linkAcceptable use of this resource

Our Terms of Service in a nutshell: this site is a free resource we hope can be used with minimal encumbrance.

✅ Feel free to cite, link to, or screenshot from this resource

✅ You are welcome to incorporate our data (in whole or in part) into research efforts

✅ Got a suggestion for a new feature? We're always evolving and expanding our feature set, participate in the process at our voting board.

✅ Got a suggestion for another app to index? We're always expanding our catalog of indexed note apps, participate in the process at our voting board .

✅ We do not use cookies or server-side session to track your activity

linkRestrictions and limitations

⚠️ The accuracy of the data contained in this site is not guaranteed. We do our best with the resources we have, and we have a policy through which corrections can be submitted, but there are more than 1,000 features to track and the current set of note taking apps move quick. Our accuracy comes through a combined good faith effort with our community.

⚠️ NoteApps is not endorsed by any note taking app. The note app makers each reserve their respective rights. We will seek to reflect their state as objectively as possible with the resources we have available.

⚠️ Feature interest metrics are collected to judge which features to remove or promote on the site. These metrics are rolled up on a per-day basis, so no user-specific tracking will occur.

🚫 Permission is not granted to copy, reproduce, or recreate this proprietary data set without written consent from is a website built by the team at, which counts Amplenote among its products. Read more about our effort to pursue our core values of transparency, objectivity and usefulness.