GitClear touchpad survey results as of January 12, 2023

linkIf you could improve one thing, what would it be?

Looks like users still most want to see progress on multi-touch gestures. Interestingly, the second highest voted is to make two-finger scrolling speed more like macOS, which narrowly edged out "Improved graphical menu," "Acceleration curve more like macOS," "Too hard to execute drag and drop," and "Better ignore palm on touchpad". Getting touchpad scrolling to match macOS seems like a lot simpler problem than matching the acceleration profile since we only have to worry about matching the Y axis instead of X and Y.

linkIf you could improve one other thing?

Fascinating to see "Improved graphical menu to configure touchpad settings" getting second place after more gesture support. The benefit of pursuing a better menu would be that it could offer a good way to allow users to change their scroll or acceleration parameters to their liking without us needing to identify the exact parameters for acceleration/scrolling that match macOS. I think that some flavors of Linux do offer a few limited touchpad adjustment settings, but if we could create an updated menu that would write a config file consumed by libinput, that seems like a great way to enable a user to get the feel they're after without needing to convince Peter to adopt specific default values for scroll and acceleration speed.

linkHow is a more desirable acceleration curve different from current?

This matches my own recollection of what frustrated me when I last tried to use my Linux touchpad: macOS is really good at allowing tiny touchpad movements, whereas dragging on touchpad a small amount on Linux moves the cursor at a speed that makes it difficult to reposition mouse by a small amount. With the second place entry being "move more when a quick drag", it seems that the ideal acceleration profile is one that has more pronounced extremes: less movement on slow/small drags, more movement on long/fast drags.

linkWhich applications would you like to see better gesture support for?

Since I left this freeform, it's messy. Hopefully Povilas can carve out some time to collect these answers into a table so we can see the aggregate public desire?

Plasma desktop. Especially things like zooming in images (Gwenview) or websites (Firefox)

I'd like to see more support from window managers.



All, I expect all apps to behave the same. Maybe each application can have different actions assigned to gestures, but I expect all gestures available in all apps.

scroll with two fingers horizontally from right to left does not work on Firefox in every constellation (Using the Firefox Flatpak on Linux Mint - no support seems to be present here)

More gestures in GNOME :)

Firefox, Kdenlive, LibreOffice, Krita



Okular, mpv/ vlc

General desktop handling (gnome 3)

A gesture for activities overview

Fusion 360, freeCAD,

On Macos and Windows in Chrome and Firefox it's possible to go back/forth in browser history with two-fingers swipe left/right. This actually works out of the box on the touchscreen, but on on touchpad. Another improvement might be to allow two-finger zoom in/out at least in browsers. Thanks!




4finger gesture


blender 3d gestures like on macOS X

sway Pycharm

Browsers, 3 finger drag n drop, 3 Finger marking as in MacOS (available in accessability system settings)

Uniform gestures across all (popular) broswers: Firefox Chromium Vivaldi Brave Applications may be "different", but from a user perspective all are browsers. Even if keybinds are not the same, we should be moving forward with uniformity in mind in order to make it easy to switch between tools and improve interoperability.

Browsers (,Chrome, Brave)

Blender, Chrome

System wide


Filemanager Webbrowsers

Okular Gwenview



KDE Plasma in Wayland


I don't use gestures, because they are not very well implemented yet. Please fix that and I'll take the survey again!

libreoffice, gimp, firefox, thunderbird, linux mint

make blender with touchpad under linux as good as it already is under mac; also krita!

rawtherapee Setzer

back / forward, middle click and closing tab in browser / text editor switching between apps by multi touch swipe I would expect it to be included with minimal install, the gestures are so comfortable

Firefox, chromium, other browsers. Terminal (including terminator). Office


Better overall support for Gnome-Shell/KDE-Desktop/Sway/etc. For example: swipe up four fingers to maximize a window.

KDE Plasma (at least to level of current Gnome).

