Extract to a note 2.0


Extract to a note 2.0




Were you thinking if you have more options and flexibility when you are extracting a part of the context present in a note to a already existing note. Well this plugin got you covered. By default it will cover the selected text by horizontal lines and also add a Time stamp at the end. This can be completed modified based on your personal need by editing the code below!


Please fine the Instructions here = Extract to a note 2.0 Docs

replaceText: async function (app, text) {
// Get the selected content from the app's context
const textWithFormatting = app.context.selectionContent.toLocaleString();
// console.log("Selected Content:", textWithFormatting);
// const textNotehandle = app.context.noteUUID;
// console.log("Selected Content Location:", textNotehandle);
const textNoteHandle = await app.findNote({ uuid: app.context.noteUUID });
// console.log("Selected Content Location:", textNoteHandle);
// Prompt the user to select a note to transfer the selected text
const result = await app.prompt("Extract your selection to a New Note! Formatted!", {
inputs: [
label: "Select the note to transfer the selected Text!",
placeholder: "Start typing the Note Name!",
type: "note"
// Get the note name selected by the user
const noteName = result;
// console.log("Selected note name by the user:", noteName);
const srcNoteloc = `[${textNoteHandle.name}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${textNoteHandle.uuid})`;
// console.log("Placeholder Link to Source Note:", srcNoteloc);
// Prepare the formatted text to be pasted in the new note
const hLine = `---`;
const fDate = new Date();
const textFinal = `
> Below Data was Extracted here From: ${srcNoteloc} on - *${fDate}*.
//- Below Data was Extracted here on - *${fDate}*
// Below Data was Extracted here on - *${fDate}*
//> Below Data was Extracted here on - *${fDate}*
// console.log("To be Pasted Content:", textFinal);
// Create a placeholder link to the destination note
const options = {
weekday: 'short',
year: 'numeric',
month: 'short',
day: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit',
hour12: false,
timeZoneName: 'short'
const formattedDate = fDate.toLocaleString('en-US', options).replace(/,\s\w{3}$/,"");
const destNoteloc = `[${noteName.name}](https://www.amplenote.com/notes/${noteName.uuid})`;
const destNotelocF = `TO: ${destNoteloc} and Data was Extracted on *${formattedDate}*.`;
// console.log("Placeholder Link to Destination Note:", destNoteloc);
// Insert the formatted text into the selected note
await app.insertNoteContent({
uuid: noteName.uuid
}, textFinal);
// Replace the selected content with the link to the destination note
await app.context.replaceSelection(destNotelocF);
// Return null to indicate completion
return null;