
Add formatting to log entries

Make timer get itself back online if no graceful exit is found in the Focus note? 🤔

Add time stamps to log entries

Show duration in cycle count choices

cycle one out of what?

handle cycles in the past and future

Add 2mins reminder

error when focus doesn't exist




Pomodoro but better.


Type {Focus} in your Daily Jot to start your work cycles. A cycle is comprised of a Work Interval and a Break Interval. Those are 30 and 10 minutes long by default, but you can change that by editing the first 2 lines of the plugin code. Upon starting the plugin, you will be asked for how many cycles you would like to focus.

Also prompted upon invoking the plugin are some optional questions to help you narrow down your focus. The answers will be inserted in your daily jot.

After successfully starting a work session, the plugin will automatically open the Focus note for you, where you can see how much time you have left of the current interval. Feel free to keep this note open in your sidebar if you want.

It is encouraged to use the prompts that the plugin adds to your Daily Jot, for example to answer the questions that help you scope the extent of your work, or to write a "debrief" after every work cycle, as well as to create a plan for the upcoming cycle.

Change log:

August 18th, 2023: Upgraded from "Pomodoro" to "Amplefocus", which should have a bunch more functionality

Added journaling prompts to help with planning the current work session

Added an animated "time remaining" progress bar




linkCode block

// Javascript updated 2/22/2024, 1:11:01 PM by Amplenote Plugin Builder from source code within ""
(() => {
// lib/plugin.js
var plugin = {
workDuration: 30 * 60 * 1e3,
// ms
breakDuration: 20 * 60 * 1e3,
// ms
updateInterval: 10 * 1e3,
// ms
initialQuestions: [
"What am I trying to accomplish?",
"Why is this important and valuable?",
"How will I know this is complete?",
"Potential distractions? How am I going to deal with them?",
"Is this concrete/measurable or subjective/ambiguous?",
"Anything else noteworthy?"
cycleStartQuestions: [
"What am I trying to accomplish this cycle?",
"How will I get started?",
"Any hazards? How will I counter them?"
cycleEndQuestions: [
"Any distractions?",
"Anything noteworthy?",
"Things to improve next cycle?"
insertText: {
"Focus": async function(app) {
try {
await this._focus(app);
} catch (err) {
async _focusTest(app) {
const now = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
await this._insertLog(app, now, 2);
await this._startFocusTimer(app, now, 2);
async _focus(app) {
console.log("Starting Amplefocus...");
const [startTime, cycleCount] = await this._promptInput(app);
const initialQuestions = await this._promptInitialQuestions(app);
await this._insertLog(app, startTime, cycleCount, initialQuestions);
await this._startFocusTimer(app, startTime, cycleCount);
const focusNote = await this._getFocusNote(app);
await app.navigate(
async _promptInput(app) {
const startTime = await this._promptStartTime(app);
if (!startTime) {
const cycleCount = await this._promptCycleCount(app, startTime);
if (!cycleCount) {
return [new Date(Number(startTime)), cycleCount];
async _promptStartTime(app) {
const startTimeOptions = this._generateStartTimeOptions();
const result = await app.prompt("Focus Cycle Configuration", {
inputs: [
label: "Start Time",
type: "select",
options: startTimeOptions
return result;
async _promptCycleCount(app, startTimeValue) {
const startTime = new Date(Number(startTimeValue));
console.log("Start time selected:", this._formatAsTime(startTime));
const cycleOptions = this._generateCycleOptions(startTime);
const cycleResult = await app.prompt("Focus Cycle Configuration", {
inputs: [
label: "Number of Cycles",
type: "select",
options: cycleOptions
return cycleResult;
async _promptInitialQuestions(app) {
const initialQuestions = await app.prompt("Initial Questions", {
inputs: {
return {
label: question,
type: "text"
return initialQuestions;
async _insertLog(app, startTime, cycleCount, initialQuestions) {
const focusNote = await this._getFocusNote(app);
const focusNoteLink = this._formatNoteLink(, focusNote.uuid);
const timestamp = (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(
void 0,
{ hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", second: "2-digit", hour12: false }
const sessionMarkdown = [
`- **[${timestamp}]** ${focusNoteLink} for ${cycleCount} cycles`
for (let i = 0; i < this.initialQuestions.length; i++) {
` - **${this.initialQuestions[i]}**`
let answer = initialQuestions[i];
sessionMarkdown.push(` - ${answer}`);
await this._appendToNote(app, sessionMarkdown.join("\n"));
async _appendToNote(app, contents, targetNoteUUID = null) {
if (!targetNoteUUID) {
targetNoteUUID = app.context.noteUUID;
await app.insertNoteContent({ uuid: targetNoteUUID }, contents, { atEnd: true });
_formatNoteLink(name, uuid) {
return `[${name}](${uuid})`;
_formatAsTime(date) {
const options = { hour: "2-digit", minute: "2-digit", hour12: false };