Gnome: nautilus, libre office, calendar, thunderbird, evolution, calculator, gedit


my daily use applications are: firefox, discord, jetbrains intellij idea, vs code, recaf (java decompiler), Kate (kde text editor), ark (kde archive tool), dolphin (kde file manager), konsole and yakuake (terminals) and also I would like to see some multi touch gestures like MacOS for the window manager kde uses (I think plasmashell is the relevant software?). Whatever the case is, I'd kinda like the 3 finger swipe up/down for showing all windows (which is an action kde already has that you can activate by moving your cursor in screen corners). I'd also like the 3 finger left/right swipe for switching which desktop you are viewing (would need to use the matching left/right slide transition animation for best results). And ideally the transition animation progress is also controlled by the gesture (moving your fingers slow or stopping in the middle slows/stops the transition mid-way through, which is a good UX that makes the user feel more in control of their computer). - I think this one gesture is quite important for power users; switching desktops (or on macos, fullscreen applications) is really useful when you have limited screenspace or only 1 monitor (which is exactly the scenario you're in when using a laptop). Also the 2(3?) finger swipe from the right edge of the touchpad to reveal a plasma widget such as notifications on the side of the screen may be nice too. Or maybe edge swiping could be generalized to a customizable action? If anything, I'd probably use some swipe down gesture to pull out Yakuake (a convenient drop-down terminal)

Native and predefined features in GNOME desktop (swipe 4 Finger legt/right to switch workspace, 3 Finger up opens Applikation menu, ...)

Browser support (Back and forth). Zooming into a document. Switching between multiple desktops/workspaces.

Chrome, Workplaces, IDEs


Gnome Desktop, Chrome


Nautilus, Chromium, especially on X11



volume control


webbrowsers of all kind, three finger back/forward support :)

Sway Windowmanager - switching workspaces with 3 or 4 fingers moving horizontally would be great (I think MacOS has or had it too)


Gnome Desktop any Browser for history navigation and tab switching


Sway (switch desktop, increase brightness & volume)




Browsers mostly, and DEs, like in macOS.

I'm a KDE user on Ubuntu 22.04 with X11, touchpad is good but no gestures. I understand that I may need to wait to get the good support you outlined. So general KDE.


Browsing, Desktop Navigation

Browsers VS Code Nautilus

Jetbrains IDEs

JetBrains Rider, Web-Apps


Gnome virtual Desktops


Main GUI (Gnome, KDE, XFCE, ....) and all connected apps (e.g. nautilus). Browser Video editing software photo editing software ...

Browser (gesture for back operation) Windowmanager - gesture for switching between workspaces Windowmanager - scrolling left/right (aditionally to up/down)

Document Viewer

Firefox LibreOffice Mostly Window Management, so Mutter/Kwin, or GNOME/KDE

nautilus gnome-settings vscode

Three finger drag and drop

Gnome as a whole needs it badly. I have tried touchegg, touche, X11 gestures (Through POP! OS) and none of them worked at all


I don't have something specific in mind. Maybe river, to switch workspaces or even better, to be able to set custom gesture shortcuts.

Zathura masterpdfeditor obsidian emacs

Sway WM


Sublime Text Chrome Audacity Kdenlive

teo-dimensional gestures in GNOME shell on Wayland Epiphany style back gestures in Firefox on Wayland Better touch/touchpad support on GTK4 (lots of small papercuts)

KDE, Firefox, Okular

Primarily KWin, options to for better configuration of the touchpad would be awesome

Libreoffice (kinetic scrolling, pixel-perfect scrolling instead of by-line scrolling in Calc, pinch to zoom), Chromium (no kinetic scroll), QT in general (no kinetic scroll, multitouch gestures, steppy scrolling instead of pixel-perfect scrolling, among much else)

Gnome shell Terminal Firefox


All applications could implement a mouse gesture for the 'back' action.

Chrome swaywm

Firefox KDE desktop Okular

Firefox on X

GNOME Terminal, gvim


All GNOME apps, the shell supports multi-touch gestures beautifully but the apps themselves don't, it feels weird.

