Research the most popular Obsidian plugins January 2023

Table summarizing input/output/refresh mechanisms for various plugins.

linkCommon themes that enable the functionality in popular plugins:

Allow one or more options to be added to the triple dot note menu (maybe also triple dot for other modes)

Allow the content of an expression to be changed after it is evaluated

Send a note's markdown & HTML to plugin, allow it to send back markdown/HTML that is inserted into note

Allow canvas and/or iframe elements to be Prosemirror nodes

Allow font-family to pass through our prosemirror syntax validation

Retain the connection between an inserted note element and the plugin that produced it, allowing the plugin to re-render the element's output when said element is clicked

Allow plugin to initiate a download (for all the plugins that want to transform note content to PDF, word doc, etc, stuff that's on leaderboard & would def be nice not to program ourselves)

Enable editing YAML frontmatter and enable plugins to receive array of frontmatter for notes that match title wildcard or tag

linkOther functionality that would enable more than one plugin/use case

Allow plugin to pop up a dialog to gather additional user choices after invoking it (enables "Control colors & fonts (283k)," "Create buttons (76k)")

Allow a note whose node is controlled only by a plugin (partially enables "Kanban (503k)"

Around 20-30% of the plugins could have a case made that they deserve a button in the note toolbar (ex: insert Twitter/YT embed; generate dynamic ToC; create a button)

linkResearch January 2024

Most popular reddit answer

linkPlugins with ~10k+ downloads per plugin directory: