
Ample Time


Change log:

July 2nd, 2023:

New report types: Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This Month, Last Month

Reports are now tagged with tracking/reports/daily, weekly and monthly respectively

June 30th, 2023:

Show button that navigates to dashboard/report note on successful action

Press Ctrl-O and then:

Start... to start a new task

Stop to stop a running task

Today to get a report of what was logged today

A "Task" is a Note, so whenever you start a new timer, you will be prompted to choose a note. If you want to track a particular project in your life, simply create a note for it and choose it as the Target in this menu.



options: {
noteTitleDashboard: "Time Tracker Dashboard",
noteTagDashboard: "tracking",
noteTagReports: "tracking/reports",
sectionTitleDashboardTimeEntries: "Time entries",
noteTitleReportDaily: "Ampletime Daily: Tracked",
noteTitleReportWeekly: "Ampletime Weekly: Tracked",
noteTitleReportMonthly: "Ampletime Monthly: Tracked",
colors: [ // Colors to use on the chart
"#1ABC9C", // Turquoise (Green)
"#3498DB", // Peter River (Blue)
"#F1C40F", // Sun Flower (Yellow)
"#9B59B6", // Amethyst (Purple)
"#E74C3C", // Alizarin (Red)
"#95A5A6", // Concrete (Grey)
"#2ECC71", // Emerald (Green)
"#2980B9", // Belize Hole (Blue)
"#F39C12", // Orange (Orange)
"#8E44AD", // Wisteria (Purple)
"#C0392B", // Pomegranate (Red)
"#BDC3C7", // Silver (Grey)
"#16A085", // Green Sea (Green)
"#34495E", // Wet Asphalt (Blue)
"#D35400", // Pumpkin (Orange)
"#7F8C8D", // Asbestos (Grey)
"#27AE60", // Nephritis (Green)
"#2C3E50", // Midnight Blue (Blue)
"#E67E22", // Carrot (Orange)
"#ECF0F1" // Clouds (Grey)
legendSquareSize: 45, // Size in pixels for the colored square in the reports table
// ===== APP OPTIONS ====
appOption: {
"Start...": async function(app) {
try { await this._start(app); } catch (err) { console.log(err); await app.alert(err); }
"Stop": async function(app) {
try { await this._stop(app); } catch (err) { console.log(err); await app.alert(err); }
"Tracked Today": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "today");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
"Tracked Yesterday": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "yesterday");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
"Tracked This Week": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "this week");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
"Tracked Last Week": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "last week");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
"Tracked This Month": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "this month");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
"Tracked Last Month": async function(app) {
try {
await this._loadScript("");
await this._generateReport(app, "last month");
} catch (err) { console.log(err); /*await app.alert(err);*/ }
// ==== MAIN ENTRY POINTS ====
* Starts a new task. Adds a new row in the dashboard. Will prompt to stop existing tasks if any.
async _start(app) {
let dash = await this._ensureDashboardNote(app);
let isTaskRunning = await this._isTaskRunning(app, dash);
console.log(`Task running: ${isTaskRunning}`);
// Decide if we stop any currently running tasks
if (isTaskRunning) {
// Task names as found in the Dashboard are usually Markdown links to Amplenotes
let runningTaskName = this._getLinkText(isTaskRunning);
let result = await app.prompt(`${runningTaskName} is already running. Would you like to stop it first?`,
inputs: [
type: "radio",
options: [
{ label: "Stop current task", value: true },
{ label: "Keep current task (and cancel)", value: false },
if (!result) {
console.log(`Stopping current task...`);
this._stopTask(app, dash);
// What task are we starting?
let target = await this._promptTarget(app);
console.log(`Starting Task ${}...`);
let currentTime = await this._getCurrentTime();
await this._logStartTime(app, dash, target, currentTime);
let startDate = new Date();
startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
let endDate = new Date(startDate);
endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
let runningTaskDuration = await this._getTaskDurations(
app, this._makeNoteLink(target), startDate, endDate
if (runningTaskDuration.length == 0) runningTaskDuration = [{'Duration': "00:00:00"}];
let alertAction = await app.alert(
`${} started successfully. Logged today: ${runningTaskDuration[0]['Duration']}`,