Chromium based browsers

Three finger drag! It's an unbelievably powerful feature that is hidden in macOS settings. It removes the necessity of pressing down on the touchpad, and significantly reduces repetitive stress injuries. Please consider it!


Gnome window manager

GNOME Calendar

Thunderbird, GIMP, Inkscape, core GNOME apps (e.g. Nautilus, Calendar), etc


Firefox Itd be interesting to see what new functionalities could be added to IDES or text editors such as visual Studio Code

FF in X gnome/i3 - 3 finger swipe thing to switch to different desktop

gnome x11

Okular, Dolphin, Konsole

kde plasma desktop itself, elementaryOS-like back gestures in gtk, and qt applications

ebook readers

Chrome browser Libre office

Firefox, IDEs (vscode, IntelliJ), ide - anywhere it makes sense to swipe back/forward

Okular Chrome/Chromium on Xorg QGIS Telegram Desktop (Pinch to zoom on images, videos, etc...)

Thank you for your efforts

- I would love to see high precision scrolling supported in Java AWT/Swing applications (notably JetBrains IDEs), as they are pretty much the only apps that I can think of where support is still missing. Precise wheel events are already supported on Windows, all that’s missing is the plumbing for Linux.[1] - Plasma’s gesture support could use support for user configuration[2] [1] [2]


window management

The GNOME image viewer and document viewer, specifically for panning and zooming (I'm running the 41.x version of them so they might have improved already), and Krita (again for panning and zooming)


firefox, chromium

X11 software in general. That being a technical impossibility, better support for MOZ_USE_XINPUT2=1 in Thunderbird would be nice.


Desktop environment (gnome)

Firefox, KWin/Plasma, LibreOffice, VLC

Gimp, Inkscape, Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, LibreOffice

Sway, firefox, chromium, nautilus



Firefox, chrome, vscode

PDF viewers especially stepless pinch to zoom


i3wm I3wm Blender

LibreOffice VSCodium Firefox Xfwm Cinnamon DE

gwenview okular

xournal++, Krita, Okular, Darktable, Kdenlive

expose like windows collections and showing all windows for active program.

gnome/mutter Firefox Electron

Mostly the desktop itself, switching between windows, swiping between virtual desktops, etc

Firefox VS Code

Plasma, Firefox

Chromium based browsers

thunderbird claws/mail

Sway Firefox Electron/chrome

web browsers, i3wm


RawTherapee, Okular, Gwenview, Libreoffice

xfce desktop, file manager



Chrome, GNOME Shell

Chrome: Back-gesture like in Firefox/GNOME Web, unaccelerated two finger scrolling, pinch-to-zoom

Gnome Phosh.

Chromium. For the few times I need it.


Firefox, 2 (or 3?) fingers left/right for navigating back/forwards. Sway, for switching windows/tabs/workspaces.

if possible add support to libraries to application using those can benefit from it. for e.g. electron.

Most desktops, like switching workspaces, maximizing windows, dragging windows on gnome foes not feel good


Navigate back and forth (swipe with two fingers left/right) is the most important one and it should work everywhere. FYI, the question about how I imaged a better acceleration profile is broken. Selecting other simply doesn't work and shows the same question again when entering a text and clicking submit.



linkAny other suggestions on how your Linux touchpad experience could be improved?

Another freeform question that could benefit from being aggregated into a table to inform next steps.

Try to make easier to try changes (e.g. acceleration curve changes) without recompiling everything, maybe saving the parameters to a file that the user can put somewhere to be taken into account by the input system.

Recently, plasma desktop started supporting three finger gestures. However, they are not recognized reliably.

I'd love a clone of BetterTouchTool for linux, at least copy all the gestures it supports, specially the tip-tap and 2 or 3 finger rotations. Also, adjustable the scroll speed, it's so simple.

Three finger swipe down vertically - I'd expect to hide all windows and show the Desktop. Does not work on Linux Mint

I really would like to have the gliding cursor back.

