YTD Wrapped


YTD Wrapped




Get a Year Summary of your Amplenote Usage.


- Go to Application Options using ctrl+o / cmd+o
- Type in and search for YTD Wrappedand Click on it
- Enter the Year, Limit of top trending words, and If you require it for a Particular Tag, then add the Tag/s (#10)
- Upon clicking on Submit, you need to wait for the Plugin to Analyze the Logics and give you an wrapped report / annual review.
Note: Tasks / Word count, is based on note's created date.
Future: May be we can try something more visual. For now its just Text - December 31st, 2024







async appOption(app) {
const existingSetting1 = await app.settings["YTD_Year"];
const existingSetting2 = await app.settings["Top_Number_of_Words"];
const existingSetting3 = await app.settings["TagS"];
const currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();
// console.log(currentYear); // Outputs the current year, e.g., 2024
// Prompt user with pre-filled inputs - 4
const result = await app.prompt("Update the parameters!", {
inputs: [
{ label: "Update Year for YTD Wrapper / Annual Reviewer", type: "string", value: existingSetting1 || currentYear },
{ label: "Limit Number - List of Top Words Trend", type: "string", value: existingSetting2 || 25 },
{ label: "Select any Particular Tag/s. (Leave it blank for All Tags).", type: "tags", limit: 10, value: existingSetting3 || "" }
let [
] = result;
zYear = parseInt(zYear, 10);
topWords = parseInt(topWords, 10);
console.log (result);
console.log (zYear);
console.log (topWords);
console.log (tagNames);
await app.setSetting("YTD_Year", zYear);
await app.setSetting("Top_Number_of_Words", topWords);
await app.setSetting("TagS", tagNames || "");
app.alert("YTD Wrapper is working in the background to get you various insigts and information for the Year Wrapper / Annual Reviewer; this may take a few minutes depending on the number of notes and their data.");
const tagsArray = tagNames ? tagNames.split(',').map(tag => tag.trim()) : [];
let noteHandlesz = [];
// Filter notes based on tags
if (tagsArray.length > 0) {
for (let tag of tagsArray) {
let taggedNotes = await app.filterNotes({ tag, group: "^vault" });
noteHandlesz = noteHandlesz.concat(taggedNotes);
else {
noteHandlesz = await app.filterNotes({ group: "^vault" });
/* // Get notes based on tags or all notes
const noteHandlesz = tagS
? await app.filterNotes({ tagS })
: await app.filterNotes({});
// Ensure notes is an array
if (!Array.isArray(noteHandlesz)) {
console.error("Notes is not an array");
} else {
console.log("Notes array:", noteHandlesz);
} */
// Ensure zYear is a valid year
// console.log("zYear:", zYear);
// Filter the notes by creation year
noteHandlesz = noteHandlesz.filter(item => {
const createdYear = new Date(item.created).getFullYear();
// console.log(`Note: ${}, Created Year: ${createdYear}, zYear: ${zYear}`);
return createdYear === zYear;
console.log("Filtered Notes:", noteHandlesz);
// Map to UUIDs
const noteUUIDs = noteHandlesz
// .filter(item => new Date(item.created).getFullYear() === zYear) // Filter by year
.map(item => item.uuid); // Map to get the UUIDs
console.log("Note UUIDs:", noteUUIDs);
// console.log (noteHandlesz);
// console.log (noteHandles);
// console.log (noteUUIDs);
// console.log (noteHandles.length);
// return `note count: ${ noteHandles.length }`;
const createYTDWrapper = async (noteHandlesz, app, year = new Date().getFullYear()) => {
// Helper function to get month from date string
const getMonth = (dateStr) => new Date(dateStr).getMonth() + 1;
// Initialize monthly trackers
const monthlyStats = Array(12).fill().map(() => ({
notesCreated: 0,
notesUpdated: 0,
taskCount: 0,
wordCount: 0
let totalStats = {
notesCreated: 0,
notesUpdated: 0,
totalTasks: 0,
totalWords: 0
// Process each note
for (const note of noteHandlesz) {
const createdDate = new Date(note.created);
const updatedDate = new Date(note.updated);
const createdYear = createdDate.getFullYear();
const updatedYear = updatedDate.getFullYear();
