ".png" },
{ type: "GIF", ext: ".gif" },
{ type: "BMP", ext: ".bmp" }
// Initialize an array to hold other attachments
const otherAttachments = [];
// Loop through each file type and filter attachments based on their extension
fileTypes.forEach(({ type, ext }) => {
const filteredAttachments = imagesAPI.filter(attachment => attachment.src.endsWith(ext));
// console.log(`Filtered attachments for ${type}:`, filteredAttachments); // Log filtered attachments
// If there are attachments for the current file type, add them to the report
if (filteredAttachments.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `### File Type: ${type}\n`;
// Create clickable links for each filtered attachment and add them to the report
const clickableLinks = => `[${link.src.split('/').pop()}](${link.src})`).join("\n");
markdownReport += `\n${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log(`Markdown report for ${type}:`, markdownReport); // Log the report after adding each file type
// Identify and collect attachments that do not match any of the specified file types
otherAttachments.push(...imagesAPI.filter(attachment =>
!fileTypes.some(({ ext }) => attachment.src.endsWith(ext))
// If there are other attachments, add them to the report
if (otherAttachments.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `### File Type: Other\n`;
// Create clickable links for each other attachment and add them to the report
const clickableLinks = => `[${link.src.split('/').pop()}](${link.src})`).join("\n");
markdownReport += `\n${clickableLinks}\n`;
// Add a horizontal line separator after each note's attachment list
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport after processing note:", markdownReport); // Log the updated report after processing each note
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors that occur during note processing
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`); // Warn about the error
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} // End of if condition for "all-images"
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// If the objectType is "all-images", this block of code will be executed
if (objectType === "all-videos") {
// Introductory text for the Markdown report
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager. <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the List of Videos in \`${listFormat}\` format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`) of:
- **\`.mp4\` 🎥** — Video file formats commonly used for storing digital video. MP4 is widely supported across platforms.
- **\`.mov\` 🎥** — MOV is primarily used by Apple's QuickTime.
- **\`.mpg\` 🎞️** — A standard format for video compression and distribution, particularly for DVDs and digital broadcasting.
- **\`.webm\` 🎬** — An open-source, royalty-free format designed for delivering high-quality video through web browsers.
> **Object Type Selection:** Videos.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the Markdown report with the introductory text
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport); // Log the initial report
// Iterate over each note and extract the content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`); // Log the UUID of the note being processed
// Get note content in markdown format
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log(`Markdown content for note ${noteUUID}:`, markdown);
// Regex to match AmpleNote videos with specific formats (mp4, mov, mpg, webm)
const ampleNoteVideosRegex = /!\[([^\]]+)\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?\.(mp4|mov|mpg|webm))\)/g;
// Extracting ampleNoteVideos that match the regex
const ampleNoteVideos = [...markdown.matchAll(ampleNoteVideosRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Video name from the first capture group
url: match[2], // Video URL from the second capture group
format: match[2].split('.').pop() // Extract the file format from the URL
// console.log(`AmpleNote Videos for note ${noteUUID}:`, ampleNoteVideos);
// If the note contains attachments, generate the report section for this note
if (ampleNoteVideos.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `## Note: [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Tags:</mark> ${note.tags}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Created:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.created)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Updated:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// Define an array of file types and their corresponding file extensions
const fileTypes = [
{ type: "MP4", ext: ".mp4" },
{ type: "MOV", ext: ".mov" },
{ type: "MPG", ext: ".mpg" },
{ type: "WEBM", ext: ".webm" }
// Initialize an array to hold other attachments
const otherAttachments = [];
// Loop through each file type and filter attachments based on their extension
fileTypes.forEach(({ type, ext }) => {
const filteredAttachments = ampleNoteVideos.filter(attachment => attachment.url.endsWith(ext));
// console.log(`Filtered attachments for ${type}:`, filteredAttachments); // Log filtered attachments
// If there are attachments for the current file type, add them to the report
if (filteredAttachments.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `### File Type: ${type}\n`;
// Create clickable links for each filtered attachment and add them to the report
