GitClear offers several ways to view the data associated with your company. By the end of this article, you will be familiar with the full set of options available for drilling down to the most relevant data.

linkFilter Data Using the Three Context Selectors

To pinpoint the report context you're after, it helps to take a moment to understand the three ways that data is separated on GitClear.

linkRepo Selector

In most git providers, git repos are grouped by organization. For example, in Github, we have a gitclear organization, that contains multiple repos, like gitclear/gitclear-enterprise. GitClear lets you isolate data for any organization or repo to which your team has been granted access (see the "Team Selector," below). Or you can choose the "Entity" (aka the full company) and see data for all repos from all organizations grouped together

Search for a repo or organization in the dropdown repo selector

linkTeam Selector

The choices presented in the repo selector are determined by the context of the team being viewed. Teams on GitClear are the main way that report access is controlled in large organizations. The team selector lives in the upper right corner of every page:

Choose a team from the upper right Team Selector

The role on each team is specified below the team name. Depending on the team, one user may be a manager, developer, or executive, and will have different reports and notifications shown depending on their role within the team.

linkDeveloper Selector

Finally, you can choose to filter data on a particular committer (or yourself) through the "Developers >" dropdown below the Repo Selector.

Click the "Developers" link to see a dialog of known Developers within the selected team and resource

Developers that have granted access to the logged in user will be available for selection in this dropdown. If you have not yet requested report access for a given contributor, you can click on their grayed out avatar to request report access.

linkWhat gets filtered, what gets shown?

The ultimate arbiter of what committer data is shown is the members of the team.

For an example of how GitClear chooses to which data to show, consider a scrum team composed of one Manager, six Contributors (Developers), and a few executives that will occasionally pop in and out. Viewed on the Team Settings page, such a team might be presented as follows:

A common arrangement of scrum team members within a large enterprise

When Ashwin the Manager is logged in, he will see only the six developers from his team in the Developer Selector:

Viewing Developer Selector when logged in with Ashwin's scrum team selected

Ashwin will also see only the single repo to which his developers contribute in the Repo Selector, plus the organization and entity of that repo:

Repos shown are limited by the repos associated with the team on the Team Settings page

Accordingly, when viewing reports, only data is shown from the Marketplace repo:

Note that the only repo shown is "Marketplace" when viewing segmented charts on Delivery page

Similarly, if viewing the Commit Activity Browser, the only commits that would be shown when Ashwin's team is selected would be commits made by his 6 developers, in the Marketplace repo. Ashwin will not see other developers' contributions to the Marketplace repo, nor will he see contributions from his 6 developers that are made to repos outside the Marketplace repo. If such work was relevant to Ashwin, his Admin could arrange his team to include more repos or developers.

linkView all data from everyone

If you are a GitClear admin, Executive, or VP/CTO, you can view all data across the company by choosing:

"[Company name] (Entity)" from the Repo Selector

"All Contributors" from the Team Selector

This amount of data can be overwhelming if your team is more than 20 developers. We generally recommend using the context selectors above in such cases.