There is a draft patch for libinput, here is the link - Someone made patch to support 3 finger drag like in mac os. I am using it since it came out, and it works great. I read whole discussion and I think that libinput devs do not see this as important feature. Contributor made everything they asked, and still it didn't lead to anything. Could you please take a look at this?

Dragging with 3 fingers like on macOS. Make scrolling and zooming speed 1:1 with actual movements of the fingers consistently across the apps. Chrome on windows is a great example.

Better sleep-wake handling

Training for touchpad. User: Show gestures, have a tutorial, help, user signalling what was detected. Computer: Machine learning specific for user and touchpad model

It would be nice if scrolling could be smoother and not so choppy.

Faster scrolling. Thank you guys, you're doing very important work :)

Swipe back navigation in Chromium is not perfect and should not be behind flags.

There are still inconsistencies. For example, scrolling with two fingers while releasing one finger will start kinetic scrolling in GTK. That doesn't feel like Mac OS.

Use a keyboard ?

Unfortunately, a touchpad is my biggest pain (and not only mine, there's a bunch of mates of misfortune) as a Dell XPS Linux user. The touchpad itself is kind of great - big and responsive, much like in mac book. When the OS boots up it works just perfect but some minutes later I notice a slight slow down in responsiveness, which progresses to the point when the cursor becomes extremely sluggish und painfully unusable. It becomes very difficult to precisely position it on the desired location. This is not the case, when I boot up in Windows, so it seems to be a software issue. Here's a link related to this issue: I think I've already tried all possible suggestions from different sources, including the link above, but nothing helps. I'd be really very grateful if you help solving this issue and willing to help with providing any info and do testing on my hardware. Feel free to contact me and thanks a lot for your good work! Denis

I go for track point keyboards like Thinkpads to avoid trackpads in general. This decision is based on Windows experience. I was doing this poll in order to get to know that it is all about. Maybe you should do more documentation on what you got running so far. Because: gestures happen accidently will be recognized badly. The thing I miss is the big picture on these gestures. I already recognized some gestures positively being functional out of the box. This is great. Some may find their way into OpenBox... this is a great desktop-thing to configure your desktop. Don't take me too serious (I'm not that into it), Holger Herrlich

More exact Operationen

Left Click by Tap?

No, it already is great! It would be nice if the pressure could be used as an input, but I doubt the touchpad as a sensor can register these values

I would love be able to rotate stuff with the touchpad. Also sometimes after standby it stops working and needs another standby cycle.

combination with trackpoint, filter or ignore if trackpoint is used

I use touchegg as multitouch gesture program. I would love to see a similar functionality by default in display servers with GUI configuration.

Better support for not perfect hardware. A apple touchpad works better on Linux that my integrated Lenovo touchpad.

Better palm detection

better customization options, better configurability

Foss drivers?!

Improve as many Applications as possible. e.g. GIMP or Inkscape

Kwin/Plasma support for X server

General less flickery, more smooth experience when scrolling. Better configuration possibilities via GUI.

Good defaults in applications and desktop environments help to increase usage of gestures. Recent gesture additions in Gnome Desktop are a good example. Actions executed by gestures within applications should preferably indicate the action as fingers move. A good example, again the Gnome Desktop, is when switching workspaces, here you can see the workspace move as you drag your fingers along the touchpad. This also makes the gesture cancelable by reverting/stopping movement.

easy to integrate own (multi-touch) commands, similar to shortcuts. (Also on continuous motions, e.g. a command is called multiple times) I can live with a configuration file (don't need GUI) and only require Wayland (sway) support

Nothing - thanks for all your hard work!

Make the sensitivity customizable.

Change between open aplications with touch gestures, e.g. three finger swipe to the left or right in Windows. I am aware that within Gnome it is used for changing the virtual desktop. Maybe it could be added as a four finger gesture.

better UI for configuring touch gestures/adding my own Also more granular/advanced options

Great work, thanks a lot for all your efforts.

Thank YOU


Support also for not widely installed touchpads...

