linkDetailed Documentation for insertText Function


The insertText function is an asynchronous method designed to modify and update a note within an application. It allows users to customize the note by adding tags and an emoji to its name, based on inputs provided through a user prompt. The function performs several tasks including finding the note, presenting options for customization, handling user inputs, and updating the note accordingly.

linkFunction Definition

async insertText(app, noteUUID) {
// Function implementation...


app: An object representing the application context. It provides methods to interact with notes, such as finding a note, updating its name, and adding tags.

noteUUID: A unique identifier for the note that will be modified.

linkStep-by-Step Explanation

link1. Finding the Note

const note = await app.findNote({uuid: app.context.noteUUID});

Description: This line retrieves the note using the provided noteUUID.

What it Takes In: A UUID that uniquely identifies the note.

What it Does: It queries the application for the note associated with the given UUID.

Reflection: The retrieved note object is stored in the note variable, which will be used later to update the note's name.

link2. Prompt for Customization

const result = await app.prompt("Customize your note", {
inputs: [
label: "Select the tags (Max 10) to add to the Note!",
type: "tags",
limit: 10
label: "Type a Tag to apply (Not Existing* / Existing) - (* - Preferred)",
placeholder: "Your tag here",
type: "string",
label: "Select emoji",
type: "select",
options: [
// Emoji options
label: "Select position",
type: "select",
options: [
{ label: "Prefix", value: "" }, // Set an empty value for Prefix
{ label: "Suffix", value: "suffix" }
label: "Predefined Options (Advanced - Check+Modify Code Based on your Specific Requirments)",
type: "select",
options: [
// Predefined options

Description: This block displays a prompt to the user for note customization. The prompt includes several input fields:

Tags Input: Allows users to select multiple tags (up to 10) to add to the note.

Single Tag Input: Lets users type a single tag, either new or existing, to be added to the note.

Emoji Selector: Provides a list of emojis that the user can choose from.

Position Selector: Allows users to specify if the emoji should be added as a prefix or suffix to the note's name.

Predefined Options: Allows users to build specific tag+prefix+suffixs should be added note.

What it Takes In: User selections and inputs from the prompt.

What it Does: Collects user preferences for modifying the note.

Reflection: The result variable stores the user's inputs, which will be used to update the note.

link3. Handling Cancellation

if (!result) {
app.alert("Operation has been cancelled. Tata! Bye Bye! Cya!");

Description: Checks if the user canceled the prompt.

What it Takes In: The result variable from the prompt.

What it Does: If result is falsy (i.e., the user canceled the prompt), it shows an alert message and exits the function.

Reflection: The function terminates without making any changes to the note.

link4. Processing User Inputs

const [multiTag, singleTag, emoji, position, predefined] = result;

Description: De-structures the user inputs into separate variables.

What it Takes In: The result array from the prompt.

What it Does: Assigns individual elements of the result to corresponding variables.

Reflection: Provides access to each user input for further processing.

link5. Handling Note Name Modifications

if (emoji) {
let updatedName =;
if (position === "suffix") {
updatedName = `${} ${emoji}`; // Add emoji as suffix
} else {
updatedName = `${emoji} ${}`; // Add emoji as prefix
await app.setNoteName(note, updatedName);

Description: Updates the note's name with the selected emoji.

What it Takes In: The note object, emoji, and position (prefix or suffix).

What it Does: Depending on the position selected, the emoji is added either as a prefix or suffix to the note's name. The updated name is then set for the note.

Reflection: The note's name is updated to reflect the user's choice of emoji and its position.

link6. Adding Multiple Tags

if (multiTag) {
const tagsArray = multiTag.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim());
for (const tag of tagsArray) {
if (tag) {
await app.addNoteTag({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID }, tag);

Description: Adds multiple tags to the note.

What it Takes In: The multiTag string from the prompt.

What it Does: Splits the multiTag string into an array of tags, trims each tag, and adds each tag to the note.

Reflection: Tags are added to the note based on the user's input.

link7. Adding a Single Tag

if (singleTag) {
await app.addNoteTag({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID }, singleTag);

Description: Adds a single tag to the note.

What it Takes In: The singleTag string from the prompt.

What it Does: Adds the single tag to the note.

Reflection: The note is updated with the additional tag provided by the user.

link8. Handle Predefined Options

if (!singleTag && !multiTag && !emoji && !position) {
let prefixz;
let suffixz;
let multiTagsz;
let updatedNamez =;
if (predefined === "1") {
prefixz = "✅";
suffixz = "📝";
multiTagsz = "completed, reviewed";
} else if (predefined === "2") {
prefixz = "💡";
multiTagsz = "ideabox, ideas, thinking";
} else if (predefined === "3") {
prefixz = "🎯";
suffixz = "✈️";
multiTagsz = "travel, goals";
updatedNamez = `${prefixz}${}${suffixz}`;
await app.setNoteName(note, updatedNamez);
const tagsArrayz = multiTagsz.split(',').map(tagz => tagz.trim());
for (const tagz of tagsArrayz) {
if (tagz) {
await app.addNoteTag({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID }, tagz);

Description: Applies predefined modifications based on the coded samples + options. tag+prefix+suffixs

What it Takes In: predefined: The predefined sample option.

What it Does: Adds the tags, prefix and suffix to the note as per the the code is defined. tag+prefix+suffixs

Reflection: The note is updated with the predefined structure provided by the user in the code.


The insertText function provides a comprehensive way to customize a note by updating its name with an emoji and adding tags. By following the described steps, users can enhance their notes with personalized information, improving organization and readability.

linkHere's a high-level explanation of the code:

Function Definition: An asynchronous function insertText is defined, which takes two parameters: app and noteUUID.

Find Note: The function starts by finding a note using the provided noteUUID. This is done through the app.findNote method.

Prompt for Customization: The function displays a prompt to the user to customize the note. The prompt includes:

An input for selecting multiple tags (up to 10).

An input for typing a single tag (either new or existing).

A dropdown for selecting an emoji to add to the note.

A dropdown to choose whether the emoji should be a prefix or suffix.

Handle Cancellation: If the user cancels the prompt, an alert is shown, and the function exits early.

Process User Inputs:

The user inputs are de-structured into variables: multiTag, singleTag, emoji, and position.

If an emoji is selected, the function updates the note's name by adding the emoji as either a prefix or suffix, depending on the user's choice.

Add Tags:

Multiple Tags: If multiple tags are provided, they are split into an array, trimmed of extra spaces, and each tag is added to the note individually.

Single Tag: If a single tag is provided, it is added to the note.

Predefined Options: Applies predefined modifications based on the coded samples + options. tag+prefix+suffixs

Completion: The function completes without returning any value.

In summary, the function allows users to customize a note by updating its name with an emoji, and adding tags to it based on user input from a prompt.

The content above is from a note published by an Amplenote subscriber. As updates to the note are made, they are updated here.   Learn how to embed notes anywhere keyboard_arrow_right