const timeString = date.toLocaleTimeString(void 0, options);
return timeString;
async _getFocusNote(app) {
const focusNotes = await app.filterNotes({ tag: "focus" });
let focusNote;
if (focusNotes.length > 0) {
focusNote = focusNotes[0];
} else {
let focusNoteUUID = await app.createNote("Focus", ["focus"]);
focusNote = await app.findNote({ uuid: focusNoteUUID });
return focusNote;
_generateStartTimeOptions() {
console.log("Generating start time options...");
const options = [];
const now = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date();
const currentMinutes = now.getMinutes();
const roundedMinutes = Math.floor(currentMinutes / 5) * 5;
for (let offset = -20; offset <= 20; offset += 5) {
const time = new Date(now.getTime() + offset * 60 * 1e3);
const label = this._formatAsTime(time);
const value = time.getTime();
options.push({ label, value });
console.log("Start time options generated.");
return options;
_generateCycleOptions(startTime) {
console.log("Generating cycle options...");
const options = [];
for (let cycles = 2; cycles <= 8; cycles++) {
const endTime = this._calculateEndTime(startTime, cycles);
const label = `${cycles} cycles (until ${this._formatAsTime(endTime)})`;
options.push({ label, value: cycles });
console.log("Cycle options generated.");
return options;
_calculateEndTime(startTime, cycles) {
console.log("Calculating end time for given start time and cycles...");
const totalTime = (this.workDuration + this.breakDuration) * cycles;
const endTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + totalTime);
console.log("Start time:", new Date(startTime));
console.log("Cycles:", cycles);
console.log("End time calculated:", this._formatAsTime(endTime));
return endTime;
async _startFocusTimer(app, startTime, cycles) {
console.log("Starting focus cycle...");
const focusNote = await this._getFocusNote(app);
for (let i = 0; i < cycles; i++) {
const workEndTime = new Date(startTime.getTime() + this.workDuration);
const breakEndTime = new Date(workEndTime.getTime() + this.breakDuration);
await this._handleWorkPhase(app, focusNote, workEndTime, i);
await this._handleBreakPhase(app, focusNote, workEndTime, breakEndTime, i, cycles);
startTime = breakEndTime;
async _handleWorkPhase(app, focusNote, workEndTime, cycleIndex) {
console.log(`Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1}: Starting work phase...`);
const workInterval = setInterval(() => {
this._logRemainingTime(app, focusNote, workEndTime, "work", cycleIndex);
}, this.updateInterval);
await this._sleepUntil(workEndTime);
app.alert(`Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1}: Work phase completed. Take a break!`);
async _handleBreakPhase(app, focusNote, workEndTime, breakEndTime, cycleIndex, cycles) {
await this._appendToNote(app, `- Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1} debrief:`);
if (cycleIndex < cycles - 1) {
await this._appendToNote(app, `- Cycle ${cycleIndex + 2} plan:`);
console.log(`Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1}: Starting break phase...`);
const breakInterval = setInterval(() => {
this._logRemainingTime(app, focusNote, breakEndTime, "break", cycleIndex);
}, this.updateInterval);
await this._sleepUntil(breakEndTime);
app.alert(`Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1}: Break phase completed. Start working!`);
console.log(`Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1}: Break phase completed.`);
} else {
await this._appendToNote(app, `- Session debrief:`);
console.log(`Session complete.`);
app.alert(`Session complete. Debrief and relax.`);
_logRemainingTime(app, focusNote, endTime, phase, cycleIndex) {
const remainingTime = endTime.getTime() -;
if (remainingTime > 0) {
const remainingMinutes = Math.ceil(remainingTime / 1e3 / 60);
const phaseDuration = phase === "work" ? this.workDuration : this.breakDuration;
const progressBar = this._emojiProgressBar(phaseDuration, phaseDuration - remainingTime);
const message = `- Cycle ${cycleIndex + 1} ${phase} phase remaining time: ${remainingMinutes} minutes
app.replaceNoteContent(focusNote, message);
_emojiProgressBar(total, done, width = 320, range = ["\u{1F311}", "\u{1F312}", "\u{1F313}", "\u{1F314}", "\u{1F315}"]) {
const n = Math.floor(width / 25);
const l = total;
const step = l / n;
const emoji = (portion) => {
const domain = [0, 1];
const quantizedPortion = (portion - domain[0]) / (domain[1] - domain[0]) * (range.length - 1);
const index = Math.floor(quantizedPortion);
return range[index];
const phases = Array.from(new Array(n), (d, i) => {
const portion = done % step / step;
return done / step >= i + 1 ? range[range.length - 1] : done / step < i ? range[0] : emoji(portion);
return phases.join(" ");
async _sleepUntil(endTime) {
const sleepTime = endTime.getTime() -;
await this._sleep(sleepTime);
_sleep(ms) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
if (ms > 0) {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
} else {
var plugin_default = plugin;
return plugin;