Touchpad speed and gestures should behave the same on the same system no matter which DE or display server is used.

Poll is broken, entering something in "Other" textbox does not work

Dialog / Tutorial for how to use new features / configure them when updating the software (e.g. Gnome, ...)

More like Mac os

Configurable multitouch gestures for Window management, with a nice GUI to set up custom gestures, would be nice.

The ability to disbale certain gestures I don't use. The ability to configure my own gestures.

Implement 4-finger gestures

When my hands are sweaty, the cursor goes wild. That could be better if possible.

They are really awesome right now, in my opinion it's on par with macos and windows. kudos to you devs for making this possible!

Scrolling speed is WAY too high in most/all apps and makes them unusable. That's my only issue right now.

Generally decrease paper-cuts (where they exist, I have no idea)

Right clicking is often unreliable

More apps ported from GTK3 to GTK4, e.g. Inkscape, GIMP, etc.

The thing I enjoy most about Mac scrolling experience is the momentum when you remove you finger as you scroll, for example flicking and scrolling a lot on a long page or through a large pdf.

Still some finicky drivers. Sometimes, when I drag slowly at angle of 45 degrees, the cursor does a sigmoid shape. As if the speed on one acid goes slowly down to zero and then back up.

Decouple speed settings. The default scrolling speed with the TouchPad on my XPS 9710 (KUBUNTU 22.04, NVIDIA + X server) is insanely fast. So I had to set the scrolling speed for the mouse to the minimum. The workaround works, but now I can't use multi touch gestures on Firefox because the TouchPad isn't large enough...

Please improve speed and acceleration I'm WPS office. It is awful right now!

The acceleration curves for pointer speed and scrolling need to be able to be configured and the synaptics driver defaults are better than libinput.

Clicking with one finger while moving the mouse with another

sometimes it feels like certain inputs don’t trigger, or that more complicated inputs miss. Also being able to do certain things like for alt-tabbing: select applications in a different direction after initially using a touch gesture to trigger the motion in a certain way

Wayland support.

Elegant cancelling of gestures. For example, flick to scroll, then touch to cancel, like flicking a bike wheel then rubbing your hand on it to stop it.

I use i3wm, so if i could bind swipe gestures to commands directly, that would be really great.

I have a difficult time doing two or three finger clicks by tapping on the touchpad on the first try.

On firefox I've sometimes noticed some slow stopping after I finished scrolling. It would continue scrolling for longer and slower than I wanted. It may be old settings or software. Exposing parameters in a good settings UI would be beneficial.

Thank you for all the work!

Better acceleration curve and more touchpad gestures is always welcomed

In my experience, 2 finger pinch/zoom gesture needs to be improved. In the current state, It needs to be very precise to be recognized by the touchpad. For example, if I need to zoom an image, then I need to place both fingers on the touchpad at the same time, and quickly expand my fingers. If I lazily place one finger after the other, then it won't be recognized. Kinetic scrolling is also a major issue. In gnome, there is no kinetic scrolling for non-GTK apps.

Currently while using pinch-to-zoom, e.g. in Firefox, panning happnes at the same time if finger movement isn't perfectly symmetric. It would be great to, or at least to have an option to, lock the center of zooming to the cursor position.

2 fingers scrolling on Firefox fedora 37 is too sensitive for me. Gnome file GTK4 is a little laggy. The overall inconsistencies among apps like Electron based and others are pretty annoying

On my Thinkpad P1 the touchpad is basically really good when using the Synaptics driver on Gnome/X11. However the Gnome/Wayand session is really bad. The trackpad feels very unresponsive - like dragging it through mud. X11 has much finer control and better responsiveness over small motions and that's critical for a responsive and intuitive feeling. Since Wayland is the future, improving the responsiveness for fine/small movements is really important.

Separate settings for when I plug an external mouse in

The experience is actually really really good! I'd mainly just like support for gestures with even more applications. That's the absolute priority in my opinion.

Follow apple on this one, I think they know what they're doing.

Kinda in the name of the project, but just more similar to how mac os handles it.