actions: [{label: "Visit Dashboard", icon: "assignment"}]
if (alertAction == 0) {
console.log(`${} started successfully. Logged today: ${runningTaskDuration[0]['Duration']}`);
return true;
* Stops the currently running task.
async _stop(app) {
let dash = await this._ensureDashboardNote(app);
let isTaskRunning = await this._isTaskRunning(app, dash);
// If no task is running, return
if (!isTaskRunning) {
console.log("No task is running at the moment.");
await app.alert(`No task is running at the moment.`);
console.log(`Stopping current task...`);
await this._stopTask(app, dash);
let startDate = new Date();
startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
let endDate = new Date(startDate);
endDate.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
let runningTaskDuration = await this._getTaskDurations(app, isTaskRunning, startDate, endDate);
let alertAction = await app.alert(
`${this._getLinkText(isTaskRunning)} stopped successfully. Logged today: ${runningTaskDuration[0]['Duration']}`,
actions: [{label: "Visit Dashboard", icon: "assignment"}]
if (alertAction == 0) {
console.log(`${this._getLinkText(isTaskRunning)} stopped successfully. Logged today: ${runningTaskDuration[0]['Duration']}`)
return true;
async _generateReport(app, reportType) {
console.log(`_generateReport(), reportType: ${reportType}`);
let startOfDay = new Date();
let endOfDay = new Date();
let reportTitle = this.options.noteTitleReportDaily;
let reportParentTag = this.options.noteTagReports;
let reportTag = `${reportParentTag}/daily`;
// determine the start and end of day based on the report type
if (reportType === 'yesterday') {
startOfDay.setDate(startOfDay.getDate() - 1);
} else if (reportType === 'this week') {
let day = startOfDay.getDay();
let difference = ((day < 1) ? -6 : 1) - day; // if today is Sunday, go to previous Monday
startOfDay.setDate(startOfDay.getDate() + difference);
reportTitle = this.options.noteTitleReportWeekly;
reportTag = `${reportParentTag}/weekly`;
} else if (reportType === 'last week') {
let day = startOfDay.getDay();
let difference = ((day < 1) ? -6 : 1) - day; // if today is Sunday, go to previous Monday
startOfDay.setDate(startOfDay.getDate() + difference - 7);
endOfDay = new Date(startOfDay.getTime());
endOfDay.setDate(endOfDay.getDate() + 6);
reportTitle = this.options.noteTitleReportWeekly;
reportTag = `${reportParentTag}/weekly`;
} else if (reportType === 'this month') {
reportTitle = this.options.noteTitleReportMonthly;
reportTag = `${reportParentTag}/monthly`;
} else if (reportType === 'last month') {
startOfDay.setMonth(startOfDay.getMonth() - 1);
endOfDay.setDate(endOfDay.getDate() - 1);
reportTitle = this.options.noteTitleReportMonthly;
reportTag = `${reportParentTag}/monthly`;
startOfDay.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0);
endOfDay.setHours(23, 59, 59, 999);
// get task durations within the determined dates
let taskDurations = await this._getTaskDurations(app, null, startOfDay, endOfDay);
if (taskDurations.length == 0) {
console.log(`Nothing logged ${reportType}.`);
await app.alert(`Nothing logged ${reportType}.`);
// Create a new note with the results table
reportTitle = `${reportTitle} ${this._getFormattedDate(startOfDay)}`;
let resultsUUID = await app.createNote(`${reportTitle}`, [reportTag]);
let resultsHandle = await app.findNote({uuid: resultsUUID});
console.log(`Created results note with UUID ${resultsUUID}`);
// Default legends in QuickChart are a bit ugly and cumbersome, so we create a legend inside the MD table
// First we create a PNG square of the right color, then we add it as an attachment, then we insert it
// in the actual table row
console.log(`Creating legend squares...`);
let legendSquares = [];
for (let i = 0; i < taskDurations.length; i++) {
let fileURL = await app.attachNoteMedia(
resultsHandle, await this._createLegendSquare(this.options.colors[i])
legendSquares.push(`![](${ fileURL })`);
taskDurations = this._insertColumnInMemory(
taskDurations, "Color", legendSquares
// Convert the taskDurations object to a markdown table
let resultsTable = this._dictToMarkdownTable(taskDurations);
console.log(`Inserting results in report note...`);
await app.insertNoteContent(resultsHandle, resultsTable);
console.log(`Generating QuickChart...`);
let pieDataURL = await this._generatePie(taskDurations);
const fileURL = await app.attachNoteMedia(resultsHandle, pieDataURL);
await app.insertNoteContent(resultsHandle, `![](${ fileURL })`);