const clickableLinks = => `[${}](${link.url})`).join("\n");
markdownReport += `\n${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log(`Markdown report for ${type}:`, markdownReport); // Log the report after adding each file type
// Add a horizontal line separator after each note's attachment list
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport after processing note:", markdownReport); // Log the updated report after processing each note
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors that occur during note processing
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`); // Warn about the error
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} // End of if condition for "all-videos"
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// If the objectType is "all-images", this block of code will be executed
if (objectType === "all-links") {
// Introductory text for the Markdown report
const introLines = `
# Welcome to your Markdown Media Manager. <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->
Here you can find the List of Links in \`${listFormat}\` format. For the selected tags: (AND:\`${tagNamesAnd}\`; OR: \`${tagNamesOr}\`).
> **Object Type Selection:** Links.
> **Note:** More details on built-in Attachment Manager (For a Particular Note): [Link](
// Initialize the Markdown report with the introductory text
markdownReport = `${introLines}`;
// console.log("Initial markdownReport:", markdownReport); // Log the initial report
// Iterate over each note and extract the content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`); // Log the UUID of the note being processed
// Get note content in markdown format
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log(`Markdown content for note ${noteUUID}:`, markdown);
// Extract non-AmpleNote links excluding images and attachments
const linkRegex = /\[([^\]]+)\]\((?!attachment:\/\/)(?!https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/)(?!https:\/\/www\.amplenote\.com\/notes\/)(.*?)\)/g;
const links = [...markdown.matchAll(linkRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Link text
url: match[2] // URL
// console.log(`Links (excluding attachments and images) for note ${noteUUID}:`, links);
// If the note contains attachments, generate the report section for this note
if (links.length > 0) {
markdownReport += `## Note: [${ || "Untitled Note"}](${note.uuid}) <!-- {"collapsed":true} -->\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Tags:</mark> ${note.tags}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Created:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.created)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n<mark>Updated:</mark> ${formatDateTime(note.updated)}\n`;
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
markdownReport += `### File Type: Links\n`;
// Create clickable links for each filtered attachment and add them to the report
const clickableLinks = => `[${}](${link.url})`).join("\n");
markdownReport += `\n${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log(`Markdown report for ${type}:`, markdownReport); // Log the report after adding each file type
// Add a horizontal line separator after each note's attachment list
markdownReport += `\n${horizontalLine}\n`;
// console.log("Updated markdownReport after processing note:", markdownReport); // Log the updated report after processing each note
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors that occur during note processing
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`); // Warn about the error
continue; // Skip notes with errors
} // End of if condition for "all-videos"
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Initialize variables for processing results
let finalResults = markdownReport;
// console.log("Final results for the report:", finalResults);
// Function to get current date and time formatted as YYMMDD_HHMMSS
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
// Format the date and time
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
// Generate a new note with the report results
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// console.log("Generated date and time:", YYMMDD, HHMMSS);
const newNoteName = `MD Media Manager: List ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}`;
// console.log("New note name:", newNoteName);
const newTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
// console.log("New note tags:", newTagName);
let noteUUID = await app.createNote(newNoteName, newTagName);
// console.log("Created note UUID:", noteUUID);
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID }, finalResults);
// console.log("Replaced note content with final results");
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `MD Media Manager: Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Media Manager Option:** Lists!, **Inputs:** [Tags(OR): ${tagNamesOr}; Tags(AND): ${tagNamesAnd}; Object Type: ${objectType}; **Note:** [${newNoteName}](${noteUUID}), **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
`; await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
await app.navigate(`${noteUUID}`);
// console.log("Navigated to the new note:", noteUUID);
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //
