Issue Tracker Projects define groups of issues, usually separated by repo or project. Both Jira and GitHub separate issues by project. GitClear offers users some options to better integrate their Issue Tracker Projects with their GitClear code.

A Jira Project called "Bonanza," as viewed on Settings -> Issue Tracker Projects

linkJira projects

Each project in Jira uses a project key that doubles as a numeric prefix. For example, if your company is Widget Co., it might create a Jira WIDGET project, which would contain issues like WIDGET-1, WIDGET-123, and so forth.

linkConfigure a Story Point column

In general, after setting up a Jira connection, GitClear can automatically detect which fields associated with your projects are used to store Story Point estimates. However, if your team uses Story Points and you don’t see stats for “Story Points Completed” and “Story Point Correlation” on the Issue Stats page, then you will need to manually select which field in the project is used to capture the Story Point estimate per ticket.

linkGitHub projects

As of late 2021, GitHub projects are identified by repo. While GitHub has indicated that this status quo may be changing as they launch their new release of GitHub Issues, the current implementation attaches each project to a repo.

linkReference an issue

See Reference an Issue Tracker Project issue