let alertAction = await app.alert(
`Daily report generated successfully!`,
actions: [{label: "Visit Report", icon: "donut_small"}]
if (alertAction == 0) {
return true;
* Returns a list of objects with properties "Task Name" and "Duration"
* Computes the total duration of each task within given dates.
* Optionally filters to only tasks that match "taskName", which must be a full MD link.
async _getTaskDurations(app, taskName, startDate, endDate) {
console.log(`_getTaskDurations(app, ${taskName}, ${startDate}, ${endDate})`);
let dash = await this._ensureDashboardNote(app);
let content = await app.getNoteContent(dash);
let tableDict = this._markdownTableToDict(content);
let entries = this._getEntriesWithinDates(tableDict, taskName, startDate, endDate);
if (!entries) return;
let taskDurations = this._calculateTaskDurations(entries);
return taskDurations;
* Returns the name of the task that is running (usually a MD link to a note) or false otherwise
async _isTaskRunning(app, dash) {
let content = await app.getNoteContent(dash);
const table = this._markdownTableToDict(content);
if (!table) return false;
// Check if there is a task with a start time and no end time
const runningTask = table.find(row => row['Task Name'] && row['Start Time'] && !row['End Time']);
if (Boolean(runningTask)) return runningTask["Task Name"];
return false;
* Creates new row in the dashboard table, adds "Task Name" and "Start Time"
async _logStartTime(app, dash, target, currentTime) {
console.log(`_logStartTime(${dash}, ${target}, ${currentTime})`);
let content = await app.getNoteContent(dash);
let tableDict = this._markdownTableToDict(content);
tableDict = this._insertRowToDict(tableDict, target, currentTime);
let updatedTableMarkdown = this._dictToMarkdownTable(tableDict);
const section = { heading: { text: this.options.sectionTitleDashboardTimeEntries } };
await app.replaceNoteContent(dash, updatedTableMarkdown, {section});
return true;
* Stops a task by adding "Stop Time" column to the dashboard table
async _stopTask(app, dash) {
let content = await app.getNoteContent(dash);
let tableDict = this._markdownTableToDict(content);
tableDict = this._addEndTimeToDict(tableDict, await this._getCurrentTime());
let updatedTableMarkdown = this._dictToMarkdownTable(tableDict);
const section = { heading: { text: this.options.sectionTitleDashboardTimeEntries } };
await app.replaceNoteContent(dash, updatedTableMarkdown, {section});
return true;
* Gets all tasks that have entries stopping within given dates.
* Returns a list of objects with properties "Task Name", "Start Time", "Stop Time"
* Optionally filters to only task names matching "taskName", which must be a full MD link.
_getEntriesWithinDates(tableDict, taskName, startDate, endDate) {
console.log(`_getEntriesWithinDates(${tableDict}, ${taskName}, ${startDate}, ${endDate}`);
// Filter the entries that end within given dates
let entries = tableDict.filter(row => {
let endTime = new Date(row['End Time']);
console.log(new Date(row['End Time']));
return endTime >= startDate && endTime <= endDate;
if (taskName) entries = entries.filter(row => {
return row['Task Name'] === taskName;
return entries;
* Given a list of objects with "Task Name", "Start Time" and "Stop Time", will return
* the total duration for each task.
_calculateTaskDurations(entries) {
let taskDurations = {};
entries.forEach(entry => {
let taskName = entry['Task Name'];
let duration = this._calculateDuration(entry['Start Time'], entry['End Time']);
// If the task has already been logged, add the new duration to the existing one
if (taskName in taskDurations) {
taskDurations[taskName] = this._addDurations(taskDurations[taskName], duration);
} else {
taskDurations[taskName] = duration;
// Convert object to array and sort by duration
let sortedTasks = Object.entries(taskDurations).sort((a, b) => {
// Convert durations to seconds for sorting
let aDurationInSeconds = this._durationToSeconds(a[1]);
let bDurationInSeconds = this._durationToSeconds(b[1]);
return bDurationInSeconds - aDurationInSeconds;
// Convert sorted array to list of objects with "Task Name" and "Duration" properties
let sortedTaskDurations = => {
return {
"Task Name": task[0],
"Duration": task[1]
return sortedTaskDurations;
* Adds the current time to every row with no End Time.
* Returns the new dictionary.
_addEndTimeToDict(tableDict, currentTime) {
console.log(`_addEndTimeToDict(${tableDict}, ${currentTime})`);