* "Download" function: Provides an option to download filtered notes in different formats like markdown, CSV, TXT, or JSON.
* Inputs: tags (OR and AND), object type, download format
* Output: Downloadable file in the selected format containing filtered notes + objects.
"Download!": async function (app) {
// Prompt the user for tags and object type input
const result = await app.prompt(
"Select Details on which you want to Report on.",
inputs: [
label: "Select Tags [OR] (Each tag is searched separately)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select Tags [AND] (Combined tag is searched)",
type: "tags",
limit: 10,
placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
label: "Select the Object Type",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Attachments", value: "all-attachments" },
{ label: "Images", value: "all-images" },
{ label: "Videos", value: "all-videos" },
{ label: "Links", value: "all-links" },
{ label: "All the above", value: "everything" }
label: "Select the Download Format",
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Download as markdown Table", value: "download_md" },
{ label: "Download as CSV", value: "download_csv" },
{ label: "Download as TXT", value: "download_txt" },
{ label: "Download as JSON", value: "download_json" },
{ label: "Download as HTML", value: "download_html" }
// Log the user input (result)
// console.log("User input result:", result);
// Destructure the inputs for OR/AND tags, object type, and download format
const [tagNamesOr, tagNamesAnd, objectType, dwFormat] = result;
// console.log("tagNamesOr:", tagNamesOr);
// console.log("tagNamesAnd:", tagNamesAnd);
// Handle cancellation scenario
if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");
// Ensure tags and formatting are selected
// if (!tagNamesOr && !tagNamesAnd) {
// app.alert("Note: At least one of Optional Items (Tag OR, Tag AND) must be selected");
// return;
// }
if (!objectType || !dwFormat) {
app.alert("Note: Select any one of the Object type and Formatting");
// Initialize empty arrays for storing notes and filtered notes
let notes = [];
// console.log("Initial notes array:", notes);
const tagsArray = tagNamesOr ? tagNamesOr.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
// console.log("tagsArray (from tagNamesOr):", tagsArray);
let filteredNotes = [];
// console.log("Initial filteredNotes array:", filteredNotes);
// Filtering logic based on tags [OR] and [AND]
if ((Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) || tagNamesAnd) {
// Filter notes by OR tags (separate search for each tag)
if (Array.isArray(tagsArray) && tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
const notesByTag = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tag });
// console.log(`Notes filtered by tag "${tag}":`, notesByTag);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByTag];
// console.log("filteredNotes after OR filter:", filteredNotes);
// Filter notes by AND tags (combined search for all tags)
if (tagNamesAnd) {
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ tag: tagNamesAnd });
// console.log("Notes filtered by AND tags:", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after AND filter:", filteredNotes);
} else {
// Default filter if no tags are provided
const notesByGroup = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
// console.log("Notes filtered by default group (^vault):", notesByGroup);
filteredNotes = [...filteredNotes, ...notesByGroup];
// console.log("filteredNotes after default group filter:", filteredNotes);
// Remove duplicate notes
filteredNotes = [ Set(filteredNotes)];
// console.log("filteredNotes after removing duplicates:", filteredNotes);
// Sort the filtered notes by note name in ascending order
filteredNotes.sort((a, b) => {
const nameA = ( || "").toUpperCase(); // Convert to uppercase to ensure case-insensitive sorting
const nameB = ( || "").toUpperCase();
if (nameA < nameB) {
return -1;
if (nameA > nameB) {
return 1;
return 0; // Names are equal
// console.log("filteredNotes after sorting by name:", filteredNotes);
notes = filteredNotes;
// console.log("Final notes array:", notes);
// Define horizontal line and introductory text for the markdown document
let markdownReportz = ``;
if (objectType) {
// Handle different download formats
if (dwFormat === "download_md") {
// Create markdown table headers
markdownReportz += `|Note Name|Note UUID|Note Tags|Media Name|Media URL|Media Format|Media Type|Media Type Selection|\n`;
markdownReportz += `|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n`;
} else if (dwFormat === "download_csv") {
// Create CSV headers
markdownReportz += `Note Name,Note UUID,Note Tags,Media Name,Media URL,Media Format,Media Type,Media Type Selection\n`;
function convertBrackets(inputString) {
// Replace the exact sequence ']\n[' with a comma
return inputString.replace(/]\n\[/g, ',');
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Iterate over each note and extract the content
for (const note of notes) {
try {
const noteUUID = note.uuid;
// console.log(`Processing note with UUID: ${noteUUID}`);
// Get note content in markdown format
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log(`Markdown content for note ${noteUUID}:`, markdown);
// Initialize markdownReport as an empty array to accumulate results
let markdownReport = [];