Three finger drag

Three finger swipe delay when tap-to-drag is enabled makes using gnome use awful, remove the delay, or at least allow it to be disabled while keeping one finger tap-to-drag.

Please don’t forget about mice, not trackpads! I use mice far more than trackpads and the acceleration curve options are pitiful compared to macOS!

Better multitouch support on more core gnome apps - nautilus, GTK drag and drop, sushi previews, libreoffice zooming, electron apps (vscode, discord, etc use electron)

I’m not going to pretend I know what it takes but MacBooks have the best touchpads by far. Anything you can do to try to mimic that is desirable.

The scrolling speed is wildly inconsistent across toolkits. GTK has excellent gesture support but is unusably fast whereas a lot of other apps don't support smooth or kinetic scrolling.

The KDE devs are supposedly working on making Wayland multi-touch gestures user-configurable in an eventual Plasma release. This would be amazing, as I'm currently hanging on to X11 because of Touche and the flexibility offered there. Other than that, QT apps have, by and large, failed to implement kinetic scrolling on a touchpad. I'm going to hound them as much as appropriate on both of these points.

I think the major difference between a MacOS and a linux touchpad, is that in macos the touchpad works uniformly across the whole ecosystem while in linix it varies betweens different applications, so the user needs to customize and tune settings often

I so want a solid Linux tablet.

pad some times goes weird where it wont register touch in the top half on wakeup faulty zone will shrink as time goes on or sleep ( with lockscreen) and wake up will clear its rare it'll bork entirely

More extensive and native gesture support with accompanying animations.

Addition of 3 finger dragging capability with cooldown. That is, dragging doesn't stop the moment fingers are taken off the trackpad, so can continue dragging by placing fingers again.

Whatever macOS does

Better configuration utility

Pinch to zoom makes doc position jump around on evince Plasma apps not on par with gnome in terms of gesture support

When you reach the bottom of the touchpad whilst selecting something it should keep going like windows

It wasn't on the list, but one major issue is consistency across applications. For example, 2-finger scrolling should work the same way in Firefox as it does in, Discord or the file manager, etc. Same speed, acceleration, kinetics, etc. Another subtle one that I believe MacOS does is adapting the scroll speed to the size of the content. IIRC, in MacOS when you 2-finger scroll in a window with a very short total scrollable distance (e.g. content height <2x window height, the scroll speed is scaled down to give you more fine control.

Adding support for three/four finger tap gestures to do things like pause/play media similar to the windows implementation.

Qt apps seem to lack support for gestures. If Qt gains more features all apps built with Qt can benefit from it.

(Not about the touchpad experience, but I wish I simply could have gone back in the survey to revise my answers instead of having to completely restart the survey in a different browser)

Configuration like BetterTouchTool for macOS should exist for KDE Plasma touchpad gesture settings built-in

Not really touchpad related, but please make sure that the touchpad improvements also help the touch screen experience

In some cases, Firefox will pan while I'm doing pinch-to-zoom, which is very annoying. This happens inconsistently and I have no idea why it sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't.

Xdotool/ydotool support

Sadly, Wayland is still not stable on many hardware platforms, so something to tide over users while they wait for stable (nvidia) driver support would be nice. More extensive touch pad settings in GNOME would be nice, i.e. letting the user test gestures.

Universal settings UI for the touchpad which is appealing enough that major distros adopt it, creating a standard for touchpad configuration on Linux.

- ChromeOS like feature for switching tabs: drag three fingers left/right which moves a white dot to select a tab as a continuous motion. - Sway: to allow holding three fingers to show the taskbar and release to hide again (sway doesn't support detecting the beginning of a gesture, only fully completed gestures are detected). - Sway: three finger gesture to continually navigate between workspaces until releasing fingers. Currently you have to repeat the gesture to navigate multiple workspaces in a row. Thanks a lot for your work!


Perfect kinetic scrolling is possible in Firefox, but still requires some configuration. Would be nice if it would work out of the box.