// Track notes created in specified year
if (createdYear === year) {
const createdMonth = getMonth(note.created) - 1;
// Track notes updated in specified year
if (updatedYear === year) {
const updatedMonth = getMonth(note.updated) - 1;
// Get and count tasks
try {
const tasks = await app.getNoteTasks({ uuid: note.uuid }, { includeDone: true });
const taskCount = tasks.length;
// Add to monthly stats of creation month if in specified year
if (createdYear === year) {
const month = getMonth(note.created) - 1;
monthlyStats[month].taskCount += taskCount;
totalStats.totalTasks += taskCount;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error getting tasks for note ${note.uuid}:`, error);
// Get and count words in markdown content
try {
const markdown = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid: note.uuid });
const wordCount = markdown.trim().split(/\s+/).length;
// Add to monthly stats of creation month if in specified year
if (createdYear === year) {
const month = getMonth(note.created) - 1;
monthlyStats[month].wordCount += wordCount;
totalStats.totalWords += wordCount;
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Error getting content for note ${note.uuid}:`, error);
return {
// Helper function to get formatted stats
getFormattedStats() {
const months = [
'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June',
'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
return {
summary: `# <mark style="color:undefined;">**Year ${year} Summary:**<!-- {"cycleColor":"56"} --></mark>\n| | |\n|-|-|\n|**Total Notes Created**|${totalStats.notesCreated}|\n|**Total Notes Updated**|${totalStats.notesUpdated}|\n|**Total Tasks**|${totalStats.totalTasks}|\n|**Total Words**|${totalStats.totalWords}|\n\n`,
monthlyBreakdown:, index) => ({
month: months[index],
/* // Example usage:
const runYTDAnalysis = async () => {
const year = 2024; // Can be changed to any year
const wrapper = await createYTDWrapper(notes, app, year);
const stats = wrapper.getFormattedStats();
console.log('\nMonthly Breakdown:');
stats.monthlyBreakdown.forEach(({ month, stats }) => {
console.log(`\n${month}:`, stats);
}; */
let finalResutls = ``;
let finalResutls2 = ``;
const yearEndStats = await createYTDWrapper(noteHandlesz, app, zYear);
const formattedStats = yearEndStats.getFormattedStats();
// console.log(formattedStats);
finalResutls += `${formattedStats.summary}`;
finalResutls += `---`;
finalResutls += `\n# <mark style="color:undefined;">**Monthly Breakdown:**<!-- {"cycleColor":"60"} --></mark>`;
finalResutls2 += `**Monthly Breakdown:**`;
finalResutls += `\n| | | | | |`;
finalResutls += `\n|-|-|-|-|-|`;
finalResutls += `\n|**Month**|**Notes Created**|**Notes Last Updated**|**Task Count**|**Word Count**|`;
// console.log(formattedStats.summary);
// console.log('\nMonthly Breakdown:');
formattedStats.monthlyBreakdown.forEach(({ month, stats }) => {
finalResutls2 += `\n${month}: notesCreated: ${stats.notesCreated}, notesUpdated: ${stats.notesUpdated}, taskCount: ${stats.taskCount}, wordCount: ${stats.wordCount}`;
finalResutls += `\n|**${month}**|${stats.notesCreated}|${stats.notesUpdated}|${stats.taskCount}|${stats.wordCount}|`;
// console.log(`\n${month}:`, stats);
finalResutls += `\n|**Total:**|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|=sum(above)|`;
finalResutls += `\n`;
const finalResultz = `[Monthly Trend Text][^YTDW]
[^YTDW]: []()${finalResutls2}
finalResutls += `\n\n${finalResultz}`;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Configuration
const TOP_WORDS_TO_SHOW = topWords || 25; // Change this number to show more/less words
// Common filler words to exclude
const FILLER_WORDS = new Set([
'a', 'an', 'the', 'and', 'or', 'but', 'in', 'on', 'at', 'to', 'for',
'is', 'are', 'was', 'were', 'be', 'been', 'being',
'i', 'you', 'he', 'she', 'it', 'we', 'they',
'my', 'your', 'his', 'her', 'its', 'our', 'their',
'this', 'that', 'these', 'those', 'how',
'of', 'with', 'by', 'from', 'up', 'down',