// If the objectType is "all-attachments" or "everything", extract attachments
if (objectType === "all-attachments" || objectType === "everything") {
// Extract attachments via API
const attachmentsAPI = await app.getNoteAttachments({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("attachmentsAPI:", attachmentsAPI);
// Map the attachments to an array of objects
const attachmentLinks = => ({
name:, // Link text
url: `attachment://${link.uuid}`, // URL
format:'.').pop(), // File format
type: `Attachment`
// console.log(`Links (excluding attachments and images) for note ${noteUUID}:`, attachmentLinks);
// Append attachment links to markdownReport
markdownReport = markdownReport.concat(attachmentLinks);
// console.log("markdownReport (after attachments):", markdownReport);
// If the objectType is "all-images" or "everything", extract image links
if (objectType === "all-images" || objectType === "everything") {
// Extract AmpleNote image links via API
const imagesAPI = await app.getNoteImages({ uuid: noteUUID });
// console.log("imagesAPI:", imagesAPI);
// Map the images to an array of objects
const imageLinks = => ({
name: link.src.split('/').pop(), // Link text
url: link.src, // URL
format: link.src.split('.').pop(), // File format
type: `Image`
// console.log(`Links (excluding attachments and images) for note ${noteUUID}:`, imageLinks);
// Append image links to markdownReport
markdownReport = markdownReport.concat(imageLinks);
// console.log("markdownReport (after images):", markdownReport);
// If the objectType is "all-videos" or "everything", extract video links
if (objectType === "all-videos" || objectType === "everything") {
// Extract AmpleNote video links via regex
const ampleNoteVideosRegex = /!\[([^\]]+)\]\((https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/.*?\.(mp4|mov|mpg|webm))\)/g;
const ampleNoteVideos = [...markdown.matchAll(ampleNoteVideosRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Video name
url: match[2], // Video URL
format: match[2].split('.').pop(), // File format
type: `Video`
// console.log(`AmpleNote Videos for note ${noteUUID}:`, ampleNoteVideos);
// Append video links to markdownReport
markdownReport = markdownReport.concat(ampleNoteVideos);
// console.log("markdownReport (after videos):", markdownReport);
// If the objectType is "all-links" or "everything", extract non-AmpleNote links
if (objectType === "all-links" || objectType === "everything") {
// Extract non-AmpleNote links via regex
const linkRegex = /\[([^\]]+)\]\((?!attachment:\/\/)(?!https:\/\/images\.amplenote\.com\/)(?!https:\/\/www\.amplenote\.com\/notes\/)(.*?)\)/g;
const links = [...markdown.matchAll(linkRegex)].map(match => ({
name: match[1], // Link text
url: match[2], // URL
format: match[2].split('/').pop() || null, // File format
type: `Link`
// console.log(`Links (excluding attachments and images) for note ${noteUUID}:`, links);
// Append links to markdownReport
markdownReport = markdownReport.concat(links);
// console.log("markdownReport (after links):", markdownReport);
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Handle different download formats based on `dwFormat` and the presence of `markdownReport`
if (dwFormat === "download_md" && markdownReport.length > 0) {
// Markdown Format
// console.log("Generating markdown format report...");
// Map `markdownReport` to create markdown table rows
const clickableLinks = => {
const result = `|${}|${note.uuid}|${note.tags}|${}|${link.url}|${link.format}|${link.type}|${objectType}|`;
// console.log("Markdown clickableLink entry:", result);
return result;
// Append clickable links to the markdown report
markdownReportz += `${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log("Final markdownReportz (MD format):", markdownReportz);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_csv" && markdownReport.length > 0) {
// CSV Format
// console.log("Generating CSV format report...");
// Map `markdownReport` to create CSV rows
const clickableLinks = => {
const result = `"${}","${note.uuid}","${note.tags}","${}","${link.url}","${link.format}","${link.type}","${objectType}"`;
// console.log("CSV clickableLink entry:", result);
return result;
// Append clickable links to the CSV report
markdownReportz += `${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log("Final markdownReportz (CSV format):", markdownReportz);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_txt" && markdownReport.length > 0) {
// TXT Format
// console.log("Generating text format report...");
// Map `markdownReport` to create text entries
const clickableLinks = => {
const result = `
Note Name: ${},
Note UUID: ${note.uuid},
Note Tags: ${note.tags},
Link Name: ${},
Link URL: ${link.url},
Link Format: ${link.format},
Link Type: ${link.type},
Object Type: ${objectType}
// console.log("Text clickableLink entry:", result);
return result;
// Append clickable links to the text report
markdownReportz += `${clickableLinks}\n`;
// console.log("Final markdownReportz (TXT format):", markdownReportz);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_json" && markdownReport.length > 0) {
// JSON Format
// console.log("Generating JSON format report...");
// Map `markdownReport` to create JSON objects
const jsonLinks = => {
const result = {
noteUUID: note.uuid,
noteTags: note.tags,
linkURL: link.url,
linkFormat: link.format,
linkType: link.type,
