Hey all this is my forth try at the Plugin world!. I am looking into things which can help me do something or contribute something in a meaning full way in my prospective.
This Plugin is designed to help users filter and search for notes, tasks, or calendar entries within an application. It allows users to input various criteria, constructs a corresponding search query and URL, and performs actions based on these inputs. This documentation provides a comprehensive guide to understanding and using this method.
For more details refer to: Search queries: tag, filter, and other queries .
The method displays a prompt to collect various search criteria from the user. Here are the inputs collected and their purposes:
(Only for Notes)
Type: String
Placeholder: "Copy/Paste the Groups from above"
Purpose: Specifies groups to include in the search. Groups are categories or labels assigned to notes based on their parameters.
Reflection: Included groups are added to the search query, filtering notes that belong to these groups.
(Only for Notes)
Type: String
Placeholder: "Copy/Paste the Groups from above"
Purpose: Specifies groups to exclude from the search.
Reflection: Excluded groups are added to the search query, filtering out notes that belong to these groups.
(Only for Notes, Tasks)
Type: Tags (Comma-separated values)
Limit: 10
Placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
Purpose: Specifies tags to include in the search. Tags are keywords or labels assigned to notes or tasks.
Reflection: Included tags are added to the search query, filtering notes or tasks that have these tags.
(Only for Notes, Tasks)
Type: Tags (Comma-separated values)
Limit: 10
Placeholder: "Enter tag/'s' (Max 10)"
Purpose: Specifies tags to exclude from the search.
Reflection: Excluded tags are added to the search query, filtering out notes or tasks that have these tags.
(Only for Calendar, Tasks)
Type: Note (Selected from noteHandles
Placeholder: "Select a Note"
Purpose: Specifies a note to include in the search for calendar entries or tasks.
Reflection: The selected note's UUID is added to the search query, filtering calendar entries or tasks associated with this note.
(Only for Calendar, Tasks)
Type: Note (Selected from noteHandlesE
Placeholder: "Select a Note"
Purpose: Specifies a note to exclude from the search for calendar entries or tasks.
Reflection: The selected note's UUID is added to the search query, excluding calendar entries or tasks associated with this note.
Type: String
Placeholder: "Partial / Full Keyword"
Purpose: Specifies a keyword to search within the notes or tasks.
Reflection: The keyword is added to the search query, filtering notes or tasks that contain this keyword.
Type: Select
Notes (Works with Tags, Groups)
Tasks (Works with Notes, Tags)
Calendar (Works with Notes)
Purpose: Specifies the scope of the search (Notes, Tasks, or Calendar).
Reflection: Determines the base URL for constructing the search query.
Actions in the Prompt:
Save to New Note: Saves the search results to a new note. / Creates a new note containing the search report.
Directly Open URL: Opens the constructed URL directly.
Submit > Replace Selection: Replaces the current selection with the report text.
Input Selections:
Groups Included: Example
Groups Excluded: Another
Tags Included: Important, Work
Tags Excluded: Personal
Search Text: Meeting
Search Tasks: Notes
Report Date & Time: 2024-07-20 14:35:22
Constructed Search Query: <group:Example,^Another in:Important,Work,^Personal Meeting>
Constructed URL: https://www.amplenote.com/notes?group=Example,%5EAnother&tag=Important,Work,%5EPersonal&query=Meeting
The method provides a summary of the user's input selections and the resulting search query and URL. Depending on the user's action choice, it either creates a new note, opens the URL, or replaces the current selection with the generated report.
This detailed documentation should serve as a comprehensive guide for anyone looking to understand and utilize this method effectively.
name | URL-Search-GUI |
icon | manage_search |
description | Get a Searchable Query + Clickable URL for your complex search needs. If you are a hard core user of Amplenote with hundreds or thousands of notes, tags falling in multiple standardized group, then this is Plugin you should definitely have which can come in handy. This give you a lot of options, directly open the link, save if for future (once saved, easier to edit modify based on your requirements!). |
instructions | Please fine the Instructions here = URL-Search-GUI Docs URL-Search-GUI Code Docs |
July 18th, 2024 - Created a basic structure of the URL and Search options that are available from the Amplenote - Help Document!
July 19th, 2024 - With the help of earlier prepared document, I went ahead to create a plan to execute this. Once completed, I build the structure of the code with help of AI. Then I was testing all the options and features this could provide using the reference Amplenote - Help Document! and personally made filters. Added all the features that I was expecting from this search tool. Then went ahead with my personal work!
July 20th, 2024 - Completed the full testing, and proceed with finalizing the order of the code. Completed the Documentation of the Code and Features of the Plugin. Published it!
understand how things work, break things down Amplenote - Help Document!
build frame work +
optional place holders +
connecting structures
Build Filter include and exclude
Notes (1 handle limitations!)
Text search key work search - flexible (in or like)
Selection options for note / task / cal
Need to save the results + options
results should include baseurl + basesearch
Add this as a frequent search option.
How possible? Check feasibility.
Options for - url
base - amplenote!
note - ?
note.uuid - reference?
static / dynamic
fetch - uuid!!!
task - tasks?
cal - calendar?
Name, tags, body, task, tables
bring in open directly
save in new note
paste in mouse pointer blinked
all options - Seems to be causing some issue! (ignore, not optimal selection!)
necessary options
only one options
to publish
cleanup after work
feature - general
Future Ideas in the Bucket:
Nothing as of now, everything that I could think of has been implemented as a Code!
Code Explanation!. For Curious Readers and Explores! Thank you if you have made till here. You are Awesome, if you are reading this! 😀. Have a Great Day Ahead!
Time Invested For this Plugin: 2h 45m + 9h 29m + = Totaling up to 12+h. [Not including the ideas popping up randomly when doing daily rituals, only Screen Time.]