Normally, the point of creating a pull request is to get feedback on it from teammates before merging it to the main branch. When a PR is merged without any indication that a second developer looked at it, this can be taken as a sign that the team's collaboration process could use improvement. GitClear makes it easy to pinpoint how often unreviewed PRs occur, while offering specific details about the pull requests that were reviewed.

linkDefinition of an "Unreviewed pull request"

There are two ways that teams tend to demarcate a pull request as "reviewed":

Leave one or more comments on the PR

Explicitly choose the "Approved" option while viewing the pull request at the git provider

When we say a pull request is "unreviewed" on GitClear, we mean that there is no evidence of either (1) or (2) having taken place. Even if a PR is approved without a comment, or if a comment is left without an approval, GitClear will consider that pull request as "reviewed."

linkViewing closed & merged pull requests

To see the most recently closed pull requests, choose "Pull Requests" and "Closed PRs" from the GitClear navigation:

Navigating to the list of recently closed pull requests

linkBrowsing unreviewed pull requests

Once you are viewing the list of Closed PRs, you can use the checkboxes in the "Filter pull requests" section to show only pull requests that were merged without comments, merged without explicit approval, or merged without either of the two.

You can also visually see pull requests that were merged without review by looking for pull requests where the timeline view is colored orange:

When a pull request is merged without review, its timeline is colored differently, and there will be an indicator below the pull request

linkLong-term unreviewed pull request stats

An alternate option to see high-level stats on how many pull requests were merged without review is by visiting Pull Requests -> Collaboration Stats:

Collaboration stats offers a convenient means to see how unreviewed pull requests are trending between the current time period vs the previous

linkExcluding bots from pull request review stats

If you have bots like Hound that automatically post feedback on pull requests, these faux reviewers can pollute your data on whether pull requests are being reviewed. Read how to exclude a committer from being included in pull request stats here.