objectType: objectType
// console.log("JSON clickableLink entry:", result);
return result;
// Convert the array of objects to a JSON string with proper formatting
markdownReportz += `${JSON.stringify(jsonLinks, null, 2)}\n`;
// console.log("Final markdownReportz (JSON format):", markdownReportz);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_html" && markdownReport.length > 0) {
// JSON Format
// console.log("Generating JSON format report...");
// Map `markdownReport` to create JSON objects
const jsonLinks = => {
const result = {
noteUUID: note.uuid,
noteTags: note.tags,
linkURL: link.url,
linkFormat: link.format,
linkType: link.type,
objectType: objectType
// console.log("JSON clickableLink entry:", result);
return result;
// Convert the array of objects to a JSON string with proper formatting
markdownReportz += `${JSON.stringify(jsonLinks, null, 2)}\n`;
// console.log("Final markdownReportz (JSON format):", markdownReportz);
} catch (err) {
// Handle any errors that occur during note processing
if (err instanceof TypeError) {
console.warn(`Error processing note ${note.uuid}. Skipping this note.`); // Warn about the error
continue; // Skip notes with errors
// ---------------------------------------------------------- //
// Initialize variables for processing results
let finalResults = markdownReportz;
// console.log("markdownReportz:", markdownReportz);
// console.log("Final results for the report:", finalResults);
// Function to get the current date and time in YYMMDD and HHMMSS format
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// Function to download the data as a text file
function downloadTextFile(resultText, filename) {
let blob = new Blob([resultText], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" });
let link = document.createElement("a");
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob); = `${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}_${filename}`;
const htmlFormat = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Note Links</title>
body {
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
margin: 0;
padding: 20px;
background-color: #f0f0f0; /* Light mode background */
color: #333; /* Light mode text color */
transition: background-color 0.3s, color 0.3s; /* Smooth transition for colors */
.note {
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
border: 1px solid #ccc; /* Light mode border */
background-color: white; /* Light mode note background */
transition: background-color 0.3s, border-color 0.3s; /* Smooth transition for notes */
.note-name {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 1.2em;
.note-uuid, .note-tags {
font-style: italic;
margin-left: 10px;
.link {
margin-left: 20px;
cursor: pointer;
color: blue;
text-decoration: underline;
/* Dark Mode Styles */
body.dark-mode {
background-color: #181818; /* Dark mode background */
color: #f0f0f0; /* Dark mode text color */
.note.dark-mode {
border: 1px solid #444; /* Dark mode border color */
background-color: #2a2a2a; /* Dark mode note background */
/* Dark mode link styles */
.link.dark-mode {
color: #4da3ff; /* Change to a lighter blue or any other color for visibility */
text-decoration: underline;
<h1>Notes and Links</h1>
<button id="toggleDarkMode">Toggle Dark Mode</button>
<!-- Filters -->
<label for="linkTypeFilter">Filter by Link Type:</label>
<select id="linkTypeFilter">
<option value="">All</option>
<label for="linkFormatFilter">Filter by Link Format:</label>
<select id="linkFormatFilter">
<option value="">All</option>
<!-- Notes container -->
<div id="notesContainer"></div>
// JSON data
const data = ${convertBrackets(finalResults)};
// Populate filter dropdowns
function populateFilters() {
const linkTypes = [ Set( => item.linkType))];
const linkFormats = [ Set( => item.linkFormat))];
// Sort link formats alphabetically
const linkTypeFilter = document.getElementById('linkTypeFilter');
const linkFormatFilter = document.getElementById('linkFormatFilter');
// Clear existing options before populating
linkTypeFilter.innerHTML = '';
linkFormatFilter.innerHTML = '';
// Add a default option for link types
linkTypeFilter.appendChild(new Option('All Link Types', ''));
// Add link types to the filter
linkTypes.forEach(type => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = type;
option.textContent = type;
// Add "All" option for link formats
linkFormatFilter.appendChild(new Option('All Link Formats', ''));
// Add link formats to the filter, but only those with 5 or fewer characters
linkFormats.forEach(format => {
if (format && format.length <= 5) { // Check if format is not null/undefined and the length is <= 5
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = format;
option.textContent = format;
// Display notes based on filters
function displayNotes() {
const container = document.getElementById('notesContainer');
container.innerHTML = ''; // Clear previous notes
const selectedLinkType = document.getElementById('linkTypeFilter').value;
const selectedLinkFormat = document.getElementById('linkFormatFilter').value;
// Filter data based on selected linkType and linkFormat
const filteredData = data.filter(item => {
return (!selectedLinkType || item.linkType === selectedLinkType) &&
(!selectedLinkFormat || item.linkFormat === selectedLinkFormat);
// Group notes by noteUUID
const notesMap = {};
