Daily templates workaround

linkMethod 1: !copy your task list to your daily jot every day

link✅ Step #1 - Create a daily reminder

✍️ Complete my Daily Check-in: Daily Journal Template (example)

The task above is a daily recurring task meant to remind you to review your daily items. Every morning you will get a reminder to act on this and you will also get a link to your note "template".

link☀️ Step #2 - Create your daily jot

Go to your daily Jot and start typing anything. This will create a note for today's jot.

link✂️ Step #3 - Copy your template

Go to your Daily Journal Template (example)and copy the main task over to your newly created daily jot.

link✏️ Step #4 - Complete your daily review

Navigate to your daily jot to review and fill in your daily questions and tasks. Repeat steps 2-4 every day ✨.

linkMethod 2: !copy a rich footnote containing your daily template to the next day's jot every day

link✅ Step #1 - Create a daily reminder

✍️ Complete my Daily Check-in: Daily Journal Template (example)

Create this task in today's daily jot.

link✏️ Step #2 - Complete your daily review

Inside the task you created, you can click on the Rich Footnote, which will display the contents of your template, without having to navigate out of the current note. Use this to fill in your daily items.

link🌄 Step #3 - Create tomorrows' daily jot

Make sure your daily jot is open in jots mode for this. Type [[~{tomorrow}]] in today's jot to link and create tomorrow's jot. The leading tilda ~ has the effect of tagging the newly created note with the currently selected tag.

link✂️ Step #4 - Copy the reminder to the next day's jot

Copy you reminder to the next day's jot using the exclamation mark command. Repeat steps 2-4 every day 🌟.