Unintended click & drag events when just moving the pointer

3 finger drag (like macos)?

Stepless gestures such as back gesture in macOS

Drag n Drop to ALT+TAB window switching.

Firmware problem with my Dell XPS-15 9510. Not a libinput issue, but this has been bothering me relentlessly with no fix in sight.


Not sure what this is called, but when the switching workspaces, the desktop swipe animation "sticks" to the current position of your fingers on the touchpad during 3 finger swipe

userdefined gestures for kde applications, similar to custom shortcuts

Tap to click is not enabled per default on higher end touchpads. This setting sucks on low-end touchpads tho.

if any change make drag&drop + SMB actions more easy.

Sometimes the the three fingers tap is not very reliable. Sometimes it happens really late, and sometimes never

Better support for Apple touchpads for desktop PCs.

Add more customization options for acceleration curve, scrolling, speed, double/triple click detection, etc...

I think making the system highly configurable (but with sane defaults) is imperative. Modulo a few bugs, I am actually very happy with how my touchpad behaves now and don't want it to behave more like windows or more like macos.

Smooth scrolling and pinch to zoom would be great!

Extend support for acceleration profiles to the ThinkPad nipple

Some applications (Firefox) support multi touch very well if an environment var is set (MOZ_USE_XINPUT2). I have no idea why this isn't the default behavior. Enable this by default in all such applications. I have low confidence in my ability to find all these settings across all the apps on my system.

Screen turns on unintentionally due to phantom touchpad usage when not at the computer.

Pinch to zoom in chrome doesn't work, scroll speed in gnome pdf viewer is way too fast, palm rejection misses much more often than on windows Using an XPS 15 9500

some multi desktop settings app

Please do not implement scrolling like it is implemented on Windows on a Surface. You can't change the scroll speed at all and it is much too slow and weird. I like my touchpad on my E495 on Archlinux the way it is. It works reliably and fast. Thank you :)

Chrome and Firefox support in both X and Wayland

just completely copy Apple's implementation of the touchpad, it's perfect

Smoother and more precise gesture support when using touchscreen input on mobile linux phones like the pinephone.

My hand gets tired using Linux and doesn’t with Mac. It just needs to feel more like you’re throwing a cursor around the screen and less like you’re interacting with a computer device

Scrolling speed is inconsistent among apps. GTK apps are more reasonable, while electron apps and Firefox need to be tweaked due to high sensitivity. This is the most frustrating part of Linux on desktop for me. I'd cry tears of joy if this was resolved.

Wayland users should have the getstures options enabled by default

Options! Options for scroll speed and similar that are global. There are application level speed and sensitivity options in ex Firefox but this should be global and identical across applications.


Better debugging for app developers

It should be more like a Mac. The trackpad software and gestures are beyond good in comparison to windows

I would expect the touchpad to work properly everywhere when a system is booted. This is not the case with gnome Ubuntu/fedora right after the system boots on the login screen; tapping on any item does not work, having to resort on the physical click buttons instead.

Both acceleration profile and drag and drop on KDE don't feel great, I avoid touchpad because of that still

It's not seamless across applications. Browser scroll speed and gestures still a nightmare

Currently in Chrome it is possible to pinch to zoom the page. But it is not possible to move the page around at the same time. So either zoom or move, depending on how the gesture was initialized (by pinch or by move). It would be good to have similar experience as we have in Windows version.

Add more settings

More error tolerant gestures

Haptic feedback like on MacOS <3

improve Trackpoint (Thinkpads etc) support

change virtual desktops like macos, with 3 fingers

Focus on wayland and leave X11 as is.

Better Gestures for switching between workspaces like in macOS

Really small movements are hard, like between a close and minimize button. That still feels way more natural in MacOs

Configurability. Built-in gestures are not much use to me if I can't get them to do what I need.