'as', 'so', 'too', 'very', 'just', 'only', 'then', 'now',
'there', 'here', 'where', 'when', 'why', 'what', 'who', 'whom', 'whose',
'which', 'while', 'about', 'over', 'under', 'before', 'after',
'into', 'out', 'onto', 'through', 'between', 'against',
'me', 'him', 'her', 'them', 'us',
'am', 'do', 'does', 'did', 'has', 'have', 'had',
'will', 'shall', 'can', 'could', 'would', 'should', 'might', 'may',
'if', 'though', 'although', 'because', 'since',
'than', 'whether', 'like', 'unlike', 'such',
'some', 'any', 'all', 'no', 'none', 'every', 'each',
'few', 'many', 'most', 'more', 'less', 'lot', 'lots',
'anyway', 'anywhere', 'everywhere', 'nowhere',
'either', 'neither', 'both'
const analyzeNotes = async (noteUUIDs, app) => {
// console.log('Starting analysis...');
// Initialize word counter
let wordCounter = {};
// Process each note
for (const uuid of noteUUIDs) {
try {
// console.log(`Processing note: ${uuid}`);
// Get note content
const content = await app.getNoteContent({ uuid });
// Process words
const words = content.toLowerCase()
.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9\s]/g, ' ')
.filter(word =>
word &&
!FILLER_WORDS.has(word) &&
word.length > 1
// Count words
words.forEach(word => {
wordCounter[word] = (wordCounter[word] || 0) + 1;
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Error processing note ${uuid}:`, error);
// Sort words by frequency
const sortedWords = Object.entries(wordCounter)
.sort((a, b) => b[1] - a[1])
.slice(0, TOP_WORDS_TO_SHOW);
// Print results
finalResutls += `---`;
finalResutls += `\n# <mark style="color:undefined;">**Word Frequency Analysis**<!-- {"cycleColor":"57"} --></mark>\n`;
finalResutls += `Showing top ${TOP_WORDS_TO_SHOW} words.\n`;
console.log('# <mark style="color:undefined;">**Word Frequency Analysis**<!-- {"cycleColor":"56"} --></mark>');
console.log(`Showing top ${TOP_WORDS_TO_SHOW} words.\n`);
/* // Create table data
const tableData = sortedWords.reduce((acc, [word, count]) => {
acc[word] = count;
return acc;
}, {});
// Display table
console.table(tableData); */
// Create table data in Markdown format
const tableData = sortedWords.reduce((acc, [word, count]) => {
acc.push(`| ${word} | ${count} |`);
return acc;
}, ["| | |", "|-|-|","| **Word** | **Count** |"]);
// Display Markdown table
finalResutls += `${tableData.join("\n")}`;
// Display total unique words
const uniqueWords = Object.keys(wordCounter).length;
finalResutls += `\n\nTotal unique words found: ${uniqueWords}.\n\n`;
console.log(`Total unique words found: ${uniqueWords}.`);
finalResutls += `---`;
const pluginSettingUrl = `${app.context.pluginUUID}`;
finalResutls += `\n> You can navigate to the [AN Plugin Settings](${pluginSettingUrl}) and update the parameters in the settings based on your requirements.\n> This report is generated at: ${new Date()}.\n> *User Input Details:* **Year:** ${zYear}; **Limit:** ${topWords}; **Tags:** [${tagNames || "All"}]`;
// Example usage:
// const noteUUIDs = ['uuid1', 'uuid2', 'uuid3'];
await analyzeNotes(noteUUIDs, app);
// await analyzeNote('your-note-uuid');
// await analyzeMultipleNotes(['uuid1', 'uuid2', 'uuid3']);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Generate the filename based on the current date and time
const now = new Date();
const YYMMDD = now.toISOString().slice(2, 10).replace(/-/g, '');
const HHMMSS = now.toTimeString().slice(0, 8).replace(/:/g, '');
// Audit Report
const ytdwNoteName = `${YYMMDD}_${HHMMSS} YTD Wrapper`;
const ytdwTagName = ['-reports/-ytd-wrapper'];
const ytdwnoteUUID = await app.createNote(ytdwNoteName, ytdwTagName);
(async () => {
try {
await app.replaceNoteContent({ uuid: ytdwnoteUUID }, finalResutls);
await app.navigate(`${ytdwnoteUUID}`);
} catch (error) {
app.alert("YTD Wrapper has completed, View the Note for the details.");
/* {
async insertText(app) {
const noteHandles = await app.filterNotes({ tag: "daily-jots" });
console.log (noteHandles);
return `note count: ${ noteHandles.length }`;
} */