filteredData.forEach(item => {
if (!notesMap[item.noteUUID]) {
notesMap[item.noteUUID] = {
noteName: item.noteName,
noteUUID: item.noteUUID,
noteTags: item.noteTags,
links: []
linkName: item.linkName,
linkURL: item.linkURL,
linkFormat: item.linkFormat
// Display notes
Object.values(notesMap).forEach(note => {
const noteDiv = document.createElement('div');
noteDiv.className = 'note';
const noteHeader = document.createElement('div');
noteHeader.className = 'note-header';
const noteName = document.createElement('span');
noteName.className = 'note-name';
noteName.textContent = note.noteName;
const noteUUID = document.createElement('span');
noteUUID.className = 'note-uuid';
noteUUID.textContent = \`(UUID: \${note.noteUUID})\`;
const noteTags = document.createElement('span');
noteTags.className = 'note-tags';
noteTags.textContent = \`Tags: \${note.noteTags.join(', ')}\`;
// Display links under the note
note.links.forEach(link => {
const linkDiv = document.createElement('div');
linkDiv.className = 'link';
linkDiv.textContent = \`\${link.linkName} (\${link.linkFormat})\`;
// Make the link clickable
linkDiv.addEventListener('click', () => {, '_blank');
// Function to toggle dark mode
function toggleDarkMode() {
const body = document.body;
const notes = document.querySelectorAll('.note');
const links = document.querySelectorAll('.link');
notes.forEach(note => {
links.forEach(link => {
// Event listener for the toggle button
document.getElementById('toggleDarkMode').addEventListener('click', toggleDarkMode);
// Initialize the page
// Add event listeners to filters
document.getElementById('linkTypeFilter').addEventListener('change', displayNotes);
document.getElementById('linkFormatFilter').addEventListener('change', displayNotes);
// Handle different download formats
if (dwFormat === "download_md" && finalResults.length > 0) {
downloadTextFile(finalResults, "");
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_csv" && finalResults.length > 0) {
downloadTextFile(finalResults, "Media_Manager_CSV.csv");
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_txt" && finalResults.length > 0) {
downloadTextFile(finalResults, "Media_Manager_TXT.txt");
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_json" && finalResults.length > 0) {
downloadTextFile(finalResults, "Media_Manager_JSON.json");
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
} else if (dwFormat === "download_html" && finalResults.length > 0) {
// finalResults = convertBrackets(finalResults);
finalResults = htmlFormat;
downloadTextFile(finalResults, "Media_Manager_HTML.html");
// console.log("finalResults:", finalResults);
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `MD Media Manager: Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Media Manager Option:** Download!, **Inputs:** [Tags(OR): ${tagNamesOr}; Tags(AND): ${tagNamesAnd}; Object Type: ${objectType}; Download Format: ${dwFormat}; **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
`; await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //
linkOption: {
"Download": async function (app, link) {
// Define the regex to match UUID format
const uuidRegex = /^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$/;
// console.log("link", link);
// Opens the link if the link contains a valid attachment UUID
if (uuidRegex.test(link.href)) {
const attachmentURL = await app.getAttachmentURL(link.href);
// console.log("attachmentURL:",attachmentURL);
// As browsers have options to open a PDF documents in itself, the download option is not working properly. (viewable in-browser).
// Create an anchor element
const a = document.createElement('a');
a.href = attachmentURL;
// Set the 'download' attribute to the filename to force download
// = '_blank'; = ''; // The 'download' attribute triggers the download
document.body.appendChild(a);; // Programmatically trigger a click event to start the download
document.body.removeChild(a); // Clean up after the click
// console.log("attachmentURL", attachmentURL);
await app.alert("Your file has been downloaded.");
} else {
await app.alert("Link doesn't have any valid UUID attachments pattern");
// Function to get the current date and time in YYMMDD and HHMMSS format
function getCurrentDateTime() {
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toLocaleDateString('en-GB').split('/').reverse().join('');
const HHMMSS = now.toLocaleTimeString('en-GB', { hour12: false }).replace(/:/g, '');
return { YYMMDD, HHMMSS };
const { YYMMDD, HHMMSS } = getCurrentDateTime();
// Audit Report
const auditNoteName = `MD Media Manager: Audit`;
const auditTagName = ['-reports/-media-manager'];
const auditnoteUUID = await (async () => {
const existingUUID = await app.settings["Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]"];
if (existingUUID)
return existingUUID;
const newUUID = await app.createNote(auditNoteName, auditTagName);
await app.setSetting("Media_Manager_Audit_UUID [Do not Edit!]", newUUID);
return newUUID;
const auditReport = `
- **Media Manager Option:** File Download!. Link Details: \`attachment://${link.href}\`, **At:** ${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS}.
`; await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: auditnoteUUID }, auditReport);
// ********************************************************************************************************************* //