// Find the row with no "End Time" and add the current time
for (let row of tableDict) {
if (!row["End Time"]) {
row["End Time"] = currentTime;
return tableDict;
* Creates a dashboard note if it doesn't exist, inserts the table header.
* Returns a handle to the note.
async _ensureDashboardNote(app) {
// Ensure note exists
let dash = await app.findNote(
{ name: this.options.noteTitleDashboard, tags: [this.options.noteTagDashboard], }
if (!dash) {
dash = await this._createDashboardNote(
// Ensure table exists
const sections = await app.getNoteSections(dash);
const timeEntriesSection = sections.find(
(section) => section.heading &&
section.heading.text === this.options.sectionTitleDashboardTimeEntries
if (!timeEntriesSection) {
await app.insertNoteContent(
`\n## ${this.options.sectionTitleDashboardTimeEntries}\n`,
{ atEnd: true }
let tableHeader = await this._createTableHeader([
"Task Name",
"Start Time",
"End Time",
await app.insertNoteContent(dash, tableHeader, { atEnd: true });
return dash;
* Creates the empty dashboard note.
* Returns a handle.
async _createDashboardNote(app, noteTitle, noteTag) {
console.log(`_createDashboardNote(app, ${noteTitle}, ${noteTag}`);
const note = await app.createNote(noteTitle, [noteTag]);
const noteHandle = await app.findNote({
name: noteTitle,
tags: [noteTag],
return noteHandle;
* Returns a data URL pointing to a square PNG of a given "color".
* Used in the table included in the report.
async _createLegendSquare(color) {
// Create a canvas and get its context
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const size = this.options.legendSquareSize; // size in pixels
canvas.width = size;
canvas.height = size;
ctx.fillStyle = color;
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, size, size);
function canvasToBlob(canvas) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
canvas.toBlob((blob) => {
}, 'image/png');
let blob = await canvasToBlob(canvas);
return await this._dataURLFromBlob(blob);
* Generates a chart using QuickChart. Gets a list of objects with "Color", "Task Name" and "Duration"
* Returns a data URL pointing to the chart image.
async _generatePie(taskDurations) {
// We don't want the whole MD link in the chart
const labels = => this._getLinkText(task['Task Name']));
const data = => this._durationToSeconds(task['Duration'])); // Duration in hours
const chart = new QuickChart();
type: 'pie',
data: {
labels: labels,
datasets: [{ data: data, backgroundColor: this.options.colors }]
options: {
plugins: {
legend: {
// Hide the legend because it's too large & ugly
display: false
// On the chart itself, show percentages instead of durations
// Only show percentages if larger than a certain value, to avoid jankiness
datalabels: {
display: true,
formatter: (value, ctx) => {
let sum = 0;
let dataArr =[0].data; => {
sum += data;
let percentage = (value*100 / sum).toFixed(0);
if (percentage < 7) return "";
return percentage + "%";
color: '#fff',
let response = await fetch(chart.getUrl());
let blob = await response.blob();
let dataURL = await this._dataURLFromBlob(blob);
return dataURL;
// ==== DATA STRUCTURES ====
* Inserts a new object inside the main data structure used for holding time entries
_insertRowToDict(tableDict, target, currentTime) {
console.log(`_insertRowToDict(${tableDict}, ${target}, ${currentTime})`);
const newRow = {
"Task Name": `${this._makeNoteLink(target)}`,
"Start Time": currentTime,
"End Time": ""
// Insert new row at the beginning of the dictionary
return tableDict;
* Get a data URL from a blob
_dataURLFromBlob(blob) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = event => {
reader.onerror = function(event) {
* Add a new column and fill as many values on that column in an existing table
* "name" is a String
* "data" is an array of values
* "memory" is the dictionary to add to
* Returns the new dictionary
_insertColumnInMemory(memory, name, data) {
console.log(`_insertColumnInMemory(${memory}, ${name}, ${data})`)
return, index) => ({
[name]: data[index],
// ==== AN UX ====
async _promptTarget(app) {
let result = app.prompt(
"What are you working on?", {
inputs: [
{type: "note", label: "Choose a note"},
return result;
// ==== TIME OPS ====
msToTime(duration) {
let seconds = Math.floor((duration / 1000) % 60),
minutes = Math.floor((duration / (1000 * 60)) % 60),
hours = Math.floor((duration / (1000 * 60 * 60)) % 24);
hours = (hours < 10) ? "0" + hours : hours;
minutes = (minutes < 10) ? "0" + minutes : minutes;