Expand multitouch gestures to more apps

The touchpad is THE hardware that makes me want to throw my laptop out of the window on a daily basis! Fix it and I will use Linux forever and evermore!

yes : stay alive and active -> you rock!

having graphical setting included to change the gestures and their actions

Easily assign gestures to actions (e.g. three fingers to right swipe => history back action)

More Sensitivity

Make it sufficiently well integrated with sway and gnome

Pretty fine by now. 🤷🏼‍♂️

Better standardization of touchpad experience in all DE's, such as KDE, GNOME, XFCE, etc.

Support as much hardware as possible, everything else is already pretty perfect! Thank you guys!

Some way to drag further though you have reached the end of the touchpad

An easier way to configure scrolling directions (independent from each other!) in different applications. Navigating in a Figma canvas (in Chrome) using gestures is currently hell on my laptop.

Touchpad configuration Option, especially if a Touchscreen is present

macbooks and macos are good exaples

Change certain things in libinput like the acceleration profile and continue the 3 finger gesture even when only 2 fingers are there after activation of 3 finger gesture.

High-res scrolling

Besteht is to provide predefined gestures on ans Linux system. So they are same independent Form Linux distibution. This saves time when reinstalling system, so there is no reconfigutation necessary.

By enable it to work like the Swish (Google: Swish for macOS) app. Yes, it’s more like a window management thing. However, this tool is superb.

Usually it works much better than in Windows. Experience in specific applications such as Firefox could be improved further with better feedback on what's happening. In Firefox a touchpad gesture to go back/forward in the browser history simply displays an appropriate image on the given side when performing the gesture. It would be nice if it would perform an animation that flows back/further in the desired direction just like Safari does on the macOS.

More gestures

more configuration

Most people that support this project probably know how to set things up to get by or they get involved with the little things. As a GUI was mentioned: it's nice to be able to manage stuff like this roughly without having to read the docs everytime - especially for beginners that have / want to learn the basics of the Linux system before being able to tweak their e.g. touchpad experience. I think the real breakthrough will be a clean 'out of the box experience'. Thank you guys for your effort.

Better support for Bluetooth Touch Devices

It's pretty great already, tbh. 🥳 It does feel a little finicky/unpolished at thimes though. 🤔 Keep up the great work!

multi-gesture support under traditional X11 local and remotely.

Expand X11 support. Wayland is on the rise, but I see it as critical to be dependent on large companies. X11 is detached from large companies.

More configurability in libinput. Better trackpoint acceleration curves.

Nope.Thank you for your efforts to date!

I wanted to tick Other in the acceleration question, but your form would not proceed when I ticked Other :( Here is what I wanted to write: macOS acceleration makes me feel more in control of my mouse pointer. it feels more accurate compared to linux, or not as janky/rough as in linux

More clarity on where the configuration file is stored. Many linux users user multiple computers, so it would be good to share a centralized configuration file.

Thanks for the awesome work over the last few years, I'm glad to have been a sponsor! I'd love to see more consistent kinetic scrolling across the stack.

Ability to disable gestures. I often accidentally activate the back gesture in firefox when using the trackpad to scroll.

The most desirable thing for me would be the MacOS style _pixelwise_ two-finger scrolling in vertical and horizontal direction in any app, i.e. scrolling that simply never tries to snap to discrete "lines". The ideal is that the scrolling content feels "attached" to my fingers at any speed (this, combined with just the right inertia behavior for larger scroll movements)

I couldn't submit "Other" on the third question, so I put it here: I can't try out the difference between Linux and macOS right now when it comes to the acceleration curve. I just wish touchpad acceleration behaved as with macOS. Apple is the only one getting it right.

I reject the premise that OSX is any better when it comes to touchpads. I use a Thinkpad w/ Linux and it's just as good, if different. Only thing is that some of the ways to distinguish right from left click aren't optimal by default, e.g. I find the 2-finger type much more precise than the "left/right area of the touchpad" type, but had to enable that under sway. Scrolling is great. Clicks are great. Drag & drop I don't do often and it's usually meh, but it's just as meh under OSX. Gestures are dumb to begin with. Are we done here? I think we've arrived. It's just a great experience overall.