linkAdditional Information:

linkChange Log:

September 5th, 2024 & September 15th, 2024 - Spend some time understanding what I required from this plugin. I was planning to bring a lot of ideas converged into a single plugin, I was confused what to choose and I was getting overwhelmed, because I was having a lot of ideas, which would require a lot of efforts, realized that I was focusing on all in one and feature rich, covering all the possible methods one can think of. Well I wanted to give it some gap and get back at it with a different mind set. Still made a note of all the possibilities that I could think of.

October 3rd, 2024 - Build the basic reusable template structure, which indeed got modified multiple time as time progressed. I had lot of high expectations, finally settled down for 3 options, report, list, download options. Coded the initial part including user selection and getting the notes plus its content as required, and started scouting for the required API scripts to be incorporated and built. I was able to form the basic filtering and fetching of data related to attachments using both API and regular expressions, then images using both API and regular expressions, then finally got the videos and links from the user content. Also was able to get the file extensions for segregations.

October 4th, 2024 - Commented the option for mandate tag selections. Hence if you leave the tags empty, then all the notes will be considered for your report (If you want that, it takes a couple of minutes to process though). Had a lot of ideas pilled up, confusing and did not have a clear path, hence started the thinking process right from start, and defined a simple and doable requirement, and it was quite straight forward to execute, and started added and removing ideas from the initial chunk of idea dumps. Finally stuck to 4 different major groupings and proceed with it.