seconds = (seconds < 10) ? "0" + seconds : seconds;
return hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds;
async _getCurrentTime() {
var timezoneOffset = (new Date()).getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; //offset in milliseconds
var localISOTime = (new Date( - timezoneOffset)).toISOString().slice(0, -1);
// e.g., "2023-06-25T09:11:12.037"
return localISOTime; // => '2015-01-26T06:40:36.181'
_durationToSeconds(duration) {
let [hours, minutes, seconds] = duration.split(':').map(Number);
let totalSeconds = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;
return totalSeconds;
_calculateDuration(startTime, endTime) {
console.log(`_calculateDuration(${startTime}, ${endTime})`);
// Parse start and end times
let start = new Date(startTime);
let end = new Date(endTime);
// Calculate duration in milliseconds
let durationMillis = end - start;
// Convert milliseconds to "HH:MM:SS" format
let hours = Math.floor(durationMillis / 3600000);
let minutes = Math.floor((durationMillis - hours * 3600000) / 60000);
let seconds = Math.floor((durationMillis - hours * 3600000 - minutes * 60000) / 1000);
// Pad hours, minutes and seconds with leading zeros if necessary
hours = hours.toString().padStart(2, '0');
minutes = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0');
seconds = seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return `${hours}:${minutes}:${seconds}`;
_addDurations(duration1, duration2) {
console.log(`_addDurations(${duration1}, ${duration2})`);
// Convert durations to seconds
const seconds1 = this._durationToSeconds(duration1);
const seconds2 = this._durationToSeconds(duration2);
// Add durations
const totalSeconds = seconds1 + seconds2;
// Convert total seconds back to "HH:MM:SS" format
const totalDuration = this._secondsToDuration(totalSeconds);
return totalDuration;
_secondsToDuration(seconds) {
const hours = Math.floor(seconds / 3600);
const minutes = Math.floor((seconds % 3600) / 60);
const remainingSeconds = seconds % 60;
return [hours, minutes, remainingSeconds].map(v => v < 10 ? '0' + v : v).join(':');
_getFormattedDate(date) {
const monthNames = [
"January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
const month = monthNames[date.getMonth()];
const day = date.getDate();
let daySuffix;
if (day > 3 && day < 21) daySuffix = "th";
else {
switch (day % 10) {
case 1: daySuffix = "st"; break;
case 2: daySuffix = "nd"; break;
case 3: daySuffix = "rd"; break;
default: daySuffix = "th";
const year = date.getFullYear();
return `${month} ${day}${daySuffix}, ${year}`;
async _createTableHeader(columns) {
const header = columns.join (" | ");
const separator = => "-").join(" | ");
const tableHeader = `| ${header} |\n| ${separator} |`;
return tableHeader;
_markdownTableToDict(content) {
// Extract markdown table from content
const tableRegex = /\|(?:.*?)\n\|(?:.*?)\n\|(.*?)\n((?:\|(.*?)\n)*)/s;
const tableMatch = content.match(tableRegex);
// If no table found, return null
if (!tableMatch) return null;
// Parse headers from table
const headers = tableMatch[1].split("|")
.map(header => header.trim())
.filter(header => header); // Filter out empty headers
// Parse rows from table
const rows = tableMatch[2].split("\n").filter(row => row.trim() !== "");
// Convert each row into a JavaScript object where each key is a header
// and each value is the corresponding cell in the row
const table = => {
const cells = row.split("|")
.map(cell => cell.trim())
.filter(cell => cell); // Filter out empty cells
const rowObj = {};
headers.forEach((header, i) => {
rowObj[header] = cells[i] || null;
return rowObj;
return table;
_dictToMarkdownTable(tableDict) {
// Extract headers
const headers = Object.keys(tableDict[0]);
// Prepare the header row and the separator
const headerRow = `| ${headers.join(" | ")} |`;
const separator = `| ${ => "-").join(" | ")} |`;
// Prepare the data rows
const dataRows = => {
const cells = => row[header]);
return `| ${cells.join(" | ")} |`;
// Return the final markdown table
return `${headerRow}\n${separator}\n${dataRows}`;
_getLinkText(text) {
const regex = /\[(.*?)\]/;
const match = regex.exec(text);
return match ? match[1] : null;
_makeNoteLink(target) {
return `[${}](${target.uuid})`;
// ==== MISC ====
async _loadScript(url) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const script = document.createElement("script");
script.src = url;
script.onload = resolve;
script.onerror = reject;