(() => {
var plugin = {
constants: {
MOOD_SECTION_NAME: "Mood level",
dailyJotOption: {
"Record mood level": {
async run(app) {
await this._queryRecordMoodLevel(app);
async check(app) {
const note = await this._fetchDataNote(app);
if (!note)
return false;
const tableMarkdown = await this._tableData(app, note, this.constants.MOOD_SECTION_NAME);
if (!tableMarkdown)
return false;
const todayString = ( new Date()).toLocaleDateString();
return !tableMarkdown.includes(todayString);
appOption: {
"Record mood level": async function(app) {
await this._queryRecordMoodLevel(app);
_queryRecordMoodLevel: async function(app) {
const noteDataName = await this._fetchNoteDataName(app);
const moodOptions = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map((value) => ({ value, label: value }));
const result = await app.prompt("Record your current state", { inputs: [
{ label: "Mood level", type: "radio", options: moodOptions },
{ label: "What happened in the time leading up to this rating?", type: "text" }
] });
const lifeDataNote = await this._fetchDataNote(app, { noteDataName });
await this._persistData(app, lifeDataNote, this.constants.MOOD_SECTION_NAME, result);
_persistData: async function(app, note, sectionName, result) {
let existingTable = await this._tableData(app, note, sectionName);
if (!existingTable) {
await app.insertNoteContent(note, `# ${sectionName}
existingTable = "";
let tableMarkdown = `# ${sectionName}
tableMarkdown += `| **Date** | **Mood** | **Precipitating events** |
| --- | --- | --- |
tableMarkdown += `| ${( new Date()).toLocaleString()} | ${result[0]} | ${result[1]} |
tableMarkdown += existingTable;
await app.replaceNoteContent(note, tableMarkdown, { heading: { text: sectionName, level: 2 } });
async _tableData(app, note, sectionName) {
const content = await app.getNoteContent(note);
let existingTable = "";
if (content.includes(`# ${sectionName}`)) {
existingTable = await this._sectionContent(content, sectionName);
if (existingTable?.length) {
const tableRows = existingTable.split("\n");
while (tableRows.length) {
const row = tableRows.shift();
if (row.includes("**Date**")) {
return tableRows.join("\n");
_fetchDataNote: async function(app, { noteDataName = null } = {}) {
if (this._noteHandle)
return this._noteHandle;
noteDataName = noteDataName || await this._fetchNoteDataName(app);
const existingNote = await app.findNote({ name: noteDataName });
if (existingNote) {
this._noteHandle = existingNote;
return existingNote;
const note = await app.createNote(noteDataName, this.constants.DEFAULT_NOTE_DATA_TAGS);
this._noteHandle = note;
return note;
_fetchNoteDataName: async function(app) {
let noteDataName = await app.settings[this.constants.NOTE_DATA_SETTING_KEY];
if (!noteDataName) {
const result = await app.prompt(
`Enter the name of the note in which you'd like to record life data (default is "${this.constants.DEFAULT_NOTE_DATA_NAME}")`,
{ inputs: [{ type: "text" }] }
const noteName = result[0] || this.constants.DEFAULT_NOTE_DATA_NAME;
noteDataName = noteName;
await app.setSetting(this.constants.NOTE_DATA_SETTING_KEY, noteDataName);
return noteDataName;
_sectionContent(noteContent, headingTextOrSectionObject) {
let sectionHeadingText;
if (typeof headingTextOrSectionObject === "string") {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject;
} else {
sectionHeadingText = headingTextOrSectionObject.heading.text;
try {
sectionHeadingText = sectionHeadingText.replace(/^#+\s*/, "");
} catch (err) {
if (err.name === "TypeError") {
throw new Error(`${err.message} (line 1054)`);
const { startIndex, endIndex } = this._sectionRange(noteContent, sectionHeadingText);
return noteContent.slice(startIndex, endIndex);
_sectionRange(bodyContent, sectionHeadingText) {
const sectionRegex = /^#+\s*([^#\n\r]+)/gm;
const indexes = Array.from(bodyContent.matchAll(sectionRegex));
const sectionMatch = indexes.find((m) => m[1].trim() === sectionHeadingText.trim());
if (!sectionMatch) {
console.error("Could not find section", sectionHeadingText, "that was looked up. This might be expected");
return { startIndex: null, endIndex: null };
} else {
const level = sectionMatch[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length;
const nextMatch = indexes.find((m) => m.index > sectionMatch.index && m[0].match(/^#+/)[0].length <= level);
const endIndex = nextMatch ? nextMatch.index : bodyContent.length;
return { startIndex: sectionMatch.index + sectionMatch[0].length + 1, endIndex };
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;