The GitClear Ambassador program exists to create incentive for thought leaders to understand the benefits GitClear can offer to CTOs, VP of Engineering, and CEOs. When you are approved as a GitClear Ambassador, you'll get a short referral code. When a customer signs up for their subscription with your code, you'll be eligible to receive 50% of the revenue from their first year on GitClear. Over the 12 months of 2021, the average GitClear customer spend about $2,000 per year, so the compensation per referral can often be much higher than typical affiliate programs.

linkApplying for the GitClear Ambassador Program

Find our GitClear Ambassadors landing page here. When you are logged in to GitClear, there will be a link at the bottom of the page to apply as a GitClear Ambassador. The application is a short form to help us become acquainted with your past work -- it usually takes less than 10 minutes to fill out.

Short signup form to become a GitClear Ambassador

To maximize the likelihood your application will be approved, include a link to your website and a detail-rich bio to help us understand the type of clients you work with. If you have had the opportunity to learn about GitClear already, that's great -- we recommend mentioning that in your bio. If you haven't, we can help to train you in the fundamentals of how GitClear works to create data transparency that makes engineering teams demonstrably more productive.

We strive to decide on all GitClear Ambassador applications within 2 business days. As of early 2022, this program is still relatively new to GitClear, so entry into the program will be limited to a small number of highly credible and experienced technical leaders.

linkBenefits of GitClear Ambassador Program

There are two main benefits to being approved as a GitClear Ambassador.

link1. Commissions when you refer users to GitClear

Per the Terms and Conditions below, you are eligible to receive a 50% payout of the non-refunded revenue that GitClear earns when a customer signs up.

link2. Free exposure to grow your client base

By clicking the "Available for consulting" checkbox when you sign up, you'll be able to create a public-facing profile that GitClear customers can discover. See an example profile here.

linkTerms and Conditions for Payouts

Please read the following conditions to understand the terms of payout eligibility.

linkViewing referrals and revenue

Once your Ambassador account is activated, you'll be able to see the count of referrals and the revenue driven by those referrals on your Ambassador page, which can be accessed via your "Account Settings" page after logging in to GitClear.

Our dashboard will show a live-updating look at the net revenue GitClear has collected from the sum of your referrals. You become eligible for a payout of the referral funds when the customer's term is half-complete, or when 30 days has elapsed since the customer's signup, whichever is longer. These measures reduce the risk that GitClear carries from customers requesting refunds, or filing a chargeback after completing their initial payment.

Your private Ambassador dashboard will track your referrals and earnings due as they're accrued

Once your "Revenue eligible for payout" is above $500, you can click the "Initiate payout" link and follow the instructions to initiate an invoice to be paid by GitClear.

linkLimit per referral

The maximum referral payout per customer is currently capped at $3,000. This limit will apply if you refer a customer that spends more than $6,000 on GitClear within their first year.

linkLocation eligibility

When you apply as a GitClear Ambassador we will review your country of origin to ensure that we are eligible to process payouts to that country + region prior to approving your application. If you change your location after being approved as an Ambassador, please email promptly to confirm that your new location remains eligible to receive payouts.

linkRefunds and chargebacks

If a customer requests a refund or files a chargeback, the referral commission will be negated for the entire portion of revenue that the customer attempts to reclaim. If GitClear has already paid out the referral when the refund or chargeback is filed, your Ambassador account may accrue a negative balance, indicating that additional referrals will be needed to offset the revenue that GitClear previously paid out but did not itself receive once the customer changed their mind.

linkOnly approved Ambassadors eligible

Customers that use the referral code of an unapproved Ambassador will not be able to designate their revenue toward the Ambassador's earnings until the Ambassador is approved.

linkApproval status can be changed at GitClear's discretion at any time

If GitClear detects suspicious or fraudulent activity associated with an Ambassador, that Ambassador's account can be unapproved at any time.

linkEntering a referral code

Customers will be able to enter your referral code during their subscription sign up process:

The customer subscription form offers the opportunity to enter a promo or referral code

This is where you will prompt customers to enter the referral code you receive from your profile upon approval.

linkGot more questions?

We've got answers! Email us at and we'll help clarify any shortcomings in our documentation.