October 8th, 2024 - Started building the core aspects of the Report part, and was only focusing on basic and advanced, and made sure I was not getting duplicate headers, had to make a decision on which to choose from, the API or the Regular expression results. Made the decision and proceed after testing each options and understanding positives and negatives of each.

October 9th, 2024 - Fixed few pending aspects of Report and tested with basic details by pulling data report from a test note for reference details. And then moved into Advanced options for attachments, images and videos and made sure the end results came out as expected. Tested and Validated the results.

October 10th, 2024 - Then went ahead and implemented the List and Download options, took some code insights from the Report part of the code. With regards to List, I wanted to bring in both document and table formats, for now built only the document format, left the table format for an another day and also based on users request. Decided to go for very simple structure for the download options, and did not want to complicate any part of it. Went through the code, read the sentences which are displayed to the user, and also did the testing for all of them.

October 12th, 2024 - Added audit option, as lots of content get downloaded to the user's system. Hence a tracking system needs to be in place. Added it to all for generalization. Planned to implement Table format for the List, skipped it for now. Then added a Basic HTML version of the download version, and made some tweak based on various requirements. Tested the code couple of times and started the rollout process.

October 13th, 2024 - Updated the documentation, created the GIFS, Images and screenshots of the required details and updated all the details on the plugin page. Published all the literature notes and also tested a couple of options and shared update on the Discord channel.

linkImplemented & Upcoming:

October 3rd, 2024

Input selections for reports, lists, and download options completed.

Observed issues with attachments and links; adjustments needed.

Discussed file extension handling for attachments and images.

October 4th, 2024

Implemented note filtering based on tag selections.

Began building the final report structure (Report, List, Download).

Established basic and advanced feature options for media extraction.

October 8th, 2024

Confirmed report structure can only combine basic and advanced options.

October 9th, 2024

Added advanced options for attachments, images, and videos in reports.

October 10th, 2024

Implemented lists and download options.

Ensured tables/lists have headers; simplified download outputs.

Conducted code review and testing.

October 12th, 2024

Added audit option to the system.

Organized content in ANP Attachment Manager; updated processing requirements.

Access to deleted files through "Manage Files" link noted.

Updated time invested in tasks.

October 13th, 2024

Updated the Documentation + Review + Testing.

Gifs + Images + Plugin page details updation.

Discord Update.

Future Ideas in the Bucket:

Nothing functional as of now!

List options - Table Report.

Add the HTML as an Embed, with few more tweaks and enhancements.

High-Level Explanation of the Code For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!

Time Invested:

September 5th, 2024 - 1h

September 15th, 2024 - 1h

October 3rd, 2024 - 4h 13m

October 4th, 2024 - 59m

October 8th, 2024 - 2h 28m

October 9th, 2024 - 2h 44m

October 10th, 2024 - 8h 58m

October 12th, 2024 - 5h 7m

October 13th, 2024 - 5h 8m

Total: 31h 37m

[Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]