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linkbysetpos property explained

The rrule bysetpos property specifies the array index within a freq interval. The bysetpos property is necessary if one wants to write a recurrence rule that recurs on a weekly, monthly, or yearly interval, and it should only happen on weekdays or weekends.

linkEffect of bysetpos

When restricting recurrence to weekdays or weekends, if the interval is weekly, monthly, or yearly, rrule interprets the byday property to mean "this recurrence string defines a separate recurrence for every byday selected." Probably not what the user intended:

When restricting recurrence to weekdays for this "weekly" recurring task, notice on the right how the recurrence repeats every day, when weekdays are specified.

Conversely, if weekdays aren't specified, then a weekly recurrence interval is sufficient to ensure that the recurrence only happens once per week.

Enter bysetpos. It tells the recurrence interpretation engine, that instead of treating a recurrence string as "five separate recurrences" when FREQ=WEEKLY and BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR, the recurrence should use only the nth index. The "nth index" is the value specified for bysetpos, and it can be negative to specify "the last of the candidate days."

Here is the same recurrence rule as above, but with a bysetpos specified:

Adding bysetpos returns the weekly frequency rule to happening only once per week

What do you suppose happens if this same rule has BYSETPOS=-1? Here's the answer: hopefully what you had expected?

The bysetpos property isn't needed when freq is daily. In that case, the "interval length" is only one day, so there is no effect to specifying the array index of that interval. Put another way, when Rrule.DAILY is used, you can specify "weekend-only" or "weekday-only" recurrence without needing bysetpos.