The following is a rundown of the features now available under Issues -> Stats once you have connected your GitClear account to Jira or Github Issues.

linkIssue Tab: Stats

There are an ever-expanding number of stats that GitClear makes available to Jira users:

The "Issues" tab focuses on what kind of work your team is focusing on as time passes

A few areas to point out here. The first is the Stats tab, which presents a richly detailed illustration of which types of issues have been getting worked on over time. If you see your team is trending toward more time spent on bugs, that can be a warning signal that the PR or QA processes deserve a look.

linkIssue Tab: Browse

The "Browse" tab under "Issues & Defects" holds our "Top projects by month" table. It shows the biggest ticket that got worked on each month during the past year:

Top projects worked on in the past 12 months for Alloy. If you use Amplenote, prepare for a most spectacular leap forward in the next month or two (nominal integration with Google Calendar)

linkIssue Tab: Domain Experts

This used to be listed under "Project Tasks" when a committer was selected, but it makes more sense here. The "Domain Experts" tab helps Project Managers connect Jira tickets with the most prolific developer in the domain of the ticket. Here's how it looks for Facebook:

If you need some C++ contributed for your Facebook project, talk to Samuel. Pascal is a better fit if you're considering Android.

Filtering down to a developer or team shows how they fare across all the code 300+ code domains that GitClear currently recognizes.

linkStory Point Integration 🎲

Does your team use Story Points to estimate the size of upcoming issues? GitClear will automatically calculate the correlation between your Story Point estimate and Diff Delta, which can help your team improve its estimation accuracy over time. Read more about integrating with Story Points here.