Among the graphs available on the "Issues & Quality" tab is a graph labeled "Bug Work Percent." If the graph is zoomed in, it will show up to 10 repos, based on what percentage of their recent work has been dedicated to bug fixing:
Clicking on the title for the "Bug Work Percent" graph will make it the featured graph, showing the 10 most active repos based on their percent of bug work
This page will describe how a repo's "Bug Work Percent" is calculated, and how we calculate the Industry Stat averages that are shown if a user enables Industry Benchmark Lines.
The numerator of "Bug Work Percent" is the summed Diff Delta of two sources:
Commits that implement issue tracker tickets, where the ticket in the issue tracker (i.e., Jira) is labeled "Bug"
Commits that are marked as "bugs" based on configurable heuristics that examine the commit message
For the latter, if a commit or commit group is not correctly labeled as a "bug fix" based on its language, you can use the "Classified as" section (shown when opening any commit or commit group) to change whether the work is labeled as a "bug fix."
To calculate what percentage of work is allocated to bug fixing across all repos, GitClear analyzes thousands of months of history among repos that have configured issue tracking. Over the weekly, monthly, or yearly interval specified, we produce a large random sample of the percentage of work that was spent on bug fixing, sorted from lowest-to-highest percent.
For the "Poor Bugfix Performance" we evaluate what percentage of bug fixing work was observed within the repo with 75th percentile largest bug fixing frequency. For example, if we evaluated that various repos in 2023 had [ 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% ]
of their Diff Delta dedicated to bug fixing, the "Poor Bugfix Performance" would be labeled as "50 Percent." The line for "Elite Bugfix Performance" in this case would be placed on the y-axis at 10, to indicate that elite performing teams only spend 10% of their Diff Delta fixing bugs.